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Mansfield Community Safety Partnership

Geographical Problem Solving Plan

Woodlands and Portland

April 2015 – October 2015

Issue Date: 23rd June 2015

Mansfield Community Safety Partnership is committed to developing a framework for reducing priority risks within the Partnership Plus areas of Woodlands and Portland as identified by the Mansfield Community Safety Partnership. This Problem Solving Group is targeting resources in the Woodlands and Portland areas of Mansfield and is supported by the Mansfield Community Safety Partnership and other key partner agencies. The delivery plan will be monitored through the Mansfield and Ashfield Executive Group which meets every two months. Any risks that cannot be resolved by the Executive Group then it will be escalated to the Strategic Group.

With the cross cutting themes of  Early intervention  Prevention of crime and offending  Increasing the confidence and satisfaction of our local communities Linked Plans

This plan aims to incorporate and support several plans: The plan covers the keys themes of vulnerability, ASB, Locality Plans communications and community cohesion over the Ashfield & Mansfield Domestic and Sexual Abuse Working Group two areas (neighbourhoods and the town centre) as they have Mansfield BID Town Centre Group very different needs/priorities. Purple Flag Group

Community Alcohol Partnership

Safer Notts Board – Hate Crime Group

ASB Transitional Group

2 Communications – Promote the positive March Publicise diversionary activities taking place at Easter and links between ASB Shed/Garden Item Security

29 - Summertime begins Ideal time to remind everyone about shed and garden item security Re-publicise Sutton shed project, if possible go public on allotment project.

April Easter

6 – Easter Monday Activity feedback – report good news (preferably with some photos) about Easter holiday activities. New plans – general pieces for each area on the Partnership Plus areas for first six months of 2014/15 and some of the actions planned. To include details of successes achieved in the previous financial year Plan a campaign to make parents in Ashfield aware of the diversionary activities available to young people. This has been raised as an issue by partners. May Shed/Garden Item Security – Start of Noise and neighbourhood Disputes May 23 –- 30 National BBQ week. Ideal time to remind people about domestic security, alcohol awareness and fire safety. Noise Action Week – date not set at time of compiling calendar but usually at the end of May. We can use this to remind residents about noise and point out that it is ASB. Last year police leafleted student accommodation in Nottingham. Leaflet provides tips we could use in campaigns, might want to adapt leaflet for tenants or at least run an article in each area’s tenant newsletter. June Shed/Garden Item Security – Start of Noise and BBQ Season 15 – 23 – national bike week. Sponsored by Team Great Britain. Ideal time to promote cycle safety/re-vitalise paper boy project etc

Ensure summer holiday activity guides are being compiled accurately and cost-efficiently.

July Pre Summer Holiday Security Advise

Pre-school holiday activity publicity plus guides 24 – (August 2) Love Parks Week – This can be used to issue press releases/organise activities around the environment, park-related ASB and any activities taking place within the two areas’ parks. August Summer Holidays

