Introduction to the Internet

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Introduction to the Internet

Fundamentals/Advance Web Design Course Syllabus F2012 – SP2013

Instructor’s Name: Ms. Williams Email: [email protected]

Phone: 770-819-2521 x240 Blog:

Room No: 214

COURSE DESCRIPTION Fundamentals of Web Design is the second course in the Interactive Media Career Pathway. This course will provide students with essential web page planning and development skills. Students will learn to write code manually and use graphical authoring tools. Students will also learn to work with web page layout and graphical elements, including images, hyperlinks, tables, forms, and frames.

Upon completion of Advance Web Design course, students should have a thorough knowledge of all areas of web page design topics which includes the web development process, advanced layout and design features, advanced study of scripting languages, site development with HTML editors, and web servers and databases.

Mastery of these standards through project-based learning will help prepare students with a competitive edge for the global marketplace.


Fundamentals of Web Design I Basic Web Site Construction & Techniques II Languages III Graphical Elements & Layouts IV GUI Editors V E-Commerce Advance Web Design I Overview of Web Design II Planning, Designing, Implementation & Evaluation III Digital Media on the Web IV Advanced Layout Features V Advanced Features of Mark-Up & Scripting Languages VI Site Development with HTML Editors & Scalable Vector Graphic Programs VII Web Servers & Databases REQUIRED MATERIALS: Each day, students should bring a 3 Pronged Folder or binder with Pockets and Notebook paper. Writing utensils are also required for tests, quizzes and taking notes. #2 pencils are specifically required for taking 6-week common assessments.

GRADING GUIDELINES: Students are expected to complete all assignments as assigned. Grades will be recorded using the following distribution:


30% Test/Projects A = 100-90 25% Class work B = 89-80 10% Quizzes C = 79-74 10% Reading/Writing/LA D = 70-73 5% Midterm Exam F = 69 and below 10% Final Exam (Objective) 10% Final Exam (Performance) 100% Total Grade

MAKE-UP WORK: You will be allowed to make up your missed work in accordance with school policy. If your absence is unexcused, you may NOT make up missed work. It is your responsibility to make up any work missed. You have the number of consecutive school days you were absent + one (1) day (but no more than 6 days total) to make up missed work. For absences longer than five (5) consecutive days, the Administration will decide the time to be allowed for make-up work.

I post assignments on a daily basis. It is YOUR responsibility to view assignment posted on the day that you missed, complete the assignment and submit according to the school policy in the handbook. Remember that EVERY day we learn something new, and it is important for you to learn each concept in order to be successful in the next step.

LATE WORK: Every assignment is expected to be turned in on its due date and in the appropriate class period. However, any assignment you turn in late will have points deducted based on the table below:

1 day late 2 days late 3 days late 4+days late -11 pts. -20 pts. -30 pts. Zero for that assignment

CLASSROOM PROCEDURES/EXPECTATIONS 1. Students are expected to be on time to class. In assigned seat when the bell rings. Running into the classroom as the bell is ringing is a tardy and student will be required to get a tardy pass. Students are allowed 3 accumulative tardies and on the 4th tardy will receive discipline. 2. Assignments are posted daily on the network. Check on a daily basis. If you are absent, check posting for the day(s) missed. Daily attendance is extremely important for a successful semester. Students should attend classes regularly to stay in accordance with the Cobb County School District attendance policy. It is the student’s responsibility to make-up work upon return from an excused absence. 3. Hall passes are limited; therefore, you should take care of personal needs before class. 4. Absolutely NO food or liquid drinks in the classroom. Water is a liquid and therefore is NOT permitted. Discard upon entering the classroom. You will be asked to place in trash and if student is not in compliance, further disciplinary actions will be taken. 5. Be prepared for class. Each day student is responsible for bringing proper writing utensils: a pencil, pen (blue or black ink) and a folder or binder with pockets and notebook paper to class. We do take notes in this CLASS! Complete all assignments fully and submit on time. 6. Respect yourself, the teacher, your classmates and all equipment. 7. Computers are used for instruction purposes ONLY. Students are not allowed to play computer games, watch videos, download programs or use the Internet without the permission of the teacher. Proper disciplinary procedures will be taken for inappropriate searches on the Internet. 8. Academic dishonesty or cheating will result in splitting the grade among all involved, a call home and if needed, further administrative disciplinary action will be taken. Be honest. Do your own work. 9. Use of electronic devices in the classroom of any kind is prohibited (unless given permission from teacher for class purposes only) will automatically warrant a disciplinary referral to administrator. Refer to student handbook. 10. Students are to remain in their assigned seat at all times. There will be no gathering at the door before the bell rings. You are to work up to the sound of the bell.

CONSEQUENCES In the event a student chooses to not adhere to the procedures/expectations, the following consequences will be given.

1st Consequence – Verbal Warning 2nd Consequence – Parental Contact/Time-out 3rd Consequence – Detention is scheduled. If the student misses a day of detention, I will reschedule for a second time. If the student does not serve his/her detention, he/she will receive Violation 4. 4th Consequence – Discipline Referral to Administrator

TIME-OUT If necessary, students will be removed from class and placed in a designated, supervised area. Students will be required to complete any assignment(s) missed while out of class. Students sent to time-out will also receive 2nd, 3rd or 4th consequence depending on the number of occurrences.

PASSES TO AND FROM CLASS In order for students to be successful, they must be present in class. In an effort to ensure success of all students, passes are limited. Students will be required to remain in class unless called by administration or guidance.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES/ CELLPHONE POLICY Use of electronic devices is a violation of Cobb County Public Schools policy. If seen and used, students will receive a discipline referral.

DAILY ASSIGNMENTS . Students must leave their workstations in an orderly manner. This grade will be included in the daily assignments category as well as class participation. . To comply with Cobb County School Improvement Goals and GHSGT Standards, students will also be required to practice writing techniques (compose journals on a daily basis), reading comprehension, and Language Arts competencies throughout the semester. Williams – Fund/Adv Web Design Syllabus

Parent/Guardian: It is very important that we have an open door to communicate throughout the semester to aid in the success of your student. It is essential to provide a classroom environment that is conducive to learning. I have outlined classroom procedures and expectations in an effort to create a safe and positive learning environment for each student. After reviewing the course syllabus, please complete the information below verifying that you and your student have read and fully understand procedures and expectations for Ms. Williams’ Fundamentals/Advance Web Design Class as outlined in the course syllabus.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me using the information on page 1 of the course syllabus.

Course: Fundamental/Advance Web Design

Class Period: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Name of Student: (please print) Student Signature:

Name of Parent/Guardian : (please print) Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

Work Phone: Home Phone:

Parent Cell Phone: Parent E-mail: (please print)

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