Mapledurwell Village School Log Book
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Mapledurwell Village School Log Book 1881 to 1900
HRO reference 115 M87 LB1
Extracts from the Revised Code of regulations for 1875
Article 1. The Principal Teacher must make at least once a week in the Log Book an entry which will specify ordinary progress, visits of managers, and other facts concerning the school or its teachers, such as the dates of withdrawals, commencements of duty, cautions, illness, etc, which may require to be referred to at a future time, or may otherwise deserve to be recorded.
Article 37. No reflections or opinions, of a general character are to be entered in the Log Book.
Article 38. No entry once made in the Log Book may be removed or altered otherwise than by a subsequent entry.
Article 39. The summary of the Inspector’s Report after his annual visit, or any visit made without notice, and any remarks made upon it by the Department, when communicated to the Managers, must be immediately copied verbatim into the Log Book, with the names and standing (Certified Teacher of the ____ Class, or Pupil Teacher of the ____ Year, or the Assistant teacher) of all Teachers to be continued on or added to, or withdrawn from, the School Staff, according to the decision of the Department upon the Inspector’s Report. The Correspondent of the Managers must sign this entry, which settles the School Staff for the year.
Article 40. The Inspector will call for the Log Book and portfolio at every visit, and will report whether they appear to have been properly kept. He will specially refer to the entry made pursuant to Article 39, and he will require to see entries accounting for any subsequent change in the School Staff. He will also note in the Log Book every visit paid without notice (Article 12) making an entry of such particulars as require the attention of the Managers.
1 May 3 rd 1881 Elizabeth Bennell, Second Class Certified Teacher, commenced duties. Revd A.M. Milroy opened the school.
Found no sewing or knitting had been done in school. Younger children classified by age. Infants and Standard 1
May 5th 1881 Above Standard 1. 8 children Standard 2, 5 children Standard 3, 1 child Standard 4 May 6th 1881 Revd A.M. Milroy visited and brought some slates and books. May13th 35 pegs put up for the children’s clothes. May 26th Half day as I had to go into Basingstoke for furniture.
June 1st Smallpox in the village June 2nd Small attendance as children kept home for fear of infection. June 3rd Very poor attendance. June 8th Worked strictly to the timetable. June 13th Mrs Kirby brought books for Standard 3.
July 6th Fire broke out in the village so many children kept at home. July 15th Received the Royal Readers for Standards 1,2,3,4. July 20th Received Merchants Arithmetic for Standards 1,2,3 plus one dozen slates and 6 inkwells. July 27th Rev Milroy proposed having the school party next Thursday and breaking up for Harvest Holidays.
August 1st Notice received school is to be examined on Thursday. August 4th Visit by H M Inspector T.W. Greene. School closed for 5 weeks.
2 September 12th 1881 School reopened September 15th Rev and Mrs Milroy visited. Made a fresh timetable as H M I advised me to let the extra subjects alone therefore leaving extra time for Reading Writing and Arithmetic. Sept 19th Some children still away picking hops with parents. Sept 26th Admitted 4 new pupils. Sept 30th Mrs Thorpe and Rev and Mrs Milroy visited and heard the children sing.
October 2nd 1881 Rev and Mrs Milroy and Rev Betts visited. October 11th Very poor attendance today on account of the fair which is held yearly at Basingstoke. October 12th Less attendance today. Oct 19th Revs Milroy and Betts visited. Oct 24th School Attendance Officer, Mr McKay, visited and found attendance very satisfactory. Oct 29th Rev Milroy visited and brought a clock.
November 3rd Worked as usual with timetable. Received a dozen slates. Nov 4th Attendance poor on account of the stormy weather. Nov 7th Transferred Mary Hasleth from Infant Register as she is now 7 years old. Nov 11th Mr Betts visited Nov 17th Rev Milroy visited. Nov 23rd Attendance poor, stormy weather. Nov 25th I was not able to open school this afternoon on account of indisposition.
3 December 1st Very stormy, rather poor attendance. Dec 6th Photo of children taken. Dec 12th Mr Betts visited. Dec 23rd Mr Betts visited. School closed for one week.
January 2nd 1882 Reopened. Many children away through colds. Jan 5th Poor attendance due to stormy weather. Mr Betts visited. Jan 9th Attendance much better. Jan 12th Children came to school at 1 pm and left at 3 pm on account of a tea party which was given them by Mrs Dudney. Jan 18th Mr Betts visited Jan 26th Children came at 1 pm and left at 3 pm on account of an Entertainment held in the school room.
February 2nd Rev Betts visited. Feb 6th Rev Milroy visited. Feb 8th Standards 2 and 3 left school for 20 minutes to see arrival of a friend (but stayed in until 4.20 pm). Rev Milroy gave a dictation lesson to Standard 2. Feb 13th Rev Milroy received the papers on Saturday stating that our Examination is to be held on Monday Feb 27th in the afternoon. Feb 14th Mr McKay visited and pronounced attendance very good. Feb 15th On account of not knowing the exact date on which our school year ended, I have been obliged to add the attendances for Jan 30th and 31st to the present school year, also to transfer two weeks attendances from the old year’s register of 1881 to those of 1882.
4 Feb 21st 1882 Children came 1 pm to 3 pm as they wished to go to Newnham before dark. Received a dozen slates.
Feb 24th Rev Milroy gave dictation in the morning and heard the children sing in the afternoon. I gave no home (work sic) for this evening as I thought the rest would brighten them up.
Songs for Inspector
1. The neat little clock. 2. Honey Bee. 3. What shall we have for Dinner? 4. The Song of the Cuckoo. 5. Dicky Birds. 6. The Humming Bee. 7. My Dog Dash. 8. Up in the Morning.
For Infants
1. A little bird built a warm nest. 2. As Tommy was walking. 3. What shall we have for Dinner? 4. The neat little Clock.
March 3rd School Inspected James M. Callender H. M. I. March 10th Prizes given to 7 children for improvement in tidiness by Mrs Caryle. Average attendance this week 45.4 the highest we have had to present. Mar 15th Mr Bets gave dictation to Standard 3. Mar 16th Rev and Mrs Milroy visited. Mar 17th Rev Milroy presented 6 certificates to those children who passed in three subjects at the Examination.
5 Summary of H.M.Inspector’s Report on the school received this morning.
“ This little school has made a very good start and gives every promise of speedily becoming in the fullest sense efficient. Great credit is due to the present Mistress, who undertook the task of reorganising the school under very heavy disadvantages.”
Elizabeth Bennell Mistress A.W.Milroy Correspondent 17th March 1882
March 22nd Poor attendance – bad weather. Mr Betts visited. Mar 27th School closed for week – sickness amongst children.
April 3rd 1882 Reopened. Very good att. April 5th Mr Betts gave dictation to Standard 4. April 6th Rev Milroy visited. April 7th School closed for day. Good Friday. April 13th Children commenced at 8.45 am to allow 2 hours of Secular Instruction before the Scripture Examination at 11 am. April 21st 3 children have left the village. April 28th Rev Milroy visited and heard the children sing. Average attdce 41.9.
May 1st Children had half day holiday for May 1st. They went around the village with garlands. May 3rd Rev Betts gave dictation lesson to Stand. 4.
6 May 12th 1882 Rev and Mrs Milroy visited. May 17th Rev and mrs Milroy and Rev Betts visited. May 25th Poor attce. wet weather. May 29th No holiday given for Whitsuntide
June 5th 1882 School closed for the day on account of a club which is held yearly in the next village. June 6th Rev Betts gave arithmetic lesson to Stands 3 and 4. June 9th Rev Milroy visited pm. June 15th H.M.Inspector Callender visited without notice. “School getting on very well”. June 19th Admitted one new child. Attendance better. June 22nd Very wet weather- poor attce. June 30th Afternoon school1pm to 3pm to allow for tea party in Newnham.
July12th 1882 Rev Milroy with 2 ladies visited pm. July 17th Attendance much better. July 28th Average attendance 39.2
August 4th 1882 School closed for Summer Vacation.
7 September 11th 1882 School reopened. Many still away. Sept 14th Rev Betts visited. Sept 19th Very poor attendance - stormy weather. Sept 23rd More attended but some still away. Sept 29th Latter part of the week stormy so many absent.
October 2nd 1882 Visit without notice James M Callender H.M.I. Rev Betts gave dictation to Stands 3 and 4. Oct 5th Two dozen slates received. Oct 11th Very poor attendance. Given pm off for the Basingstoke fair. Oct 12th Many still away. Oct 13th Rev Milroy visited. Three children left village. Oct 20th Very wet weather – very poor attendance. Oct 24th Rough weather - very poor attendance. Admitted three children.
