Council Members Teleconference

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Council Members Teleconference

DD Council Meeting MEETING NOTES October 4, 2016

Council Members Present: Johnson, Stephen Reagan, Jane Leroy, Barbara Rock, Deborah Palmer, Paul Suhrheinrich, Richard Jeremiah Prusi Taylor, David Council Members Teleconference: Columbus, Kristen Wiese, Deborah DeVries, Heidi Yeomans, Tammy Council Members Absent: Cerano, Elmer Wills, Marnie Council Staff Present: Bouraoui, Yasmina Smith, Meredith Collins, Vendella Vincent, Tracy Florence, Dee Williams, Brett McCulloch, Sheila Guest Presenter: Mark McWilliams – MPAS Eric Kurtz – MDHHS/BHDDA Steve Fleury – MDHHS/Budget Kristen Jordan – MDHHS/Budget Page 1 of 9 Joseph O’Reilly – MDHHS/Legal Minutes Taken by: Sheila McCulloch

Call to Order NOTE - David Taylor, Council Member, volunteered to Chair the meeting in absence of Kristen Columbus being present in room. Kristen attended the meeting via teleconference. Meeting called to order by Michigan Developmental Disabilities Council member, David Taylor, at 10:54am on October 4, 2016. Welcome/Introductions A quorum was established and introductions were made. Approval of Agenda Motion: Jane Reagan, Seconded: Steven Johnson Paul Palmer requested “Public Comment” be inserted after “Approval of August 2, 2016 Minutes”. Motion Approved: Motion moved for approval, as amended, by Paul Palmer. Motion approved by consensus vote of the Council members in attendance. No abstentions. Approval of August 2, 2016 Minutes Motion: Paul Palmer, Seconded: Deb Rock Rich Suhrheinrich request the header be amended to remove “DD Council May Retreat”. Motion Approved: DD Council Meeting MEETING NOTES October 4, 2016

Motion moved for acceptance, as amended, by Rich Suhrheinrich. Motion approved by consensus vote of the Council members in attendance. No abstentions. Public Comment Jeremiah Prusi informed the Council that Lakestate Industries, where he is employed, is paying all its employees at least minimum wage. Paul Palmer advised the Council, Elmer Cerano, had a recent medical emergency. Mark McWilliams gave more details. Open Meetings Act Joseph O’Reilly from MDHHS Legal Affairs office presented on the Open Meetings Act (OMA). A complete copy of the OMA was distributed to Council members. The DD Council’s bylaws compliment and are compliant with the OMA. Points of interest that were discussed in further detail are:  What is a Public Body  Who the OMA applies to

Page 3 of 9 o Committees or groups where decisions are made by a public body. o Not advisory committees, forums or political caucuses. o Training sessions does not fall under the OMA. No decisions or deliberations are taking place during training.  Public Notice o The yearly calendar of meetings are to be posted within 10 days of first meeting of the year. o Rescheduled meetings need an 18 hour notice. o Special meetings need 36 hours’ notice. o Teleconferencing is not required for the general public to participate in a public meeting.  Quorums o Quorums are needed to call a meeting to order and to conduct official business. o Majority voting is separate from a quorum. Majority voting is for those in attendance. The DD Council bylaws address what constitutes a majority vote.  Minutes o Proposed Minutes to be available after 8 business days of the meeting. o Approved Minutes to be available after 5 business days from Council approval. DD Council Meeting MEETING NOTES October 4, 2016

o Corrected Minutes (must show track changes) to be available after 5 business days.  Voting o No secret voting. Council members must identify how they are voting, either roll call or by show of hand.

It’s best to avoid using phones or electronic technology during meetings. This will avoid any implication of secret communications amongst members during an open meeting.

May want to incorporate into bylaws how to prescribe public comments (time allowed). May also want to address giving the Chair authority to regulate how the public can record a Council meeting. Council Vice-Chair Elections Deborah Rock and David Taylor were presented as nominees for the vacant Council’s Vice-Chair position from the Nominations Committee. No nominations from the floor.

Page 5 of 9 The two nominees were given time to speak before the Council to describe why they want to fill the position. The Council Members voted as follows: Deborah Rock David Taylor Kristen Columbus Steven Johnson Heidi DeVries Barbara LeRoy Paul Palmer Jeremiah Prusi Deborah Rock Jane Reagan Richard Suhrheinrich David Taylor Tammy Yeomans Deb Wiese The voting resulted in a tie vote. Kristen Columbus gave a tie vote break and voted for Deborah Rock, again. Deborah Rock is the new Council’s Vice Chair. 1115 Waiver Update Eric Kurtz, MDHHS, gave an 1115 Waiver Update to the Council. Reviewed the rationale, goals, benefits and current status of the waiver demonstration project. NACDD Conference Update NACDD is the national trade association for the 56 Councils on Developmental Disabilities (DD Councils) across the United States and its territories. The DD Councils receive federal funding to support programs. NACDD provides technical assistance to all DD Councils. Advocates at the state and territorial level for DD Council Meeting MEETING NOTES October 4, 2016 the national public policy agenda and for DD Councils’ appropriations in Congress. The conferences provide leadership and development training. Kristen Columbus and David Taylor attended this year. Kristen will send materials received at the conference to council members. NACDD will host a Disability Policy Seminar March 19- 21, 2017 in Washington, D.C. The Public Policy Analyst will attend. May have Self-Advocates of Michigan Board members attend too. Director, Committee Report, Budget Update Infinity Group, Stakeholder 298 meeting is today from 1-4pm. Another is being held tomorrow at the Hannah Center in East Lansing from 6-9pm. Take Your Legislator to Work Closing ceremony is scheduled on October 28, 2016 at Constitution Hall at 10am. Vendella encourages Council members to attend.

Page 7 of 9 Steve Fleury and Vendella Collins reviewed the latest budget spreadsheets (3rd quarter and year-to-date expenditures). Not a final balance, some expenditures continue to run through mid-November and not posted as of yet. Will have final report at the next Council meeting. Federal approval of the 2017-2021 State Plan was received on November 29, 2016. Once finalized, Council staff will forward the State Plan to the budget office. The budget office will have an updated spreadsheet with FY17 projected expenditures under new State Plan that began on October 1, 2016 for distribution at the January Council meeting.

Calendar year 2017 Council/Committee meeting dates was distributed to Council members. Meredith Smith to post online. Michigan Department of Education Update Jane Reagan presented a departmental overview including student data, goals and objectives, and ongoing strategic partnerships with the Department of Education. ODEP Year 2 Update Yasmina Bouraoui presented an ODEP summary update. Reviewing Michigan’s EFSLMP focus areas: Provider Transformation, Capacity Building, Rate Reform and Vision Quest, Super Memorandum of Understanding and the MI Seamless Transition Pilot sites activities. DD Council Meeting MEETING NOTES October 4, 2016

Motion to Adjourn Motion: Barbara LeRoy, Seconded: Richard Suhrheinrich Motion moved to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Richard Suhrheinrich. Motion Approved: Motion approved by consensus vote of the Council members in attendance. No abstentions. Meeting adjourned at 3:40pm.

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