SHS Star Steppers Constitution
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SHS Star Steppers Constitution
A. The Organization The name of the organization shall be Sunnyvale High School Star Steppers. The organization includes; The Star Stepper Drill Team and Officers.
The Purpose 1. To uphold ideals and standards of excellence. 2. To promote the spirit of teamwork among members. 3. To create friendships and unity among members. 4. To support school and community functions. 5. To instruct members in the art of dance. 6. To perform at selected school and community events.
B. Sunnyvale Star Steppers
Functions of the Star Steppers 1. To perform precision dance routines at selected school and community functions. 2. To represent Sunnyvale in selected competitions, parades, and athletic events. 3. To serve as Ambassadors of Sunnyvale High School. 4. To attend workshops for the improvement of the team. 5. To promote teamwork and school and community pride. 6. To expose students to an advanced level of dance technique. 7. To develop self-esteem, self-confidence, and life skills among the membership.
Requirements to Audition 1. Must be classified as an 8th grader, freshman, sophomore, or junior at the time of auditions. 2. Must have an overall academic average of 70 or above during the current school year AND the nine weeks prior to tryouts. 3. Must file a parental consent form and medical form prior to auditions. 4. Must not be on probation (academic, citizenship or demerit) at the time of tryouts. 5. Candidates who have failed any class for the semester are disqualified from auditions. 6. Must attend the required parent meeting with at least one parent/guardian prior to auditions. Missing this meeting could be cause for disqualification. 7. Must attend all pre-audition workshops and rehearsals. Extenuating circumstances and school approved excused absences will be addressed as needed by the Director and appropriate Administrator. Campus discipline issues (such as presence in ISS or any other discipline assignment) are not considered extenuating. Audition Procedures 1. A panel of three judges, not affiliated with SISD will select members. 2. Auditions will be held once per year in the spring. 3. Current members of the Star Steppers are required to re-audition. 4. Each candidate and returning member must attend pre-audition workshops to learn the required skills. Failure to attend is cause for disqualification. Extenuating circumstances and school approved absences will be addressed as needed by the Director and appropriate Administrator. 5. Candidate must be present for tryouts. Extenuating circumstances and school approved absences will be addressed as needed by the Director and appropriate Administrator. Discipline issues (such as presence in ISS or any other discipline assignment) are not considered extenuating. 6. Candidate must be on time for the audition. Once auditions begin they are closed and candidates will not be allowed to enter. Extenuating circumstances and school approved tardiness will be addressed as needed by the Director and appropriate Administrator. Discipline issues (such as presence in ISS or any other discipline assignment) are not considered extenuating. 7. Each candidate must be in good physical condition in order to participate in the organization. 8. Each candidate will perform a compulsory jazz routine, a high kick series, split both legs and an entrance and exit for the judges. 9. Call backs may be necessary for some candidates. If called back, the candidate may be asked to perform any or both of the two routines again. This could be done with anyone of the other candidates in any order. 10. The performance evaluation represents 70% of the candidate’s total score and will be made by a panel of 3 qualified judges. 11. The candidate will be evaluated on; appearance, entrance/exit, right and left split, kicks, jazz routine and showmanship. 12. The academic evaluation represents 10% of the candidate’s final score. Each candidate’s academic score will be calculated starting with a maximum of 10 points. There will be one point deducted for each failure in any class during any grading period. Grades are calculated from the current school year. 13. The citizenship evaluation represents 20% of the candidate’s final score. This evaluation area includes discipline action. A candidate will start with a maximum of 20 points in the citizenship evaluation. Discipline files will be looked at for the current school year only. *Discipline Action: Candidates may receive a total of 20 points in this area if there are no discipline referrals documented by school administration prior to tryouts. A candidate will have 2 points deducted per day of detention received. A candidate will have 5 points deducted from their citizenship evaluation score per day of Saturday School received. A candidate will have 10 points deducted from their citizenship evaluation score per ISS placement per day. Any candidate placed in Out of School Suspension will have 20 points deducted from their point total in this area. Any candidate who has been placed in Out of School Suspension on more than one occasion will be ineligible for tryouts. 14. The scores for each candidate will be added together to determine a composite score for each candidate. Calculation of these scores will be conducted by the director and a designated administrator. The scores will be calculated to the nearest one-hundredth. Candidates will receive notification of the results on the day of tryouts. For disagreements in final determination individuals must follow grievance procedures found in local school board policy. 15. The number of members will be determined by a natural break in the score. 16. The decision of the judges is final. 17. Tryouts are closed to the public.
