The Play Opens in the Duke's Palace
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William Shakespeare's TWELFTH NIGHT: SCENE SUMMARIES by Judith Gallant, Sackville High School
The play opens in the Duke's palace.
As his musicians play, the Duke speaks of love and says if music is the food that sustains love he wants to hear enough to make him sick of it, so he will no longer want to hear any and no longer be in love. ( It appears he's not having much luck in the romance area.)
His servant, Curio, returns from visiting Lady Olivia's house (the Duke's love interest) and informs the Duke that she has sworn off men for the next 7 years in order to devote herself to grieving for her recently deceased brother.
The Duke, distraught with this information, comments that it is such a waste for her to place all her love on a dead man. But, he ads, if she can love a dead man that much - imagine how much she will love him when he wins her over!
Viola has landed after a shipwreck on the seacoast of a country called Illyria.
Viola is without her brother and believes he is dead.
Viola mourns over her brother Sebastian's death, but the Captain, who survived with her, tries to offer her some comfort by telling her that the last time he saw Sebastian he was alive and clinging to some driftwood on the angry sea.
Viola asks who governs the land they are in and the Captain tells her a Duke named Orsino.
Viola recognizes the Duke's name and mentions that when she heard her father speak of Orsino, long ago, he was a bachelor.
The captain confirms that Orsino still is, but that it is rumoured he has taken a love interest in Lady Olivia.
When Viola wants to know who this lady is, the Captain tells her that the lady has suffered much in the last year: She lost her father a year ago and her brother has just recently died.
Viola immediately feels compassion for Olivia's situation, as they have their suffering in common, and wishes to go work for her .
The Captain assures Viola that this would be impossible as Olivia has refused all strangers. As a means to protect her virtue (a single woman in a foreign land is very unsafe), Viola decides that she will disguise herself as a man and seek employment with the Duke.
She asks for the Captain's help with the task and he agrees to help her and keep her identity hidden. Return to top ACT I SCENE iii
Back at Olivia's house, Sir Toby expresses his confusion over his niece's extreme decision to refuse men for seven years.
Maria warns Sir Toby about his recent behaviour; he's been coming in much too late and drinking way too much. Maria tells him that Olivia is beginning to get annoyed.
Sir Toby retorts by saying he will drink as long as he has a throat and there's alcohol available.
Maria also complains about Sir Toby's ill judgment at bringing his drinking buddy, Sir Andrew (a complete idiot), to Olivia's house to woo her (get her hand in marriage).
The two argue about this last point until Sir Andrew enters.
It becomes evident that Sir Andrew isn't very swift as the three joke around and flirt with one another.
Sir Andrew tells Sir Toby that he is going to leave because he feels he doesn't have a chance with Olivia and can't compete with the Duke.
Sir Toby convinces him otherwise saying that Olivia is not interested in the Duke and Sir Andrew, who is very easily persuaded, decides to stay. Return to top ACT I SCENE iv
At the Duke's palace, Valentine, one of the Duke's servants, tells Viola (now disguised as a man named Cesario) that if the Duke continues to grow attached to him, Cesario is likely to be promoted. (The two have become very good friends in a short period of time.)
Cesario asks if the Duke's quick friendship is typical, but Valentine assures him it isn't.
The Duke enters and wants to speak to Cesario. He tells Cesario that no one knows his "soul" as well as he does and therefore he wants Cesario to woo Olivia for him.
Cesario tries to argue against this with the Duke, but it's no use.
Cesario asks what the Duke wants him to say to Olivia if she will allow him to see her. The Duke tells Cesario to speak of his intense love for her. The Duke explains to Cesario that he believes Cesario's youthful appearance, soft voice, and gentle
2 nature (much like a woman's) will be much more likely to persuade Olivia than an older, ordinary servant.
Aside Viola admits her dilemma: she must woo for the man she wishes to woo (she's in love with Orsino but must try to make another woman love him!). Return to top ACT I SCENE v
In Olivia's house. The fool, Feste, has returned from a long absence. Maria interrogates him trying to find out where he's been and explains that Olivia will not be pleased to see him because he's been gone so long.
Feste refuses to tell Maria where he's been, but assures her that he has a few ideas about how to get back in Olivia's favour.
Maria continues nagging him, but he quiets her by changing the topic to her and Sir Toby; he shuts her up by suggesting she has a 'thing' for Sir Toby.
