School Development Plan Update: September 2017

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School Development Plan Update: September 2017

School Development Plan Update: September 2017

Target Analysis and Revisions following release of National Data: September 2017


 Target: Increase the percentage of pupils securing a GLD from 74% to 77%

This year’s challenging Reception cohort saw 80% achieve the Good Level of Development. This is the third consecutive year of improvement in spite of yet another challenging cohort who took longer than usual to settle to school routines and standards. This is very good news and reflects the hard work of the entire team, staff and children, with good support from parents / carers. National figures are improving too and to maintain the positive differential the school will look to see the 17/18 cohort, despite additional challenges given the class size is 31,( with at least two pupils having specific needs), continue this upward trend.

The Revised Target for 2017/18 is therefore 83%

80% is comfortably Above the LA Average:

The school averaged 86.66% across the Prime Learning Goals: LA: 77.75%.

The school averaged 80% across the Specific Learning Goals: LA: 70.2%

The school averaged 80% across All Learning Goals: LA: 69.65%

The school’s Average Point Score was 37.1: LA: 33.8 (Boys 32.4 / Girls 35.2)

Our SEN Pupils comfortably outscored the LA average in every area.

*National Data is awaited.

Year 1:

 Target: See the percentage of pupils passing the Y1 Phonics Test maintained at 90%, well above local and national performance. . This target was surpassed in 2017 as the cohort scored an impressive 93%, however the 90% target is retained for the 17/18 cohort. The school’s consistently high performance in this area is a significant strength and highlights the effectiveness of the Phonics and Early Intervention Programme.

93% of pupils passed the 2017 Phonics Test Paper, comfortably above the local (LA: 82.7) and national averages:

88% of Boys Passed (15/17): LA: 79% and 100% of Girls Passed (13/13): LA: 86.6% Y2: End KS1 National Tests: EXPECTED

 Target: See the percentage of pupils achieving Age Related Expectations (ARE) to surpass the NA;

Reading: Target 81% - Achieved: School: 90% - National Average: 76%

Writing: Target 81% - Achieved: School: 80% - National Average: 68%

Mathematics: Target 81% - Achieved: School: 86% - National Average: 75%

RWM Combined: Target 75% - Achieved: School: 80% - National Average: 64%

RWM GD: Target 15% - Achieved: School 17% - National Average: 11%

The overall target of school performance surpassing local and national figures across the board was clearly achieved. Very ambitious specific targets for all subjects, individually and collectively, were very close to being achieved across the board, with excellent scores in Reading and Mathematics at Expected. These challenging targets are maintained for the 2017/18 cohort.


 Target: Increase the percentage of pupils achieving Above Age Related Expectations (AARE) to at least match the NA (despite Low Attainment On Entry)

The overall target was clearly achieved in all areas, with exceptional performance in Reading and high attainment in Writing and Mathematics. Very ambitious individual school targets for all subjects, individually and collectively, were very close to being achieved across the board.

Percentage of pupils working at Greater Depth (AARE):

Reading: Target 40% - Achieved: School: 63% - National Average: 25%;

Writing: Target 33% - Achieved: School: 33% - National Average: 16%;

Mathematics: School: Target 30% - Achieved 23.3% - National Average: 18%;

RWM Combined: Target 15% - Achieved: School: 17% - National Average: 11%

AARE / GD Targets: maintained for the 2017/18 cohort: (R: 40%: W: 33% and M: 30%: RWM 15 %)

Performance of Disadvantaged Pupils:

 Target: Enable Disadvantaged Pupils (DP) to at least match the performance of DP nationally and narrow any gaps between their attainment and that of Other Pupils

There were three DP in the 2016/17 cohort, two with severe SEN and a third also on the register. One child achieved the Expected Standard meaning 33% of the cohort reached the level. This was below target, though expected given the children’s SEN and will be below the local and national figures this year. A steep drop from the 100% total achieved in 2015/16 but entirely understandable given the severity of the SEN. Very small cohorts of DP, which is the norm at St Gregory’s, inevitably produce wide variations in this data set.

After analysis of data relating to DP in the 17/18 cohort, a DP Target has been set at 66% to reach the Expected Standard .

Y6: End KS2: National Test / Teacher Assessment:

The large 2016/17 cohort with 22% SEN pupils and a further 18% having additional medical and behavioural needs which impacted adversely upon progress, attainment and attendance, and a higher than usual percentage of E2L pupils, were nonetheless, set challenging targets. There are a number of real success stories within the figures but the impact of transfers in and out of the cohort across KS2, including a late transfer of one across the board GD pupil in September 2016, did impact. Maths scores at both Expected and Greater Depth were below expectations given that at least two pupils underperformed on the day. This led to a reduction in the expected total for RWM combined also. In contrast, targeted Writing Scores increased significantly and performance at GD in Reading, Writing and Spelling and Grammar was very high – well above the NA. School Performance at Expected surpassed the NA across the board, but the gap has narrowed this year and this will be taken into account when revised targets are set for the 17/18 cohort.

 Target: See pupil performance (ARE) across all subjects and RWM combined to surpass the National Average

Reading: School: 78% achieving the Expected Standard: National Average: 71%;

Writing: School: 87.5% achieving the Expected Standards: National Average: 76%;

Mathematics: School: 78% achieving the Expected Standard: National Average: 75%;

Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS): School: 90.6% achieving the Expected Standard: National Average: 77%;

Combined RWM: School: 69%: National Average: 61%.

Updated Targets for the 2017/18 cohort are set out at the conclusion of this 2016/17 review.

 Target: Maintain High Performance in Reading and SPAG and build on strong performance in Reading in both ARE and AARE. See Writing increase to be in line with Reading and Maths.

