A Requiem for Saint Nicholas

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A Requiem for Saint Nicholas




Chudi Okoye 2


The following appears on screen:

‘I believe in the imagination. What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see’- H.G Wells.


Darkness. The raw, chambered sound of an audience applause echoes relentlessly.


A spot light illuminates an emotionless figure standing upright on a stage.

Tentative audiences cheer in mindless enthusiasm as Danny Mayor, early forties, boyishly handsome, clean shaven and well groomed in a flawless performer attire- inhales deeply...... a tension in the air, subtle as Danny remains completely unfazed- his eyes wide shut.

The crowd hushes; Danny’s eyes blink wide open- spectators appear numb with exhilaration.

Danny For my next trick I will attempt...... let me rephrase that, I will perform a feat never before attempted, until now, by any other magician. Plato called it ‘a fools dream’ while Houdini said, that ‘only the gods, if any, could perform it’.

Men and women amongst audiences exchange indulgent looks.

Danny (BEAT; CONNT’D) Ladies and gentlemen I beg you to concentrate and keep you eyes steady, for what I’m about to perform might elude you all. Now without further or do let us make history. 3

A short applause follows, boggling anticipation reeks on the audiences faces.


A female assistant appears and approaches Danny, she is stunning, but behind those sultry eyes lies an air of anxiety.

She assists Danny as he adjusts his attire.

Danny snaps his fingers and like magic, a vast curtain wall glides across behind him to reveal an enormous mechanical contraption.

Audiences shudder at the sight.

A male helper rams it forward- creaking sounds erupt as the device sputters along.

Danny (Pointing graciously at his creation) Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you a creation crafted with mere hands but with end results of supernatural proportions.

Danny glares at his contraption with lust in his eyes.... a proud inventor indeed.

Danny (BEAT; CONNT’D) I call it ‘The requiem’.

Danny briskly approaches his creation and exchanges a firm handshake with the helper.

A case appears from nowhere; Danny opens it and takes out a robe.

He hands it to the girl who tosses it over her dress.

A lever is altered and a steel rectangular like board pops out. The crowd watches with an almost disturbing gaze.

The helper tenderly assists the girl as she lies flat on the board- She adorns a subtle look of fear. 4

Danny and the helper begin to strap the required body parts with metal clanks.


Danny stoops next to her and gently runs his hands down her cheek.

Danny (A loud whisper) See you on the other side.

The girl nods her head in agreement...... a sense of agitation lurking beneath the acknowledgment.

Danny (Addressing the crowd) And now ladies and gentleman- You’ve all been patient and as such must be dying of suspense. Well wait no longer.

Danny turns to his helper and motions at him to commence.

Danny Disappearance ladies and gentleman is said to be beyond magic- for if one can disappear, then why not reappear in the same spot- That desire is about to be satisfied tonight.

The girl slowly ascends in the board as the helper rotates a knob.

Danny (BEAT; CONT’D) My creation solves this debate by connecting electrical fibers to an oscilloscopic outpost, which releases approximately ten thousand volts into the lady’s system, decimating her molecules to mere matter- then a reversible charge......

(Beat) 5

Ladies and gentleman, did you really think that I was about to reveal my trick....?


The crowd chuckles as the OC sound of metals crunching intently, grabs Danny’s attention.

CU on a set of wheels as they disjoin from their bolts.

Danny rushes across – his helper trying desperately to keep the board in balance.

Danny (To girl) Baby, stay calm, it’s only a minor problem.

(To Helper) I’ll handle this.

The helper addresses the audience- beckoning them to stay calm.

Panic is in the air... the girl especially, her face spelling a look of sheer trepidation.

Girl (An edge of fear in her voice) Dad, what’s happening.....?

Just as Danny replies – the steel board collapses to the ground- the ferocious fall hits a new chord of fear as people hush up in despair.... screams of ‘is she alright.... should I call an ambulance’ reverberates in the atmosphere.

Danny and the helper rush towards the shattered board- the girl pants grievously for breath.

They hurriedly release the metallic clanks.

Danny Baby, just breathe..... Sabrina- 6

(BEAT) Easy, breathe..... you’re almost free.

Sabrina is having trouble doing just that, her breathing procedure is one of great difficulty and pain.


The audiences- now on their feet anxiously watch as both men attend to Sabrina.

Danny Stay with me, keep breathing.

Just as her upper body is aided to an upright stance- a familiar creaking sound sends a metal part flying and it lands in Sabrina’s neck- a vicious blow.

A loud agonizing shriek can be hared as people shut their eyes and shuffle their kids out in fright.

Danny has that look of underlying shock.... how did that happened.

His helper draws back in fear- the horrific image of an impaled neck rivets him.

Danny overcome with anguish grabs his daughter- his hands embellished in blood.

Danny No...... stay with me, you’re not going anywhere

(PAUSE) No..... Sabrina.....

Suddenly a strange percussive clicking reveals a sharp sound of relief- as we see Danny sit up frantically from his sleep, he looks petrified between the background sounds of his heavy breathing- It was all a dream.

INT. KITCHEN- LATER A battered wooden desk drawer groans open and pale skinned hands with dirty fingernails twist the cap off a pint of rye whiskey and pour liquor into a coffee cup. They screw the cap back on and lay the bottle in the drawer. 7

The cup rises to the face of Danny Mayor, now early Sixties, scraggy beard; shriveled skin with salt and pepper hair that was once jet black- skin paler than a bone marrow. CONTINUED: He takes a sip and bares his teeth in a grimace from the whiskey.