November 2nd 1882 Rev Betts visited. Nov 10th Attendance good despite rough weather (!) Nov 16th Snow – very few children. Nov 23rd Mr and Mrs Dudney visited and heard the children sing. Nov 24th Better attendance. December 7th 1882 Snow – poor attendance. Dec 13th Better attendance. Dec 17th Received one dozen books for infants.
8 Dec 18th Rev Milroy visited. Dec 22nd School closed today for Christmas.
January 1st 1883 Reopened. Jan 3rd Received one dozen Royal Readers for Standard 1 and two dozen Dictation Books for Higher Standard. Jan 4th Mrs Milroy and Mrs Caryle visited. Rev Milroy received the papers for the approximate numbers this week (?) Jan 11th – 21st School closed as Mistress indisposed Jan 22nd Reopened. A few children still home through sickness. Jan 29th Rev Betts gave dictation to Standards 3 and 4. Jan 31st School year ends today. Average attendance 36.6
Feb 2nd Stormy – few children. Feb5th Rev Milroy visited. Feb 8th Songs for Inspector 1. John Peel 2. The Farmer’s Boy 3. Give me a Draught 4. I’m very glad the Spring has come 5. With hundred thousand voices cry 6. The Fire Brigade 7. When the Morning Light 8. Children go
Inspected by H.M.Inspector Goodyear. Esq Children did not have a holiday this afternoon but will have one later. Feb 12th Rough weather. Poor attendance Feb 13th A few away with mumps.
9 Feb 16th 1883 Rev Canon Warburton visited. Feb 19th I have moved every child up a standard today and hope they will each work well. I presented one boy who was only 6 to H.M.I. Goodyear to examine him in Standard 1 as he is very bright. He passed well so Mr Goodyear said I could put him into Standard 2 but must make a note of it. Feb 22nd Those children who have commenced their new standard work appear to take great interest in it.
March 2nd Average attendance 37.3 Mar 7th The children are mostly all back at school again having quite recovered from their slight sickness. Mar 12th I have promised to give to each child a ticket each day for regular attendance and good conduct. They are to give up the tickets just before the tea party. Then whoever has the highest number will receive a prize. I find the plan answers well.
Mar 15th Summary of H.M.Inspector’s Report received today. “The Mistress appears to be discharging her duties carefully and efficiently. The elder children are rather backward but the school is likely to get better every year and the standard of attainment to rise. Miss Bennell will shortly receive her certificate.” Elizabeth Bennell A.W. Milroy correspondent.
Mar 16th Average attendance 41.8 This is the highest we had this quarter. Mar 23rd School closed for Easter Vacation.
April 2nd Reopened very good attendance. April 3rd Rev Betts visited. April 11th Rev Milroy visited and distributed certificates to 12 children who passed in 3 subjects. April 13th School inspected by Diocesan Inspector. 5 children received certificates.
10 April 18th 1883 Rev Betts gave dictation to standard 4 and also gave out 8 prizes. April 19th Received Historical Readers for Stands 3,4 and 5. April 25th Rev Betts gave dictation lesson to standard 4. April 27th Average attendance 38.8 April 30th Admitted new scholar this morning.
May 4th 1883 Rev Betts visited May 9th I have taken the lessons for Friday afternoon this afternoon as it is too dark for girls sewing. May 22nd Rev Betts gave arithmetic lesson to Stand 5.
June 1st The children will have a holiday on Monday as they attend a club held in the next village. June 5th Rev Betts gave arithmetic lesson to Stand 5. June 14th Attendance keeps very good indeed. Rev Milroy visited and heard stands 4 and 5 read. June 18th One standard 3 boy has left for Old Basing. June 21st Rev Milroy visited and brought Geography, Copy and Dictation books. Mr McKay the Attendance Officer also visited and pronounced attendance very good.
July 4th 1883 Attendance down as hay making. A few children away for a day now and then. July 12th Rev Milroy visited. The children left school for ½ hour to sing at a wedding. They began lessons earlier to make up the time. Attendance better this week. July 28th Average attendance 41.3
August 3rd 1883 Admitted 3 children this week. August 9th Closed school for summer vacation.
11 “ I have examined and verified several of the entries in the register and found correct.” 11th August 1883 H.B.Thorp
September 17th 1883 Reopened. Poor attendance - children still helping parents harvesting. Sept 21st Attendance very poor all week. Sept 24th School closed due to alterations and the weather. As half the wall had been knocked down and as the night was very stormy the room was so wet that it was impossible to stay there. So I carried on the school work at my house. The attendance was very poor owing to the weather. Sept 28th School work carried on as usual in school room since Monday.
October 3rd 1883 Only 23 children – rough weather. Oct 11th Today being Michaelmas Day many children are away and as many parents intend taking their children to a fair tomorrow I thought it best to give a holiday. 3 of the older girls are leaving. Oct 17th 6 children have been helped at home during the alterations of the school as their parents are afraid on their taking colds. Oct 22nd Attendance better today. Oct 26th Average attendance for the quarter 36.5. Lowest we have had this year. Oct 29th “I have examined and verified several entries (taken at random) in Registers and Summary found correct.” A.W.Milroy
November 2nd 1883 Attendance this week highest since the holidays. Nov 7th Now the alterations are so far completed the children attend better. Nov 14th Mistress ill school closed. Nov 19th 3 new children admitted. Nov 23rd 3 children at home ill. Rev Milroy visited.
12 December 7th 1883 Infants poor attendance due to rough weather. Dec 14th Better attendance. Dec 17th I admitted a fresh scholar this morning. Dec 20th Attendance Officer checked. Dec 21st Closed school for week’s holiday. Dec 31st School reopened.
1884 January 12th Better attendance. Jan 15th Half day as school room had to be prepared for an entertainment this evening, Jan 18th Av. Attend. For week 40.9 highest since summer. Jan 24th Rough weather – poor attendance. Jan 31st Av. Attend. 38.4
February 5th 1884 Attendance Officer visited. Pronounced attendance good. Feb 11th Rev Milroy received notice of our examination. Feb 18th “ We have this day examined and verified several entries in Registers and Summary”. A.W.Milroy H.B.Thorp Charles Clark
Feb 25th Songs for Inspection
1. Would you like to know how bread is made? 2. The Norht Wind dot blow. 3. The Snail. 4. Dick Turpin. 5. Robin dear Robin. 6. I’ve come across the sea. 7. Oh who was that? 8. Come in you naughty bird.
13 Feb 26th Holiday for Shrove Tuesday.
March 6th “ I have today received and read to the children the Duplicate Examination Schedule. I have called the Register this afternoon – one child inserted in error”. A.W.Milroy March 7th V. poor attend. due to stormy weather. 3 children left the village this week. March 11th Attendance Officer visited. March 12th School inspected Horace Windburton(?) H.M.I. March 20th Scripture Examination this afternoon. March 21st Av. attend. 37
April 7th 1884 Very poor attdce. – Rough weather. April 10th School closed until Tuesday. April 15th I commenced school work this morning. Attdce not very good. April 25th Children have week’s holiday instead of Easter Week. I have this day resigned my duties in this school.
14 Summary of H.M. Inspector’s Report received April 12th 1884
“Reading, Writing and Spelling are pretty good, but Arithmetic is bad especially in Notation. 13 out of 23 failed in Arithmetic. English and Geography as class subjects were fair. Discipline pretty good. The Arithmetic must improve greatly if any Merit Grant is to be recommended next year.” “The Infant Class did exceedingly well in the Elementary Subjects and fairly in Objects Lessons – some varied occupations (Article 106 (b) ) might be attempted another year if the Mistress can find time for it.” Elizabeth Bennell A.W.Milroy Corespondent
April 15th I have called the class register today and found it correct. A.W.Milroy
Report of Religious Instruction. School inspected March 20th 1884 “Class good. The School has evidently been taught with much care. The higher group answered thoughtfully and well. The lower group was somewhat less happy and would be better for special attention for a time. The Catachism was th subject in which the higher group answered the least well. It would be well to make sure that every scholar in the lower group, who is old enough, can say the Lord’s Prayer individually. It is suggested that a little more practice in writing, on the lines of the syllabus, would do good. The scholars sang reverently and the good behaviour throughout the Examination is deserving of commendation.”
Signed Geo. Jer? Atthill Diocesan Inspector
15 May 5th 1884, I Fanny Sellwood this day commence my duties as Mistress of this School
The children attended very well but I found them much given to talking aloud against which I had several times to caution them.
