Host: Paul Dolbec, Sun Microsystems

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Host: Paul Dolbec, Sun Microsystems

OMG F2F Working Meeting November 20, 2009

Facilitator: Tom Ford

Host: Paul Dolbec, Sun Microsystems

Note Taker: Erin Marzolf

On-site Attendees:

 Paul Dolbec, Sun Microsystems  Tom Ford, Liquid Hub  Mike Gallo, Ace Insurance  Erin Marzolf, Philadelphia Insurance Companies  Charlie Schaeffer, CTS Consulting  Charlie Kriss, Consultant  John Vale, Accenture  Chuck Wiberley, Harleysville Insurance  Lisa Cummins,

Remote Attendees:

 George Nelson, Microsoft  Randy Molnar, CSC  Dennis Maroney, GENPACT  Richard Birkenfeld, GENPACT  Bruce Wallman, IBM


 Ron Sample, Embarcadero, Manager, Strategic Accounts Section 1: General Update

Model Development Update (Tom F.)

 We need a single owner of the Entity Definition owner  Need help with updates of the model; need person to work with Embarcadero tool to do the updates

Tooling (Tom F.)

 Tom - Embarcardero provided licensing for the modeling tool and portal that will allow the model to be managed in a portal setting with checking and check out capabilities of the model itself, version control, publishing in browser model, etc. Liquid Hub will host it. Net Meeting is also been taken care of by Microsoft and removed the firewall issues.

Wiki Update (Paul D.)

 Inherent risk is that people have their way with it and it gets disorganized. Need to make something easy for submitters to interact with and enable collaboration and give people interested in joining a sense that they would be interested in joining and helping.

 Status: number of people, about 6, spent a lot of time, Charlie and Chris in particular, reviewing the content, reformatting, what needs to occur, Mike Gallo did work on content. Ensuring it provides value.

 Next Steps: Looking to make the Wiki easier to navigate and intuitive. Finalize updating and categorizing the content. Whatever we put into the content should be aligned with the RFP for the effort. Mike has a guy at BI that has done it.

 Dax has the administrative authority to change password to Wiki.

Communications Plan/Marketing (Tom F.)

 Workstream is starting to gain momentum. Spearheaded by Bill J. Goals:

o Spread word on effort

o Generate interest in support of carrier community

o Solicit additional distribution channels and artifact donations

 See next steps in the power point slides

 Reach out to Bill if you want to be included on Communications team.

 Any other organizations that we should be expanding to? Paul spoke to Walt Podgurski. There is a social network for insurance where you can blog on topics. Very simple to use. Insurance Campus. Group needs to decide how we want to use the resource. It’s not a wiki, but an external resource. Blogs can help.  IBM donated to Acord. How does that suggest how we want to “play.” Bill was looking to see if IBM would donate to us as well. Discussion to happen today.

 We need an elevator speech to use for all avenues of communication (Erin M/). There is an existing document on the front page of the Wiki for intent, rationale for participating. It is not the elevator pitch. Who can take the first cut of that. This is a to-do in Marketing discussion on Tuesday.

 We need a point on why we are aligned with OMG. We need to differentiate ourselves from Acord. What is the hook that makes us take off? We need to differentiate ourselves from Acord.

 If we can actually get an industry standard dimensional model, this could really take off in a new direction for the industry. (Charlie S.)

 This would be the key differentiating but that is what we should really be striving for. This could be a way for AM Best to evaluate the company in a standard way. Conversation needs to be heavy in both of these threads. (Mike G.)

 Key differentiator is that it is license free. Something else to “put in there.” (Randy M.)

Submission Planning (Tom)

 We are now at March 22 which means we need submission done by February 22, 2010, 4 weeks prior to meeting

 Need clear documentation that is easy to follow and socialization of the content and what you are submitting.

 We have a sample of the finance industry sample for a different effort.

 We really need to polish up documentation. First step will be an outline.

Model Development (Tom)

 Chuck and Mike say face to face works best to finalize the model.

 Weekly meetings are necessary to plow through. Charlie will help.

 RFP calls for both object model and ERD. We are focused on ERD. Object model has fallen through the cracks.

Next Group Meeting

 December 17 target

 OMG wants to present to the group: 1) guidance on submission process 2) campaign about membership, benefits of membership, etc. Everyone agreed that the 17th is good.  Bill requests a hosting facility at a carrier site.

