BAC Referee’s Report

Event: Competition Dates: Venue: Tournament Level: Referee: Deputy Referee(s): Date of Report: Referee’s Signature:

Item/Grade VG G A P VP Comments No. Accommodation/Hotels Transport Catering Changing Room/Toilets Practice Facilities Hall Lighting Air Conditioning Height/Obstruction Nets/Measure Net Posts Flooring/Court Mats Court Layout Court Background Scoring Devices Player Identification Other Equipment Shuttle Speed Shuttle Quality Match Control Umpires/Service Judges Line Judges Scheduling/Timeliness Doping Test Facilities Physio Services On-court Doctor Paramedic/First Aid Security/Safety Media Facilities IT Facilities Social Functions Ceremonies Overall Organisation




No. Comments

Comments for Events Rules and Regulations Review

Rule Issue Recommendation By Action Taken By Reference Referee Referee

2 Event:

Withdrawals (after draw was made)

Name Countr ID No. Event Date Comments y

Please ensure that instances when players withdrew from one event but continued to play in another event in the tournament are clearly recorded in this section of the report.

3 Event:

On court incidents – Formal warnings or disqualification for misconduct (enter “none” if none).

Player Umpire Match Date Reason concerned

4 Event:

Information on Players Participation:

Total Number of Players:

Number of Foreign Players:

Number of Participating Countries:

Number of Non Asian Countries:

Number of Players/Pairs per Event:


Participation by Countries:

Country Number of Participants MS MD WS WD XD

5 Event:

Television Coverage:

Doping Tests:

No. of Samples Samples taken by Samples to be analysed at (IOC approved laboratory)

Shuttle Usage:

Name of the brand Average usage per match Inventory of shuttles Particulars Speeds available Quantity supplied (doz) Quantity utilised (doz) Balance (doz)


Time Temp Hum Temp Hum Temp Hum Temp Hum Temp Hum Temp Hum oC % oC % oC % oC % oC % oC % 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 Average

6 Event:

Analysis of Match Length (in minutes)

Event Last 64 Last 32 Last 16 QF SF Finals







Event Last 64 Last 32 Last 16 Q.F. S.F. Finals Overall MS MD WS WD XD Overall

Range: Maximum – Minimum

Event Last 64 Last 32 Last 16 Q.F. S.F. Finals Overall MS MD WS WD XD Overall

7 Event:

Technical Officials (Umpires, Line Judges & Others)

No. Name Duty Grade Country Overall Performance