Transfer Rule Students who transfer to Sunnyvale High School after auditions must have a written letter of recommendation from the former director and audition by video. Transfer candidates must complete these requirements by the Director’s deadline. Transfers are accepted at the discretion of the Director. Transfer candidates are not allowed to audition for officer positions until the second year of membership.
Stipulations/Star Steppers 1. Weekly tryouts will occur for routines. Any member may be cut from a routine if she cannot correctly execute the weekly performance. 2. Must abide by demerit rules (see reasons for probation). 3. Must maintain an overall academic average of 70 or above during the current school year. 4. Must follow the rules of the Star Stepper Constitution. 5. Must be physically able to participate. Certain medical situations may require doctor’s approval. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain medical clearance in the time specified by the Director. 6. Auditions are held prior to all special events to determine the performing line. Each member is judged based on the following elements: knowledge of routine, technique, precision, showmanship, rhythm/timing and overall impression. Attendance, attitude, and effort are also taken into consideration. All members are expected to rehearse at home and ask for additional help if needed.
C. Star Stepper Officers
Officer Responsibilities and Function 1. To perform the pre-game entrance at all football games. 2. To attend all functions of the Star Steppers. 3. To represent the drill team at selected competitions and special events. 4. To attend special workshops and camps for officer training. 5. To assist with dance choreography and instruction. 6. To issue merits and demerits. 7. To check attendance. 8. To serve as role models for the other members. 9. To remain active until which time they have completed their term of office. 10. Officers are required to meet 15 minutes before and after performances or rehearsal and are to hold squad practices when necessary. 11. To help with music, props, and summer camp preparations. 12. Teach, polish, and choreograph with approval and supervision of the Director. 13. To hold inspections for football games and travel. 14. To keep a notebook containing phone numbers, a constitution, merit/demerits, and other relevant Star Stepper information. 15. To purchase good luck gifts for the squad at football games and various other activities. 16. To work at fundraisers. 17. To purchase extra practice clothes for officer camp. 18. Responsible for any other duties that should arise at the Directors discretion.
Requirements to Audition 1. Must be a sophomore or junior member in good standing of the Star Steppers. 2. Must have an overall academic average of 80 or above during the current school year AND the nine weeks prior to tryouts. 3. Cannot have been on demerit probation any time during the year. 4. All candidates must be eligible by U.I.L. standards at the time of tryouts. 5. Must attend all pre-audition practices. Extenuating circumstances may be allowed by Director. 6. Must have parental consent. 7. Must meet the application deadline. Late applications will not be accepted. 8. Must be willing to fulfill the obligations of being an officer. 9. Candidates must be present for tryouts. Extenuating circumstances and school approved absences will be addressed as needed by the Director and appropriate Administrator. Discipline issues (such as presence in ISS or any other discipline assignment) are not considered extenuating. 10. Candidate must be on time for the audition. Once auditions begin they are closed and candidates will not be allowed to enter. Extenuating circumstances and school approved tardiness will be addressed as needed by the Director and appropriate Administrator. Discipline issues (such as presence in ISS or any other discipline assignment) are not considered extenuating. Audition Procedures 1. A panel of three judges, not affiliated with SISD will select the officers. The judges will be approved by the Director and may not be an employee of SISD. An administrator, judges and the Director will be present at the tryout location. 2. The candidates will perform an original solo, a compulsory group jazz routine and traditional pre-game strut and entrance. The candidates may also be judged on a kick series as per Director’s discretion and will be determined prior to auditions. The candidates will also interview with the Director and judges. 3. The judges’ score will count 60%. 4. The director will evaluate each candidates on leadership potential, dedication, dependability, responsibility, overall impression, notebook and teaching skills, solo, entrance, strut and interview. 5. Current Star Steppers will fill out a team vote on each candidate. Team will consider the candidate’s teaching, attitude, initiative, discipline, service, dependability, dance ability, reputation and leadership. Directors will use these in their overall impression. 6. The directors’ scores will count 40%. 7. The number of officers will be determined by a natural break in the score and may not exceed five. The one candidate with the highest score will be named the Captain. The second highest score will be named 1st Lieutenant. In the event of a tie, the Director will determine the Captain. 8. If an officer is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of her office, the position may be filled at the discretion of the Director and Administration. 9. The decision of the judges with approval of administration is final. 10. Tryouts will be closed to the public.