May 6th Rev Milroy called register and found it correct. May 9th Weekly average 33.3. Rev Milroy brought some chalk and dusters for the school. May16 Av attend. 37.2. Have had to caution several of the standard 3 against their carelessness in writing. Rev Windle visited. Taught std 2 multiplication by tens. May 23rd Week average 36.3. Taught Std 3 compound subtraction. Rev and Mrs Milroy visited and brought some patch work for the younger children. Mr McKay, Attendance Officer, visited. May 30th Av Attdce 35.6
June 6th Holiday given as many of the children intend to go to the Fete in Basing Park. Jun 13th Av Att. 34.4 Revs Milroy and Windle visit. A second blackboard provided. Have had to caution George Collins for lateness. June 18th Had to punish Fred Keens for disobedience. June 20th Rev Windle visited on Monday. Mr McKay examined attendance on Monday. June 27th Av Att. 33.5 Received some table books for school.
July 4th Mrs Milroy visited. July 11th Mr McKay < the Attendance officer and Rev Milroy visited. July 15th Rev Windle visited July 25th Rev Milroy visited.
August 1st Rev Milroy heard Stands 1 and 2 read.
16 August 8th 1884 Rev and Mrs Milroy visited on Monday. School closed today for Summer Vacation.
September 15th 1884 School reopened. Sept 16th Rev Milroy called register. Sept 19th Week average 34. Admitted Cyril Gidge and Laurel Clark. Readmitted Charles Laney. Sept 26th Av. Attd. 36.2. Mr Mckay visited. Fred and Ernest Hutchens cautioned about irregular attendance.
October 10th Rev Windle visited. Admitted 4 children. Oct 13th Holiday given by management as nearly all children going to Michaelmas Fair in Basingstoke. Oct 16th Rev Milroy called register. Oct 17th Fred, Tom and Elizabeth Keens left village. Received new set of reading books. Oct 24th Admitted Fred, Edith and Mary Keens. Mr McKay Attendance officer complained of Fred and Ernest Hutchens.
November 7th Received 5 ½ dozen Allman’s New Code Copybooks. Punished George and Frances Collins for lateness. November 14th Av Att 40.7 Taught Std4 Reduction of Time and Long Measure. Rev Milroy and Rev Windle visited Friday afternoon and brought a board of Form and Colour for the Infants. November 19th Called the Registers and found them correct A W Milroy F Sellwood November 21st AV ATT 35.4 Mr McKay the attendance officer called on Thursday morning and examined the registers. Several children are absent this week through illness. November 28th Av Att 36.5 Admitted George Laney. Mrs Milroy visited, Wednesday pm. Std 5 still keep very backward in their arithmetic.
17 Dec 6th 1884 Av Att 36.8 Taught Std 5 # G.C.M. Mrs Milroy visited Tuesday. Dec 12th Av Att 35.8 Taught Std 4 Reduction of Long Measure Dec 19th Av Att 39.1 The Rev Milroy visited Wednesday. The Registers have been closed each day this week at 1.35 to enable the children to leave school earlier as the days begin to draw in. Dec24th Av Att 27.3 Register closed at 1 o’clock today so school might close at 3 pm. School closes for Christmas Vacation.
1885 January 8th Called the registers today and found them correctly marked A W Milroy F Sellwood Jan 9th Reopened school on Monday. Week Av 39.2 Rev W E Windle visited Tuesday pm. Taught Std 5 Simple Vulgar Fractions. Received the Government Paper for the approximate number of scholars for Examination. Jan 16th Av Att 35.9 Std 1 did their dictation exercises very carelessly on Thursday afternoon, two boys getting 7 and 8 mistakes. Jan23rd Av Att 40 Admitted a boy named Fred Girdler. Have had to caution several children this week against being late. Jan 30th Av Att 36.2 Admitted a boy named Archer Dickson. Received 4 Durham Class Registers of Attendance Payments. Yearly average 35.8 Jan 30th I have called the Registers and found them correct. A W Milroy F Sellwood
Feb 2nd Received notice of the Examination for Thursday 5th Feb 5th School inspected by H M Inspector J W Greene
18 Songs prepared for H M Inspector 1. Lightly Row 2. Smiling May 3. The Joyous Huntsman 4. Oh! Where Oh! Where 5. Now rude November 6. Our School Song 7. The Rosebud 8. Which way doth the wind blow
Infants 1. Cows and Horses 2. Oh! Where Oh! Where 3. All good children 4. Song of the Pony
Feb 6th Av Att 42.6. Rev Milroy visited Tuesday and Thursday Feb 13th Av Att 42.7. Received the Duplicate Schedule and placed those who had passed in a higher standard. Taught Stds 3 and 4 a new rule in Arithmetic. Began learning the song called “Through lanes with hedgerows”. Feb 20th Av Att 38.7. A holiday was given on Tuesday morning as most of the children make it a point to go Shroving. Stds 1 and 2 have begun to learn numeration. Feb 27th Av Att 40.3 William Curtis has left this school for Basing. Taught Std 2 Simple Multiplication by units and std 4 compound multiplication by factors.
Mar 6th Av Att 38.4 Admitted Thomas Hutchens. Std 1 began to learn Addition. Taught the children the song “And now strike up a merry song”. Mar 13th Av Att 38.4 Received a Ball frame for the use of the Infant Class on Wednesday. Taught Std 4 Multiplication by hundreds.
Report of H M Inspector received 8th March 1885.
“The School is in good order, and the children have passed very fairly in Reading and Writing. Arithmetic is still a backward subject and needs much improvement. Grammar hardly reaches the degree of fair, and a better result will be expected next year. Fanny Sellwood Mistress A W Milroy Correspondent
19 Mar 20th 1885 Av Att 43.3 Taught Std 4 Long Division. Std 4 have learnt the “Inchcape Bell” that being part of the Repetition for the next Examination. Mar 27th Av Att 42.3 Taught Std 2 Multiplication by hundreds. The attendance officer Mr McKay visited.
April 2nd Av Att 39.7 Rev and Mrs Milroy visited. The school closes today for the usual Easter Vacation, one week. April 17th 1885 Av Att 43.8 Fred Girdler’s name has been with drawn from the Attendance Register as he has left the village. Admitted Kate Kinge, Julia Watts and William Ackland. Taught Std 2 Reduction of Avoir dupois Weight. Received notice of the Diocesan Examination on Monday for Tuesday 21st. April 21st The Diocesan Inspector examined the children this morning, and a holiday was given in the afternoon. April 24th Av Att 44 Taught Std 3 Compound Subtraction. Mr McKay visited.
May 1st Av Att 40.1 Rev Milroy visited. Taught Std 4 Tro Weight (Reduction of ). Had to caution several children against coming late for afternoon school. May 8th Av Att 39.5 Taught Std 4 Reduction of Time Measure. The children began to learn “ A Song for England” May 15th Av Att 44.7 Grace Clark has finished her knitting for the next Examination. Had to punish Charlie Piper for disobedience.
Report of the Diocesan Inspector in Religious Knowledge upon Examination held 21st April 1885.
General Remarks. “ The younger Group acquitted itself well. A wider range of teaching however in the Simple Bible done would probably be more interesting. A few more texts by heart too would be good. Time might be found for this, it is suggested by giving the Scholars of the higher Group a little more practice in writing out. The higher Group answered carefully, and showed that it had not overlooked the simpler lessons and truths taught by the passages of scripture studied. As much practice as possible in answering will evidently be good for them! The Repetition of Scripture was good. (signed) Geo. Jas. Atthill Diocesan Inspector.
20 May 22nd 1885 Av Att 40.4 Taught Std 3 Simple Long Division. Mr McKay visited Thursday. The 1st Class girls began their Examination needlework this week. May 29th Av Att 40 A holiday was given on Monday being Whit Monday. Readmitted George Collins. Began to learn the song “The dew was falling fast”.
June 5th Called the registers found them correct. A W Milroy June 5th 1885 Av Att 42.9 Rev Milroy gave out certificates to those who passed in three subjects at the last Examination. Rose Elliott has left th school. June 12th Av Att 40.4 Taught Std 4 Reduction of Square Measure. Found that several in Std 3 had forgotten their Simple Tables. June 19th Av Att 43.1 Mrs Milroy visited Wednesday pm. Mr McKay visited. Gave Std 1 their first Copy Book lesson. June 26th A A 41.3 Taught Std 5 Compound Fractions. Std 2 had their first lessons in Simple Short Division.
