Agenda for Aucu Committee Meeting

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Agenda for Aucu Committee Meeting



NB: Volunteer to chair the meeting required please as Rachel is not able to stay for the whole meeting.

1. Welcome and apologies - Chair 2. Minutes of meeting on 25 February and matters arising - Chair 3. Report back from PNCC meeting of 26 February – Rachel/Fiona 4. Zero-hours FOI data – any further action? 5. AOB


Minutes: Committee Meeting Date: Wednesday 25 February 2015 Time: 1pm Venue: Edward Wright S86

In Attendance: Rachel Shanks (Chair), Mufeedh Choudhury (till 145), Isobel Ford (via e-link), Andrew Fraser, Bill Harrison, Miep Helfrich, Pete Jeffels, Andrew MacGregor, Dannette Marie, Mike McConnell (till 135), Keith O’Sullivan, Ruth Payne, Christine Sands, Allan Sim, Fiona Stewart, David Watts, Michael Wolfindale

Apologies: Alex Arthur, Steven Lawrie, Ben Marsden, Adam Price, Joe Whimster

Minutes: Susan Melvin

1. Welcome: Rachel welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Minutes of Committee on Wednesday 11 February and matters arising: a) Minutes approved subject to two minor typos. b) Rachel and Mike have spoken to Mary Senior, UCU Scottish Official, and it was noted that there were no grounds within the pay docking grievance that could be taken up with the Scottish Public Service Ombudsman. c) Rachel has asked for information about the number referred under the capability procedure and it is hoped these will be available before the PNCC meeting on 26 Feb. d) Rachel has spoken to the dep reps about the introduction of the Framework for Academic Excellence in the different schools. Further information and discussion is expected at PNCC meeting on 26 Feb. e) Susan will forward the list of “Aberdeen comparators” to committee. This list has been compiled by the university senior management team. f) Fiona has spoken to the Students’ Association and feedback from them suggests that students are conscious of “vast gaps” in terms of the information they require about curriculum choices – and these needs are not being met via the personal tutoring system. It was agreed that the full impact of changes from academic advising to personal tutoring have not yet filtered through and may not be apparent till the end of the teaching year when students realise that certain learning pathways may not be available to them. Fiona will arrange to speak with AUSA reps again and will be accompanied by someone from committee who has advising experience (Ben, Steven or David?) Mike reported that the issue of personal tutoring was raised at the recent General Business Council Committee Meeting. Jenny Sheriffs is convenor of the Student Experience Committee and she has agreed that UCU can put forward the academic viewpoint at this committee. (Note: this is to be done via Bruce Burdon, committee clerk). This arrangement will need to be responsibility of an academic member of committee – someone will be identified in due course. g) Any further matters arising will be dealt with as agenda items.

3. Confirm reps to UCU academic-related staff meeting (if any): No volunteers to attend the national academic related staff conference have come forward.

4. Report from informal talks with Debbie Dyker – Fiona/Rachel: a) Fiona has circulated a confidential report about this meeting to the committee.


b) Issues that will be discussed at PNCC on 26 February will include Shared Parental Leave, the Counter-Terrorism Bill, the University’s Strategic Plan, progression to honours, trade union advertising material, car parking at Foresterhill for pregnant women, changes to employment T&Cs (40 hour working week), USS, Whistleblowing Policy, Probation.

5. Report back from FT conference – Alan F and Mufeedh: a) A report has been circulated to committee and will be sent to members later this week. b) It was noted that the University had received a Freedom of Information request from EIS regarding the numbers of staff employed on zero-hours contracts. The University responded to this request and have shared the information with AUCU. Rachel will forward this information to Alan and Mufeedh.

6. Report from General Council Business Committee – Mike: a) See item 2f. b) Mike also reported that the paper on the entry to honours courses was discussed and rejected with a recommendation that it be reviewed.

7. Report back from HE Sector conference – Fiona: a) The HE Sector conference was held to discuss the aftermath of the USS dispute and industrial action. The next three years till the next USS review will be critical and attention needs to be focussed on this. In particular, there is a need to challenge the methodology used to calculate the valuation of the pension fund. b) It is hoped that Universities UK and UCU will be able to build on the common ground between them to challenge the USS Board more effectively. c) The University of Aberdeen will be engaged in a consultation process and have asked David Watts, AUCU Pension Officer, to contribute to the process.

8. Probation – Miep:

Miep reported that she still has significant concerns about the draft Probation Policy in its current form. The comments and suggestions she submitted to the last working group meeting were not responded to and the concerns raised were not addressed. A “failure to agree” will be registered at PNCC. Miep will send the relevant material to the rest of committee for information.

9. Workload/work planning (inc the “40 hour week”): The introduction of a standardised 40-hour week (35 hours plus breaks) has been raised by HR and this would necessitate a change in working terms and conditions. *Joint university/TU working groups will be set up shortly. There are concerns that this may lead to a culture of presentee-ism and a loss of working-hours flexibility which will benefit neither the university nor staff members. An increase in associated administrative tasks for line managers is also anticipated. It was agreed that a survey of members should be undertaken. Rachel/Fiona/Mike/Adam/Miep will meet on 26 Feb to discuss this issue in more detail. [*Note added after PNCC – two separate working groups will be convened – one to look at standardising the working week, and one to look at changes in working T&Cs]

10. AOB: a) Rachel has spoken to Mary Senior about the issue of lecture recording. A University policy on this topic is currently being drafted and we will request a JNCC to discuss this and associated concerns further once the draft policy is available.


b) As some committee members struggle to attend meetings on a Wednesday, meeting days will be varied from time to time. c) Fiona advised committee that there is a legal requirement for all branch reps (including caseworkers, dep reps and committee members) to attend the official UCU Reps training course. We will try to get a training course organised to take place in Aberdeen later this year. d) Renewal of affiliation to Abortion Rights Campaign (£40): approved.


NEXT MEETING: 1 – 2pm, Wednesday 11 March, Edward Wright S86.

ACTION LIST Fiona Speak to AUSA reps re need for advising (with Ben, Steven or David) (Item 2f)

Rachel Send FOI on zero-hours contracts to Alan and Mufeedh for information (Item 5b)

Miep Send probation material to committee (Item 8)


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