Frank, 2012 English II


1920’s Group Research Project Directions – In your assigned groups please pick one of the topics below to research and give a presentation on. You need to tell me the story of your topic as if you were writing an essay, but you will use primarily pictures. You will each write your own essay to go along with your group project. You will turn in the essay to me, but present your photo-essay to the class with your group. You are responsible for making me aware of what topic you want to work with before class is over. You may come up with your own topic if you can think of one, but you must clear it with me. You will post it on edmodo by ______. Topics – 1. Between 1920 and 1929, automobile registration rose from eight million to twenty-three million. What effects have automobiles had on the lives of the American people (pollution, gas use, industry, roads and car accidents)? What contribution did Ford make to the automobile industry? 2. How did women’s fashion change in the 1920s? Have these styles survived or ever been revived? How do they reflect the new freedoms many women were enjoying in the twenties? 3. In The Great Gatsby there are many references to illegal activity – World Series fixing, bootlegging, police complicity in crime. Research criminal activity in the 1920s, including the Harding Administration Scandal and the Teapot Scandal. 4. Discuss the stock market crash of 1929. Why did it happen and what was its aftermath? How did it lead to the Great Depression? 5. Choose one of the major artistic and musical influences of the 1920’s. Explain their life and career. Some examples are Coco Chanel, George Gershwin, Pablo Picasso, Louie Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, Ernest Hemingway. Requirements –  A presentation no longer than 5 minutes on topic.  You may use prezi, powerpoint or photostory.  Your presentation must begin with a thesis statement. What is the main point you are trying to tell the audience?  You must have a minimum of 7 photographs with explanations (one complete sentence per slide).  Each group needs a bibliography slide for photographs.  Each group member must talk to receive a grade.  Each person must turn in a 1 page essay that they wrote individually.