Olivia and Malvolio enter. Olivia is indeed not pleased to see Feste and asks that he be taken away, "Take the fool away".
Upon hearing this, Feste tells Olivia's servants to take her away - implying that she's the fool! Olivia questions him, and Feste replies that she is the fool and can prove it if she will allow him.
Eventually Olivia allows him his arguments. He wins by proving that Olivia is the fool because she mourns for a brother who rests in Heaven.
Olivia asks Malvolio what he thinks of the Feste and he explains that he doesn't appreciate him much and doesn't find him that witty. He adds that he saw a 'natural fool' put Feste down that day. This is a real insult to Feste and shows us Malvolio's dislike for the fool.
Feste, however, has regained favour with Olivia and is allowed to stay.
Maria enters saying that there is a messenger at the gate who wishes to speak to Olivia. Olivia learns that a drunk Sir Toby keeps the messenger at the gate rather than sending him away.
Olivia sends Malvolio to get rid of the messenger using any excuse necessary and to send Sir Toby into the house. Sir Toby enters very drunk and Olivia asks Feste to look after him.
Malvolio returns saying he is unable to get rid of Orsino's messenger. He explains that no matter what excuses Malvolio gave, the man at the gate had a response. Olivia asks What the messenger is like and Malvolio describes him as young and rude.
Curious, Olivia allows the stranger to enter, but veils herself.
Cesario enters but will not give his speech until he knows which woman is Olivia (Maria is with Olivia in the room).
3 Finally, Olivia reveals her identity and Cesario begins his speech professing the Duke's love, but Olivia could care less.
Cesario, curious as to what the Duke's love interest looks like, asks her to unveil herself.
When Olivia asks him what he thinks, he agrees that she is beautiful but adds that she is too proud.
Olivia is quite impressed with Cesario, but tells him to report back to the Duke saying he is wasting his time.
Cesario can't understand how Olivia can be so cruel.
Olivia, even more curious about this young man now that she's met him, desires to know more about Cesario. She asks him what his status is. Cesario explains that he is a gentleman (this pleases Olivia).
Once Cesario leaves, Olivia calls for Malvolio and tells him to run after the messenger and return the ring he gave her back to him (but he gave her no ring!) and to come to see her the next day when she will explain her reasons. (A ploy to see him again.)
Alone, Olivia questions her sudden and unexplainable attraction to Cesario. Return to top ACT II SCENE i
Surprise! We meet Sebastian who is alive. He has survived the shipwreck, but believes Viola to be dead.
We learn that Sebastian was rescued by Antonio.
Sebastian has decided to leave Antonio to venture off on his own. He fears his bad luck might rub off on his good friend.
At first Sebastian has no idea where he is headed, but then he decides he is off to Illyria to see the Duke.
Antonio wants to go with Sebastian but when he hears that Sebastian is off to Illyria, he explains that he cannot go because he is an enemy of the Duke's. Return to top ACT II SCENE ii
Upon Olivia's orders, Malvolio has ventured out to catch up with Cesario. When he finally reaches him, he tells Cesario to take the ring back.
Cesario, of course, is a little confused because he left no ring with Olivia. Because he is a gentleman, however, he decides to cover for Olivia's deception by playing dumb and refusing the ring (it wouldn't be good if a servant thought his master was dishonest). With this, Malvolio throws it on the ground and says whoever finds it may have it then.
4 Once Malvolio leaves, Viola comes to the conclusion that Olivia has fallen in love with Cesario, the messenger she's disguised as!
Viola contemplates the mess she's in and resolves to leave her situation in the hands of fate. Return to top ACT II SCENE iii
At Olivia's, Sir Toby and Sir Andrew are up at the wee hours of the morning. Sir Andrew is on his way to bed, but Sir Toby convinces him to stay up and drink with him. Sir Toby explains that any time after midnight is really early morning, and there is no need to go to bed early!
The Feste enters and entertains them with singing and the three continue to sing, drink, and make much noise.
Maria enters questioning the noise and warns that Olivia will send for Malvolio to break the ruckus up and kick them out.
Sir Toby, who is very drunk, dismisses her warnings and continues his singing and drinking.
Sure enough, Malvolio comes in and asks them if they have any manners or decency.
He threatens to tell Olivia of Maria's contribution to the noise even though she is innocent.
We see Malvolio's true self - a snob who thinks he is better than all of them.
Sir Toby's, Maria's, and Sir Andrew's dislike for Malvolio is obvious.