No other topics. Section 2: Model Review

Policy - Coverage LDM for Q&A (Chuck W.)

o This was contributed by Chuck from Harleysville; dovetails with the actual policy model.

o Sent to Lisa, but hasn’t gotten its way into the model yet. Harleysville has not implemented it yet, but Chuck and his team has started. Should be pretty generic. It is not specific to Harleysville.

o Line of Business would be whatever you define for your own company like commercial property, commercial auto, etc. The table on top, Insurance Class, defines what it is, whether you are P&C, Life, etc.

o Product is the products you sell within the line of business. Policy is then related to the Product.

o Coverage Table – coverages you provide. One coverage can be related to many products.

o Product coverage table is relationship entity. Can be commercial auto, towing coverage, liability coverage, whatever small piece you provide within a product/policy. Very generic.

o Coverage Group – for reporting

o Coverage Level – breakdown into limits.

o State /Company combo tracks licensing; what companies can market within which states.

o J. Vale (Accenture) – Question regarding . Insured object is not stored here. Chuck - This is only product selection.

o Charlie Q – where is stacked and unstacked limits? Chuck – coverage level, attributes

o J. Vale – how do we cover product versions? Chuck – attributes within product.

o C. Shaefer – where would discounts go? Chuck – available to products could probably be represented in this portion of model as a separate table? It could then be related.

o J. Vale – package products? Chuck – included between product back to product recursive relationship.

o C. Shaefer – How do we tell if the item is premium bearing? Chuck - That would be in the policy itself. There is no rating attributes unless we wanted to get into it. That would be very detailed. Discounts could be at coverage or product level. Same fur surcharges – more than likely at the product level.

o Chuck – to update and send to Lisa what modifications would look like will do for next Friday meeting.

o C. Shaefer – state related at actual coverage level?

o Multi-state insured locations? Not covered in this part of the model. o Agent licensing is not covered in this part of the model. – to be tackled for the submission. Friday working group will tackle. o Chuck - Two relationships – product policy and one to coverage in policy. At least two entities that will related back into this subject area. This is “what’s available” and policy is “what was picked.” o Next steps are to fold into model. Policy Model

o Chuck – One coverage can have only one insured object but one object can have many coverages. Charlie and J. Vale – how do we represent blankets? Once coverage represents many objects? That is defined as a package. Need to change to many-to-many relationship with Coverage Option table between. Lisa made change live. Need to updated in core.

o Party – just party and role. Leave all other “stuff” in the detailed subject areas.

o Added “Money” entity, subtypes, and relationships. Randy-Credit and Surcharge-policy, state, and insured object; Tax, Fees, Assessments missing that should be tied to Money, policy, state. Related to policy, objects, and geographic location. Can have several different surcharges for a given state (Randy.)

o Facultative Reinsurance is policy level, Treaty is at coverage (non-policy level).

o Need to rename Policy CoverageEntity to Coverage instead of Policy Coverage to make it more flexible. There are two definitions; we will review. Some problems updating model. Go back and fix.

o Reinsurance. Added Reinsurance Entity, subtype (Facultative & Treaty). Reinsurer content is out of scope.

o Added geographic location 1:m to policy. 1:m geographic location to policy coverage. Need to revisit. State – leave hanging for now.

o Deductible (Randy). Made deductible its own entity. “Self-insured Retention” will be considered type of deductible (Randy and Charlie).

o Added entity “Form.”

o Deleted extraneous entities: Reinsurer, Underwriter, Scheduled Item, Freight Group, Jurisdiction.

o Insured Object Group Entity – changed to Workers Comp Classes

Donated Artificats

 Business Architecture-Process Model & Product Sample – used to ensure we have entities to support

Section 3: Other

Embarcadero  Ron Sample from Embarcadero explained that Embarcadero will provide the technology so we can be successful on our mission. Just want some “kudos” in return.

 Embarcadero will provide training and do what we need to keep effort successful.

 Ron walked through the tool components.

 Core pieces are shareable repository with change management, source code control. Our database will run on MS-SQL Server.

 Business Architect – process, conceptual data model, core piece is ER modeling. One of key pieces is web portal so anyone can get in and see parts of the model ready for view. GUI like portal; everything you would expect in a web environment.

 Embarcadero will offer web or onsite training for members of team. Lisa Cummins will coordinate initial training opportunity.

Scope Determination

o Cancellation and Reinstatement – is this in scope as Policy our out of scope as Admin.

o Billing – billing itself should be out of scope, but Bill Type & Frequency should be in

o Transaction Type Entity – might help bridge gap

o Need to make it clear in the lifecycle on where model starts and ends

o Erin created a separate document to track scope items. This is a running list that should feed into the submission.

No other topics.

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