He approaches his living room- unremarkable, immensely disorderly, bottles of Jack Daniels and ice buckets litter the table.

His hand plunges forward and grabs a packet of cigarette amidst the herd of empty packets of Chinese take away.

A lighter rests on a soiled carpet- he picks it up and swiftly puts it to work.

A stream of cigarette smoke snakes through as his head and shoulder nudges in and shifts nervously.

He reaches for the remote control- all battered up.

The television switches on- he watches with unflinching concentration ‘David Copperfield’ as he performs his infamous ‘Statue of Liberty Disappearance’ trick.


Danny sits in font of a makeup mirror coughing up rounds of tobacco smoke; it is a nasty, hacking cough.

His dress code is in complete disarray.

The door opens and an apprehensive man walks in. Zero in on a tag needled to his shirt that reads ‘Supervising Manager’.

Manager Hey, you’re supposed to be on in ten...

Danny (In a raspy voice) Relax, I’m on cue. 8

The manager glances at an ash tray- a lighted cigarette glowing in it.

He grabs it.


Manager How many?

Danny Umm.... five, forty, a hundred, I don’t fucking keep track.

The Manager quenches the cigarette and tosses it away.

Danny Hey, that was my last one.

Manager And it better be your last, come on Danny, people are waiting for you out there.

The door opens and a timid lady flops in – a make up bag in her hands.

She pulls out an air brush and is about to mask Danny’s face when he rudely declines.

Danny Just stop it, get out here.

The girl gathers her items and steeply exits the room.

Manager Now what was that for.....ehh? Will you just give her a break?

Danny Whatever..... I never got one and you don’t see me complaining.

Manager Danny...... please, I’m begging you, just get ready.

Danny reluctantly snaps his fingers and a tie appears out of nowhere. 9

The manager watches in excitement as Danny knot’s a double Windsor around his collar.


Manager You still got it, onstage and offstage.

The manager reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of cash rolled up in a robber band.

He places it in Danny’s breast pocket and taps it.... for closure.

Manager A little incentive for a better performance. I’m counting on you, don’t fuck it up.

Danny glares at him vindictively...... a sort of don’t care; I don’t give a fuck look.


Danny is in the middle of an obscene magic trick.

Obscene in the sense that it is peculiarly mundane.

The trick he performs is the infamous ‘coin disappearance’,

Followed by a few un-remarkable ‘card illusions’- he even drops a stack of cards in an attempt to elude the audience.

The audience is visibly appalled and unlike the overly enthused mass of spectators in the dream scene- the stage is notably vacant.

The manager struggles to contain his frustration- he makes displeasing gestures at Danny from his private booth.

Danny People..... I’ mean ladies and gentlemen. I need a volunteer.

No one complies.

Danny 10

Come on people, a volunteer, anyone, please.....


An okword silence ensues as audiences contemplate amongst themselves.

Seconds later, a shaky hand pops up, another hand follows and another and another.

Sat timidly amongst the audience is a girl, slender and uncannily beautiful.

Danny’s eyes fall upon her and suddenly her image turns into that of Sabrina. She smiles, he glares uncontrollably.

Sabrina’s image returns to the original girl.

Danny (To girl) You.... come up here.

The girl twitches nervously in her chair and snuggles against an elderly man - sitting adjacently to her.

He motions at Danny - voicing the girl’s reluctance.

Danny Come on, please.... it’ll only be a minute.

The man and girl exchange an intimate look..... a sort of motivational gaze.

The girl approaches the stage, Manager looking extremely agitated- now on the edge of his chair.

As Danny moves closer to her, an image transition occurs again- Sabrina appears- beautiful as ever.

Danny is completely transfixed- the audience pondering over his peculiar stance.

Danny N-now for my next.... 11

(BEAT) my next.....

(PAUSE) Sabrina......


He gently touches her hair..... a tender attraction.

Danny Sabrina.... you came back, is really you, you came back.

He embraces her and as he does so, Sabrina’s image bolts back to the original girl- who is scared chitless.

Danny (Hugging her) I thought I lost you forever....

The harmless embrace progresses into a crushing hug, she struggles for breath.

The manager briskly approaches the stage and so does the girl's concerned father.

Danny Come home.... just come back to me

Girl (Struggling) Stop.... you’re hurting me.

A muted scene, as the manager and her father swiftly separate Danny from his crumpling embrace.


Danny is tossed out through the back door- he stumbles to the ground.

The manager gawks furiously at him.

Manager One night Danny, just one fucking night, that’s all I asked.

Danny stands up. 12

He pulls out a bottle of whisky, opens it and takes a long, hard sip.


Manager Jesus Danny, you come in late, always drunk, high as a fucking kite, and then that..... why?

Danny Do you really want to know? Cause I got a long list of shit load of fucking problems.

Manager You think you’re the only one.... uh? my mother died on my graduation day, and I didn’t become a fucking degenerate. You want to kill yourself, fine, go ahead. Just know there are some people who still give a fuck about you.

(BEAT) I got to suspend you.....

Danny Suspend me...., I’ve never bee.....

Manager (Angrily interrupts) You should count yourself lucky that you don’t have to spend a night in jail. Three months, and you can come back.

(Pause) You need help.

Danny takes a long gulp from his whisky bottle and staggers off, much to his manager’s dismay.


Danny Mayor as rugged and scruffy as ever, stands in the middle of a modest living room.


