Teacher Standards and Practices Commission s3

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Teacher Standards and Practices Commission s3

Teacher Standards and Practices Commission July 18-20, 2012 250 Division St NE Salem OR 97301



RECOMMENDATION: The Licensure Committee recommends adoption of the following resolutions:

RESOLVED that, the Commission approve allowing educators to carry over up to one year’s worth of PDUs from one renewal cycle to another. Further, OAR 584-090-0115 Professional Development Requirements is referred to hearing to incorporate the provisions related to carrying over PDUs from one reporting period to the next; [Proposal #2 below.]

RESOLVED FURTHER that, members of the Armed Forces are exempt from the PDU requirements for the amount of time spent on active duty during any licensure renewal cycle. An administrative rule containing the details for active duty exemptions will be presented to the Commission at the November 2012 Commission meeting. [Proposal #3 below.]

(Optional) RESOLVED FURTHER that, TSPC staff is authorized to approve PDU activities following adoption of an administrative rule that includes the approval criteria and requires periodic reports to the Commission; OR [Proposal #4 below.]

(Optional) RESOLVED FURTHER that, the Commission will formally approve all PDU activities as presented from time to time by staff during a regularly-scheduled Commission meeting; [Proposal #4 below.]

RESOLVED FURTHER that, the use of “unlimited” and “limited” PDU activities will be reviewed and resubmitted to the Commission for a vote at the November meeting (along with the proposed rule on criteria for adoption of PDU activities.).

RESOLVED FURTHER that, a new rule containing the seven professional development domains will be presented to the Commission for consideration for adoption at the November meeting.

July 18, 2012/Data Classification: Level 1 - Published 1 4.3 INFORMATION: A rulemaking hearing was held on June 20, 2012, to hear testimony concerning OAR 584-090-0115 Professional Development Requirements containing proposed dates the Continuing Professional Development Units reporting requirements should go into effect for new license types. No comments were received during this rulemaking hearing.

There are five issues included in this agenda item.

1. Implementation Phase-in Period: This schedule for implementing the PDU requirements is now being presented to the Commission for final adoption.

This is the proposed schedule for phasing in the PDU requirement for all license types that have not previously required PDUs. This schedule was included in the rulemaking hearing held June 20, 2012. There were no comments made at the hearing.

License Type Date Educator Next Renews Req’d number of PDUs Substitutes and During 2013 10 total Restricted Substitutes During 2014 20 total 30 total (10 PDUs for each year of During 2015 or later the license) All other educators During 2013 25 total with final license type During 2014 50 total who have not previously reported 75 total (25 PDUs for each year of During 2015 or later the license) (retired, etc)

This has been addressed in OAR 584-090-0115 Professional Development Requirements in Agenda Item 8.2 – Rules Proposed for Adoption. [See Agenda Item 8.2a for text of clarification in OAR 584-090-0115.] Adoption of Agenda Item 8.2 accepts the proposed implementation schedule.

See Agenda Item 8.1a for the proposed addition of the carry-over provisions to OAR 584- 090-0115 Professional Development Requirements.

2. PDU Carry-Over: Should educators be able to carry up to one year’s worth of completed PDUs from one reporting period to the next?

Should the Commission consider amending the new CPD rules to allow one year’s worth of Professional Development Units (PDUs) to be carried over from one reporting period to the next? If yes, then this provides some flexibility and allows educators to complete additional PDUs during a reporting period and then carry-over up to one year’s worth of additional units from one reporting period to the next. A similar allowance was previously in the CPD rules, and was inadvertently deleted during the recent rule revisions.

July 18, 2012/Data Classification: Level 1 - Published 2 4.3 This would allow for the following result upon renewal:

Substitutes/Restricted Substitutes: 10 PDU allowable carryover Three-year licenses: 25 PDU allowable carryover Five-year licenses 25 PDU allowable carryover

3. Armed Forces Exemption: Should members of the Armed Forces who are actively serving be exempted from PDU requirements while on active duty? If so, for how long?

Should members of the Armed Forces be exempt from any PDU requirements while these educators are serving? Time served should not be difficult to document or establish.

If the Commission agrees, the Commission may require members of the Armed Forces to provide documentation of their service period and release papers. The amount of time exempt should be proportionate to and related to the type of license the educator holds. For example: An educator on active duty holding a three-year substitute teaching license is on active duty for six months, then the educator would be exempt for reporting five hours of PDUs during that reporting period. [Substitutes are required to obtain 10 PDUs per year; six months equal five PDUs.]

4. List of Approved PDU Activities: Staff approval or Commission approval for new PDU activities?

Below is the current PDU Activity List, as recommended by the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee and presented to the Commission at the April 2012 meeting. Rather than continue with the committee, future approval of PDU activities may be handled in two ways:

a. Staff may be allowed to approve PDU activities, with regular reports to the Commission regarding new PDU activities accepted; or

b. PDU activities will be submitted to the Commission periodically as requests come in from providers for formal approval by the Commission.

