Revised posted 3/23/07 University Studies Course Approval

Department of Physical Education and Recreation PER Course Number: 134 Semester Hours: 1 SH Frequency of Offering: Spring semester, multiple sections Course Title: Downhill Skiing Catalog Description: Fundamental skills and knowledge appropriate for the beginner, intermediate and advanced skier.

COURSE SYLLABUS College of Education Department of Physical Education and Recreation PER 134 Skiing - 1 SH

A. Course Description

1. Catalog Description Fundamental skills and knowledge appropriate for the beginner, intermediate and advanced skier.

This is a 1 credit University Studies course that satisfies the “Physical Development and Wellness” component of the student’s Basic Skills program. Designated University Studies outcomes for this course are listed below

Outcome #1 Learn skills that will improve the quality and length of their lives. Outcome #2 Make proactive choices leading to a healthier lifestyle. Outcome #3 Explore dimensions of personal health promotion and disease prevention. Outcome #5 Understand health as multidimensional, involving the whole person’s relationship to the total environment. Outcome #6 Utilize physical activity to reduce medical risks and provide relaxation, socialization and balance in their lives. Outcome #8 Enhance creative use of leisure time. Outcome #9 Develop skills consistent with efficient levels of human movement.

2. Statement of the Major Focus and Objectives of the Course

1. At all levels, to know about ski equipment and be able to use ski lifts correctly 2. As a beginner, to be able to execute a straight run, a straight snowplow, snowplow turn and traverse (Outcome #1,2,5,6) 3. As an intermediate, to be able to execute stem turn, side slip, uphill christie, stem christie, parallel christie (Outcome #1,2,5,6) 3. Course Outline of Major Topics and Subtopics

I. Fundamental Skills and Techniques (Outcome #1,2) A. Snow Plow/Snow Plow Turn/Transverse B. Stem Christie/Uphill Christie/Side Slip C. Parallel Christie D. Use of Poles II. Safety Concerns - Using lifts correctly (Outcome #1,6) III. Appropriate Clothing (Outcome #6)

4. Basic Instructional Plan and Teaching Methods (Outcome #1,2,3,5,6,8,9)

Lecture, Demonstration, Practical Experience, Reaction Paper

5. 5. Course Requirements and Evaluation (Outcome #1,3,5,6) A. Your grade is directly related to your attendance. Instructors at Mt.LaCrosse will be taking attendance each evening. Grades for the practical part of this course will be determined by the Mt.LaCrosse instructors. If you are unable to attend contact either Sue Ann Mullen or your Mt. La Crosse instructor prior to your scheduled evening. Remember that your Mt. LaCrosse instructor takes attendance each night. B. All skiiers must search the internet for information dealing with any aspect of skiing they wish to investigate. A typed two-page reaction paper, with sources indicated which is due on or before the date specified by the WSU instructor. C. All skiiers must complete a "Teacher Effectiveness Rating Form" which will be made available on -site the last class session. D. All skiiers must write a one-page course evaluation due on the last day of the class.

Practical Exam Only 80% Two-Page Reaction Paper 10% Instructor & Course Evaluation 10%

6. Textbook or Alternative - None required.

7. List of References and Bibliography - Check Internet for current information.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WEAR WARM CLOTHES!!!!! Be prepared for all possible weather conditions!!! This is Minnesota and we are skiing at night. Conditions are very different after the sun goes down.

You are responsible for you own transportation. Please be on time for your lesson.

All skiers must search the internet for information dealing with any aspect of skiing they wish to investigate. A typed, two-page reaction paper, with sources indicated, is due on or before the date specified by the instructor.

All skiers must complete a “Teacher Effectiveness Rating Form” which will in turn be sent to the respective Mt. LaCrosse instructors. This will be distributed at the final course meeting in Somsen auditorium.

All skiers must write a course evaluation which will be done at the final course meeting in Somsen auditorium.

Equipment Rental – If you need to rent equipment, present your driver’s license, WSU I.D, and full payment the first evening of class. If you have your own equipment you need not pay the rental fee.

WEATHER – Classes will always be held unless WSU closes or the temperature drops considerably below zero. Sue Ann Mullen is responsible for any cancellations that may be necessary – DO NOT call Mt. LaCrosse!! KQAL will announce canceled classes prior to 3:00p.m. on the scheduled class day and/or check Sue Ann’s office door (ME 118) for notice of cancellation. Every effort will be made to reschedule.