Maria asks Sir Toby to allow her to deal with Malvolio on her own. She explains that she has a plan to make Malvolio look like an idiot, but it will only work because he is so full of himself.
She devises to write a love letter that Malvolio will find and think it is to him from Olivia. Maria writes exactly like Olivia so Malvolio is sure to believe that Olivia is in love with him.
The three go (separately) off to bed with Sir Toby mentioning to Sir Andrew, before the scene ends, what a good wench Maria is. He is quite impressed with Maria's creativity and scheming. Return to top ACT II SCENE IV
Back at the Duke's palace, the scene opens with the Duke wanting to hear the same song that was played for him the night before, but Curio (his servant) informs him that the singer (Feste) is not there. (We now know where Feste has been when he was not at Olivia's house).
5 The Duke sends Curio off to find Feste and has someone else sing in the meantime. The Duke warns Cesario that if he should ever contemplate falling in love he would be wise to think of the Duke and remember the grief love can cause. He then asks Cesario what he thinks of the song that is playing.
Cesario comments that the song is true to the emotions of love. With this response the Duke thinks he sees the spark of love in Cesario's eyes and asks him if, indeed, he has already fallen in love.
Cesario comments that he has, and when the Duke asks what the lady is like Cesario tells him that she has a temperament like the Dukes.
When the Duke asks how old the lady is, again, Cesario comments that she is about the same age as the Duke.
The Duke frowns at this (as that means the lady is older than Cesario) and tells him that it is much wiser for a man to take a younger wife as she can adapt better than an older woman to her husband's wants and needs. Besides, he adds, it becomes more difficult for a man's affections to remain true when a woman's beauty wears off, which happens sooner to older women.
Curio returns with Feste and Feste sings for the Duke. Feste leaves and the Duke, once again, asks Cesario to go to Olivia on his behalf.
This time, the Duke wants Cesario to tell Olivia that it is not her fortune, but her beauty that he holds so dear.
Cesario wonders what the Duke will do if Olivia cannot love him. The Duke says he will not accept this answer. Cesario goes on to ask, if a woman loved the Duke, as he loves Olivia, wouldn't she have to accept his answer that he cannot love her?
The Duke responds to this saying that a woman is physically incapable of feeling the same intense passion which he feels for Olivia.
Of course, "Cesario" has something to say about this. "He" argues, by way of an imaginary sister, that this sister once loved a man, as "Cesario" himself might love the Duke if he were a woman, the same way the Duke loves Olivia.
When the Duke asks what happened to the sister, Cesario tells him that the sister never told her love and that it ate away at her, but she remained silent. Cesario goes on to say about men, that they may preach that they love, but do they really love as much as they preach they do?
Cesario asks if he should leave for Olivia's. The Duke tells him to go and to take a jewel to her, and that he will not be denied. Return to top ACT II SCENE v
In Olivia's garden Maria is ready to put her plan into action. she tells Sir Toby, Fabian, and sir Andrew to hide in the bushes to observe Malvolio. Malvolio is coming and she will drop the letter in his path.
6 As Malvolio walks towards the 'planted' letter he is deep in daydreams about being Olivia's husband and ordering the servants, and Sir Toby, around.
Malvolio finds the letter and immediately recognizes Olivia's handwriting. As the letter is addressed, "To the unknown beloved..." he becomes very curious and wants to know whom the letter is for. As he continues to read he realizes the rhyme seems unfinished but his name, Malvolio, would finish it.
Further on in the letter he comes to a riddle which includes the letters M.O.A.I.. All letters in his name, and although he can't make everything fit, along with some other subtle clues, he convinces himself that the letter is to him.
As he reads, the letter goes on to say that if the letter be found by its intended person that person should act hostile to a kinsman (Sir Toby) and surly with the servants, to come to her cross-gartered, wearing yellow stockings, and to smile continuously at her.
Of course, Malvolio is more than anxious to carry out these tasks and leaves the garden intending to do so.
Meanwhile, Sir Toby, sir Andrew, and Fabian overheard everything while in hiding. Managing to restrain themselves from jumping out of the bushes to pound on Malvolio, after some of his insulting comments about them, has paid off; he has taken the bait and is well on his way to making a fool of himself.
Sir Toby even makes the comment that he could marry Maria for thinking up such a trick and that all he would ask for her dowry would be another such trick.