A nervous aura about him as he waits restlessly.

A little boy appears out of nowhere.

Boy Uncle.....

Danny Hey Joshua.....

The two embrace.

Joshua You’re too late. Everyone’s gone.....

Danny It’s complicated.

Joshua Ok, did you at least get me something?

Danny Of course I did.

(BEAT) Close your eyes.

Joshua shuts his eyes in excitement.

Danny braces him self and with a snap of his fingers, a miniature action figure appears- its metallic components glowing endlessly.

Danny Now open up.

Joshua glares at his gift with an ecstatic gaze, he grabs it instantly. 14

After a few seconds of playfully dangling the ‘action figure’ in an array of directions, he embraces his uncle.

Joshua Thanks Uncle, you’re the best.

CONTINUED: Danny Now, where’s aunt Jane?


Danny approaches a woman perched on a stool.

She’s Jane and has a deeply lined face, making her fifty years a good guess at best.

Danny perches down next to her.

Jane I just lost a twenty dollar bet with Rita. She said you would definitely show up, and I disagreed.

Danny It seems Rita knows me better than you do.

Jane Well, that’s the great thing about marriage, it relies on secrets.

Danny How you doing?

Jane Fine, not great, just fine. You?

Danny What do you think?

Jane Are you sure you want my honest answer?

Danny Absolutely. 15

Jane I couldn’t care less.

Danny lets out an uneasy chuckle.


Jane But seriously, you look like shit.

Danny Wait to you taste me.

Jane chuckles herself.

Danny reaches into his pocket and pulls out a packet of cigarette.

He flicks the seal open and offers one to Jane.

Jane I know I’m depressed, but I for one choose therapy over tobacco and alcohol.

A thin smile cracks across Danny’s face.

He lights a cigarette for himself and takes a hard drag.

Danny Do you ever see her?

Jane Who?

Danny Sabrina.....

Jane What do you mean?

Danny I mean.... do you ever feel her presence, like she’s right there and when you reach for her, you can actually feel her. Even her smell, that perfume that she loved.... 16

Jane Mary Cole.


Danny Yeah, that one. It just reeks of her; I’ mean she always drowned herself with it.

A stream of tear trickles gently down Jane’s cheeks-

Danny (BEAT; CONT’D) Then you hug her and you can hear her voice, that voice that she had-just whispers softly into you ears, and just as you get closer, she vanishes, like magic. I dunno know, have you.....?

Jane Sometimes, but not half as poetic as yours. I dream about her, a lot, and yeah I do hear her voice, speaking to me. Saying ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m ok’. You know, we would have probably had grandchildren by now, I know she always loved kids. A little boy and a girl, god I wish.... she would have had a beautiful graduation, a handsome husband and a lovely family. Every day I wake up knowing that she could have avoided her fate, if you only listened.

Danny Oh Jane, let’s not get into that alright, we’ve passed that stage.

Jane I’ve never passed that stage, I can’t stop thinking that our daughter might have been still 17

here with us, if you had just listened to me-that’s all you had to do.

CONTINUED: Danny Come on Jane.....

Jane stands up.

Jane (Sobbing) I don’t want to hear it. You were so adamant that she be a part of your ‘Greatest discovery’, your ‘requiem’. You put more work into that contraption than your family, and you took her away, brainwashed her, exploited her vulnerability, using your childish magic tricks to seduce her. And for what..... a dead daughter of only nineteen, nineteen Danny- she didn’t even get to go to college.

Danny Are you done....?

Jane No, I won’t you to sign the divorce papers tomorrow unfailingly.

Danny You don’t need papers to legitimize anything. We’ve been separated since we were married.

A stern man flops to the scene, he approaches Jane.

Man Is everything alright?

Jane I’m ok.

Man 18

(Loud whisper) You want me to kick him out?


(To Danny) He was just leaving.

Danny stares in dismay, he takes out a bottle of whisky, opens it and downs it to the last drop.

He tosses the bottle away and staggers off.

Jane embraces her man in despair.


Danny struggles to unlock his door- his shaky hands make it difficult to fit the key in.

An OC sound grabs his attention and he turns sideways to see a boy.

Danny’s view is blurred as he strains to fathom the little boy’s enigmatic appearance.

The boy glares at him sternly and then smiles.

Danny hurriedly unlocks his door and looks sideways again- nothing there this time..... the boy has disappeared.


Danny’s eyes scan the ‘expiring date’ on a can of milk- in his hand, a cart rests cluttered with an array of intoxicating beverages.

As he makes his way towards the tail, he’s eyes drift sideways and falls upon the boy from last night standing behind a glass wall.

The boy smiles at him and Danny looks away.... this is weird. 19

Danny glares through the window again but this time his eyes fall upon nothing- the boy’s gone.


Later that day, Danny is sat on a bench- blissfully entertaining a group of kids.

One of the kids- a boy; glares at Danny with a captivated gaze.

Boy Mr Mayor, can you make me disappear?

Danny Well I dunno know....

Boy Awww please....

Danny Maybe tomorrow, I’m not prepared.

Danny reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wand.

As he waves it in the air- the mysterious boy form the previous scene catches Danny’s drifting gaze.

Danny pretends not to have noticed him- he attempts to concentrate on his belligerent fans.

He glares back again- but the boy’s vanished yet again.


Danny sits across from a thin, very old woman in bifocals, DR. SUSAN-TENNER, in a moderate office. He seems uncomfortable on the long, leather sofa, sitting at the far end with his legs folded and arms crossed.

