RUBRIC #1 Refer to Early Learning Guidelines / RUBRIC #2 First Steps for 3S Maneuvers

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RUBRIC #1 Refer to Early Learning Guidelines / RUBRIC #2 First Steps for 3S Maneuvers

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to First Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Climbs stairs 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Independently and Learning Learning independently and Climbs familiar stairs 4s Climbs on age- K confidently climbs on Guidelines Guidelines runs and walks and tries new Climbs on age- appropriate Independently and age-appropriate easily from place stairs/ladders, appropriate playground confidently climbs playground to place. progressing to playground equipment with on age-appropriate equipment and skips alternating feet, and equipment with little adult playground with adult assistance runs, walks, and jumps some adult assistance and equipment and and modeling. easily. assistance and walks, runs, jumps, walks, runs, jumps, walks, runs, jumps marches and hops marches, hops and and marches easily. gallops easily. easily.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Maneuvers around 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Shows balance in Learning Learning objects and people Walks along a line or 4s Walks forward and K many situations Guidelines Guidelines without bumping beam structure with Walks forward backward along a Shows balance in including play into them most of some success and smoothly along a wide beam or line many situations outdoors, ball the time; kick and attempts to catch a wide beam or line with minimal including play handling and in throws a ball. large ball. with minimal assistance and outdoors, ball- simple group games; assistance and coordinates handling and in throws or kicks maintains balance throwing and simple group objects with when throwing and catching with a games. increased accuracy. catching large variety of sizes of balls. balls.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Works simple 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Uses smaller Learning Learning “insert” puzzles Works simple “insert” 4s Uses smaller K manipulatives to Guidelines Guidelines (e.g., completes puzzles (e.g., Uses larger beads beads, pegs or Uses a variety of create or complete simple puzzles, completes simple or puzzle pieces manipulatives with manipulatives with designs, structures, uses shape sorter puzzles, uses shape but does not work guidance and small pieces most art or puzzles with box) with guidance sorter box). with smaller pegs support from of the time. guidance and and support from or items. adults. support from adults. adults.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Attempts to unzip, 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Attempts to tie shoes Learning Learning unbutton, untie or Independently unzips, 4s Independently K with guidance and Guidelines Guidelines unsnap clothing unbuttons, unties, or Attempts to zip, snaps, buttons, or Consistently support from adults. with guidance and unsnaps clothing most button, or snap zips clothing most succeeds in support from of the time. clothing with of the time. zipping, buttoning adults. guidance and or snapping support from clothing. adults.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Responds 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Follows through with Learning Learning appropriately to Follows through with 4s Follows through K more than two Guidelines Guidelines simple commands one clear, simple Follows through with two clear, Follows through directions that (i.e., “stop,” “sit direction with adult help with one clear, simple directions with more than two become increasingly down”). (i.e., “put this in the simple direction that involve a directions that complex and may be trash,” “get your coat”). (i.e., “put this in the sequence of involve a sequence accomplished over trash,” “get your actions. of actions. longer periods of coat”). time and responds to one part of a conversation appropriately.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES: RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Participates in 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for When presented with Learning Learning stories, songs, or Repeats rhyming words 4s Makes up own K three different pairs Guidelines Guidelines finger plays with in songs, poems, or Recites simple and chants or rhymes. Is starting to of words, identifies rhyming words. stories. familiar chants or recognize rhyming those that rhyme rhymes. sounds. with some adult assistance.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES: RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Participates in 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for With adult Learning Learning stories, songs, or Can repeat word 4s Knows the K assistance, makes Guidelines Guidelines finger plays with patterns in songs, Repeats alliterative beginning sound of Is starting to make simple letter- sound word patterns. poems, or stories. language. his or her name. letter- sound associations with associations. beginning consonants.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES: RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for 3s Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for 4s Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Shows interest in Asks to listen to or look at 3s First Steps for for 4s First Steps for K Selects a book to Early Learning listening to an adult the same story again and 4s Listens to an adult Listens to an adult read read or listen to, Learning Guidelines read a book (not again. Listens to an adult read a book or a book or chooses to based on favorite Guidelines necessarily read a book or chooses to look at look at books alone or author or topic of listening to the chooses to look at books alone or with others almost interest; gives whole book) and/or books alone or with others almost every day and/ or looks reasons for liking or looks at books. with others less every day, making at books using the disliking a book. frequently than comments about illustrations to tell the every day. illustrations. story and/or following along with familiar text (may not be accurate).