When Maria returns to see how the letter went over with Malvolio, they tell her it went very well, and she goes on to tell them the purpose of the cross-gartering and yellow stockings; Olivia detests cross-gartering and can't stand the color yellow. As for the continuous smiling, Olivia will be disgusted with Malvolio as it is unlike his nature, inappropriate, and she has no desire to be jovial. Return to top ACT III SCENE i
Viola and the Feste meet in Olivia's garden. They make light conversation, and the Feste comments on how easily words can be played while supplying many examples. Feste recognizes Viola's quick wit and intelligence.
Sir Toby and Sir Andrew enter. Sir Toby asks if "Cesario" desires to see Olivia. When Cesario tells him he does Sir Toby tells him to enter.
As Cesario greets Olivia in his typical poetic manner, Sir Andrew who is listening, is "put off" by the page's words and appears to be threatened by him.
Olivia asks to be alone with Cesario and everyone leaves.
As Cesario attempts to speak of the Duke, Olivia tells him not to. She goes on to ask Cesario what he thinks of her after the stunt she pulled with the ring and Malvolio.
7 When Cesario tells her that he pities her, she takes that to be a simple form of caring, but he quickly corrects her saying it is common knowledge that we often "pity enemies" (line. 127).
Olivia is quite put off with this correction and eventually tells Cesario to leave and that she will not pursue him.
Seconds later. of course, she asks him to stay and asks again what he thinks of her.
Cesario responds saying, "That you do think you are not what you are"(line 140), meaning that she thinks she is in love with a man but isn't. Olivia interprets this to mean that Cesario thinks she thinks she is sane but she is really out of her mind, so she tells Cesario that he is the same. Of course, Cesario agrees (reflecting on his intended meaning), as he is not what he pretends to be.
The two continue their conversation which Cesario ends by saying that no woman shall ever have his heart and leaves saying that he will no longer bother her with Orsino's wooing.
In a desperate attempt to see him once more, Olivia bids Cesario to come again in case he can move her to love the Duke. Return to top ACT III SCENE ii
Inside Olivia's house, Sir Andrew tells Sir Toby that he will leave immediately.
When Sir Toby asks him why, Sir Andrew explains that Olivia shows more interest in the Duke's serving man (Cesario) than in him and that he witnessed this in the orchard.
Sir Toby asks if Olivia knew Sir Andrew was there and listening. When Sir Andrew replies that she did, Fabian explains that it was a plan of Olivia's for him to overhear and that she wanted him to display his jealousy by challenging the Cesario.
Sir Toby supports this theory and Fabian goes on to say that Sir Andrew missed his opportunity and is now, likely, out of favour with Olivia; he must do something to get back on her good side.
Sir Toby tells Sir Andrew to challenge Cesario. When Sir Andrew asks if they will take the challenge to him they agree and tell him to go write it up.
Sir Toby reveals the true purpose of his 'friendship' with Sir Andrew: he's using him for his money.
When Fabian implies that Sir Toby doesn't really plan to deliver the letter, Sir Toby corrects him saying that it will be a source of fun; With Sir Andrew a coward, and Cesario a man with a gentle disposition, it will be quite entertaining to watch the two try to avoid a fight. (Of course, Sir Toby plans to play a part in egging the situation on).
8 Maria enters and tells Sir Toby and Fabian that they must follow her if they want a good laugh. Malvolio is meeting their every expectation; he is smiling uncontrollably and dressed as the letter dictated.
Excitedly, Sir Toby and Fabian follow her. Return to top ACT III SCENE iii
On a street in Illyria... it appears that Antonio has caught up with Sebastian.
Antonio tells Sebastian that he could not leave him to travel alone as he was worried about him in this unknown land.
Sebastian thanks him for his concern and asks Antonio what they should do in Illyria.
Antonio says that he cannot stay with Sebastian in the streets as he is in great danger. He explains why he is enemies with the Duke: he was in a sea-fight with the Duke and cannot be caught in Illyria.
Sebastian asks if Antonio killed many of the Duke's men. Antonio explains that no blood was shed but that they stole from Orsino and if they catch him in Illyria he will pay dearly.
Antonio gives Sebastian his wallet and tells him to meet him later at an Inn called The Elephant, where Antonio will arrange for their meal.
When Sebastian asks why Antonio is giving him his wallet Antonio explains that he might find some souvenirs he wishes to purchase while in the new place. He knows that Sebastian has no means to purchase idle trinkets.