Susan-Tenner So this boy you see, does he bear any striking similarities in terms 20

of physical appearance, to any acquaintances?

Danny Not that I can remember. So what if he did?


Susan-Tenner Well often when people claim they’ve seen mysterious beings, those beings usually bear notable physical similarities to a relation, friend etcetera. A sort of, familiar manifestation.

Danny Well, I can assure you that this boy was no manifestation of any kind. He’s just sort of.... weird looking and says absolutely nothing. One minute his there and the other minute his gone- like magic.

Susan-Tenner Mr Mayor, I hate to sound like a broken record, but I’m afraid what your describing is schizophrenia.

Danny No, it’s not schizophrenia. It’s like a really swift enigma that pops out and vanishes in seconds....

As Danny justifies his strange sightings, the boy appears again.

Standing against the door- he smiles sardonically at Danny.

Danny is riveted, he points sporadically at the boy.

Danny Look, there he is.....I told you it isn’t schizophrenia. 21

Susan turns to look and sees absolutely nothing- only her mundane office equipments catches her curious gaze.

Danny Can you see him, he’s right there.


Susan nodes her head in disbelief while the boy chuckles uncontrollably- his presence only visible to Danny’s eyes.

Susan-Tenner Sir..... sir, listen to me, there is no one there.

Danny Of course there is.

Danny looks again – but his eyes fall upon nothing, the boy’s disappeared as usual.

Susan-Tenner (Concerned) Sir you might be suffering from a mild form of mental-psychosis. It’s hopefully temporary, but may I recommend some prescribed medications?


Danny exits a building and steps unto a sidewalk- a look of bewilderment spells on his face.

Suddenly, the mysterious boy appears a couple of yards from him.

Danny sees him.

Danny You, don’t move.

The boy swiftly turns and commences on a jog down the sidewalk.

Danny (In a loud tone) 22

Hey, you..... stop, I just want to talk.

Danny chases him- narrowly avoiding collision with a string of passer-bys.

The boy cuts into an alleyway. Danny follows, he pauses momentarily..... out of breath.


He slowly approaches the alleyway- vacant.

His eyes survey the premises.

An OC voice emerges from behind- it startles Danny.

Boy (OC) Look no further than the eyes can reach and you will find the true color of man himself.

Danny (Bewildered) What.....

Boy Chudi Okoye..... screen writer. A great philosopher but lacking miserably in mere ethics.

Danny Look I don’t really care. I just want to know why you’ve been following me.

Boy I haven’t, I just merely appear in places where you happen to be.

Danny Really.... I guess that explains the disappearing acts.

Boy As in.....

Danny 23

You’re a figment of my imagination, you don’t exist, I created you.

(BEAT) Jesus, I’m going crazy.


BOY Who would have thought, the imagination of a sixty-three year old mind would come in the form of a little boy. Pretty odd, wouldn’t you agree?

Danny You’re just proving my point. I’ mean how else would you have known my real age.

Boy I know everything about you Danny Mayor, and that’s not because I’m a figment of your imagination, quite the contrary. I’m far beyond human imagination. I know who you are, what you do, your dislikes, desires, enemies, friends, habits..... everything. Because I need to.

Danny I’m definitely going crazy.

(Talking to himself now) He’s just a little boy, he could have got that from anywhere, he’s just a weird smart kid- you’re not crazy.

Boy Don’t insult me Danny. If you even had half the innocence of a child 24

you wouldn’t be lonely, depressed and on the verge of suicide.

Danny sternly moves closer.

Danny (In an angry tone) Now that’s enough you little shit, who hired you.... was it my wife?


Boy What, you think your wife would really hire a kid to investigate her ex-husband’s dwindling lifestyle. No, she couldn’t afford me. Just joking, who I am is not important, not yet, is what I’m here to do that is.

Danny And that is?

Boy To help you help me. You’re a special man Danny, and its taking me a long time to find you. But time is running out and I know this is hard to comprehend, I mean you’ve spent your whole life asking questions, but now it’s time to believe.

Danny Well believe this, if I ever see you again, I’ll kill you.

Danny storms off...... a convincing yet uncertain stance.

Boy (Making sure he hears him) Threats, you’re better of without them. The name’s Carl and I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow, right here. 25


CU on Danny lying flat on his modest bed, eyed open- unblinking, tear cascades down.


Our view centres on the timid make-up lady from previous scenes, applying last minute beautifying touches on Sabrina.


Danny walks in, a clean-shaven, younger looking Danny- donning the exact suit he wore on that fateful day.

Sabrina expresses her appreciation to the make up lady and the lady exits the room.

Danny You look beautiful.

Sabrina You look handsome.

Danny Remember the drill.....

Sabrina Step out, take a bow, inhale, a little smile here and there....

Danny ...... Alright I trust you. I’m so proud of you, you know that right....

Sabrina I know. I just wish mum could be here. I wish you two could be happy.

Danny Well maybe after tonight. Who knows, we could all be sipping espressos down at starbucks, 26

celebrating ‘the requiem’, the most spectacular triumph in magic history.

Sabrina You really believe magic solves everything, don’t you?


Danny Honestly, I don’t know what I believe in anymore. The fact is when you do this for so long, the world around you gradually becomes an illusion. What’s good for mum might be hardship for me. I’m complicated.

Sabrina Everyone is Dad. I just hope that after today, coming here won’t be the only way I can spend time with you.