Stipulations/Officers 1. Weekly tryouts will occur for routines. An officer may be cut from a routine if she cannot correctly execute the weekly performance. 2. Tryouts for weekly football routines will be held on Mondays or as determined by the Director. Demerit cuts will also be given on Mondays. 3. Must maintain an overall academic average of an 80 or above during the current school year. 4. Must follow the rules of the Star Stepper Constitution.
D. Personal Appearance (Star Steppers, Officers) 1. Star Steppers are founded upon the concept of “Team”. Therefore, all members are expected to maintain an appearance of neatness, cleanliness and uniformity. 2. Members are expected to adhere to uniform guidelines of the organization while attending class, rehearsals, performances and all other functions of the organization. 3. School dress code is in effect when traveling. 4. Members are expected to wear appropriate cover-ups to and from rehearsals. 5. Extreme or unnatural hairstyles are NOT acceptable. Natural ponytails are the usual hairstyle. Fashion hair colors are prohibited as per the School Code of Conduct. The Director or an Administrator may deem a hair color inappropriate even when it does not violate dress code. Members are held to a higher standard and team uniformity is of utmost importance. 6. Nail polish is not acceptable. French tips are acceptable. Nails must be kept at an “athletic” length. Long nails are a hazard. 7. Body piercing and tattoos must be covered at all times. The Director or Administrator will have the final say regarding what is considered “covered”. A dancer may be cut from a dance if piercings or tattoos are visible or distracting in costume. Piercings must be removed for all Star Stepper practices, meeting and performances regardless of when they were received or if they are hidden under the uniform or dancewear. Tongue piercings are considered visible. Piercings of all kinds are safety hazards. Failure to comply will result in loss of performance and could result in removal from the team. Piercings and tattoos are strongly discouraged. 8. Members may not wear jewelry with uniforms or in rehearsals unless specified by the Director. Watches are acceptable during rehearsal. *Members who do not follow the appearance guidelines will not be allowed to participate and demerits are given for rule infractions. We are proud to represent SHS and put the best interest of the team first and foremost at all times.
D. Employment 1. Members of the Star Steppers may work as long as it does not interfere with required activities such as; rehearsals, performances, meeting, special events, fundraisers, competition, workshops or community service. However, it is not advised that a member work during busy times, (football season, show and contest) because it is difficult to maintain good grades, work a job, and effectively participate in drill team. 2. WORK IS NOT A VALID EXCUSE TO MISS ANY REQUIRED ACTIVITY AND WILL BE TREATED AS AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE. AN UNEXCUSED ABSENCE WILL RESULT IN THE LOSS OF PERFORMANCE PRIVILIGES. 3. It is the responsibility of the member to communicate with employers regarding scheduling. Members must be able to perform and practice on short notice. Every effort is made to give advance notice for activities when possible.
E. Drill Team Summer Camp/Summer Practice 1. Drill team and officers will attend camp during summer. 2. Attendance at summer camp is required. 3. Camp will be held during July/August at a location selected by the Director. 4. Members are financially responsible for camp fees. 5. Transportation is provided at the member’s expense. 6. Officers attend additional camp for leadership training.
Summer practices will be required preceding camp in order to prepare for activities. All members are required to attend without exception. Absences from camp or practice will result in loss of performance privileges and/or membership. (Discretion of Director)
F. Practice Guidelines 1. During football season, there will be practice at least 3 days a week. 2. Early morning rehearsals can be held as early as 6:30 am daily during football season and spring show, as well. Additional practices may be called as needed. Advance notice will be given. 4. PARENTS: PLEASE READ!!! All appointments including doctor, dentist, makeup exam, meetings and personal matters should not be scheduled during rehearsal time. Please communicate with your daughter regarding the drill team schedule calendar in order to avoid conflicts. Demerits will be given and this will affect performance privileges. 5. Any member who is absent during the week of performances may be removed from the performance at Director’s discretion. 6. Any member who is injured should attend rehearsals and dress if possible. Mental rehearsal can be of benefit. 7. Members must attend at least ½ of the school day, in order to rehearse or perform after school. 8. IN CASE OF ABSENCES, PLEASE CALL MRS. DIXON @ 214-801-8931 OR EMAIL: [email protected] IMMEDIATELY. The attendance office does not notify the Director of absences. This is necessary in order to plan performances and make changes if needed.