The two depart and agree to meet in an hour at the Inn. Return to top ACT III SCENE iv
The scene opens with Olivia telling Maria that she has sent for Cesario and asking where Malvolio is.
Maria tells her that Malvolio is coming but he is acting in a very strange manner, and she swears he is possessed.
When Malvolio arrives he is all smiles, and dressed as the letter dictated.
Olivia asks what is the matter with him, and when Malvolio rambles on making subtle references to the letter, Olivia, unable to make sense of him, is convinced he 's gone mad.
One of Olivia's servants enters and tells her that Cesario has arrived. In her haste to see Cesario, she asks Sir Toby to look after Malvolio.
Together, Sir Toby, Maria, and Fabian go on to treat Malvolio as if he is mad (knowing that he is not) and Sir Toby decides they will take Malvolio to a dark
9 room and lock him in there (one of the usual treatments for a mad person). Since Olivia is already convinced that Malvolio has gone mad she won't think this unjust.
Sir Andrew finally returns with the letter of challenge for Cesario and hands it over to Sir Toby for him to read.
Sir Toby commends him on the letter and says he will deliver it to Cesario. Maria enters and tells Sir Toby that Cesario is now speaking with Olivia. Sir Toby tells Sir Andrew to wait for Cesario and when he sees him he is to draw his sword and curse at him.
Once Sir Andrew exits, Sir Toby reveals that he has no intentions of delivering the letter, as Cesario is sure to realize that Sir Andrew is an idiot and not see any threat in it. Sir Toby does, however, intend to deliver the challenge by mouth and make Sir Andrew out to be a valiant warrior.
With Sir Toby's frightening account of Sir Andrew's sword fighting talents, and Sir Andrew, already a coward, Sir Toby is certain that both men will do their very best to avoid any actual confrontation.
As Olivia and Cesario approach, Fabian warns Sir Toby to wait until Cesario is alone before approaching him. Sir Toby says this will give him some time to think about what he will say to Cesario.
Olivia asks Cesario to wear a locket that has a picture of her in it, but Cesario only asks that Olivia give her love to Orsino. Olivia replies that she cannot give to Orsino what she has already given to Cesario. Cesario leaves as Olivia asks him to come see her again tomorrow.
Once Cesario is alone, Sir Toby approaches him and warns him about the angered man (Sir Andrew) awaiting him in the orchard.
Cesario swears that he has offended no one, but Sir Toby assures him that there is a skilled swordsman desiring to fight him.
When Cesario asks for details about the man, Sir Toby describes Sir Andrew as a fierce and skilled swordsman. Afraid, Cesario begs Sir Toby to try to find out what he has done to offend Sir Andrew.
Alone with Fabian, Cesario asks if Sir Toby’s account of Sir Andrew is accurate. Fabian confirms the description of Sir Andrew to poor Cesario, who does not want to fight anyone.
Sir Toby reports back to Sir Andrew telling him that Cesario is very eager to fight him. He tells Sir Andrew that Cesario is so filled with venom that even he had a bout with him while telling him of Andrew’s challenge. Sir Toby adds that Cesario is a fierce fighter.
With this, Sir Andrew decides he does not want to fight the Duke's serving man, but Sir Toby tells Sir Andrew that refusing now is not an option as Cesario is set on the duel.
10 Sir Andrew replies that if he had known Cesario was so valiant he never would have challenged him. He asks Sir Toby to offer Cesario his best horse if he will "let the matter slip" (line 297).
Aside Sir Toby plans not to make the offer but keep the horse for himself.
Sir Toby reports back to Cesario saying that Sir Andrew will not step aside and that he is determined to fight him. As Cesario prays to God for protection, Sir Andrew enters and the two draw their swords.
As soon as their swords are drawn, Antonio comes upon them and tells Sir Andrew to fight him instead of Cesario, if he has a problem with the youth (he thinks Cesario is Sebastian).
This catches Sir Toby quite off guard, and he steps up to fight for Sir Andrew.
As these two men draw on one another Duke Orsino's officers enter and recognize Antonio. When they arrest him, Antonio asks Cesario for his wallet back. Cesario has no idea what the man is talking about or who he is for that matter.
Antonio is astonished that the youth refuses to acknowledge him, and tells the officers to lead him away.
"Cesario" begins to put two-and-two together and realizes that Antonio may have mistaken her for her brother.