Danny embraces her..... a drop of tear trickles down her cheek.


Danny stands in the middle of an alley, a slight uneasiness about him.

Carl (OC) I knew you’d come.

Danny turns around slowly.

Carl (BEAT; CONT’D) You want to know how?

Danny I’m dying of curiosity...... 27

Carl Destiny.

Danny Ok, I don’t think I’ve been so confused in all my life. What is it you want?


Carl I was hoping you would ask that soon. Ever heard of the North Pole?

Danny Who hasn’t.....?

Carl Well the North Pole hasn’t felt so hot since February of this year.

Danny Hot, how’s that possible.

Carl Tension Danny. When it occurs, it changes temperature. The temperature of emotions. Kinda like you. You’ve been through so much tension, tension from your father- his constant nagging that ultimately resulted in your marriage with Jane, who you have never felt an ounce of love for. Tension stemming from having to, spend sleepless nights experimenting and slaving in order to discover new forms of magic to appease audiences and then only for them to dismiss it as a mere ‘trick’. And then the tension of loosing your daughter, which was your ultimate downfall.

Danny 28

Its funny, I’ve been craving this discussion for decades and I never expected to be having it with a little kid. But your right, my life has been filled with numerous tensions. My ex-wife, my audience,



Danny (CONT’D) and my daughter- the thought of waking up every morning knowing that her death was my fault, those tensions are unbearable. I dunno know...... what’s your point?

Carl Let’s take a walk.


Danny and Carl survey the premises of sick patients.

Danny is repulsed at the sight of sporadic vomiting, while Carl seems unfazed.

A few nurse’s mill about as Carl draws Danny’s attention to a particular patient.

Carl About a year ago, a botanist discovered an infection on a rose petal. Now this was really rare, as roses are known to be impermeable organisms. No one could understand how or why. Soon, other plants were affected, a pandemic occurred in that laboratory site. The called it the ‘ivy plaque’ and it was kept totally under wraps from the outside world, as herbs used in major tea brands were extracted from plants in that lab site. The 29

infection was also found to be fatal to human beings. But surely this mysterious infection is only premature they said, it couldn’t have been circulating far beyond our knowledge they said, floating in thousands of herbal products as they spoke. Wrong, two months later, after the lab site was


CONTINUED: Carl (CONT’D) quarantined, a woman was admitted into a hospital with an unknown disease that beard similar symptoms to that of the ‘ivy plaque’. The human suffering had begun.

Danny Why you telling me this?

Carl snaps his finger and everyone in the room freezes- absolutely motionless.

Danny is startled speechless.

Carl mutters an incoherent line and a small cloud like portal appears before them. Danny’s face spells a weird mixture of fear and excitement.

Carl waves his hand across the portal, and an image appears.

An image that illustrates a near unrecognisable Santa Claus, wrapped up in white blankets- he looks unwell.

He snoozes uncomfortably and herds of elves ‘Santa’s little helpers’ flock around his bed.

Streams of tears trickle down their mystical cheeks as they mourn the ailing health of their master.

Carl Uncle Nicholas. Otherwise known as Santa Claus to you, is dying. Three hundred and eight years old 30

and he’s leaving us now, well that’s what we thought. See that elf....

Carl points at an Elf- dressed in notably different attire than his other colleagues. Danny watches completely transfixed.

CONTINUED: Carl (BEAT; CONT’D) Doctor Vince they call him, he’s got channels to human medical test reports and he matched Santa’s symptoms to that of the ‘ivy plaque’. Down the chimney he went and he had to drink that tea the little innocent girl left for him, with the cones and jam. We all wish he could have been in a hurry, but how could he..... his Santa.

(Sobbing) Look at them, they cry endlessly, trying so hard to keep him comfortable. He’s inhuman alright, but this...... definitely hurts.

(Beat) Five of us were sent on a mission.....

The image on the portal changes and our view moves closer to reveal five set of elves lining up in front of a vast globe.

Carl (BEAT; CONT’D) Scattered all across the globe, in search for the immediate substitute. It’s been nine months, and not a single progress has been made. They’ve all failed, and you’re the last hope. 31

Danny (Perplexed) Who.....?

Carl You Danny, you’re the potential puzzle required to submerge down the chimney and deliver countless gifts of joy.

CONTINUED: Danny You mean become Santa?

Carl Exactly.

Danny Why me? aren’t there any mystical men Left in the North Pole?

Carl There isn’t enough time to answer your questions, just leave it as it is, a myth. I chose you because you’re at life’s edge, but that can change. Cause with this, you become eternal, and this life you tamper with so mercilessly becomes nothing but a controllable element. With this you bring grace to billions of people waiting for that special Christmas gift, that meal, smile...... family togetherness. That’s why you’re the perfect choice, you lack all theses elements, but with this, you can fulfil what you’ve always dreamed of since you were a little child, the power to perform real magic.

With that, the portal disappears, releasing people from their motionless states.


A hand plunges forward and grabs a can of beer. 32

Pull back to reveal Danny as he flicks it open.

He takes a long hard gulp.

He stares blankly-calculating.

Carl (OC) Have you made a decision?


Danny startled, turns his head backwards to see Carl- standing against his front door.

Danny walks and stops a few yards of him.

Danny I don’t even know what to think. One part of me thinks I’m going crazy.... that you don’t exist, that you’re only a figment of my imagination, unknowingly created to keep me from destroying myself. I mean, I’m the only one who can see you, and just the other day I was conjuring magic tricks to amuse audiences and now, I have an opportunity to be a substitute for Santa Claus.