G. Game Guidelines 1. Members must attend all required games. All absences are UNEXCUSED. NO EXCEPTIONS. 2. Demerits are given for all unexcused absences (following school guidelines). 3. Students who are absent from school may not attend games or rehearsal that day. 4. Emergency absences must be reported to the director immediately by calling 214-801-8931. 5. Each member should report to her assigned seat at least 15 minutes before the required time and remain until dismissal at the conclusion of the game. The director dismisses all members. 6. No member is allowed to leave the stands at any time without Director’s permission. 7. A manager, officer and/or an escort must accompany members that have permission to leave. 8. Members are expected to take care of personal matters before the game. Only emergencies will be allowed to leave the stands. Members with special needs must notify the director before the beginning of the season. 9. Spectators are not allowed in the stands at any time. Please do not invite relatives or friends to sit with you. *This includes young siblings. This is a safety issue. 10. Members may not talk to anyone, including your parents, neighbor, or alumni during the game without permission. 11. No food or gum allowed in the stands at any time. 12. Members may bring WATER in a non-breakable container, ex: thermos. No cups are allowed. Directors may check containers at any time. Members may not accept drinks or food from spectators at any time during the game. 13. Balloons and other good luck items are not allowed in the stands. 14. Only official tote bags and poms are allowed in the stands. No exceptions. 15. All personal items must fit into tote bag. 16. All members must participate in cheers and stand with precision and pride. 17. Members may not start cheers, chants or routines. Cheerleaders initiate cheers. 18. Members must sit and stand at attention at all times. Do not leave your assigned seat. 19. A complete uniform is required to participate in games. Members who are missing items will not be allowed to participate. 20. Rows and files should be straight at all times. 21. Members should maintain good sportsmanship and respect the differences of both teams. 22. Members must be picked up by the designated pick up time. Parents who are late will be warned that future occurrences will result in the loss of performance privileges. Your child’s safety is our primary concern.
H. Behavioral Expectations Certain standards are necessary to preserve the integrity and reputation of the organization. Each member is expected to maintain a character above reproach. Each member requires actions of which there can be no criticism. Failure to meet these standards is cause for removal from the program. Insubordination and disrespect for authority will not be tolerated. Members should remove themselves from questionable situations and use good judgement at all times. Disrespectful behavior toward the Director will not be tolerated and could be cause for removal. The Star Steppers reserves the right to deny membership to anyone who does not strive to reflect the values of the program.
I. Pregnancy Policy The Star Steppers follow the district pregnancy policy. Should a member suspect that she may be pregnant, we recommend that she have a pregnancy test immediately. If she finds that she is pregnant, she is required to promptly notify the director. A meeting will then be scheduled with a parent to further discuss the situation. From that point on she will not be allowed to participate in any drill team related activities due to the health of both the member and unborn child. The member will be required to bring a medical release signed by her OB/GYN to clear her for any activity during pregnancy or after the birth of her child. Furthermore, after the member’s return to school the director and appropriate administrator will meet to determine her future status on the team. Academics and family obligations will be considered.
J. Merit-Demerit System & 102’s 1. Members begin each year with zero demerits and zero merits. 2. The Directors and officers give 102’s, merits and demerits for infractions of rules. 3. Merits must be obtained after demerits in order to eliminate demerits. 4. Demerits may be given at any Star Stepper function, including practices and rehearsals. 5. Discipline problems that occur during class are handled through normal referral procedures with the grade level Principal. Additionally, demerits are given. 6. One merit eliminates one demerit. Some demerits are permanent. 7. The director must approve all merits and demerits in advance. 8. 102’s (100 straight, chest-high high kicks and one minute in each split) are given during practice for the outlined infractions. Multiple 102’s may be issued for multiple same-day infractions. Members will NOT receive demerits AND 102’s for the same infraction on the same day (double jeopardy).
Ways to Earn Merits 1. Parent attendance at meetings, fundraisers and other special events in which volunteers are needed. 2. Community service projects (proof required). 3. Attending non-required games to cheer (proof required). 4. Attending non-required dance classes or workshops (proof required). 5. Making signs or posters for special events. 6. Helping with props or costume construction and repair. 7. Assisting the directors or managers when needed. 8. Providing supplies needed: first aide, craft, cleaning, batteries, etc. 9. Any other activities approved by the Director.