The scene ends with Sir Toby commenting on Cesario's unthinkable treatment of his friend. He no longer believes Cesario to be the gentleman he thought he was, and comments on his cowardice.
Sir Andrew convinces himself that Cesario is more of a coward than he is and decides to chase after him and fight him. Return to top ACT IV SCENE i
Outside Olivia’s house Feste talks with Sebastian believing it to be Cesario. He tries to get Sebastian to come with him as Olivia has sent Feste to get him.
Sebastian argues with the Feste to leave him alone, but the he refuses.
Sir Andrew enters, walks up on them, and punches Sebastian.
Sebastian returns with three punches to Sir Andrew’s one and wonders if everyone in Illyria is mad.
Feste rushes to tell Olivia what is happening.
Sir Toby arrives and holds Sebastian back.
Sir Andrew tells Sir Toby to let Sebastian go. Instead of fighting him with fists he will fight him with the law and charge him with assault (even though he struck Sebastian first).
11 Sebastian tells Sir Toby to let go of him, but Sir Toby refuses until Sebastian calms down and puts his sword away.
Sebastian breaks free and challenges Sir Toby. Angered, Sir Toby then draws.
Olivia walks in on this fight and yells for Sir Toby to stop. She has harsh words with her uncle and tells him to leave. She apologizes for Sir Toby and asks Sebastian (thinking it is Cesario) not to hold it against her.
Sebastian wonders if he has gone mad or is only dreaming about being rescued by a beautiful woman. He hopes that if it is a dream he does not awake.
Olivia asks him if he will be ruled by her and come with her. Sebastian agrees. Return to top ACT IV SCENE ii
Maria gives Feste a costume to disguise himself as a priest. She goes to get Sir Toby.
Sir Toby enters, greets Feste as if he was a priest, and sends him to Malvolio’s dark cell.
As the priest Feste calls himself, Sir Topas and has much fun abusing Malvolio. Malvolio tells the priest (he believes it to be a real priest) that Sir Toby and Maria do him wrong; that they treat as a madman and he isn’t one.
When Malvolio explains that they have locked him in this dark room, Sir Topas tells him the room is full of light.
Malvolio pleads that he is not mad but Sir Topas dismisses him.
When Sir Topas leaves Malvolio cries after him.
Maria tells Feste that he didn’t have to dress up because Malvolio can’t even see him.
Sir Toby tells Feste to go back to Malvolio as himself and find out how Malvolio really is. Sir Toby fears that Olivia will be very angry once she finds out what they have done, now that she is already angry at him for fighting with Cesario (which was really Sebastian). He wishes for their prank to be over soon.
Feste goes back, as himself this time, and sees Malvolio.
Malvolio is quite grateful to hear Feste's voice (quite the turn from previous times) and begs him for a pen and some paper.
Feste continues to have a bit of fun with Malvolio and pretends to be the priest as well as himself, by changing his voice, just to torment Malvolio further.
Eventually Feste agrees to get some paper and a pen for Malvolio and leaves. Return to top ACT IV SCENE iii
12 In Olivia’s garden Sebastian questions everything that has happened to him in Illyria. He still questions if he’s gone mad or is dreaming. He wonders if maybe it’s Olivia that’s mad, but convinces himself that she can’t be mad and command her household the way she does.
Olivia returns and apologizes for her haste, but asks Sebastian (still believing it to be Cesario) if he will go with her, and the Priest she has brought with her, into the nearby chapel. She asks Sebastian if he will give his promise before God to marry her and put her out of her jealous mind by knowing he is hers.
She tells him that it will be all right to keep their engagement a secret until he is ready to reveal it.
Sebastian tells her he will follow her to the chapel and promises to be true to her. Return to top ACT V SCENE i
Feste enters with the letter from Malvolio for Olivia and Fabian begs him to see it.
Feste refuses to let Fabian read it.
The Duke enters with Cesario and his attendants. He asks Fabian and Feste if they are servants of Olivia’s.
Feste confirms that they are. The Duke recognizes Feste and greets him.
Feste entertains the Duke for which he pays him. The Duke asks Feste to go let Olivia know he is there and wishes to speak with her. Feste leaves to find Olivia.
The Duke’s officers arrive with Antonio.
Cesario tells the Duke that Antonio is the man that rescued him (from Sir Andrew) earlier.
The Duke recognizes Antonio and explains to Cesario that Antonio was involved in a battle upon the seas with one of his ships. Antonio won even though he had a very small ship. He asks his officer what is wrong.