(BEAT) A decision is one thing, taking a stance is another.

Carl A magician who doesn’t believe in possibilities, typical. But you must overcome human logic and face your destiny. You have the chance to become an entirely different person, erasing all those bad events that have occurred in your life and the lives of others.

(BEAT) Do you know what it feels like to have a place in the hearts of 33

countless people around the world....? Well here’s your chance, it’s your destiny, believe it..... take it.

Danny As you said, ‘I’m tampering with my Life’, a life that I feel has outgunned me years ago. I’m lost.... and I’m sorry.

CONTINUED: Carl I’m sorry too, I was wrong. It seems your position as last on the list was nothing but a literal presentation.

Carl exits the room.

Danny has that look of defeat..... what did I do.

He races out the door.


Danny just catches Carl as he ascends down a flight of stairs.

Carl stops - listens.

Danny I’m scared and I don’t know what I’m scared of, but I am. So yes, I’ll do it. Whatever it takes.....I’ll do it. Just tell me one thing, What if I fail?

Carl Read between the lines of every known history book and you will find that the world is just one big failure, and yet man slavishly celebrates it, day in day out.

(BEAT) Everyone laughed at the man who failed, but no one forgot him. 34


Danny shuts the door to his apartment- he pauses momentarily – contemplating.

Carl (VO) Three tests Danny, they will be difficult, but if you persevere, you will achieve.


He approaches a door, opens it and tromps in.

Carl (VO) (CONT’D) The three ‘A’s of life. TO ADORE, TO ADMIRE and TO ANTAGONISE. The tests will revolve around those three elements. ‘To admire’ will be your first test. On your bed you’ll find a small capsule, it’s yours, take it.

Danny grabs an enclosed capsule resting on his bed- he’s curious eyes scan through its mundane shape.

Carl (VO) (CONT’D) Do not open this capsule, leave it closed at all times. You will go to the park with it and entertain the group of kids as you normally do. They admire you and thus they are your task. You will say the spell inscribed on the capsule.....

Danny searches for the inscribed spell with his eyes- he sees it- ‘Anomolus magnifous’ it reads.

Danny is bewildered. Carl Do not worry about its meaning, just whisper it, ‘Anomolus magnifous’ with the capsule in your hands.


A group of restless kids surround Danny- as he entertains them with an array of magical tricks.

The little boy from the previous park scene- comes forward amidst the herd of animated youngsters.

Danny sees him.

Boy Are you prepared this time?

CONTINUED: Danny More than ever.

(PAUSE) Close your eyes.

All eyes on Danny as the boy shuts his firmly.

Danny stealthily reaches into his pocket and pulls out the capsule.

He too shuts his eyes and the rest of the cowering kids follow suit.

Danny (In a loud whisper) Anomolus magnifous......

A husk of glowing red light flows out through the body of the boy- and enters into the capsule.

Everyone opens up their eyes, murmurs of ‘what happened.... feel any different’, ring out.

Boy God, I feel so weird. Could you do that again?


Danny is fearfully pacing back and forth in his living room. Carl (OC) Don’t be afraid Danny, your safe.

Danny turns to see Carl assuming his normal standing against the wall position. 36

Danny (In an angry tone) Safe, did you see the news report. That little kid just died- like my daughter and you think I’m going to be safe. That’s two people Carl.

CONTINUED: Carl Calm down, you did nothing wrong....apart from panicking.

Danny Don’t tell me to calm down. I don’t want to go to jail.

Carl You’re not going to jail, for all you know he could have been dying already from a fatal disease.

Danny No he wasn’t Carl. They said he died from a ‘freakish accident’, freakish, on the same day I touched him with that spell you gave me. He even told me himself that he felt weird.

Carl Don’t succumb to fear, death’s natural, It happens. The only thing unnatural that occurred yesterday was imminent triumph. You passed the test, you should be happy.

(BEAT) Come on, give me the capsule.

Danny reaches into his pocket and pulls out the capsule.

He hands it to Carl- who takes it with a gleeful smile.

Danny 37

Are you going to tell me what it’s for, cause it doesn’t feel any different.

Carl Don’t worry, with time you will feel what man struggles to fathom.

Carl turns around and swiftly opens the capsule to reveal a red light glowing relentlessly. CONTINUED:

Carl breathes in and inhales the mysterious glow. He smiles and turns back to Danny.

Danny I got to tell you, if the next test results in another death, I’m getting out, and yes I will succumb to fear.

Carl Danny, be strong. Don’t you feel different, more powerful, you’re two tests away.

Danny Frankly, I can’t stop thinking about that kid. He was just as young as you.... does it not bother you that we may have contributed to his death?

Carl Let me show you something.

Danny curiously gazes as Carl transforms into an elf- an exact copy of the mystical beings seen through the portal.

Danny draws back in fright, the mystical image of an elf frightens him.

Carl Two more tests Danny. Be strong, this is as real as it gets.


Danny is sat helplessly against a table- A cordless phone to his ears.

Danny (On the phone) Jane, I’m going crazy..... I dunno why.... but I keep seeing things that I’m not supposed to......

Jane (On the receiver) What things?

CONTINUED: Danny A boy, a little boy. But he’s so smart and speaks weird.....

Jane Oh Danny, what’s happening to you?