July 3rd A A 38.3 Received a packet of Hughes’ Test Cards for Std 5. Gave Std 1 lesson in Simple subtraction this week. Mrs Milroy sent materials for needlework for the lower Stds. July 10th A A 41.8 Taught Std4 Reduction of Cloth and Cubic Measures. The first class boys have been absent during hay making. July 17th A A 42 Gave Std 1 two black board lessons in Simple Subtraction. Mr McKay came. Had to punish Herbert Hutchens for disobedience. July 24th A A 43.4 Gave std 2 two blackboard lessons in Simple Short Division this week. Had to caution the Collins against coming late for school. July 31st A A 39.2 The children began to learn the song “The Old Black Cat”.
August 7th A A 39.4 The registers were closed on Monday at 1.15 to enable the children to leave schoolat 3.15 to attend a Band of Hope tea. The school closes today for the usual Harvest Vacation.
21 1885 September 14th I have called the Roll today and found the registers correct A W Milroy Sept 18th A A 40.5 A holiday was given on Thursday afternoon that being the time fixed for the annual School Feast. Admitted Philadelphia Robert. Sept 25th A A 43.2 Altered the time of the afternoon school from ½ past one to two as some of the parents wished the children to have a longer dinner hour. A holiday was given on Tuesday afternoon so that the school room might be prepared for a tea given to the villagers.
October 2nd A A 43.6 Received 2 new sets of Reading Books for Stds 3 and 4 on 14 th Sept. Taught Std 5 Simple Proportion. Gave blackboard lessons to each Std in Arithmetic. Mr McKay visited. Oct 9th A A 42.4 The 3rd Std have worked their Dictation Exercises very carelessly this week. Registers closed today at 1 o’clock to enable the children to leave at 3. Oct 16th A A 34.1 Rev Milroy visited Monday. The attendances on Monday and Tuesday were very small owing to the yearly fair held at Basingstoke. Oct 23rd A A 39.3 The Registers were closed on Thursday at 1 o’clock to enable the children to leave at 3 so that the room might be prepared for a Temperance tea. Admitted Emily Collins. Oct 30th A A 45.8 Std 5 have worked their Arithmetic very carelessly this week.
November 6th A A 42 Have worked Subtraction on the black board with Std 1 every day this week. Gave Std 5 home lessons in arithmetic as they continue very backward in that subject. Nov 13th A A 0.8 A holiday was given on Monday. Received 2 dz Dictation books. Rev Milroy visited Wednesday and heard Stds 2, 3 and 4 read. Nov 20th A A 41.7 Attendance Officer Mr McKay. Rev W E Windle visited. Gave Std 2 home lessons in arithmetic. Nov 27th A A 40.4 The first class Dictation lesson was very carelessly done on Thursday. One Std 4 boy getting 9 mistakes.
22 December 4th 1885 A A 40.9 Edith Watts has finished her specimen needlework for the Examination. Dec 11th A A 41.8 Cancelled Catherine Ackland’s attendance as she left the school before the two hours secular instruction had expired. Dec 18th A A 43.7 Had to caution the Collins’ against coming late for school. Mr McKay came Thursday. Dec 21st I have called the Roll today and found it correct. W E Windle Dec 24th A A 38.1 Rev Milroy visited Monday. School closes today for the usual Christmas Holiday.
1886 (page 64 of log book) January 8th School work commenced on Monday morning. A A 35.4 Rev Milroy visited Tuesday pm and heard Std 3 read. Jan 15th A A 40.6 Std 5 have worked their arithmetic much more accurately this week but the composition was done very badly. Jan 22nd A A 38.7 Have kept Std 1 back for reading lesson after the morning school. Jan 26th I have called the Roll ------W E Windle Jan 28th I have called the Roll------A W Milroy Jan 29th A A 36 Received notice of the Examination for Feb 8th. Yearly Average 40.8
Feb 6th A A 45.2 Rev Milroy visited Friday and heard Std 1 and 2 read. Rev Windle gave the first class a Dictation lesson this afternoon. Mr McKay came. Feb 8th The School was examined today by H M Inspector the Rev J G Fraser. A holiday was given in the afternoon by the Rector. Feb 12th A A 41.8 Taught Std 4 Multiplication (Compound ) by simple factors. Feb 19th A A 40.6 Taught Std 3 Reduction of money and Std 6 simple fractions. Began learning Know the Land”. Feb 26th A A 43.5 Taught Std 2 simple multiplication by units and Std 1 numeration to hundreds. Received 2 dz Exercise books.
23 Feb 26th I have called the Roll ----- W E Windle
March 5th 1886 A A 32.2 Taught Std 6 Multiplication and division of fractions. James Rice and Maurice Elliott have left the school. March 12th AA 36.1 Received the Duplicate Examination Schedule on Tuesday. Fred Hutchens and Fred Kinge have left the school as they have passed the 4th Standard. Substituted sewing for Repetition for the Infants on Monday an d a Reading lesson on Wednesday. Admitted George and Ellen Kersley. Mar 19th A A 37.2 Mrs Milroy visited on Wed am. Taught Std 4 Long division (Compound). Mar 26th A A 39.3 Taught Std 5 Simple Practice. Registers closed yesterday at 1.30 to enable the children to leave at 3.30 so that the room might be prepared for a Twmperance tea to be held in the evening.
April 2nd A A 40.9 Taught Std 2 girls marking. Admitted John Prince. April 9th A A 40.4 Taught Std 6 compound Proportion. Gave Std1 daily lessons in simple addition. April 16th A A 43.3 Taught Std 5 Compound Practice. Began to learn “See our oars”. April 22nd AA 42.8 Quarterly Average 39.3 School closes today for usual Easter Vacation
May 7th I have called the Roll ------W E Windle AA 40.3 Rev Milroy visited Tuesday. Taught Std 4 Reduction of Avoir dupois Weight May 14th AA 39.2 Admitted Charles Clark. Taught Std 5 Simple Proportion Std $ learnt to parse nouns fully. May 21st AA 36.8 Taught Std 3 Simple Long Division and Std 5 Simple Proportion. May 28th AA 41.5 Had to caution the Collins’ against coming late for school. Taught the Infants knitting.
24 June 4th 1886 AA 37.9 Received 5 dz Copy Books. Mary Laney has left the School. June 11th AA 39 Gave Std 3 Blackboard lesson in Simple Long division. Began to learn the song “Children we sometimes see”. June 17th I have called the roll ----- W E Windle June 18th AA 32.6 A holiday was given on Whit Monday and Tuesday. Std 4 learnt Reduction of Time Measure. June 25th AA 40.5 Received pkt of Arithmetic Cards for Std 6 and a book of Short Stories for Composition.
July 2nd AA 39.1 Mr McKay visited. Several children are away on account of the haymaking. July 9th AA 39.3 Taught Std 4 Reduction of Long Measure. Std 2 have worked their dictation exercises very carelessly this week. July 16th AA 39.7 Had to punish the Collins’ for their unpunctuality, they being late almost every morning. Given Std 2 daily exercises in simple subtraction. Receivd notice of the Diocesan Examination for July 26th at 2.15. July 23rd AA 40.2 Have given Std2 blackboard lessons in numeration. Juky 29th I have called the Registers ----- A W Milroy
Report of Diocesan Inspector’s examination held on Monday last 26th inst. Received today. Old Testament 1st and 2nd Divisions good. New testament 1st and 2nd Divisions good. Catechism and Liturgy 1st division good and up. Repetition 1st and 2nd Divisions good. General remarks “In both classes the results of examinationare very satisfactory. The teaching has been very careful and the children seem to have generally an intelligent grasp of their subjects. Repetition and written exercises are good. (signed) D W Chute Diocesan Inspector.
July 30th AA 38.8 A holiday was given on Tuesday. Rev Milroy with Mrs Curll visited the School on Thursday.
25 Aug 6th 1886 AA 34.2 The Registers were closed at 1.30 to enable the children to leave school at 3.30 on Wednesday to attend a Band of Hope tea. Aug 13th AA 39 Rev Milroy visited on Monday. The School closes today for usual Harvest Vacation.
September 22nd I have called ------W E Windle Sep 24th AA 36.7 Admitted Beatrice Illsley and Edith Laney. Taught Std 1 Simple Subtraction and Std 6 Decimals.
