Mathematics in Action 1-2 Amendment List for Revision Handbooks (Amended in 2006)

Revision Handbook 1A Page Original Amendment 18 Question 10(a) Write down a formula calculating the value Write down a formula calculating the value of W of W. for c  12.

Question 15 Using the general term… Given that the general term of a sequence is… 70 5 Numerical Estimation (All answers in this chapter are for reference (Answers for Q2 – 10 , 11(b) are for reference only, they are not the unique answers.) only.) 71 Answer of question 16(a) should be :

Revision Handbook 1B Page Original Amendment 36, 37 Questions 8,9 Which of the following are pairs of congruent In the following, name a pair of congruent triangles? Give the reason. triangles and give the reason. 37 Questions 10, 11 Which of the following are pairs of similar In the following, name a pair of similar triangles triangles? Give the reason. and give the reason.

70 Question 6 Delete part (b) The original part (c) is changed to part (b). 73 Chapter 8 question 6(c) km m 76 Question 6 (a) 15 (a) 15 (b) 85 s (b) 11 (c) 11

14 Revision Handbook 2A Page Original Amendment 4 Solution for the Example, lines 3 – 5 = 180 (int. ∠ s supp.) = 180 ∴ AB // FG (vert. opp. ∠ s) ∴ AB // FG (int. ∠ s supp.) (b) ∠FDE = 70 (b) ∠FDE = 70 (vert. opp. ∠ s) 9 Line 14 … the corresponding exterior angels. … the corresponding exterior angles. 17 Line 13 … that need to be proved. … that needs to be proved. 34 Question 5 Express 5418 second in the following units … Express 5418 seconds in the following units … 36 Reminder for Example 1 2 3 2 3 Note the 2 : 3 = and 3 : 2 = Note that 2 : 3 = and 3 : 2 = 3 2 3 2 46 Last side note Since base of any triangle must be greater that 0, Since base of any triangle must be greater than 0, we can … we can … 65 Chapter 1, question 7 yes, int. ∠ s supp. yes, int. ∠ s supp. (or corr. ∠ s equal)

Chapter 1, question 20 yes, sides opp. equal ∠ s yes, sides opp. equal ∠ s (or corr. sides,  △s) 66 Chapter 6, question 15 4 020 025 4 x 2 + 20 x +25; 4 020 025

Revision Handbook 2B Page Original Amendment 16, 17, 18 Add ‘Non-Foundation’ logos to Examples 8 – 12. 19 The 1st sentence of the Quiz: Simplify the …… expressions. (1 – 5) Simplify the …… expressions and express your answers with positive indices. (1 – 5) 20 Add ‘Non-Foundation’ logos to Q14 – Q20.

24, 25 Add ‘Non-Foundation’ logos to Examples 4 – 7.

26 Add ‘Non-Foundation’ logos to Q7 – Q15.

33 Question 14 The two pillars of the bridge is 1000 m…… The two pillars of the bridge are 1000 m…… 37 The top right figure Add the symbol θ in the figure.

15 54 Question 15 ……between the bottom of the hill and the ……between the foot of the hill and the village? village? 60 Example 2 ……for the last 30 years. ……for the past 30 years. 65 Question 13 …….comment on the trend on the…… …….comment on the trend of the…… 68 Chapter 12 questions 11 and 12 area = …… total surface area = ……