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for 3s Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Identifies print in Identifies own name as a 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for K Recognizes and Learning Learning the environment whole. 4s Recognizes some Recognizes letters in names most upper Guidelines Guidelines (i.e., asking Recognizes that of the letters in his his or her own name and lower case “What’s that say?”). letters of the or her own name. and in those of letters. alphabet can be classmates, as well individually named. as in environmental print.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for 3s Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Imitates counting of Lines up or sorts objects 3s First Steps for for 4s for 4s First Correctly assigns a Learning Learning objects by counting one by one without 4s Correctly assigns a Steps for K number to each item Guidelines Guidelines aloud with no assigning any number Begins to assign a number to each Correctly assigns while counting 10 relationship to the (i.e., setting the table, number when item while counting a number to each objects using one-to- objects at hand. organizing several bears pointing to each five or fewer items item while one correspondence. by putting each one on a item while using one-to-one counting six to block). counting. correspondence. nine items using one-to-one correspondence

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Matches simple 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Compares and sorts Learning Learning two-dimensional Sorts simple two- 4s Identifies some K objects of familiar Guidelines Guidelines shapes in form dimensional shapes in Distinguishes familiar shapes by Describes and geometric shapes by boards and puzzles sorting boxes and other familiar shapes name in various compares common attributes (e.g., circles, materials with adult from one another. circumstances characteristics of and states reasons squares, triangles). help. shapes and for grouping (e.g., creates them with shape, size, number a variety of of corners). materials.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Identifies two 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Recognizes and Learning Learning objects or pictures Identifies two objects or 4s Sorts items into K creates simple Guidelines Guidelines that are the same. pictures that are the Sorts or matches small number of Given a collection alternating patterns same and eliminates objects that are groups based on of items, (e.g., blue block/red ones that are different identical. similar attributes. determines a block/blue block/red from this group. classification block). scheme that creates a group for every item and tells about the groups.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES: RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Asks “why?” and 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Develops plans with Learning Learning other simple Asks “why?” and other 4s In a science or K teacher assistance for Guidelines Guidelines questions for adult simple questions for In a science or nature experience, In a science or testing prediction or explanations about adult explanations nature experience, makes a prediction nature experience, hypothesis and tries things observed. about things observed guesses at what or guess that is makes one or out ideas. and explored through will happen next related to the more predictions additional senses. with no relation to experience. and gives reasons the experience. for predicted result.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES: RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Responds to 3s 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for Routinely Learning Learning directions from Responds to directions 4s Places personal K demonstrates Guidelines Guidelines adults to put items from adults to put items Places personal items in own cubby Places personal responsibility for care away or to be careful away or be careful with items in own cubby without assistance items in own of classroom with group group possessions (backpack, jacket, (but may need cubby without environment. possessions some most of the time. shoes, etc.) and reminding) and assistance and of the time. participates in participates in participates in cleanup time with cleanup time with cleanup time adult help. some independently independence and (without adult help) some adult help. almost every day.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for 3s Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Explores new Explores new objects 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for K Initiates an ongoing Learning Learning objects while while playing and 4s Shows interest in Shows interest in interest in finding Guidelines Guidelines playing. identifies favorite familiar Shows interest in exploring the exploring the out more about activities. exploring the environment, environment, often own environment environment, often choosing favorite trying new and trying new choosing favorite familiar activities, experiences experiences. familiar activities, and trying one or independent of adult trying new two new encouragement. experiences. only experiences with adult independent of encouragement. adult encouragement.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

RUBRIC #1 RUBRIC #2 First RUBRIC #3 RUBRIC #4 RUBRIC #5 RUBRIC #6 RUBRIC #7 RUBRIC #8 Refer to Steps for 3s Making Progress for 3s Accomplished for Making Progress Accomplished for Exceeds for 4s Refer to Early Early Starts activity only Starts activity after an 3s First Steps for for 4s 4s First Steps for K Demonstrates Learning Learning after an adult adult makes 4s Needs less adult Self-initiates activities independence Guidelines Guidelines makes suggestions, some of the Needs extensive help during and play and shows during activities, suggestions. time. adult help during activities, routines, increasing routines, classroom activities, routines, and play. independence in transitions, and and play. routines, calling on play most of the adults when help is time. needed.

Child’s name: Date Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Date Observed: Observed: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTES:

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