Report of H M Inspector received 20th March 1886
The children are in good order and have passed fairly well in the Elementary Subjects, though the spelling of the third standard and the composition and arithmetic of the fifth standard are not quite up to the level of their respective classes. The Repetition is fairl throughout the standards, as is the Grammar of the Second and Fourth Standards, though that of the Third and Fifth Standards is less satisfactory. Singing by ear pretty fair. Girls needlework fair. The Infants are somewhat backward in their Reading but write and sum very fairly. Fanny Sellwood Mistress A W Milroy Correspondent
October 1st AA 42.7 Taught Std 4 Reduction of Square Measure, and gave Std 1 blackboard lessons in Simple Subtraction. Std 2 began to learn Short Division. Rev Windle visited Tuesday pm. Oct 8th AA 40.2 The registers closed on Thursday at 1 o’clock so children leave at 3 on account of Harvest Thanksgiving. Oct 15th 1886 AA 33.1 Std 2 seem still to be very dull over their arithmetic. School closed on Monday pm as almost all the children gone to yearly fair at Basingstoke. Attendance on Monday morning was 19. Oct 22nd AA 39 Gave Std 1 and 2 blackboard lessons in Subtraction and Short Division. Taught Std 5 Addition of fractions.
26 October 29th 1886 (Page 74 of log book) AA 42 Mr McKay visited. Rev Milroy visited Friday. Have kept Std 1 back for a few minutes after 12 each day to help them in their Reading as they keep very backward in that subject.
November 5th AA 41 Taught Std 4 Reduction of the measure of Capacity. Began working arithmetic in Dictation books. Nov 12th AA 40.3 Harriett Elliott has finished her specimen Needlework for the Examination. Have had to caution the Collins’ against coming late for afternoon school. Nov 15th I have called the registers ----- W E Windle Nov 19th AA 42.2 Received 2 dz new slates. Mr McKay came Thursday. William Critcher has worked his Dictation very badly this week, one day getting 25 mistakes. Nov 26th AA 42.3 Began to learn “London’s Tower” Std 1 have not done their Dictation at all well this week. Have given them extra spelling as well as a Reading lesson.
Dec 3rd AA 43.6 Std 3 have not worked their Long Division sums very correctly this week. Several have had to remain after time to work them again. Dec 9th I have called the Roll ------A W Milroy Dec 10th AA 40.6 Admitted Alfred Solomon Dec 17th AA 41 The registers have been closed daily since Monday at 1.30 to enable the school to close at 3.30 as it is dark at 4. Mr McKay came. Dec 24th AA 38.9 School closed for Christmas for one week.
1887 January 7th AA 26.7 Small attendance owing to severe weather and almost impassable state of the roads. Received 3 dz exercise books. Jan 14th AA 35 Std 1 have not worked their Dictation exercises carefully this week. Alfred Solomon has left the school. Jan 21st AA 40 Rev Milroy visited and brought the Government Paper for the approximate number of Scholars for the Examination. Jan 28th I have called the registers ------A W Milroy
27 January 28th 1887 AA 42 Gave Stds 3, 4, 5 and 6 work on examination papers on Thursday and Friday. Mr McKay came Thursday.
Feb 4th AA 43.6 received notice of the Government Examination for the 7th. Feb 14th A holiday was given on Monday afternoon and for the remainder of the week I was unable to attend school through indisposition. Feb 18th AA40.8 Placed the children in higher standards according to the Duplicate Schedule. Taught Std 4 Multiplication (compound) with Factors. Feb 25th AA 43.7 Taught Std 3 Simple Interest. Re-admitted Alfred Hutton. Mr McKay came Thursday.
March 4th AA 46.7 Taught Std 6 Simple Interest and Std 4 Long Division. Gave Std 3 blackboard lessons in numeration and Std 3 in Compound Addition. March 11th AA 46.8 Taught Std 5 Bills of Parcel and Std 2 Simple Multiplication of ingle figures. Mar 18th AA 33 Small attendance owing to the heavy snowstorm of Tuesday. Received report of the Examination on Monday. Mar 25th AA 43.6 Taught Std 5 Simple Fractions Mr McKay came.
April 1st AA 42 Taught Std 1 Numeration of Hundreds. Received copy books, table books etc for school use. April 7th AA 43.1 Taught Std 6 Decimals. School closes today for Easter Vacation.
28 Summary of Report of H M Inspection received Monday 15th March 1887 Mapledurwell C E School Hants.
“The School continues to make progress and is in good order. The Reading is very fairly fluent but (as well as the Repetition) might improve in intelligence; the Handwriting is clear and generally well formed; Spelling (except in the fourth Standard) is very satisfactory; Composition very fair; Arithmetic (except in the fifth Standard) at a fairly good level as to both tidiness and accuracy. English, on the whole, fair, Singing by ear, Needlework and School Drill pretty fair. The Infants are being carefully grounded.” Fanny Sellwood Mistress A W Milroy Correspondent
April 22nd AA 39.5 Taught Std 4 Reduction of Avoir dupois Weight and Std 6 Compound Interest and Averages. April 29th AA 40 Quarterly Average 42. Taught Std 5 Practice. Gave blackboard lessons in Numeration and Addition to Std1.
May 6th AA 39.6 Taught Std 4 Reduction of Long Measure and Std 3 Compound Subtraction. Some of the girls of Std 2 have begun to learn to mark. May 13th AA 41 Taught std 6 to work Complex Fractions. Admitted William Gaston. May 16th I have called the ----- A W Miroy May 20th AA 41.9 Rev and Mrs Milroy visited. Some of 1st class girls have commenced their specimens of needlework for the examination. May 27th AA 39.5 Rev and Mrs Milroy visited Thursday. Mr McKay came Thursday.
June 3rd AA 38.5 Whitsun Holiday Monday. Rev Milroy visited Wednesday am. June 8th I have called the roll ------A W Milroy June 10th AA 40.9 Gave home lessons in Tables to girls of 2nd and 4th Stds. Received materials for needlework. June 17th AA 41.5 Received 1 dz each of Pictures from History for Std 5, copy and Dictation books. The school closes today for 1 week on the occasion of Her Majesty’s Jubilee.
29 July 1st 1887 AA 36 Several little ones are absent on account of the Whooping Cough. Rev Norman visited on Wednesday afternoon. July 8th AA 24.5 Received notice of the Diocesan Examination for Thursday 21 st. Whooping Cough still continues bad. July 15th I have called the ------A W Milroy AA 23.6 Taught Std 5 Compound Practice. July 22 AA 19.2 Mr McKay visited. Usual Harvest holiday will be earlier this year on account of the Whooping Cough. School closes today for 1 month.
August 22 Reopened school today. Attendance very small owing to the Harvest not being quite finished. No present 13.
September 2nd The school was closed last week after Monday by the advice of the Managers as most of the children were gleaning. AA 28. Taught Std 2 Short Division. Sep 9th AA 39.4 Taught Std 4 Reduction of Square Measure and Std 3 began to learn Long Division. Admitted Jane Tigwell. Sep 13th I have called the ------A W Milroy. Sep 16th AA 44 Taught Std 1 Simple Subtraction. Several children have had to work their arithmetic exercise over again after school as it has been carelessly done. Sep 23rd AA 46.8 Rev Norman visited on Tuesday morning. Taught Std 5 Simple Proportion.
October 1st AA 46.5 Taught Std 4 reduction of Cubic Measure and Std 3 Discount. Oct 7th AA 49 Rev Norman visited Friday pm. Taught Std 6 Reduction of one number to the fraction or decimal of another. Began to learn the song “Far away”. Oct 14th AA 36 The attendance on Tuesday and Wednesday were small on account of the yearly fair held at Basingstoke. Oct 21st AA 43 Mr McKay came. There were several whose attendances were complained of. Oct 28th AA 46 Std 5 have had to remain after school as they have worked their arithmetic very carelessly this week.
30 November 4th AA 43.7 Quarterly Av 41.9 Taught Std 5 GCM and LCM (Greatest Common Factor and Lowest Common Multiple) Nov 4th Called the Roll ----- A W Milroy Nov 11th 1887 (page 84) AA 47.3 Gave Std 2 lessons on Numeration. Have given Std 1 extra lessons in Reading after school hours. Nov 18th AA 44 Taught Std 5 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. Have given Std 2 home lessons in arithmetic. Nov 25th AA 46.8 Mr McKay came Thursday am.
Dec 2nd AA 44 Taught Std 5 Multiplication of fractions and gave Std1 lesson in Simple Subtraction. Dec 9th AA 42 Have given Std 1 extra lessons in Reading and Spelling for a little while after 12 o’clock every day this week. Dec 16th AA 42.5 A few of the girls have finished their needlework specimens for the examination. Received a notice on Dec 1st for the Diocesan Examination to be held on the 22nd inst having been postponed in July on account of the Whooping cough. Dec 23rd AA 41.4 The Rev S E Terry visited th school on Wednesday and on Friday morning and gave a scripture lesson to the Upper Division. The School was examined on Thursday by the Diocesan Inspector the Rev G Atthill. The usual Christmas Holidays of one week will be given the school closing today.
