Preston Patrick Parish Council

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Preston Patrick Parish Council


21st March 2017


PRESENT: Cllrs M Daunt (Chair), M Smith, S. Bramwell, D Inman, I Park, JD Hayhurst, District/Parish Cllr Mrs S Eccles, County Cllr R Bingham, Denise Hyland from Sandcastle Care and Mrs A Park (Clerk). Several members of the public were also present.

APOLOGIES – Cllr G Smithers and PCSO Martin Boak



190.16 MINUTES -The minutes of the previous meeting were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record

191.16 POLICING Since the last Parish meeting there have been 55 incidents reported in the wider area around the Parish, from these 7 crimes have been recorded. 18th February - Quad bike stolen from Lupton. 19th February - two further vehicles damaged at the Crooklands layby 23rdFebruary - clothing and other items stolen from a Crooklands storage unit 24thFebruary- a caravan was stolen from a driveway of a property at Ackenthwaite, the caravan was later recovered in the Lancashire area. 11th March - report received of fly tipping in the area of Gatebeck Road, SLDC dealing. 14th March – an item of plant machinery located in the Gatebeck area via its tracking device, the machinery was stolen in Leeds.

Also of note: Within the county there have been several incidents involving dogs and livestock recently can you please ensure that your dogs are controlled at ALL times and especially at this time of year with lambing in progress?

Cllr Hayhurst advised the meeting he also had items stolen from his workshop but had not reported it to the police.

192.16 OPEN SESSION Mr Brakewell wanted to know when the ‘No cold calling’ sign were to be put up. Cllr Bingham stated these could not be done unless everyone in the area agreed.

Action: The clerk will contact CCC to find out what the current situation is.

Mr Brakewell also reported the sign for Moss Lea was down and wanted to know the outcome of the traffic monitoring on Low Park Land and Gatebeck Lane.

Action: The clerk will report the sign and contact CCC for a report on the traffic monitoring.

Lingmor, Gatebeck Road, Endmoor, Cumbria, LA8 0HH  015395 67411

Email: [email protected] Web: 38

193.16 SPEAKER FROM SANDCASTLE CARE LTD - Denise Hyland manager of Woodland Cottage spoke about the new care home and the aims and aspirations for their residents, who would total four young ladies when fully occupied. She explained the residents are children who have come from underprivileged backgrounds and had a poor start in life. She went on to tell the meeting of the residents day to day care and how she hopes to integrate them into the community. Two residents expressed concerns regarding the strong lighting in the grounds and concerns were raised regarding a parking area being built in the garden of Woodlands Cottage adjacent to the roadside.

Action: The clerk will speak with Denise and the owner later in the week regarding the concerns raised.

194.16 PARISH EMERGENCY PLANNING The clerk advised the meeting they now had 4 people willing to draw up an emergency plan for the village. Mr Roger Gorman, Mr & Mrs Courty (Laura and Chris), Cllr Martin Smith, Cllr Sue Bramwell said she will also be willing to help. Mr Lofty an ex-chief inspector of police will also advise if required. Their inaugural meeting will take place on 22nd March.

195.16 COUNTY COUNCIL MATTERS Cllr Bingham informed the meeting he had been advised CCC would not provide signs for the Longwood/Woodside area as it did not lead to a school or a play area. He advised that the £1500 the clerk had applied for on behalf of the Community Plan Group for a footway opposite the Crooklands Hotel had been granted and she would be informed in due course. He also advised the £1,000 promised towards the cost of the Lengthsman would not now be forthcoming as that money should be for capital expenditure not revenue works however as he had some money left we would receive £466. The clerk asked if there had been any news on the £1000 promised for the Crooklands Hill footpath and he said he would look into it. With regard to the grit bin for Nuttinghall Lane he will look into that and advise, Cllr Smith asked if Cllr Eccles had any funds which we could use and she advised she did not know as yet as it would be next year’s money.

Action: Cllr Bingham will contact CCC regarding the above funding matters.

196.16 DISTRICT COUNCIL MATTERS District Cllr Eccles advised Story Homes would be holding an Engagement Event regarding the new houses on 22 March. When the development brief is released there will be a 7 weeks consultation period for public comments. She advised the road sweeper had been and swept the main road. Cllr Smith also asked that she follow up on her promise to get the remainder of Gatebeck Lane resurfaced as it is a terrible state where highways did not resurface last time.

Action: District Cllr Eccles will contact CCC regarding the resurfacing matter.

