Guided Notes: World War I (1914-1918) Define: - Imperialism:

- Militarism:

- Nationalism:

- Alliances:

The most powerful nations in Europe leading into the 1900s were: 1. 5.

2. 6.

3. 7.


Owning the most ______once made a country powerful during the Age of Imperialism. As Europe began to free their colonies by the 1900s it began very difficult to maintain a B______of P______amongst these nations.

A country like ______was growing in power by 1900s thanks in part to its growth in industry and its major strength in its military. Countries around Europe began looking to form ______just in case a war broke out.

Triple Alliance Triple Entente

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To protect itself from fighting a ______front war, Germany created the ______.

- Attack ______first before ______could ______The ______Peninsula was considered a P______K______going into the 1900s.

Some Balkan countries included: ______, ______, ______, and ______.

The ______Peninsula was mainly imperialized by ______and the ______Empire.

Three characteristics of this area in the early 1900s include: ______, ______, and ______.

The Balkan country of B______was still under rule by ______- ______during this time period and major violence defined this country. To try and create a peace within the area, ______-______send Archduke ______to speak with the Bosnian people.

While riding in his car, the archduke and his wife were______by ______, who was a member of the terrorist group The ______.

The Austrian King now wants ______on Serbia for allowing a terrorist group to shot and kill the archduke. However, the King was fearful of war with Serbia because their protector was ______.

The King now looks to ______to help Austria-Hungary in their fight against Serbia, and possibly Russia. ______gives Austria-Hungary unlimited support in their effort to get revenge.

A-H, with the support of Germany, gives Serbia a list of ______which they do not fulfill and prompts A-H to invade Serbia. ______now begins the preparation for war.

Germany following the S______P______preemptively invades ______. With this invasion, the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente activate their allegiances and the continent of Europe is at war with each other by September 1914.