1888 January 6th AA 46 Reopened the school on Monday. Received the Approximate number schedule on Wednesday. Jan 13th AA 43.6 Rev Milroy visited Monday pm. Rev Terry has taken the Scripture lesson every morning this week except Monday. Jan 20th AA 46 Rev Terry has taken the Scripture lessons this week. Have given Std 1 extra reading and Spelling lessons. Jan 27th AA 46 Rev terry has ------this week. Most of the girls have finished their specimens for the Examination.
31 February 3rd AA 46.3 Yearly Av 41. received Schedules etc for the government Examinatio on Tuesday. Feb 7th
Copy of the Report of Diocesan Inspector. School inspected December 22nd 1887
Infants Standards 1 and 2 Old Testament New Testament Catechism Repetition Good Good Good Good Standards 3, 4, 5 & 6 Old Testament New Testament Catechism and Liturgy Repetition Good Good Good Very good Explanation of Catechism fairly good. General remarks – These scholars have evidently been most carefully taught and they have passed a thoroughly good examination. Their interest and intelligence have been drawn out, and their answers showed knowledge of a really useful kind. The little ones have a tendency towards a too mechanical style of repetition, which it would be well to try and check. It is suggested too that rather more might be made of explanation of Catechism, and that the knowledge of the selected Prayer Book subjects might well include some understanding of the rationale of its structure and of its less well understood words and phrases.
Signed Geo. Jas (?) Atthill Diocesan Inspector.
Feb 10th AA 46.3 Received notice of the Government Examination for the 28th. Received a map of Palestine. Feb 17th AA 35.5 Registers were closed on Tuesday afternoon at 1.30 to enable the school to be prepared for a treat to be given at 5 o’clock. Rev Milroy visited Wednesday am. Rev Terry gave a dictation lesson to the 1st class on Thursday. Feb 24th AA 37 Rev Terry gave a dictation lesson to the 1st class today.
March 2nd AA 42 Placed the children in higher standards according to the Duplicate Schedule. Taught Std 5 Bills of Parcel and Std 3 Compound Multiplication with Factors (tens). Mar 9th AA 40.8 Rev Milroy came Thursday. Taught Std 3 Reduction of Money and Std 6 Multiplication and Division of Fractions.
32 Mar 16th AA 41.1 Rev and Mrs Milroy with Rev Terry and Miss Smith visited on Thursday Mar 22 I have called the ------A W Milroy
Page 89 of log book March 23rd AA 38 Began to learn the song “The airballoon”. Taught Std 4 Compound Multiplication with factors (Hundreds) Ma 28th The School closes today for the Easter Vacation
33 April 9th 1887
I, Annie Smith, today commence my duties as Mistress of this school.
Rev Terry opened school this morning but did not remain for the Scripture lesson. April 11th Rev Windle visited April 12th Taught Std 2 Multiplication( one figure) April 13th Rev Terry visited pm AA 43.1 April 17th I have called the registers ----- A W Milroy.
Summary of Report of H M Inspector received 7th April 1888
“The children are under fairly good control, and are being skilfully taught. Reading has gained in fluency, though it is dull in the fourth and fifth standards, which standards are behind the rest in their respective subjects. The fourth is very weak in spelling and the fifth is very deficient in Arithmetic. In the two lower and two higher standards the Arithmetic is much sounder, and the Composition of the upper standards is fairly good. Repetition fairly good, but the Grammar exercises are only fair. Singing by ear fairly good; Needlework fair. The Infants are improving. A W Milroy Correspondent of managers.
NB F Sellwood resigned and left school on 28th March before receipt of report.
April 18th Rev and Mrs Milroy visited yesterday. Mrs Milroy brought material for the girls needlework in school. April 20th AA 41.8 Taught Std 4 Compound Multiplication (by hundreds) Std 6 Addition and Subtraction of Vulgar Fractions. April 27th AA 41.1 Quarterly Att 40.5 Rev Milroy visited. Rev Terry visited this morning and gave a Scripture lesson to the 1st class . Mr McKay came Thursday am.
May 2nd Rev Terry visited and gave a reading lesson to the 1st class. Attendance this afternoon small owing to the storms of wind and rain. Only 27 scholars are present. May 4th AA 38.5 May 10th Today being Ascension Day the registers were closed at 9.15 in the morning to enable the scholars to leave for church at 11.30
34 May 11th AA 42.4 Rev Terry gave a reading lesson to the 1st class. The reading has improved in expression. Taught std 5 a new rule in Arithmetic (Practice) Have this week admitted Henry Kinge aged 3. May 14th Have today admitted Winifred Ackland aged 5. Page 93 of log book May18th AA 38.9 May 25th AA 42.6 Number on books 50. Mary Aslett aged 13 and Elizabeth Rice aged 12 have both left the school. Mr McKay came Thursday. May 28th Admitted today William Henry Thomas aged 5 years. May 30th Rev Terry gave a reading lesson to the 1st class.
June1st AA 42.7 No on books 51 June 5th Admitted Mary Morris aged 5 and Ann Morris aged 4 making total number on books 53. Rev Terry gave reading lesson to 1st class. June 8th AA 43.8 June 15th AA 42.6 Grace Clark has finished her Needlework for next examination. June 18th Have sent to Mr McKay (at his request) a report of the scholar attendances for the past month.
June 20th Today received notice of Diocesan Inspection on July 4th. June 22nd AA 40.7 June 29th AA 39.7 he attendance on Monday afternoon was small owing to the thunderstorm which came on at midday. This week have taught Std 5 Proportion by the method of Unity. Rev Terry gave the 1st class a reading lesson on Wednesday.
July 6th I have called the ------A W Milroy AA 41.9 George Blake has left the school. The Diocesan Inspector did not come on Wednesday; the registers were not marked.
35 July 13th 1888 July 20th AA 39.1 Ellen Ackland now acts as Monitress in this school, working with the Infants and Standard 1. Grace Clark has this week left the school. Mr McKay came Thursday. July 27th AA 42 Quarter 41.7 Half Year 40.8 No on books 51 Have this week taught Std 6 Simple Interst. Alice Piper (Std 6), who has been absent for the last 9 weeks through illness, has this week returned to school.
August 1st The attendance both times today were very small, many of the children have gone to see a circus in Basingstoke. Morning att 29, afternoon att 21. Aug3rd AA 32.7 have this week taught std 2 Short Division. (one figure). The Rector visited on Thursday and brought Certificates for those scholars who passed at the Examination in february last; also some large Scripture pictures for the school room. Aug 10th AA 39.1 Mr McKay came Aug 13th The school room clock which has been repaired was today replaced. Rev Terry opened school this morning. Aug 17th AA 37 Taught Std 4 Division of Money and Std 6 Addition and Subtraction of Decimals. The school closes today for the usual Harvest Vacation.
September 24th School reopens today. Attendance small only 21 scholars present. Henry Ackland and William Critcher Std 5 have left the school. Admitted Edward Levi Hare aged 4. Re-admitted Elizabeth Rice aged 12. Kathleen Andrews’ name is withdrawn from the register as she has left the village. Sep 28th AA 23.9
October 4th Taught Std 5 GCM and gave same std their first lesson on “Fractions”. Oct 5th AA 34.9 Rev and Mrs Milroy and Rev Terry visited. Have cautioned Collins’ about being late for afternoon school; they frequently come in too late to be marked. Oct 8th Re-admitted Alfred Solomon Oct 12th
36 AA 33.1 Lillian Everett’s name is taken from the register she having left the village. The attendance this morning is small owing to the yearly fair held at Basingstoke. No. present 19. On this account the chool will not be opened this afternoon. Oct 19th AA 38.7 Oct 26th AA 39.8 Quarter Av 35.4 A list of the absentees was sent to Mr McKay at his request, he being unable through illness to attend the school.