The officer verifies to the Duke that Antonio is the same man he remembers, the one responsible for stealing the Phoenix’ cargo (one of the Duke’s ships) in battle; the same battle that cost the Duke’s nephew his leg.
The officers explain that they caught Antonio in a street fight and arrested him.
Cesario explains to the Duke that Antonio helped him by drawing his sword and preparing to fight on his behalf. Cesario also explains that Antonio’s speech to him at the time made no sense.
The Duke addresses Antonio calling him a thief and pirate, and asks him was has brought him into his enemy’s territory.
Antonio, refrains from being called a pirate and a thief, but agrees that he is the Duke’s enemy. He goes on to explain that it is because of his concern for Cesario (he believes Cesario is Sebastian) that he risked coming to Illyria. He explains that 13 he went to defend the youth only to be apprehended by the Duke’s officers, and that the youth would not acknowledge him or return his wallet to him even though he had just given it to him a half hour before.
Cesario is very confused by this.
The Duke asks Antonio when the youth first came to the town. Antonio enters that he just arrived in Illyria today, and that for the past three months the two have been inseparable.
Olivia walks in to meet the Duke at his request. The Duke comments on her beauty, and then returns to Antonio telling him that his story is a lie as Cesario has been working for him for the past three months. He tells the officers to take Antonio aside as he speaks with Olivia.
Olivia asks the Duke what he wants from her beside that which she cannot give him (her love), and asks Cesario why he did not meet her as he promised he would.
Cesario, of course, has no idea what she’s talking about.
The Duke begins to speak to Olivia again, but Olivia interrupts him, tells him to be quiet, and asks for Cesario’s answer.
Cesario says it is not his place to speak; it is the Duke’s.
Olivia tells the Duke that if he wishes to speak to her about the usual (his love for her) she doesn’t want to hear it.
He wonders why she is so cruel, but realizes that it is Cesario that prevents him from having Olivia. The Duke tells Olivia that he will punish her for her cruelty by never letting her see Cesario again.
As the Duke leaves, and Cesario begins to follow, Olivia asks where Cesario is going.
Cesario replies that he is going with the person he loves more than his own life, more than he could ever love any wife.
Olivia explains that she is hurt by this.
Cesario asks Olivia who has hurt her.
Olivia asks Cesario if he has forgotten himself already and sends a servant to get the priest.
The Duke tells Cesario to come with him, but Olivia calls out to him saying, “Cesario, husband, stay.”
The Duke, hearing Cesario called husband, Asks what this means. Olivia confirms that she did call him husband and asks Cesario if he can deny it.
Cesario denies that this is true. Olivia believes that Cesario only denies it because he is afraid of the Duke and tells him not to be.
14 The servant brings the Priest back and Olivia asks him to tell everyone in his presence what ceremony he performed between herself and Cesario just a short while ago.
The Priest states that he joined the two together and made their engagement official just two hours ago.
The Duke is very hurt and feels betrayed by Cesario. He tells Cesario that he never wants to see him again.
Cesario protests and, again, Olivia tells him not to be afraid of the Duke.
Sir Andrew enters frantic and tells Olivia to call a surgeon for Sir Toby.
When Olivia asks what is the matter, Sir Andrew tells her Cesario has beaten Sir Toby’s head and his own.
Olivia, confused asks who has done this, and Sir Andrew tells them Cesario did it and when he sees Cesario there he tells him “You broke my head for nothing”.
Cesario can only refer to the earlier incident where they drew their swords on one another but nothing came of it.
As Sir Toby enters with Feste, Sir Andrew assures Cesario that he has hurt Sir Toby and himself.
The Duke Asks Sir Toby if he’s o.k..
Sir Toby charges that Cesario is the one guilty of hurting him and asks where the surgeon is.
Feste informs him that the surgeon has been drunk since eight o’clock in the morning. In an ironic twist, Sir Toby comments that he hates drunken rogues.
Olivia tells the Servants to help Sir Andrew and Sir Toby away while she still wonders who has hurt them (they know it doesn’t make sense to be Cesario as he has been with them all the while).
Sir Andrew tells Sir Toby he will help him and that they will have their wounds dressed together.
Sir Toby reveals his true feelings for Sir Andrew at this point asking him how he could possibly help being the complete and useless idiot that he is.
Sir Toby and Sir Andrew leave with Feste and Fabian’s help.