High performance in SPAG was maintained, with over 90% of pupils securing Expected progress and an increase to 44% from the 16/17 total of 29% for pupils working at Greater Depth. Reading dipped from 82% to 78% at Expected, but increased significantly at Greater Depth from 14% in 15/16 to 34% in 16/17. The target for Writing was surpassed this year with 87.5% of pupils achieving the Expected level, up from 75% in 15/16, with 31.25% of pupils achieving the GD standard, up from 14% in 16/17.  Target: Set challenging school targets at Expected: Reading 84%, Writing 81% and Mathematics 81%, RWM 81%

As noted above, the Writing Target was surpassed but performance in Reading and Mathematics slipped from the 2015/16 totals. Scores in all three were above the National. The Combined RWM score proved too ambitious with 75% being challenge enough rather than the aspirational 81% target selected, Although the 69% total was below both, it was comfortably above the National.

 Target: Enable High Performing Pupils to meet the challenge of AARE (GD): Reading GD28%, Writing GD 28% and Mathematics GD20%, significantly up on 15/16 attainment.

Pupil performance at the Greater Depth (GD) or Above Age Related Expectations (AARE) increased significantly in Reading: 34%, Writing: 31.25% and SPAG: 43.75% but dipped in Mathematics from 14% to 6.25%. Combined RWM performance rose slightly from 4% to 6.25%.

 Target: Improve Progress Measures to 0.4 across the board

This was a significant challenge for the school given our own pupils very strong performance across KS1, where staffing levels are maintained at a permanently high level to enable pupils to accelerate from low starting points on entry to strong Expected and Above Expected Progress at End KS1. Staffing Levels across KS2 are not as generous given budget constraints and this combined with the adverse impact of transfers to and from the school, higher than usual numbers E2L children and 22% SEN pupils, some particularly challenging, within the cohort, and the fact that a small percentage of able pupils did not perform well on the day, has impacted upon Progress Measures. Teacher Assessment figures were more encouraging and a better reflection of the cohort.

Reading Progress improved from -1.1 to +0.2. Writing Progress dipped from +0.4 to -1.3 as did Maths progress from -1.7 to -3.7. All areas are targeted to improve 2017/18 and we will focus particularly closely on Mathematics, but should not significantly differ from 0 to +0.5, given this groups high performance at End KS1.

 Target: Increase Value Added Progress for Above Average Pupils to 100%

Good progress was made against this target with 93% of AAP achieving the standard in RWM combined. 100% of AAP achieving the standard in Reading. 100% of AAP achieving the standard in Writing and 95% of AAP achieving the standard in Mathematics. 100% of pupils achieved the standard in SPAG.

 Target: Maintain Value Added for Middle Attaining Pupils at 100%

Middle attaining pupils did not perform as well this year as last. The impact of transfers and E2L pupils was particularly apparent here, especially those pupils whose End KS1 scores were incompatible with the pupils received. 44% achieved the standard in RWM combined. 56% did so in Reading, 75% in Writing and 63% in Mathematics. 81% achieved the standard in SPAG. There were no Low Prior Attainment Pupils in this cohort. The fantastic progress achieved across KS2 by one E2L pupil is not recognised in the progress scores as this child had no End KS1 data – this is patently unfair but the same for all schools with pupils in this category.

 *Target: Maintain the focus on Narrowing the Gap Criteria, highlighting the performance of Disadvantaged Pupils (DP) and those with Special Educational Needs (SEN).

 *Enabling SEN pupils to surpass the performance of SEN pupils nationally and for all SEN pupils to make expected progress

*Awaiting release of National Data (November 2017) for definitive analysis of the final two targets.

Updated Targets: September 2017:

The school has successfully supported and enabled three consecutive classes of extremely challenging Y6 cohorts to achieve well despite very high levels of SEN and additional barriers to learning that many of the pupils across this period have had to face.

The progress of the new 2017/18 Y6 cohort has been carefully monitored across KS2 and the school has high expectations for this very able set of pupils. The school is very confident in predicting a significant improvement across all areas, Reading, Writing and Mathematics and RWM combined as well as matching the excellent SPAG scores achieved across the past two years.

Following analysis of 2016/17 performance alongside the End Summer Term Assessment data for the current Y6 class (September 2017) the following Revised Targets for the 2017/18 Y6 cohort have been set:

 Target: See pupil performance across All Subjects combined (RWM) and individually (R, W and M) surpass the National Average for Expected Progress by 18%+ (using 2017 figures as a guide)

Reading: 92%

Writing: 90%

Mathematics: 90%

SPAG: 92%

RWM Combined: 82%  Target: Enable High Performing Pupils to meet the challenge of AARE across all subjects and RWM combined, significantly improving on 2017 data in Mathematics (Especially GD) and RWM combined. Increasing attainment at the higher level in Reading, Writing and SPAG thereby building upon the improvements gained in 2017.

GD Reading: 40%

GD Writing: 40%

GD SPAG: 45%

GD Mathematics: 40%

GD RWM Combined: 23%

 Target: Improve Average Scaled Scores per pupil to:

ASS Reading to 110

ASS SPAG to 111

Mathematics to 110

 Target: Improve Progress Measures Data to +0.5 across the board

 Target: Increase Value Added Targets for Medium and Prior High Attainment Pupils to 100%

 Target: Attainment data for All and RWM combined will see school in Top 30% of Similar Schools 2018

 Target: maintain the focus on Disadvantaged Pupils (DP) and those Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) to at least match the performance of Similar Pupils Nationally and see the Gap Narrowed between the performance of DP and SEN against that of All Pupils Nationally.

KJS / HT / September 2017.

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