The Movements of Holy Week and Easter Backgrounder

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The Movements of Holy Week and Easter Backgrounder


Complete with ancient rites and sacred symbolism, Holy Week is when all of God’s people are invited to go on a spiritual pilgrimage and share in the story that commemorates the profound mysteries of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It’s a story that’s most appreciated when experienced in its entirety.

The following is an overview of some of the special liturgies, prayer services and other traditions that people throughout the Diocese can look forward to celebrating in the days leading up to Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday, April 9

Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, celebrates Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem for the Jewish festival of Passover. As Jesus, who was riding on a donkey, entered the city, the enthusiastic crowds greeted him by throwing their cloaks down before him as a gesture reserved for royalty. The crowd also spread palm branches along the road while shouting, “Hosanna,” a Hebrew expression meaning “save us.”

Until this time, Jesus, in his public ministry, did not allow himself to be proclaimed as the Messiah. However, in this final entry into Jerusalem, he sets the stage for an entry that fulfills the Old Testament’s foreshadowing of the coming of the Messiah. In commemoration of Passion Sunday, the faithful are called to become part of the crowd at that day’s liturgy. Prior to the start of Mass, the congregation gathers, usually outside, where the priest blesses the palms. The faithful, while carrying palms, then participate in a joyful procession into the church for Mass.

As a memorial for Christ’s suffering, the day’s Mass includes the reading of the Passion – the Gospel passages that tell of Christ’s Passion and Death.

Mass of Chrism, April 10

The Chrism Mass reflects the communion of priests with their Bishop. During the Mass, the priests of the Diocese who are gathered publicly renew their commitment to their service. The Mass is also when the Bishop blesses the oils to be used in parishes throughout the coming year. The Bishop blesses the Oil of the Sick, which brings comfort to the ill, and the Oil of Catechumens, which is used in the preparation of catechumens for their Baptism. The Bishop also consecrates the Sacred Chrism, which is used to anoint the newly baptized, seal candidates for Confirmation, anoint the hands of priests and the heads of bishops at their ordination as well as in the rites of anointing during the dedication of churches and altars.

The Chrism Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 p.m. in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold.

Tenebrae, April 12

Tenebrae, meaning darkness or shadows, is an ancient service that is prayed and sung, commemorating the Death of Jesus through psalms, lessons and chants expressing grief. A principal element of the service is the extinguishing of 15 candles, reflecting the desertion of the Apostles and three days of darkness following Christ’s Death. The candles are displayed in a triangular stand. The candle at the top, symbolizing Christ, remains lit but is hidden behind or under the altar during the closing prayer, symbolizing Christ’s burial. When the prayer is completed, a loud noise is made representing the earthquake that followed Christ’s Death on the Cross.

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The lit candle is returned to its place, symbolizing Christ’s victory over death. The noise ceases, and the congregation departs the church in silence.

A diocesan Tenebrae service will be celebrated at 7:30 p.m. in St. Catharine Church, Spring Lake, with Bishop David M. O’Connell presiding. Other parishes in the Diocese have included Tenebrae in their own local schedules.

Holy Thursday, April 13

The Mass of the Lord’s Supper relates how Jesus gathered with his disciples to celebrate the Passover. During this Last Supper, Jesus instituted the Eucharist and the priesthood.

It is also at this Mass when the Gospel is read of how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. By washing his disciples’ feet, he set the example of what it means to “love one another” and to be of service to others.

At the end of the Mass, the Eucharist to be shared on Good Friday is not returned to the tabernacle. Instead, the Blessed Sacrament is carried in procession by the priest. This movement symbolizes Jesus’ walk to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus agonized over the suffering he was soon to endure.

It is also at the end of the Mass when the altar is stripped. This ancient ritual is a powerful reenactment of the Lord’s humiliation at the hands of the Roman soldiers. The now-bare altar symbolizes the transformation of the Communion table of Holy Thursday into the tomb slab of Good Friday.

Good Friday, April 14

Good Friday, a day of fasting for the Church, commemorates Jesus’ Crucifixion and Death.

In keeping with the Church’s ancient tradition that Sacraments are not to be celebrated on Good Friday, this is the only day Mass is not celebrated. Instead, the celebration of the Lord’s Passion takes place within the context of a Communion service and is held at 3 p.m., which places the prayer close to the traditional hour of Jesus’ Death.

The service includes a Liturgy of the Word, the Veneration of the Cross and reception of Holy Communion. The Passion, as written in John’s Gospel, is read again.

Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil, April 15

Holy Saturday begins in many communities with the Blessing of Easter Food, a European tradition anticipating the breaking of the three-day fast as ham, eggs, breads and other foods are brought to the churches and blessed. In some parishes the foods are then given to a local shelter or distributed to families in need.

With darkness comes one of the most ancient rituals of the Church – the Blessing of the Easter Fire, during which the celebrant blesses a large fire outside the church. From that fire, the Paschal candle, symbolizing the Light of Christ, is solemnly brought into the church and is used to light the candles held by members of the congregation who wait in the darkened worship space. By the time the Paschal candle reaches the sanctuary, the entire church is bathed in soft candle light and the image of Christ as the Light of the World ushers in the Great Vigil of Easter. more… Page 3/Holy Week and Easter Overview

At the vigil, members of the parish who have been preparing for full initiation in the Church receive one or more Sacraments – Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist – before their local faith communities. The celebration of Mass marks the start of the Great Solemnity of Easter, in memory of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter Sunday, April 16

Easter Sunday continues to proclaim the glorious news of the Resurrection. Jesus has been raised from the dead, and the power of sin and death has been destroyed forever. Alleluia!

High resolution photos depicting each of the movements of Holy Week and Easter are available upon request.

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