12 - International Youth Day – we should use this to highlight some of the positive things that young people have done as part of our projects. Dragon’s Den, I Pledge Further publicity re young people’s activities available and results/outcomes of any already delivered. Bank Holiday – responsible drinking and personal safety reminders. Summer holidays identified by working group as domestic abuse peak period; campaign to be planned based on this. 4 1. Objectives: Vulnerable Persons, ASB, Communication and Community Cohesion, Environmental (Neighbourhoods) Problem Project Lead P+ Progress Actions Funding area Vulnerable Persons 1.1 High levels of Projects supporting victims Sarah Guy Sarah Guy has been Action: Ensure that link repeat victimisation of Domestic Violence Police identified as the link Officer is raising profile of in identified Women’s Aid officer between the evidenced issues in these locations groups the domestic areas – Sarah Guy to attend violence working group next meeting to give update. and the partnership plus Action: Need to gain more meeting in-depth analysis of the See e-mail from Sarah problem to be able to All local actions will be identify the best contained in P+ delivery approach. Neil P to plans. contact Carla P – to discuss out of meeting. Raised concern around new DV working group for Mansfield, could this be duplicating work? Action: Sarah required to attend next meeting and provide an need update on new meeting. Carla to provide in-depth analysis at a locality level of domestic violence 1.2 Lack of Use social media and Sarah Guy Previous awareness Action: Sue Grief to information to College communications to Sue Grief raising events at West contact the college and young people of provide messages to all Lindsey Notts College – Healthy look at a communications domestic violence young people Hodgson Relationships plans for to use the most services Surveys taken and appropriate format of Worked started and evaluations done at social media to use for ongoing once met with west notts college, this project Sarah Guy twitter is regularly being updated. Looking at putting posters at the back of pub doors. Event arranging for White Ribbon day by Sarah Guy. Could use twitter to share information (Police coms could share tweets). No Fresher week. Sarah to contact Police comms and NCC. 1.3 Vulnerable Project to be identified - Anne PSPO being developed Action: Review training on individuals that possible project with Youth Callaghan at present which may identifying sexual utilise parks and Major Youth Service help with the exploitation to ensure that open spaces (drink, Young identification of key all officers have informed drugs, grooming, Peoples individuals – meeting knowledge underage sex). Services with legal to find out all Courses are already being Sioned terms. held in the area, get Effective and Correct statistics from Anne. – more Signposting info/statistics e.g. names, number of people attending. Update required from Craig Day in regards to safe parks campaign. Action: Establish next years theme on Dragons Den – can this tie in? – Mansfield schools are not involved in Dragons den. Archived 1.4 Potential risks Vulnerable residents Housing Initial work completed Has Framework done an and vulnerability for currently in supported ASB Team on identifying the exit plan? – Neil to speak to residents in housing establishments – Wardens problem framework. 6 supported housing what can be done? Rock court is now Action: framework to due to reduction in closed although there is attend the next meeting staffing continued support as alongside a MDC Housing Framework now owns Officer. Neil Presently to the building, this will be contact both agencies. ongoing in relation to Action: Neil to speak to future work. Hayley Barsby about supported housing, can these be referred to VPP Group? Who will be able to refer? Also if the Safer places project can be utilised Carried Forward to next meeting 1.5 People Referrals of ‘offenders’ to Neil Priestley Meetings are being Action: latest update on the stealing food Food Banks as opposed to Andy Doran organised with 2 food meetings and work being for personal prosecutions Housing bank organisations completed by Housing – use due to Housing are also doing Neil Priestley. Establish who financial work around this. can issue referral forms? issues Will be registered to Neil and two other officers Only inspector issue vouchers for can authorise forms. and 2 sergeants people to use, aiming at Signposting and can issue the people who steal food to promotion of service vouchers survive. (Housing)? Once referred to food Carla to circulate a list of banks you’re entitled to food banks 3 visits in 6 months. Action: to send the list of Now registered with the food backs out to P+ Trussel Trust (Mans group. South Police) given Action: NP. Wouldn’t it be vouchers where need useful to make primary felt it fits criteria, i:e schools aware of the food stealing not for criminal banks? but need for food. Referrals to Neil via e- mail with all relevant 7 details. Environmental 1.6 Poor state of Day of Action - Victoria Sally Dilks There are significant Action: Confirm new date properties and Street/Moor Street Sioned issues in this area for Day of Action (July shared land in the Multi-agency including environmental 2015) – Day of action is on area of Victoria response and ASB. the 29th July. Street & Moor Sioned, Kate and Neil Also to tie this into 1.8 and Street area – Fly sitting on a Eastern the Summer Event tipping and general European working group domestic rubbish as a link with this group Letter drop to take place on 28th to let all area aware of what will be taking place on 29th. Sally Dilks Update 20/07- A community event is taking place on Moor Lane Park on 29th July 2015 2pm – 4pm. This is a free event and will be attended by many departments within the council, the local Police Community Team and Councillors. The aim of the event to help bring our communities together to improve the environment that we live and work in. Sarah Guy will be attending to help raise the profile of domestic violence together with Strategic Housing, 8 Environment and Public Protection, Wardens, Dog Control Officer, Councillors and Enviro Crime Officer Communication and Community Cohesion 1.7 Poor Eastern European Working PCSO Rachel Update after the next Action: Sue to look into communication Group Coetzee and meeting - full update the Living in the UK with Eastern others on the needed from Eastern literature – completed Europeans working group European working Document is complete group, lacking around and printable. communication. Don’t Action: Update required – want to duplicate work next group on the 2nd June More info will be Eastern European provided after the next Working Group – Neil meeting Priestley to update the group More information next meeting

