Instructions for lacing a canoe seat

Make a square or rectangular frame and mark the CENTER locations on all four sides. Divide each of the halves into FOUR (4) equal sections and place a mark at each of those locations.

Lacing Rules 1. Start lacing at right top mark by tying on there.

2. All forward slash ( / ) diagonal crossings pass UNDER the horizontal crossings and they pass pass OVER all back slash ( \ ) diagonal crossings.

3. All back slash ( \ ) diagonal crossings pass OVER the horizontal crossings and they pass UNDER all forward slash ( / ) diagonal crossings.

4. All attachments to the frames will be Larkshead knots.

5. The lacing order labels are : Right Vertical (top to btm) Start, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 Left Vertical (top to btm) 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33 Top (left to rt) 6, 14, 22, 30, End, 27, 19, 11, 3 Bottom (left to rt) 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 7, 15, 23, 31

Note: The sides are spaced in units of 4 and the top and bottom are spaced in units of 8 except from the 2 to 7.

6. An additional wrap around the first horizontal cord will be necessary before proceeding from the right half of the top brace to the right edge conneciton.

7. Wraps are placed on the horizontal elements above and then down to the desired location on the side elements observing the rules for over and under on the right edge and wrapped up then down to the bottom on the left edge.

Using rawhide lacing or cordage, Follow the lacing diagram above. The lacing in the diagram is shown alot more loose than will be the case when you actually lace the seat, this is done to show the details. The lacing should be pulled tight but not overtight especially if you are using rawhide lace as it will shrink and tighten as it dries. After you make the last Larkshead knot add twoadditional half hitches around the lacing that runs from position 34 to the end. The half hitches act as a lock to prevent the lacing from loosening.

A 10 inch by 15 inch seat will require require roughly 70 feet of lacing. This amount of lacing can easily be cut from a 15 inch diameter circle of rawhide if you cut 3/16 inch wide lacing which is a good width of lace for this project.

If you are using rawhide lacing you need to work the lacing damp. Adding some borax to the water you soak the rawhide in to soften it will improve the life span of the lacing. I also like to use saddle soap on the lacing as I work it and to clean it anytime after it is finished.