Phonemic Awareness and Word Recognition Level 1
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Phonemic Awareness and Word Recognition – Level 1
Alphabet Review We will start by singing our ABCs. The ABCs are the letters that we use to read and write. Watch my mouth and sing with me. Now we will say the ABCs. The ABCs are the letters that we use to read and write. Watch my mouth. I’ll say a letter, and then you say it after me. We will see what the letters look like. There are two shapes for each one. I’ll say the name, and then I’ll point to the shape. You say the name, and point to the shape.
Letter Names and Sounds We will work with some letters. (Review previously learned letters with flashcards) You have two sets of letters. These two [indicate ___] are named ___. Point to your ___s. Look at the shapes. These two are named ___. Point to your ___s. Look at the shapes. I will say a letter name, and you point to the right shape. [Drill lettters]
Initial Sound Sorting We will work with sounds. (Review previously learned sounds with flashcards) You have a picture of a ____ (name all pictures). Point to the ____. The word ____starts with the sound /__/. (Continue with all pictures.). (Name all sounds) are different sounds. Now let’s work with some other words. Say the word ____. Does ____start like ____or ____? ____-____or ____-____? Point to the picture with the same starting sound. [Repeat with the rest of the words for lesson ]
High Frequency Words We will work with some words. (Review previously learned words with flashcards) The first word is ____. What word? Watch me count the sounds in ____. There are ____ sounds. Now watch me write the letters: (name letters as you write). There are ____sounds and ____letters in ____. In ____, the letter __represents the sound /_/. The letter __represents the sound /__/.
(Repeat with all words introducing)
I am going to say a word, and you point to it.
(Each day one more word is added with all the week’s words reviewed together)
Tracking Predictable Text Here is a message I wrote for you. It says ______. You say that. Now let me show you how to read it. I look at each word, I say each word out loud, and I touch it with my finger. Watch me. Now you do it with me. Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Letter Names/Sounds (insert letters) 1
1 1
Initial Sound Sorting – (insert pictures)
1 1 High Frequency Words (insert words)
1 Tracking Print (insert predictable sentence)
1 Phonemic Awareness and Word Recognition – Level 2
Say-it-and-Move-it First we will work with sounds. I am going to say a word. Then I am going to stretch the word. Then I am going to say it and move it. Then you are going to do it with me. My first word is ____. I’ll say it slowly: /_/ /_/ /_/. Now I’ll move a marker into a box for each sound. Watch me/_/ /_/ /_/ - ____. Now you try. Your word is ______. What word? Say it slowly: /_/ /_/ /_/. Now say it and move it. [Repeat for each word.]
[Use the word list, but do not show the words to the students.]
Sounding and Blending Now we will work with words. (Review previously learned sounds with flashcards) I want you to sound and blend these words. [Give a copy of the day’s word list to each student.] The way that you do that is you look at each letter, make each sound, and then say them fast to make a word. I’ll sound and blend each one, and then you’ll do it. /_/ /_/ /_/ (say word) You try. [Repeat for each word.]
Now that we’ve done them all together, I want you to sound and blend on your own. See how many of the words you can do in one minute.
High Frequency Words
We will work with some words. (Review previously learned words with flashcards) The first word is ____. What word? Watch me count the sounds in ____. There are ____ sounds. Now watch me write the letters: (name letters as you write). There are ____sounds and ____letters in ____. In ____, the letter __represents the sound /_/. The letter __represents the sound /__/.
(Repeat with all words introducing)
I am going to say a word, and you point to it.
(Each day two more words are added with all the week’s words reviewed together)
Echo and Choral Reading (Each student has a copy of a decodable reader that is appropriate to skills taught. Do not pause to ask questions or elicit input from children. Make sure students finger-point as they read. Monitor to ensure attention to print and tracking.)
We will echo read this sentence/page. I will read the page and you will track the print while I read. Then you will read echo read it back to me. My turn (read sentence/page as students track print with finger). Now, your turn. (Students read the same passage back to you)
Now we will read the sentence/page/book together chorally. Think about how much easier it is to read the more you practice. Say It, Move It Day’s Word List
High Frequency Words
Phonemic Awareness and Word Recognition – Level 3
Oral Segmenting and Blending First we will work with sounds. ITeaching am going Shortto say Vowela word Patternsslowly and I want you to say it fast. NowWatch we’ll my on /_/reading /_/ /_/. and Say spelling it fast. three [Repeat vowel with patterns. all words.] The /_ _/ pattern is the sound at the endNow of I theam wordgoing ___ to say. It ais word spelled quickly _-_. Theand /_I want _/ pattern you to is say the itsound slowly.___. at the end of the word ___. It is spelledSay it slowly. _-_ The Watch /_ _/ pattern my fingers. is the .sound /_/ /_/ at /_/. the [Repeat end of thewith word all words.] ___. It is spelled _-_. First I want you to listen to some words and tell me whether they sound like ___, ___, or ___. Point to the picture with the same sounds. Your first word is ___. What word? ___-___, ___-___, or ___-___. Point to the picture with the same sounds as ___. ___and ___have the same sounds. [Continue with the rest of the words.]
Now I am going to say the words again. This time I want you to spell each one. Use your patterns to help you. Remember that if you hear the /__ sounds, the pattern is _-_. If you hear the /__/ sounds, the pattern is _-_. And if you hear the /__/ sounds, the pattern is _-_. Your first word is ___. [Dictate all words.]
High Frequency Words We will work with some words. (Review previously learned words with flashcards) The first word is ____. What word? Watch me count the sounds in ____. There are ____ sounds. Now watch me write the letters: (name letters as you write). There are ____sounds and ____letters in ____. In ____, the letter __represents the sound /_/. The letter __represents the sound /__/.
(Repeat with all words introducing)
I am going to say a word, and you point to it.
(Each day two more words are added with all the week’s words reviewed together)
Choral Reading (Each student has a copy of a decodable reader that is appropriate to skills taught. Do not pause to ask questions or elicit input from children. Make sure students finger-point as they read. Monitor to ensure attention to print and tracking.)
Our new book is ______. We will read the book together chorally. Think about how much easier it is to read the more you practice.
Short Vowel Patterns 1 -_ _ -_ _ -_ _
1 -_ _ -_ _ -_ _
1 -_ _ -_ _ -_ _
1 -_ _ -_ _ -_ _
1 -_ _ -_ _ -_ _
1 -_ _ -_ _ -_ _
High Frequency Words