Out of no where Sebastian runs up to Olivia and apologizes to her for being late.
The Duke is the first to comment on what he sees: two people looking the same.
Sebastian sees Antonio and asks him where he’s been. He’s been looking all over for him.
Antonio asks Sebastian how he has divided himself into two, and asks which one is really Sebastian.
15 Sebastian turns and looks at Viola dressed as Cesario. He is very confused and says that he has no brother, but he had a sister that drowned. He wants to know where the stranger is from and who his parents are.
Viola explains that she is from Messaline and that her father’s name was Sebastian, and her brother’s too, but that he drowned in the sea. She wonders if Sebastian is a ghost that has come to frighten them.
Sebastian tells her he is no ghost and that if she will admit she is a woman he will welcome her as his sister, Viola.
With a few more details the two confirm that they are long lost brother and sister.
Viola tells Sebastian that if the only thing that interferes with him recognizing her is her masculine clothes, he is to wait until she is dressed as a woman again. She explains that a sea captain has her clothes and has been keeping them for her.
Viola goes on to explain that everything she has done in Illyria has been with the Duke or Olivia.
Sebastian realizes that Olivia mistook him for his sister in disguise and apologizes to her, but tells her that nature interfered appropriately as it could not let her marry a woman.
The Duke, now aware that Cesario is a woman, remembers hat she had told him often that she should never love anyone like him. Viola confirms this and the Duke tells her to marry him and that he would like to see her dressed in her proper clothing.
Viola explains that she is unable to get her clothing right away because the captain that was keeping things for her has been arrested by Malvolio.
Olivia says that Malvolio will release him, but then she remembers that Malvolio has not been himself lately.
The clown enters with the letter from Malvolio and Olivia asks him how Malvolio is doing.
The clown tells her that he is very mad and that he has written a letter for her. Olivia asks the clown to read it to her.
After the clown insists on reading the letter as if he were a madman, in a very loud voice, Olivia asks Fabian to read it instead.
The letter accuses Olivia of abusing Malvolio and treating him unfairly, and mentions her letter to him that is proof to support the abuse she has subjected him to.
Olivia asks if Malvolio wrote the letter. The clown tells her Malvolio did.
Olivia tells Fabian to send Malvolio to her. Once Fabian leaves, Olivia asks the Duke if he thinks it possible to consider her a sister rather than a wife, and offers to pay and have the weddings held at her house.
16 The Duke is pleased to consider her a sister.
Malvolio enters and the Duke asks if he is the madman that wrote the letter.
Olivia verifies that Malvolio is the same person, and asks Malvolio how he is.
Malvolio accuses her of doing him tremendous wrong.
Olivia disagrees with him, but Malvolio assures her that she has wronged him and tells her to read over the letter that she cannot deny she wrote.
He asks her why she told him to come to her in yellow stockings, crossed gartered, to frown on Sir Toby, and then allowed him to be imprisoned in a dark room, visited by a Priest, and continually made fun of.
Olivia tells Malvolio that she is sorry but it was Maria’s hand, not her own, that wrote the letter. Olivia remembers that it was Maria that first told her something wasn’t right with Malvolio and realizes that Malvolio is the victim of Maria’s and Sir Toby’s prank.
Fabian asks to speak and confirms Olivia’s suspicions but says it was him and Sir Toby that did all the pranking and that Maria’s only involvement was writing the letter at Sir Toby’s request (he lies to protect Maria).
Fabian goes on to say that Sir Toby has married Maria to repay her for risking getting in trouble for him.
Olivia agrees with Malvolio that he has been publicly humiliated.
The clown takes one last jab at Malvolio (repeating some of the speech he used on Malvolio as Sir Topas and repeating some of Malvolio’s pleas while locked up) thus revealing his part in the prank. With this he explains the purpose of the prank on Malvolio: to get back at him or being so arrogant.
Malvolio storms out saying he will get his revenge on all involved.
Olivia comments that Malvolio has been greatly wronged.
The Duke tells Olivia to go after him and try to comfort him and gain his forgiveness as they still don’t know what has happened to the Captain.
The Duke goes on to say that when a suitable time presents itself both couples shall be married, and that, in the meantime, they shall all remain together at Olivia’s.
The Duke adds that he will continue to call Viola Cesario until he sees her dressed as a woman and that when that day comes he will make her his love’s queen.
The play ends with the clown alone singing a song.