Ways to earn 102’s 1. Messy dressing area/leaving personal items out. 2. Failure to turn in items/meet deadlines (per day per item). 3. Chewing gum during practice, class or activities. 4. Tardy to practice class or activity (3 102’s for tardies will equal 1 demerit) 5. Wearing jewelry during rehearsals or performances. 6. Incomplete practice wear (hat, belt, boots, wrong dance top, etc) 7. Moving or talking at attention. 8. Forgetting poms or props. 9. Incomplete uniform/costume at function (could also result in loss of performance privilege). 10. Failure to wear cover-ups at appropriate times. 11. Incorrect hairstyle or make-up. 12. Leaving items on the bus or locker room. 13. Nail polish in uniform. 14. Excessive talking at practice.
Ways to earn demerits (Some demerits are permanent) 1. Hickeys. Loss of performance privileges. Permanent 2. Uniform pieces falling off during performance. 3. Teacher referral or note for misconduct (including emails) or ISS. Permanent 4. Use of profanity in or out of uniform. Permanent (2nd occurrence will result in loss of performance privileges) 5. Cutting classes. Permanent 6. Eating or drinking in uniform or classroom without permission. 7. Cell phone usage during practice or performances/games. 8. Failure to cheer or participate in stand routines or class. 9. Missing any required rehearsal or performance or activity (unexcused). 10. Insubordination or back talking. Permanent 11. Disrespectful behavior to an officer, line member or Director. This is not tolerated. Permanent 12. The director will determine any offense not covered.
Additional Officer Demerits 1. Failure to perform any duty assigned to an officer. 2. Failure to give demerits to line member when necessary. 3. Failure to respect officer confidentiality. 4. Tardy to officer meeting or rehearsals. 5. Failure to stay until dismissed by the director. 6. Failure to attend any assigned activity. 7. Failure to call squad members when necessary.
**It is important to note that a member accumulating multiple demerits in one day can put her over her demerit limit thereby automatically placing her on probation. ** K. Probation Definition: Member is not allowed to perform or participate in activities for the designated time. Member is subject to all rules and regulations of the Constitution and is expected to attend and participate in all practices. Demerit probation will last 3 weeks. Any other probation will be 6 weeks. Academic probation follows UIL “No Pass No Play” guidelines. 1. Members placed on probation a second time during one school year are subject to removal from the organization pending Director and Administrator decision. 2. Summer activities are not included in probation terms. 3. Probation that occurs at the end of school year is completed the following year. 4. Members may not audition for drill team or officer while on probation.
Reasons for Probation 1. Accumulating at least 10 unclear demerits. It is the dancer’s responsibility to keep up with demerits. 2. Truancy from school. 3. Inappropriate conduct (in or out of school, in or out of uniform, summer included) which directly or indirectly damages the reputation of the organization. 4. For behavior in the opinion of the school administration and Director, unbecoming to Sunnyvale Star Steppers. 5. Verifiable information regarding reputation brought to the attention of the Director will result in probation/suspension. (Ex: social network activity such as but not limited to Twitter/Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Kik, Youtube, texting, etc). 6. Assignment to alternative school or suspension from school for disciplinary reasons. a) ISS; 2nd occurance in one academic year will result in 3 weeks probation. b) 3rd occurrence will mean another 3 weeks probation c) 4th or more will result in expulsion from the organization. d) Alternative School is an automatic 3 week suspension. 7. Issuance of a class C misdemeanor on or off campus or at a school function . 8. Failure to maintain a 70 or above overall academic average. 9. Cheating. First occurrence will result in probation as well as campus disciplinary action. Second occurrence will result in permanent expulsion from the organization pending Director and Administrator investigation and approval. Academic integrity is sacred. 10. Forgery. The first occurrence will result in probation. Second occurrence will result in permanent expulsion from the organization pending Director and Administrative investigation and approval. PLEASE NOTE: FORGERY RELATING TO SCHOOL DOCUMENTS (IE, PERMISSION SLIPS, FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORMS OR ANY OTHER CAMPUS RELATED FORMS) CAN BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE EXPULSION REGARDLESS OF FIRST OCCURRENCE AS WELL AS POSSIBLE EXPULSION FROM SCHOOL. L. Disciplinary Expulsion Expulsion is the permanent removal of a member from the organization. Members who are expelled may not return. Members who are expelled are responsible for all debts to the organization.
