water sample Bearing Distance Surface latitude longitude depth type to GZ to GZ oil? 28° 89° 28.510’ 00.361’ 917 CTD none 28° 88° Box Core 45.388’ 27.743’ 917 #1 none 28° 88° Box Core 50.645’ 26.548’ 1459 #2 317 1 none 28° 88° 44.788’ 23.435’ 1459 CTD aggregates 28° 88° sfc oil in heavy 44.069 22.102 ziploc 210 500m crude 28° 88° Box 46.557’ 24.293’ 1380 core#3 317 3 aggregates 28° 88° Box core 47.988’ 25.825’ 1315 #4 317 5 aggregates 28° 88° Box core 46.612’ 21.285’ 1459 #5 12 2 sheen 28° 88° Box core some 48.074’ 22.849’ 1202 #6 348 4 aggregates sheen, 28° 88° Box core small 49.581’ 24.411’ 942 #7 338 6 aggregates sheen, 28° 88° Box core small 49.454’ 27.378’ 1138 #8 317 7 aggregates Bands of 28° 88° Box core heavy 51.179’ 29.194’ 879 #9 317 9 crude 28° 88° Box core 54.356’ 21.902’ 954 #10 359 10 none 29° 88° Box core 04.415’ 21.922’ 438 NS 359 21 none 29° 88° Box core 04.441’ 21.901’ 438 #11 359 21 none 29° 88° Box core 11.390’ 30.061 150m #12 344 30 none 29° 88° Box core 18.548’ 38.054 64 #13 337 37 none Station locations for NIUST sampling, RV Pelican, May 5-6, 2010 (GZ = Ground Zero, the location of the Deepwater Horizon platform)