NOTE: The Commission did not formally vote on whether to accept the recommendations of the ad hoc advisory committee with regard to unlimited and limited activities.

Allowable “unlimited” activities:

The following activities are “unlimited” in that educators may choose to earn ALL required PDUs using any one of these activities, as long as the activity is germane to the educator’s license and also meets at least one of the seven domains. Note: The Commission has not yet formally adopted the seven new domains for professional development. Pursuant to the “resolved” above, these will be presented to the Commission in November.

July 18, 2012/Data Classification: Level 1 - Published 3 4.3 Unlimited Activities Number of PDUs allowed Professional workshops and conferences number of hours spent attending University and community college classes 20 PDUs for each quarter credit; 30 PDUs for each semester credit Auditing university or college classes same number as would be earned if obtaining credit; transcript needs to be obtained Trainings listed on ODE’s web site number of credits as specified for individual activities Online classes and webinars number of hours spent listening/ participating CPR training number of hours spent attending First aid training number of hours spent attending Blood-borne pathogen training number of hours spent attending Curriculum training number of hours spent in training Inservice meetings number of hours spent in meetings Activities listed on ESD or school district number of hours spent in training; these websites opportunities may be limited to educators within the same district

Proposed Allowable “limited” activities:

These activities are “limited” in that educators may only earn up to the stated number of PDUs per year.

Limited Activities Number of PDUs allowed Presentation at conference or inservice number of hours spent preparing and attending; not to exceed 5 PDUs per year Serving on board of professional association number of hours spent in board meetings; not to exceed 5 PDUs per year Attendance at district board meetings or site number of hours spent in meetings; not to council meetings exceed 5 PDUs per year Technology training (whether hands on number of hours spent in training; not to exceed training or online training) 3 PDUs per year Writing article that is then published in a number of hours spent researching and writing; professional journal or newsletter not to exceed 5 PDUs per year

Activities recommended NOT to be allowed:

Activity Reasons some participants opposed Days spent substitute teaching Looks like recency; why only substitute teaching? Would not be fair to other teachers Days/hours spent volunteering in a school How would this be evaluated? Although some volunteering might be worthy of PDUs credit, much of it would not Time spent developing instructional How would this work be evaluated? materials or games Coaching sport events Strong split vote on this issue.

July 18, 2012/Data Classification: Level 1 - Published 4 4.3 Mentoring students in classroom How would this be evaluated? Although some volunteering might be worthy of PDUs credit, much of it would not

Right now, if an educator wishes to use a training opportunity that is not included in the lists above, the educator may request that the training be allowed, as long as the educator can show the relation to their own teaching license as well as to the domains listed in the administrative rules and also provide solid evidence of completion of the training.

Some educators have already made requests in anticipation of the new requirements going into effect. Since most of these requests can also be applied to other teachers, it makes sense to add items to the master list, if a decision is made to allow a new PDU activity for an individual educator.

An example: Some educators have requested that they be allowed to include time spent serving on school boards for PDU credit. For this example, it makes sense to consider allowing this activity, given that this activity is somewhat similar to serving on the board of a professional association or attending a district board or site council meeting. Likewise, since these other activities are each limited to 5 PDUs a year, perhaps limiting time spent serving on a school board to 5 PDUs a year is a reasonable solution.

If the Commission supports allowing staff to approve PDU activity with periodic reports to the Commission: Then, staff would approve a requested activity and add it to the PDU activity list, so long as it meets all of the following elements and the PDU activity:  Does not include time actually spent teaching, volunteering, or mentoring in a classroom or coaching any sporting event;  Can easily be “counted” in determining how many PDUs are appropriate; and  Can be verified by a third-party.

5. Licenses Now Subject to PDUs: This is the list of all licenses that did not require PDUs previously, but now do require PDUs.

PDU requirements now apply to all educators who have obtained a final license type. This exempts out-of-state licensees moving to an Oregon license and any Initial I License moving to a Continuing or Initial II License. Just for clarification, this means that the following licenses now require PDUs under the new rule, while previously these licenses were exempt from the PDU requirement:

 Substitute Teaching License  Restricted Substitute Teaching License  Charter School Registration  Limited Student Services License  Five-Year Teaching License (pre-1965)  Exceptional Administrator License  American Indian Languages License

July 18, 2012/Data Classification: Level 1 - Published 5 4.3 (Please see Agenda Item 4.7 for text of proposed rule changes for adoption.)

4.3a Agenda Item 5.3 from April 2012 meeting

July 18, 2012/Data Classification: Level 1 - Published 6 4.3

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