Girls Physical Education Syllabus

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Girls Physical Education Syllabus

Girls Physical Education Syllabus PE

NAME: ______Hour: ______Date: ______

Instructor Information: Mrs. Treble PHONE: 480-883-5219 EMAIL: [email protected]

Objective: Physical Education is an integral part of the total education process. Our program relates to lifetime activities, which can be carried over into their adult life and assist the further development physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually. We believe our program will challenge each student to reach his/her highest potential and allow opportunities for success and enjoyment.

Diversity Statement: All individuals have a right to an educational environment free from bias, prejudice and bigotry. As members of the Hamilton High School educational community, students are expected to refrain from participating in acts of harassment that are designed to demean another student’s race, gender, ethnicity, religious preference, disability or sexual orientation. Class Website/Infinite Campus 1. To access my class website go to 2. Click on “teachers” on the right side of the page. 3. Scroll down and find Treble, Ashley. 4. Click on “Calendar” on the left side of the page. Go to the “Parent Connections” section for information on signing into Infinite Campus. This is located on the overview section of my website.

Please read through the syllabus. Initial every blank (parent/guardian & student) and sign at the bottom of the back page.

Physical Education Rules & Requirements: 1. Students must be on time and prepared for class - NO EXCEPTIONS. 2. All students are required to dress appropriately for each class. 3. Listen and follow directions at all times. 4. Be respectful to others and self. 5. Keep locker room clean – Pick up your items and trash. 6. No food or drinks other than water are allowed in locker room. 7. NO GLASS CONTAINERS OF ANY KIND ARE ALLOWED IN THE LOCKER ROOM. 8. No electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, cameras, etc.). 9. LOCK up your belongings!!! They are your responsibility. Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______Cell phone policy 1. Cell phones are not allowed to be out during class for any reason. 2. If I see your phone out, I will take it away. It will be given to security after the first offense. Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______Participation Expectations: 1. Full participation in the ENTIRE class is required to earn the day’s participation points. 2. Once the late bell has rung you have five-six minutes to get dressed. No loitering or wasting time. If you are still dressing out while I am taking attendance you will lose points. 3. Students are expected to remain in locker room unless dismissed by teacher. 4. Students are expected to have a positive attitude throughout the entire class. 5. Students are expected to give their PERSONAL BEST effort during all activities. Girls Physical Education Syllabus PE

Every FULL month we meet, a student will be honored as PE Student of the Month by the teacher. This student will display the following characteristics: good sportsmanship, positive attitude, great effort, determination, leadership, and must dress out daily. This student will be awarded a free day of their choice. This free day can be used any day during the school year except for the mile run, pacer and fitness testing. When using their free day, THE STUDENT MUST DRESS OUT BUT DOES NOT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE DURING CLASS. Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______Materials Needed:  Full P.E. uniform. (Sold at the HHS BOOKSTORE)  Tennis shoes and socks.  Sports bra.  Pencil.  1” - 3 ring binder.  5 tab dividers.  Optional: notebook paper. Discipline: All behavioral problems will be handled according to district policy (Student Handbook). Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______Physical Education Uniform Policy: To ensure a hygienic, safe, and comfortable learning environment ALL students are required to dress appropriately for every physical education class. **Students get ONE “grace day” each semester where forgetting your uniform will not be counted against you. It will roll over into second semester if not used during the first semester. Incentive: IF A STUDENT DRESSES OUT FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR and does not use their grace day, then they will only need to answer one question on the WRITTEN PORTION OF THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR FINAL. THE STUDENT MUST BE IN PE FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. **For every non-dress after a student uses their grace day, the student will receive a zero for the day.** Third Non-Dress = Parent Email Fifth Non-Dress = Referral REQUIRED UNIFORM: 1. Gray loose fitting Hamilton t-shirt and maroon gym shorts (sold at the HHS bookstore). 2. Socks. 3. Athletic shoes, with laces tied during class – No Vans, skater shoes, etc. 4. Sports bra. ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES:  Warm-ups/sweats (any color) may be worn over the uniform during cooler weather.  Uniform may NOT be worn over your regular clothes.  Students are encouraged to bring a small towel and deodorant (plastic containers only).  Your name should be written on the back of your t-shirt under the collar as well as on the tag inside your shorts. This will help ensure that if you lose your uniform or someone picks it up by accident then it can be returned to you.  Weekly laundering of clothing is STRONGLY recommended.  Underwear may not show.  Do not share clothing.  Partial dress will not be accepted (i.e. your own athletic shirt, shorts, work out leggings, etc.) Girls Physical Education Syllabus PE