1.8 A need to Titchfield Park Project – Sioned The event has been Action: Update on the develop community Community Engagement organised and will take organisation of the event engagement with Linked in with Summer place this summer by Sioned – complete parks users Events, that’s been Summer events take Archived organised by MDC. place 3 times during the summer, on the 12th August 10 – 3 the event will be held on Titchfield park. All different activities and services will be there! Event to be held on the 12/08/15 9 Tables allocated. Hard to get responses back for evaluation purposes. 9 1.9 ASB in Beat surgeries James Palmer, Dates and locations to Action: Lori and Gary partnership plus Gary Noble be arranged Noble to set the meetings areas and Beat surgeries are up. Neighbourhoo running in town centre Lori to provide a status d Wardens need to get more out in update on this project. the neighbourhood. Advertise posters on First two beat surgeries Facebook and Twitter. are arranged to be held Lor to send BS posters to at Salvation Army on 3rd Sue and Sioned August 1-3pm and 14th Suggested initial B –will Sep 1-3pm with NW, monitor progress. ASB officer & PCSO. ASB 1.10 ASB in parks CCTV/Deployable camera’s Kate Payling To keep the group up to Actions: Kate to work on in parks project Gareth Batten- date on the progre3ss of identifying which parks Targeted patrols linking in Jones the project and the require the cameras with new parks champion possibility of a new Scoping exercise to be role project in Titchfield completed – group to be Links to 1.3 utilising deployable part of that scoping cameras exercise Ongoing. Target patrols take place. Intelligence led. Used to input here – cameras are deployed.

10 1. Objectives: Vulnerable Persons, ASB, Communication and Community Cohesion, Environmental (Town Centre)

Problem Project Lead P+ Progress Actions Funding area Vulnerable Persons 2.1 Rough Potential rough sleepers in the Framework There are people in the Action: Confirm sleepers as Town Centre Project BID town centre that are Framework involvement – potential victims of sleeping rough but have Pc 3190 Walker? – NP to crime had ‘all’ the available get more information CF solutions offered action Where are they sleeping Action: GAP in service – rough? mental health what can be Look at running Town done to bridge this gap – Centre meeting again. no attendance from mental First action links in to health. Neil trying to get in point 1.4. contact with WP to Awaiting update from arrange a meeting. Dave. Ongoing. Dave Wilson to provide details of the 25-30 (figure may be too big. More likely a dozen) rough sleepers, the problems they are producing and what additionality the group can provide. Awaiting update from Dave

2.3 Victims of theft Operation Peggar Police Ongoing Operation Action: Group to identify during day/night ** retail crime? ** Wardens Use of purse bells future funding time economy BID Use of snap back Action: NP to update on 11 CCTV keychains use of crime prevention Crime prevention stall in items and advice Four Seasons Awaiting analysis from Carla Need to look at different re drug taking in order to solutions for day/night. take most appropriate Been in Four Seasons, projects forward running low on bell Can we get for cheaper, purses. Funding? Neil to contact Sam Handcock, any analysis of success? Environmental 2.4 Drug dealing Street light project Sam Yates Work with NCC Actions: Yvette to contact due to poor lighting Met with Kevin 2 week ago. Kevan is going to Kendra adjacent to Wilkos Prices have been obtained. provide Neil with all Actions: Kevan to provide store Maintenance people to fix options of lighting and costings to NP for both lighting to move project costing, the cheap options forward option to add a light to Actions: Contact Wilkos the current lamppost and Wetherspoons looking down on the regarding ongoing cost – road will be better but Sam Yates to contact. Kevan is still waiting for Keven update next a response meeting. Feed to lights are damaged, the actual lights are fine.