November 2nd AA 34.1 Rev Terry visited pm and on Tuesday last. Have this week taught Std 5 Addition of Vulgar Fractions. Nov 5th Admitted James Bone aged 4 and William Bone aged 3. Nov 9th AA 43.2 Rev Terry visited Thursday. Have this week taught Std 5 Subtraction of Vulgar Fractions. The singing lesson was this afternoon taken as the last lesson instead of first according to the timetable; this was to allow the earlier and lighter part of the afternoon to be had for the needlework. Nov 13th Admitted Arthur William Laney aged 3 No. on books 53. Nov 16th AA 38.1 Rev Terry visited Monday. The attendance this week has not been so good as last week owing doubtless to the very wet weather. Nov 19th William Gaston’s name is taken from the register, he having left the village. Nov 23rd AA 43.8 Rev Terry came Wednesday. The singing lesson will be taken as last instead of first lesson this afternoon. Mrs Sharp with Dr and Miss Marley visited this afternoon. Nov 26th Last week an account of the attendances of the scholars was sent to Mr McKay, he being unable to attend at the school. A copy of “Hymns Ancient and Modern” with tunes for the use of the school was given yesterday by the Rev Milroy. Nov 29th Attendance yesterday was very small owing to the rain. Registers closed at 1.30 so scholars can leave at 3.30 to prepare for a tea to be given then at 4.45 by Rev Milroy. Nov 30th AA 38.4
37 December 7th AA 41.6 Dec 13th I have called the ------A W Milroy Dec 14th AA 38.8 Rev and Mrs Milroy visited Thursday. Rev Milroy has given a prize and a certificate to each of the scholars who passed in 3 subjects at the examination in February. Prizes have been given also for best attendance and conduct. Dec 20th Examined Std 1 in Arithmetic. Addition was well done, the subtraction not so good. Dec 21st AA 37.6 An account of the school attendances was sent to Mr McKay today, he still being unable to come to the school. The school closes today for the usual Christmas Holiday one week.
Dec 31st Re-commenced school today. Received Reading books for Infants Std 1 and 2; also copy books.
1889 January 3rd Received approximate numbers and other schedules. Rev Terry visited Monday. Jan 4th AA 40.7 Jan 11th AA 31.2 Rev Terry visited am Jan 18th AA 37.7 Jan 25th AA 40.3 Rev Terry visited Jan 30th Rev Terry and Rev M Kitson visited today Jan 31st The following poetry has been learned by the scholars as I found no prepared plan for Recitation of Poetry.
Std 1 “The sparrow chirps” Std 2 “What the sparrow chirps” Std 3 “Lucy Gray” (Wordsworth) Std 4 “The May Queen” Std 5 “The May Queen” (Tennyson) and “Llewellyn’s Dog” (Spencer) AA Quarter 39 AA Year 39.3
38 Feb 3rd Received notice of examination for the 27th Feb 8th AA 39.5 Feb 15th AA 30.8 Feb 22nd AA 40.5 Have this week given BB lessons in Numeration to Stds 1, 2, and 3. Alfred Solomon and Edward Hare have left the school. Both children are leaving the village. Lessons taken in strict accordance with the timetable with the exception of Infant Object lessons; for these reading lessons have been substituted. Feb 27th School inspected and examined by Mr Fraser. March 1st AA 38 A book of “Musical Drill” has been lent for the use of the school by Mr Milroy. March 8th AA 32.2 Have this week taught Std 3 Long Division, Std 4 Reduction, Std5 Practice and Std 6 Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication of decimal fractions. Rev Terry has taught in the school for two hours on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning March 15th AA 37 Mr McKay called at the school on Wednesday March 22nd AA 40 Rev Terry has taken 1st class reading lessons twice and the 2nd class once this week. March 29th AA 39.4 RevTerry has taken the 1st class for reading and tables each morning this week.
39 Report of H M Inspector’s Report (sic) received 30 march 18889
“There was a change of teacher last April but though this often produces some lowering of efficiency, I regret to say that the result of eleven months under the same teacher is not encouraging. The children are orderly and obedient and do their work quietly. Much of the reading remains fairly good as well as the writing in the first and second standards; but the third standard has but scanty acquaintance with its work, eith an average of nine mistakes per child in spelling, and of one correct sum in arithmetic;; while the fourth standard has an average of five mistakes per child in spelling and neither the fourth nor fifth standard has an average of one correct sum per child. The Repetition is fair, but the grammar is very weak, Singig by ear fair;School Drill and Needlework specimens very fair, while the needlework done today by both girls and infants is reported as moderate. With few exceptions the work is very unsatisfactory. The few children in the infants class have acquired scarcely anything of their work. In consequence of the failures in writing and arithmetic, the indifferent needlework and the condition of the infants’ class, no merit grant has been allowed nor any payment for needlework. A Smith Mistress H B Thorp Manager
April 5th AA 39 April 12th AA 39 April 18th I have called the registers ----- H B Thorp Mr McKay came today AA 36 School closes for Easter Holiday
Page 110 log book
April 29th Recommenced school today. May 3rd AA 34.3 May 10th AA 37.2 Charles Clark’s name has been taken from the class register; he has left school for a time owing to illness. May 17th AA 34 During this week the girls in Stds 5 and 6 (viz 7 girls) have made a total of 45 attendances (am and pm separate attendances) One girl in std 4 has made 3 attendances during past month.
40 May 21st 1889 Attendances examined by Mr McKay May 24th AA 37 May 31st AA 36.3 Rev Terry visited Tuesday
June 7th AA 32.4 The Rector, the Rev D P Eyre visited the school Thursday. He was accompanied by Mr Sharp. June 14th AA 32 June 17th Received notice of Diocesan Examination for Friday July 12th June 21st AA 33 June 28th AA 32
July 5th AA 34 July 12th AA 36 July 15th The scholars were examined in Religious Knowledge by the Rev D W Chute on Friday morning. The Rector was present. The registers were not marked; a half holiday was given in the afternoon. July 16th] A half holiday was given today as most of the scholars were absent ,having gone to a Tea Party at Chineham. July 19th AA 34.3 July 26th AA 35.4 Quarter AA 34.3 July 31st I have called the ---- H B Thorp
August 2nd AA 31 Today the school closes for the usual Harvest Holiday
Page 112 log book
September 9th School reopened today after 5 weeks holiday. Attendance small. Sep 18th The Rev P D Eyre called the register and found it correct. Signed P D Eyre
41 Sep 19th This afternoon the registers were marked at 1.15 to enable the scholars to leave at 3.20 on account of the Harvest Festival. Sep 20th AA 33 (for last week 15)The Rector brought needlework materials. Maurice and Edith Hutchens have been sent home on account of their having ringworms. Charles Laney and Charles Piper have left the school.
September 22nd 1889 Report of Religious Instruction Old Testament 1. Good 2. Fair New Testament 1. Good 2. Moderate Catechism and Liturgy 1. Good 2. Moderate Repetition 1. Good 2. Moderate. General remarks. The Upper Class is very well taught and a large proportion of the children reach a decidedly good standard; their answers are intelligent; their repetition correct and careful; written exercises very fairly done. The lower class needs to be more brought out, as it is below the mark except in Old Testament. Signed D W Chute Diocesan Inspector
(It seems from this that stds 1 to 6 go up in age but Upper Class is known as class 1 and the younger children are known as class 2)
September 27th AA 32.4 Mr McKay came Wednesday.
October 4th AA 33 Taught new song “Goodbye to Summer” Oct 11th AA 32.4 Rev P D Eyre and Mrs Eyre visited Thursday. A half holiday is given today on account of the annual fair at Basingstoke. Oct 14th Admitted Ann, Charles and Frederick Ernest Snozwell. Oct 18th AA (?) not given Oct 25th AA 35 Mr McKay came Thursday
November 1st AA 36 Quarter AA 31 The Rector and Mrs Eyre visited Thursday Nov 8th AA 38 Nov 11th Re-admitted Arthur Laney and Edward L Hare
42 Nov19th Rev P D Eyre called the registers ---- signed P D Eyre Nov 22nd AA 39.2 , last weeks AA 37 Mr McKay came yesterday Nov 29th AA 39.4 Rev Eyre visited Tuesday
December 6th AA 36 Mrs Snozwell stated yesterday that her children had not been to any school for 2 years previously to coming here. Dec 13th AA 37.2 The registers marked at 1.25 so children can leave at 3.30 for the room to be prepared for entertainment. Dec 20th AA 36.4 Rev Eyre visited and brought prizes for Religious Knowledge School closes today for Christmas Holiday
December 31st Recommenced school today attendance small.
January 2nd AA 34 Laurel Clark has left the school on account of ill health. Jan 10th AA 33.2 Jan 14th Several children are absent this week on account of illness. No present today 23 yesterday 28 Jan 17th AA 30 Jan 24th AA 32 Taught new school song “The Sky Lark” An account of the scholars attendances was sent to Mr McKay last week. Jan 31st The Rev Eyre called the registers ------signed P D Eyre AA 37 Quarter AA 36 Yearly AA 35 The examination papers were brought today by the Rector. The School year ends today. School to be examined on 7th March next.