Danny I whish I knew, I went to the therapist and she said it was schizophrenia, but I disagreed and then she said it might be a mild form of mental psychosis. I dunno know which, but today, I saw an elf, a real one Jane....

Jane You’re kidding right....?

Danny No, and I think.... I killed a little kid.

Jane (Startled) What? You killed a Kid.....

Danny Well not literally, but we were at the park and then.... I saw this news report.

Jane And....

Danny 39

It said the kid died, the same day I was with him, just Like Sabrina.

Jane Look, you obviously need help....

Danny (Sobbing) I know. I’m loosing my mind. An elf, I’ mean of all the things.

Jane Stop it alright, just stop it. You’re beginning to scare me, are you drunk or high..... is that it. Because this is beyond you, this is insane. And I don’t know why you thought it was best to call me, cause I thought we agreed we would never speak to each other again. So, don’t call me, write to me or come over to my house..... Let’s just stay away from each other, its best.

Danny Please, I just want to talk.

Jane Well you blatantly need a professional for that. I’m sorry.

A bland sound erupts as Jane hangs up.


A finger rips through a line of tape sealed on a box.

Carl (VO) In the box you will find a uniform.

Pull back to reveal Danny as he pulls out Santa Claus’s famous attire from the box.

Carl (VO) Put it on. It’s yours. 40

He puts it on and stares at himself through a sink mirror- assessing, calculating.

He readjusts it- now it’s comfortable.

He pulls out a ridiculous white beard and slaps it on- he looks silly beyond words.

Carl ‘To Antagonise’, it’s the next A that you must satisfy.


Danny pulls open a drawer and takes out a blade.

He marvels at its morbid beauty.

Carl (VO) Now, in a warehouse you will find a snivelling being gagged to a chair. Do not under any circumstance release it.


Danny flops in to a dimly lit room.

Sounds of intense sobbing can be hared from a being gagged to a chair- a wool sack masks its face.

Carl (VO) Do not remove the sack, it is the key to your victory.

(BEAT) Put an end to its bickering and you will be done with the test.

Danny approaches the restless figure, the blade dangling in his shaky hands.

He touches it gently...... nervousness in the air.

He brags its wrist and sniffs it- nothing springs to mind.

He draws the blade to its shrouded throat- he pauses. 41

He tightens his grip- but cannot go through with it.

As he draws back in panic, he slips on a puddle of water.

A vision occurs.

: His Daughter impaled in the neck with the loose metal part.

: His wife weeping bitterly next to Sabrina’s grave.


: A white blanket being tossed over the pale body of the little kid from the park.

He snaps out of it and stands up.

Carl appears in the corner- pulling a finger across his throat..... a malevolent motivation.

Danny picks up his blade from the ground and approaches the gagged figure.

Incoherent sounds of agony fill the atmosphere.

Danny draws his blade- and swiftly slices its throat.

Blood sputters from the vicious blow.

Danny drops his blade and unties the sac over its head.

What he sees rivets him and he draws back in fright.

Our view moves closer to reveal the gaping throat of Jane.

Danny turns to see Carl, basking in the shadows.

He has taken the shape of his true identity- an elf.

He smiles sardonically.


Bright sun light illuminates Carl as he sits eyed open in Danny’s living room. 42

Danny sleeps on an adjacent couch; he has the sag, stolid expression of a coma patient.

He is half dressed in his Santa Claus attire- without the white beard.

Carl taps him firmly on the head.

Danny slowly awakes from his slumber.

CONTINUED: Carl Congratulations. You’ve probably heard that word many times, but definitely not from an elf.

Danny grabs a floored can of beer and instantly flicks it open.

He takes a long, hard gulp.

Carl I know you search endlessly for the reason behind the recent bleak events. But remember, that audacious feeling of fulfilment that you’ve craved all your life will soon arrive, persevere. You’re the first one to get passed the second test..... in one piece, mentally that is.

Danny glares at him with a killer look.

Carl Danny, take off the suit and prepare for the last hurdle. Time is running out, the last A is here – ‘to Adore’.

Carl’s hand plunges downwards and pulls out a shovel.

He places it on Danny’s laps.

Carl 43

Sabrina’s grave. It is time to settle it.

(BEAT) It must be done by eleven o’clock, or you fail. But I’m sure, I’m very sure, you won’t disappoint. Eleven o’clock.


A shovel dives lazily into a patch of mud.


Pull back to reveal Danny as he leans against a tombstone-

Zero in on a plaque that reads:

‘Sabrina Mayor’ ‘JULY 16, 1989-2007’ ‘HAPINESS ELLUDES THE IDLE’

Danny is weeping softly; he stares blankly into the lustrous moon.

Sabrina (OC) Dad.....

Danny isn’t startled by the voice..... he is all to familiar with it.

His head turns to see Sabrina in an angelic form.

She comes closer. Danny stands up, sobbing.

Danny Sabrina....

Sabrina It’s me Dad, what are you doing here?

Danny (Looks at the shovel) I wish I knew. I’m sorry baby, I really am. I wish I could rewind 44

the hands of time and bring you back, you, me and mum, together. I wish I listened. I’m sorry, I really am.

(BEAT) I spent my whole life trying to bend the constraints of life, when I couldn’t even handle its most important aspect - Family.

CONTINUED: Sabrina Oh, Dad. Stop blaming yourself, their millions of other people who are in your state and most of them give up, but I know you-The world’s greatest magician, and if you don’t believe that, well I do. And that’s magic in itself. Go home dad, forget the past.