2.5 Discarded drug Needle Bins Dave Wilson Update from Dave Actions: Dave Wilson to paraphernalia Wilson provide a list of areas that Links have been made need bins – Dave to into CRI, now receive forward to Yvette information. Neil to chase up Action: Yvette to contact CRI interventions that are currently happening in the area. Communication and reputational change 12 2.6 Lack of ‘Travel safe’ awareness raising Sam Yates Night buses up and Action: Sam to contact information on safe of public transport Sue Grief running - More NCC re planning travel causing advertisement needed permission for sign posts. potential NP & PH to meet Research into where the victimisation of regarding having Taxi flash points are and users of the night prices advertised after tasking taxi marshals to time economy taxis charging sign post night time outrageous prices at economy users to taxi night. ranks and ensuring Possible bid for Mile queuing systems are run Rider project. appropriately NCC made new signs which are being displayed near taxi ranks to direct people. Action: Look into the need to advertise transport choices more widely including taxis and night bus Dave Wilson to speak to bus provider to ask about future funding of the scheme. No update Sue to explore digital message option in pubs. Review post once someone has accepted the post. Katie to post on Twitter a survey to ask if people would go to town at night if there was a night bus running. Current bus we have is not sufficient due to 13 requiring too much money. 2.7 Fear of crime Purple Flag – to change the Lesley Reece Preparation for re- Action – meeting has been particularly violent reputation of Mansfield and Sam Yates accreditation arranged to discuss 16th crime reduce fear of crime Neil P June Neil looking at. Action: fear of crime survey Done Fear of crime survey to be produced in conjunction Nights of action - to change the Police Ongoing projects 3 with local college? reputation of Mansfield, reduce Wardens nights of action to be fear of crime and address CCTV held this year Action: fear of crime environmental issues Fire Service Ongoing planning survey Done Street meetings being held Action: night of action on Marshals throughout the year – 13th June, two further Street separate meeting to planned for Summer and Pastures take place. Halloween Door staff Good results from drug (Summer has been testing – 222 tested ( 4 cancelled, focus on positive with drugs) Halloween early.) female & male toilets Funding of drug machine here tested for cocaine Action: Need to support use in town, Females this with education came out more worse. products. Update at next meeting. Action: Kate to find out what media they wish to use for the advertising Sue to contact Trading Standards in relation to education.

ASB 2.8 ASB caused Street Marshal’s Links to 2.2 Kate Ansty Funding to be confirmed Action: Kate P (should be from street Kate A) to meet with drinking Marsha for the latest 14 funding position Kate A to review this action. KA to speak to NP discuss re-enacting Street meeting 2.9 Youths Pro-active patrols and Police McDonalds have put on Action: Link in with Youth gathering and intervention Wardens SIA trained staff Workers (Folk house) for causing ASB at CCTV Pro-active partnership further intervention McDonalds BID patrols using new ASB Action: Dave Wilson to powers has significantly contact regional manager reduced problems at McDonalds and review McDonalds still closed licence Removed for refurb until 08/08/15 Action: Link in with Youth Workers (Folk house) for further intervention Neil Priestly to update after meeting with regional manager. Action: NP to update outcome of meeting with MCD. 2.10 ASB in Town PSPO to tackle street drinking, James Palmer Discussions with Legal Confirm conditions of centre litter, urination and defecating Colin Kirkup regarding conditions for PSPO and develop in the streets, Alfred Court PSPO paperwork Gating order – see tasks 2.8 Funding for signs? The Discuss with group the whole of the Town and possibility of funding Portland area will be signage for the PSPO out covered, to ask for of the partnership plus funding from other P+ funding pot groups also, total Are senior managers amount required not yet looking to fund this. known as early in the Explore options to take process. back to Lesley Action: LD to explore finding options with Plt Mich Barter 15 2.11 Drug taking Alfred Court Gating Order Gary Noble Funding has been Action: for the logistics of and environmental agreed for the gating the gating to be crime order - awaiting to get progressed. up and running need to Gary checks what was put be made part of PSPO. in original contract in Gary Noble update relation to Clarkson Alley 20/07 – We have asked and see what included 3 contractors for and review as necessary. quotations and other Dave Wilson to add additional information actions to deal with retail such as public liability, crime. Neil Wilson to have references, etc. The a meeting with Dave in report for the PSPO will regards to above. be finished on 24/07/15 and forwarded onto our Portfolio Holder. More work commence if we get the green light from our Portfolio Holder.

16 Information

Drugs Boxes We now have the New Drugs Boxes that are up to date and beer goggles, if anyone would like to use them for any event if they can give us a few days notice I will get them over to them. They can contact me on [email protected] or 07824626288. The drugs boxes are in use with the Saturday drugs sessions run by the Police and supported by us it runs every 4 weeks and alternates between the South this week and Mansfield in 4 weeks time but young people attend from all over the county.

Hettys Hetty’s have also asked that I remind the group that they are still taking referral for families that are affected by a loved one’s substance misuse. If you need to contact them the details are:

Kelly Castledine, Family Recovery Worker for Ashfield, Hetty's Marlborough House 23 Woodhouse Road Mansfield NG18 2AF 01623 643476 [email protected]

Alcohol Misuse Workshops These run on a Saturday morning for young people to provide a supportive intervention with parents/guardians of young people found with alcohol. Referral can be made by completing a Crime Prevention Referral from [email protected] The form needs completing so that we know the reasons why we are thinking it would be beneficial to the individual attending.


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