Reasons for Expulsion 1. Second time in alternative school. 2. Second time on disciplinary, academic, citizenship, or demerit probation. 3. Using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs anytime, anywhere, in or out of uniform, on or off campus, including summer. This includes photos. 4. Members who are ineligible a second time during one school year. 5. Fighting, Director and Administrator will evaluate and make final decision. Fighting is not tolerated. 6. Charged with a felony. * 7. Issuance of a class B or higher misdemeanor. * 8. Issuance of a second class C misdemeanor. * *On or off campus or at a school function, including summer 9. Repeat occurrence of verifiable information regarding reputation brought to the attention of the Director (Social Media in any form such as but not limited to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Vine, Kik, Youtube, texting, etc.) 10. Possession, distribution, or posting of inappropriate OR nude photos either by choice or by another’s choice on any social media outlet such as but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitter, Vine, texting, etc. This includes tobacco, drugs or alcohol. This will not be tolerated. First offense expulsion, pending Director and Administrative investigation. The member will be placed on immediate and full suspension until the investigation is concluded. 11. Missing more than 10 practices/performances in one term/semester.
M. Academic Requirements No Pass – No Play: Members who make below a 70 in any one class per nine weeks may not participate for the following three weeks. Students who are passing ALL subjects at the 3-week grade check may regain eligibility status. Students who do not regain eligibility at the 3-week grade check are ineligible until the next grading period. Ineligible students may not wear uniforms or participate in activities.
N. Transportation 1. All members are required to ride provided transportation to the event/performance. 2. Chaperones are provided. 3. Members must provide their own transportation to and from Sunnyvale High School. 4. Parents are expected to pick up students at the designated pick up time. Failure to do so will be cause for temporary suspension. 5. Members are required to wait for their rides in the assigned pick up area. 6. Members who want to ride home from an out of town event with a parent must adhere to the following guidelines. There are NO EXCEPTIONS! 7. Must provide a note from parent one-day prior to departure. 8. The parent must personally claim the member from directors immediately following the game. PLEASE DO NOT EAT IN THE UNIFORM!! 9. The member must ride with the parent. 10. Parents will not be allowed to take members from the game early unless there are extenuating circumstances. Prior Director approval is needed.
O. Finances 1. Each member is responsible for financial obligations of being a member of the Star Steppers. Sunnyvale High School and SISD are not responsible for individual expenses. 2. All members are expected to participate in the fund raising opportunities given. 3. Field uniforms will not be issued to members with outstanding balances. 4. Drill team members may not perform until all debts are cleared.
P. Resignation Resignation is defined as an individual’s choice to no longer be a part of the organization. Members must present a written statement signed by the member and the parent stating the reason for resignation. The director and administration must approve all schedule changes. Outstanding debts must be cleared and items turned in before the change can be made. Resignation is final and the student may not try out in the future. Extenuating circumstances such a moving, etc. will be considered. Director and Administration will make final decision.
Q. Star Stepper Managers The director may select managers annually from qualified applicants who meet the required standards. Managers are entitled to all credits and privileges of membership. They are non- dancing members of the drill team. As such, they are subject to the same rules as line members. They must be enrolled in the drill team class. The directors determine the number of managers.
Requirements for Managers 1. Managers must attend all functions of the organization including rehearsals and performances. 2. They must complete the applications procedures. 3. They must have parental consent. 4. They must participate in fundraising. 5. They must have required uniforms and supplies. 6. They must have a pleasant appearance and personality. 7. They must be willing to come early and stay late. 8. They must be in good physical condition. 9. They must be willing to work hard. 10. They must attend summer camp and rehearsal. 11. Managers may be dismissed for failure to attend functions.
R. State Law This constitution is subject to change at any time due to changes in Texas Education Agency Laws and UIL policy. Any topic not discussed in this handbook is left up to the discretion of the Directors with the approval of the Administration.
Addendum Seniors and transferring students please note: All school property must be returned and all fees must be collected in order to graduate, participate in Prom and other Senior activities. This also applies to students moving to another school from Sunnyvale High School regardless of the time of year. Academic records will not be released until property is returned and fees are paid in full. There will be no exceptions.