February 7th AA 41 Feb 10th Admitted Florence Louisa Sims aged 6 years. Feb 14th AA 41 Feb 21st
43 AA 36.3 Feb 24th Received notice of examination for Thursday next. Feb 25th Rev Eyre visited Feb 28th AA 42 Feb 27th The School was inspected at 10 am. The Rector and Mr Thorp were present part of the time.
March 5th The Rev Eyre verified the registers and found them correct (!) signed P D Eyre Mrs Eyre visited the school and examined some of the needlework. March 7th AA 38 Needlework has been taken on Wednesday afternoons during the last few weeks. March 10th Edith Kinge Std 6 has left the school. March 11th Rev Eyre visited and Mrs Eyre for the first time since her nomination as one of the managers: they heard the reading lessons of Stds 4, 5, 6 and 7 March 14th AA 38 March 17th On the timetable the day for afternoon lessons is changed from Wednesday to Monday. Beatrice Ilsley Std 6 has left the school. March 21st AA 34.4 Rev and Mrs Eyre visited Wednesday. March 28th AA 35 Mr McKay came Thursday. Rev and Mrs Eyre visited Wednesday.
April 2nd AA 37 School closes today for Easter. Rev and Mrs Eyre visited.
April 15th Re-opened school toda. Attendance rather small. Admitted Elizabeth Arnold Ackland aged5. Maurice Hutchens (Std 5) has left the school. April 18th AA 33
44 Report of H M Inspector received April 13th 1890
“ The Discipline is easier and more suited for the children who are orderly and well behaved. Reading on the whole is very fair, though wanting in expression. Handwriting is improving; Spelling (except in the fourth standard) is fairly good; Composition very fair; Arithmetic somewhat inaccurate; but on the whole satisfactory. Repetition improved; Grammar fair; Sining by ear very fair; Musical drill and Needlework very fair. The few Infants know their requirement better than before and are in very fair order.”
Signed P D Eyre Correspondent and Manager
April 23rd Mr and Mrs Eyre visited. April 25th Maurice Hutchens is attending school this week; saying he had left was a mistake of his sisters. This week two new scholars are admitted Herbert Kersley aged 5 and Ernest Bone aged 3. Mr McKay visited. April 26th AA 38 April 30th Rev and Mrs Eyre visited.
May 2nd AA 37 Quarter AA 38 May 5th Admitted William Andrews aged 4 Mr McKay visited. May 7th I called the registers --- P D Eyre
Page 120 log book
May 9th AA 40.2 May 16th AA 41 Yesterday being Ascension Day th scholars attended church in the afternoon. The registers were not marked. Louisa Aslett aged 14 has left the school. May 20th An account of attendances was sent to Mr McKay. May 21st Admitted Dora Frances Ackland aged 3 yrs 7 mths The Rev Eyre, Mrs and Miss Eyre visited the school. The attendance was exceptionally good viz 46 in the morning and 45 in the afternoon. May 23rd
45 AA 42 May 30th AA 41
June 2nd Attendance today very small, owing toa Club Feast being held in the village of Basing. Rector and Mrs Eyre visited. Received notice of examination in Religious Knowledge to be held on July 2nd. June 6th AA 38 June 9th Re-admitted Thomas Hockley. Admitted Kate Hockley June 13th AA 43.2 June 16th Admitted Edward Robert Lovegrove aged 4 yrs 3 mths. June 18th Rev and Mrs Eyre visited, called the registers ----- signed P D Eyre June 19th Mr McKay came. June 20th AA 43.1 June 26th AA 41 24 new slates provided for infant class. June 30th Small attendance owing to rain.
July 2nd AA 34The School was examined in the afternoon in Religious Knowledge by the Rev Chute, Diocesan Inspector. The Rector was present. Registers were not marked. Several certificates for satisfactory examination were given out by the Inspector. July 4th AA 37 July 11th AA 43.2 July 14th Mr McKay came. Frances Collins was reported having made 19 attendances out of a possible 100. July 15th A half day holiday was given today; most of the children being at a treat at Chineham. Julyt 16th Admitted Ethel Mary Collins. July 18th AA 41
46 July 24th Rev Everest and Mrs Everest visited am. July 29th Admitted Mabel Rose Barter. July 30th Rev R B Ally visited the school.
August 1st AA 39 Quarter AA 40.3 Half Year AA 39 Tables instead of Singing were taken last lesson today. Aug 4th The Rector has presented a Bible or Prayer Book to each of the 5 best scholars for Religious Knowledge. Aug 8th AA 33.3 The School closes today for Harvest Holiday. Mr McKay came.
September 15th Recommenced school today. Number present 22. Admitted Jane Morris aged 4 years Sep 19th AA 25.1 Rev A Squibb visited Tuesday. Sep 26th AA 39 A Squibb visited today. Have this week taught “Stocks” to Std 7.
October 3rd AA 38 Rev and Mrs Eyre visited. Mr Eyre called the registers and found them correct ---- signed P D Eyre Oct 8th Rector and Mrs Eyre visited. Oct 10th AA 41 Have this week taught “Proportion” to Std 5 Oct 13th Registers closed at 9.30, School to close at 11.35. Attendance small. A half holiday given today on account of the annual fair at Basingstoke. Oct 15th Registers closed at 1.25.Scholars to leave at 3.30 to assist in Church decoration. Oct 17th AA 39 Mr cKay called. Oct 22nd Rev and Mrs Eyre visited. Received Longmans New Reader for Std 4, 5 and 6. Also 4 Natural History pictures and 6 Picturesque Geographt. Oct 24th AA 41
47 Page 125 log book, 1890
Oct 27th Mr McKay called. Rector and Mrs Eyre visited. Oct 31st AA 38 Quarter AA 37
November 5th Rev and Mrs Eyre visited Registers called ---- signed P D Eyre Nov 7th AA 36 Nov 10th Ann, Charles and Frederick Snozwell have left the village. Nov 14th AA 38 Nov 21st AA 42 Rector and Mrs Eyre visited Wednesday. Mr McKay Thursday. Nov 24th Readmitted Charles Leonard Clark. Nov 26th Rev Eyre visited. Nov 28th AA 35
December 5th AA 35,1 Dec 10th Rector visited Dewc 12th AA 37 Dec 15th Instead of Copy Book (Times table) this afternoon a geography lesson was given on “A River”. Dec 18th Account of attendance sent to Mr McKay. Attendeance small owing to snow. Dec 19th Mr Eyre visited. School closed for Christmas Holiday.
Dec 31st Reopened school today. Attendance very small. Mistress called on several of the parents. Some of the children are ill; others unable to come on account of the snow and severe weather.
48 Page 127 1891
January 2nd 1891 AA 15 Deep snow and severe weather prevailed. Jan 7th Rev Eyre visited and called the registers. The school was repainted and whitewashed during the holiday. 4 dozen Allmann New Code Copy books and 3 dz Exercise books were given out. Jan 9th AA 30 Jan 14th Received approximate number schedule. Rector and Mrs Eyre visited. Rhoda Piper 13 ½ years has left the school. Many of the scholars are still absent owing to the severe weatrhewr. Jan 16th AA 26. Account of attendances sent to Mr McKay. Jan 23rd AA 31.1 Jan 28th Rev Eyre visited. Received notice of examination to be held on Feb 24 th at 2.30 pm. Jan 30th AA 34 Quarter AA 37 Year AA 37
February 3rd Mrs Eyre visited. Feb 5th Rev Eyre visited Feb 6th AA 34 Feb 11th Rev Eyre visited. Ash Wednesday. Short service with hymns and address at 4 pm. Feb 13th AA 33.4 Feb 20th AA 38.1 Mrs Eyre visted. Feb 24th Registers closed at 9.30 scholars to leave at 11.35. Feb 27th AA 35 School examined and inspected on Tuesday afternoon by the |Rev S J G Fraser, assisted by Mr Coombes. The Rector and Mr Thorp were present part of the time. Mrs Eyre visited Wednesday pm.
49 March 2nd 1891 An account of the scholars’ attendance was sent today to Mr J Jibb at Bramley. He has undertaken the duties of the late MR McKay – for a time. March 3rd Rev Eyre visited March 6th AA 36 March 10th Opened school; 10 present; sent them back home. Deep snow; the road leading to top of village impassable. March 12th Opened school, 9 present, sent them home until afternoon. March 13th AA 25 March 20th AA 35.2 March 23rd