 Students are highly recommended to bring sunglasses and hats as well as wear sun screen on the days we will be outside. (Hats and sunglasses are not allowed to be worn inside the building.)  Ponytails are advised, especially during track days and fitness days.  Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______Locks and Lockers:  Each student who is in PE will receive a locker and lock.  Permission to switch lockers must be given by your PE teacher only. You are responsible for the lock and locker you are assigned.  If a student loses their lock and it is not in the lost and found, they will need to pay a lost lock fee ($5) AT THE BOOKSTORE and will be issued a new lock.  Combinations must be kept confidential. The physical education office will not open or give out any combination except to the owner of the locker.  Lockers cannot be used to store textbooks, notebooks, etc., except during your scheduled PE class time.  Big lockers are to be used during PE time only. Items left in big lockers will be removed at the end of the day.  LOCK your lockers and your valuables in them!!! Failure to do so may result in theft. It is VERY important that each student lock their belongings every class period! It is also VERY important that students do not walk away from their belongings while they use the restroom, or etc. We do have incidences of theft and the only way we can help is by reinforcing the use of the locks in the correct manner, and the diligent act of keeping your belongings in your sight and possession when they are unlocked.  Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______Grading and Course Assignments: All students will have the opportunity to EARN an “A.” The students’ grades will be based on:  Participation – 50 points/week o Students will earn a total of 50 points per week for participation. 10 points will be awarded each day for ACTIVELY participating in class with a good attitude. 20 points will be given on block days. The teacher will deduct points if the student is tardy, has poor or no participation, does not dress out for class and/or has an unexcused absence. An unexcused absence is when a student is absent from class and is not called into the attendance office by a parent or guardian within 24 hours of the absence.  Weekly Journals/Worksheets—10 points  Quizzes – given at the end of a unit.  Final – 20 % of your grade o Binder Organization o Mile run o 20 questions The student’s final grade will be determined by the following: 1st (3rd) Quarter – 40% 2nd (4th) Quarter – 40% Final – 20% Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______Girls Physical Education Syllabus PE

Make-Up Policies:  IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ARRANGE FOR MAKING UP ALL PARTICIPATION, ASSIGNMENTS, QUIZZES AND NOTES. It is her responsibility to arrange a time for making up quizzes.  Participation, assignments and quizzes can only be made up for EXCUSED absences ONLY.  The make up assignment(s) for participation points are available on the bulletin board in the locker room or on the teacher’s website. The student may pick one up or print it out and turn it in for full credit one week after the absence. The student will receive full participation points if the assignment is done correctly.  Make up work can only be turned in to your PE teacher.  If an assignment or a quiz was assigned prior to an absence, the student is still responsible for turning in work or taking quiz on the assigned date.  If the assignment or quiz was given during an absence, the student has one week from the day they return to turn in the assignment or take the quiz.  Again, IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO ARRANGE FOR ANY MAKE UPS.  If the student has questions regarding make-up work, etc., please do so at end of class or during class breaks. Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______Injured and/or Sick Students: Students who are restricted from physical activity due to an illness or injury must provide a WRITTEN EXCUSE with a date, phone number and signed by a parent/guardian. The student is still required to dress out and the teacher will find a suitable activity for the student to complete. Extended restrictions (longer than 3 days) will need to be verified by a doctor. ALL DOCTOR’S NOTES should include the following: name, current condition and date of return. Students will be given a written assignment which will be graded as their daily participation grade if they are unable to participate. Students having an injury or sickness verified by a doctor, lasting longer than three days, will be handled between student and teacher based on the situation. If the student will be injured or sick for more than two weeks, placement in a different class will be recommended as this is based on physical activity. ACCEPTABLE EXCUSES:  Severe illness  Injury UNACCEPTABLE EXCUSES:  Piercing or tattoos  Menstrual cycle Student Initial: ______Parent/Guardian Initial: ______

Remember we live in Arizona and it is hot! We are mindful of that, but we are limited with space and may be required to go outside when the temperature is hot. Please stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and be mindful of what you are eating/drinking in order to be able to participate fully during class.

The main goal of Physical Education is to get you (students) active and teach you how to carry that over into your everyday life now, and in the future. I expect everyone to try her best and have a good attitude. We will try many different sports and fitness activities in class, some you may enjoy and some you may not, but having a good attitude will go a long way in making the experience more enjoyable. So let’s all work together to make this a great year and a great experience for everyone! Girls Physical Education Syllabus PE

Acknowledgement of Rules and Procedures

Name of Student (PRINT):

______ID# ______

I have received and read the classroom rules and expectations for Physical Education.

______Signature of Student Date

______Signature of Parent Date

Parent’s e-mail: ______

Parent’s phone number: ______

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