Danny But I have no where to go to, and your mum..... I’ve done something terrible.

Sabrina I can’t forgive you, but that doesn’t take away my love for you. Go home Dad, it wasn’t your fault.

With that, she disperses into thin air.


A clock reads ‘12:30’.

Pull back to reveal the furious face of Carl as he fumes at Danny.

Danny, for once, is remarkably calm.

Carl 45

You failed me, it was your destiny and you failed, you fool. Millions of people depending on you and you just give up. How dare you.....

Danny I talked to my daughter last night, she’s still so beautiful, and to think that all this time I’ve been blaming myself for her death. I learnt a valuable lesson, and now I can get back to living my life.

CONTINUED: Carl Oh... y-you think you can now live with yourself.... you would be dead if it wasn’t for me. You’re a murderer, and you’re going to live the rest of your sorry life haunted by the images of your victims.

Danny I think I can handle that, I have peace of mind now.

Carl storms out of the apartment- CU on his face as it transforms to a hideous elf.


Danny is snoozing merrily on his bed, and as he shuts his eyes- the OC sound of keys shifting in a key hole jolts him.

He wakes up to find his room shockingly different.

His bed only a little speck compared to his former one.

All his decorations, completely vanished- replaced with a lone sink placed adjacently to a filthy toilet in the corner.

Danny is stunned beyond words, even his clothes have turned into a white jumper suit. 46

A mirror dangles lazily on a wall and Danny notices that he’s much younger looking. His beard is all gone and his skin is less shrivelled. He glares at himself with a disturbing gaze.

His transformed vicinity resembles that of a prison cell.

The door opens and a security guard armed with a baton walks in.

Guard You got a visitor.

CONTINUED: Danny (Perplexed) Who are you....? how the hell did I get here?

Guard I ain’t fucking ready for this alright, let’s go.

Danny I’m not going anywhere.

Guard I’ll give you three seconds or I’m calling the nurse.

Danny Nurse..... why would I need a nurse? Where the fuck am I? what happened to my room?

Guard You’re crazier than I thought. Now I’m gonna count to three, and if you don’t behave, I will beat the shit out Of you, I shit you not.


Camera surveys a room filled with retards indulging in mindless activities. 47

Danny sits at a table. Sitting across from him is Jane.

Danny (Bewildered) Jane, what are you doing here?

Jane I don’t know, you tell me. After all you’re the one who arranged for this meeting.

CONTINUED: Danny I did..... that’s impossible. I don’t even know what this Place is.

Jane Look, I know your not crazy, but if you keep this up, your never gonna leave here.

Danny (Grabs her hands) Tell me what the fuck is going on, How come were so young, what year is it?

(Screaming) Tell me? Please.....

The bawl catches the attention of a security guard and he approaches them.

Guard Is there a problem here?

Jane No, I was just leaving.

Jane stands up and starts towards the exit.

Danny 48

Jane, don’t leave me- Please..... I killed you.

Jane freezes in her steps, her head turns backwards and she stares frightfully into Danny’s eyes.

Seconds later, she storms off.

Danny moves to stand, but the guard sits him back down with a hand on his shoulder.

Guard (Loud whisper) Keep it up Einstein, we always knew you were meant to be here.


Danny shoves him away and races after his wife.

The fazed guard raises the alarm through his walkie, ‘its Mayor, get your boys and come out here right now’


Danny comes to an abrupt halt as he sees Jane and Sabrina preparing to leave.

He approaches them ever so slowly...... his eyes peering restlessly at Sabrina.

A nurse takes him by the arm, but Danny yanks away.

Jane Please, I know you don’t want to hurt us.

Danny’s eyes remain fixed on Sabrina.

Jane (Confused) Why are you doing this?

Sabrina Dad....

Danny embraces her.... an intimate hug of endless pleasure. 49

He weeps softly, while Sabrina and Jane look on in perplexity. Danny Is this real......

(BEAT) I must be dreaming..... it’s impossible.

Sabrina (Concerned) What’s wrong Dad?

CONTINUED: Danny I don’t understand. You and Mum, I saw you both die..... you died.... right in my hands.

Danny feels the side of her neck.... not a single scratch present.

Jane grabs Sabrina and pulls her away.

Jane (An edge of fear in her voice) I understand what you’re going through, but you don’t have to do this. I know you’re not crazy.

Danny I’m not.

Jane Then what is all this?

Sounds of intense footsteps emerge as stern bulky guards march towards them.

Danny (Unaware) I don’t remember anything, what am I doing here? 50

Two guards wrestle him to the ground.

Jane and Sabrina draw back in fear as Danny is held still by an enormous guard.

A syringe is withdrawn and a hand sticks it into Danny’s neck.


Danny is slouched against the white wall of an eerie cell.

Seconds later, his eyes blink wide open.

He feels his neck- a tiny hole rests there, he frowns in discomfort. CONTINUED:

He stands up and approaches a large steel door-

He runs his hands gently around it.... examining.

He begins to bang ferociously on the door.

Danny Open up....., guard.....

(BEAT) I wanna talk to my wife....

(BEAT) For chrisaaaake, will you just give me a minute.....?

Carl (OC) You’re wasting your time Danny.

Danny’s is startled with morbid shock..... that voice is all too familiar.

He slowly turns around..... fearing the worst.

And what lies in front of him is Carl- resting in the corner of the cell.

Danny is riveted as Carl rises gently to his feet.

Carl 51

I told you, this is as real as it gets.



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