The clerk asked if District Cllr Eccles could give any more information on SLDC’s Community Led Housing Fund as the clerk and a member of the Community Led Plan Working Group had attended an event which advised of a fund of £2.3m being available to help people to build homes in their area for local occupation, District Cllr Eccles said she was not aware of it and no knowledge of SLDC’s housing strategy regarding this funding.

Lingmor, Gatebeck Road, Endmoor, Cumbria, LA8 0HH  015395 67411

Email: [email protected] Web: 39

197.16 HIGHWAYS To report  The name sign for Moss Lea on Low Park, is down  A drain 2/3rds way down Green Lane needs unearthing  The section of road on Gatebeck Lane near the kennels which was not resurfaced last time has numerous potholes  The footpath along the A65 near the junction with Gatebeck Lane needs attention  A 30mh repeater sign needs clearing near the shop bench.

Action: The clerk will report all the above and District Cllr Eccles will contact CCC regarding the resurfacing matter.

The Chair raised the matter of the verge near the 30mph signs at the north entrance to the village as farm vehicles turning into the fields have made a large depressions which fills with water. The Chair requested the clerk to write to the farmer to ask that he fill these in as per his agreement when this matter was last raised.

Action: The clerk will write as requested

198.16 COMMUNITY PROJECTS – The clerk advised the wall was almost complete at Crooklands footpath and the Community Plan Working Group extended their thanks to everyone for their help in achieving this. The clerk is now trying to raise funds to complete the footway opposite the Crooklands Hotel, she also reminded everyone that the next Spring Litter Pick has been organised for Sunday 9th April followed by a cream tea at the Club Inn.

199.16 PLAYING FIELD/VILLAGE HALL  The inspection had not been carried out due to the wet weather  New saddles have arrived for the Springers and Cllr Park will fit them  The clerk advised that United Utilities had been out to check the water logged area near the changing hut on the playing field and they advise there does not appear to be any leak however they will check again in 2 weeks’ time just to be sure.  The quote for grass cutting had been received and Cllr Smith proposed we accept it seconded by Cllr Inman all agreed as the current service provider does an excellent job at a reasonable price.

Cllr Smith advised the meeting the Football Club had gone up to a higher league and as such will need shower facilities for the referee, he had advised them to submit their proposals to the council when drawn up.

200.16 LENGTHSMAN Cllr Inman reported the Lengthsman had been litter picking, the council requested the following be passed to the lengthsman for action  Clean up the leaves from the road opposite Oxenber on Woodside and many leaves on the main road from the clock towards the shop and around the bench at the post box.  Trim back tree to allow 30mph sign on the southbound A65 just before the shop to be seen?

201.16 CALC CIRCULAR The March CALC circular was discussed.

Resolved: No action required.

Lingmor, Gatebeck Road, Endmoor, Cumbria, LA8 0HH  015395 67411

Email: [email protected] Web: 40

202.16 PLANNING APPLICATION FOR INPUT AND DECISION All applications and decisions which can be viewed on

PLANNING APPLICATIONS: SL/2017/0131 – 7 Calvert Court, Main Street, Endmoor – installation of replacement doors and windows SL/2017/0153 – Hayfell Barn, Woodside Road, Endmoor – Single storey extension to dwelling, conversion and change of use of outbuilding to create auxiliary accommodation and extension of garden curtilage

The new Hayfell Barn plans were gone through and the council felt once again it breached the planning departments own recommendations whereby it introduced more living accommodation than recommended on the site.

Action: The clerk will write to planning to comment on this

PLANNING NOTIFICATIONS RECEIVED:- SL/2017/0054 – Oakhill, Longwood Endmoor – demolition of existing porch and erection of single storey extension – refused.

203.16 FINANCE The clerk advised she had arranged fortnightly collections for waste from Max Recycling being the cheapest quote.

No questions were raised regarding Q3 Financial report

Paid between and at meetings – AMBIT Solutions PC repairs £100 P.A.Park – Feb expenses £22.23 Max Recycling February £69.13 P.A.Park – Feb wage £460.00 HMRC £115.00 February DSWA £200 to catering at Crooklands CCC footpath construction £4310.00 I Park catering ££26.50 J Faulkner Q4 & Q1 £50.00 J. Smithers catering £57.99

Payments received Transfer - £5,000 from Deposit to Current account

204.16 CONSULTATION, INFORMATION AND ADVICES – It was agreed the next meeting being the Annual Parish Meeting would take place on Wednesday 12th April 2017 as the usual date would have been Easter Monday.

Next Meeting – 12th April 2017

The meeting closed at 9:30pm

Lingmor, Gatebeck Road, Endmoor, Cumbria, LA8 0HH  015395 67411

Email: [email protected] Web:

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