Academic Calendar S2&S4 B.Tech, February 2017 - May 2017

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Academic Calendar S2&S4 B.Tech, February 2017 - May 2017

Academic Calendar S2&S4 B.Tech, February 2017 - May 2017

Monitoring Sl.No. EVENT DATE Responsibility Authority 1 Registration 24-31 Jan Office Principal Subject group meeting (finalize CO – Dept. Ac. 2 PO mapping, need of pre-requisite 23 Jan Coordinator HoD test etc.) Submission of course delivery plan 3 23 Jan DQAC (Date wise), CO-PO mapping. IQAC Dept. Ac. 4 Schedule of internal assessment 23 Jan Senior advisor Coordinator Entry of students data including Dept Eazy Campus Senior 5 31 Jan Electives in Eazy Campus coordinator advisor 6 Commencement of Class Work 01 Feb Dean(UG) Principal 01 Feb Senior Advisor, 7 Advisory meeting HoD (9am -10 am) Advisors Pre-requisite evaluation / diagnostic 8 test for identification of at risk 02 Feb Faculty HoD students Support classes for at risk students 03 Feb -08 9 Faculty HoD based on pre-requisite evaluation Feb 10 First class committee meeting 06 Feb Senior advisor HoD Question bank, assignment portions, Tutorial sheets, Series 11 06 Feb DQAC questions, CO evaluation questions IQAC & methods. 12 End of Registration 10 Feb Office Principal 13 Annual Sports 16-17 Feb PD Principal 14 Class assignment -I 20-27 Feb Faculty HoD Handover QP to Examination office 15 after scrutiny by the quality Feb DQAC HoD assurance cell of the dept 16 Faculty Evaluation 1 27 Feb-01Mar HoD Dean (UG) Dean(UG), 17 Review of Faculty Evaluation 02 Mar Dean(PG), HoD, Principal IQAC coordinator Monthly attendance publishing and Dept. Ac. 18 informing the shortage of 02 Mar Coordinator, Senior HoD attendance to parents. Advisor Generation of internal hall ticket Dept. Ac. 19 02 Mar through Eazy campus Coordinator HoD Submission of Academic track Dept. Ac. 20 02 Mar Faculty Record Coordinator 21 First Series Test 03-07 Mar Addl chief supdt Principal 22 Women’s Day 08 Mar Women’s cell Principal 23 Second class Committee Meeting 10 Mar Senior advisor HoD Publishing of first series test marks/ 24 13 Mar Senior advisor HoD sending the report to parents Union Advisor, Dean 25 Techno-Cultural Fest 16-19 Mar Principal Student affairs Subject group meeting Dept. Ac. 26 (Review of series test results & 21 Mar Coordinator HoD organise Remedial Class) Attainment evaluation for 50% CO’s Programme co- 27 21 Mar HoD to be completed ordinator Meeting with parents of students 28 25 Mar Senior advisor HoD who failed in one or more subjects Monthly attendance publishing and Dept. Ac. 29 informing the shortage of 06 Apr Coordinator, Senior HoD attendance to parents. Advisor 30 STEPS Programme 07 Apr STEPS Co-ordinator Principal Generation of internal hall ticket Dept. Ac. 31 07 Apr through Eazy campus Coordinator HoD 32 Second Series Test 10-12Apr Addl chief supdt Principal 33 Class assignment -II 17-20 Apr Faculty HoD Publishing of second series test 34 19 Apr Senior advisor HoD marks 35 Third class committee meeting 19 Apr Senior advisor HoD Dept. Ac. 36 Lab Series Tests 02-05 May HoD Coordinator Submission of Academic track Dept. Ac. 37 02 may Faculty Record Coordinator 38 Faculty Evaluation 2 02-05 May HoD Dean (UG) Class assignment –III 39 02-11 May Faculty HoD (For Modules V &VI) Dean(UG), 40 Review of Faculty Evaluation 08 May Dean(PG), HoD, Principal IQAC coordinator 41 Retest/Make up tests 08-10 May DQAC coordinator HoD Monthly attendance publishing and Dept. Ac. 42 informing the shortage of 10 May Coordinator, Senior HoD attendance to parents. Advisor 43 Course Exit Survey 10 May Senior advisor HoD 44 Fourth class committee meeting 10 May Senior advisor HoD 45 Last Working Day 12 May Dean (UG) Principal Application for considering long 46 leave availed if any based on 12 May Senior Advisor Dean (UG) medical grounds. 47 Publication of Sessional Marks 15 May Senior Advisor HoD Attainment evaluation for 100% Programme co- 48 15 May HoD CO’s to be completed ordinator Appeal on Sessional 49 16 May DQAC coordinator HoD Marks/attendance report DMC Meeting for finalization of 50 16 May DQAC coordinator HoD Internals Forward attendance and Sessional 51 17 May Faculty Dean (UG) marks to KTU. Programme co- 52 Evaluation of PO attainment HoD ordinator Controller of 53 Commencement of University Exam 24 May PVC Examinations Note:

1. Students can submit leave application along with medical certificate and recommendation letter from senior advisor and faculty. Scanned copy of these are to be uploaded to KTU for the faculty to mark long leave while submitting the internals and attendance to KTU.

2. The Senior Advisor is requested to report status of classes engaged to academic coordinator/DQAC coordinator and HoD on every week in a prescribed format as shown in Table 1. 3. The DQAC coordinator is requested to report the status of classes engaged/not engaged, tutorial classes/lab classes to IQAC coordinator 3 PM on alternate Fridays. 4. HoD is solely responsible for keeping the time schedule without any lag.

TABLE 1 (Class ...) Week from ...... to ...... No. Of working days: Subject Hrs/week Faculty Hrs not Hrs Hrs Remarks engaged Compensate arranged d

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