Board Meeting Minutes s1

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Board Meeting Minutes s1

DFCC Board Meeting Minutes May 12, 2014 @ 6 p.m.

May 2014 DFCC Minutes

I. Call to Order: 6:04 pm II. Roll Call: Jim Saunders, Leland Lyter, Roxanne Bertell, Shana Brown, Joanne Blohm, Bob Pfister, Tom McDonnell, Marybeth Blackinton. Members Absent: Nancy Bullard III. Review/Approve April Minutes Lee moves, Tom seconds; motion carries IV. Events A. Review of Recent Events 1. St. Patrick’s a. Butter patties left over can be used for 4th of July b. No cleaning fees owed per Alta Fire 2. Dick Hough Art Show a. Dick saw a $250 profit b. Local art show suggested to showcase local artists 3. Easter Egg Hunt/Lunch a. Cost of $144 cost b. Turn-out was high 4. Western Night a. Good advertising brought a big group b. This is probably last year B. Upcoming Events 1. 4th of July Planning: GM (Shelley?), singers, MC (Rick?), Parade Marshalls (Dave?), ice cream, Vendors (placement), salad luncheon, hamburgers/hotdogs, music?,dunk tank a. No luck finding National Anthem singer: possibly Heidi Suter, or folks who played on the courts last year. Shana will ask Kacee Stetler’s niece b. Booth requests coming in: DFCC hot dogs and hamburgers, Church possibly sell sodas and water, Strawberry shortcake for Methodist Church c. Dunk Tank is out due to insurance liability d. Neil Fanning requests no water due to drought conditions a. Firm up NO WATER zone to include historic buildings (Hotel, DFCC, Church) b. Classic cars and convertibles e. Rick will MC; Dave Brown to head marshall; Marge to run Salad Luncheon; Shelley to GM (Shana will call to confirm, and ask about handing out ice cream) f. Ice Cream to be paid for by DFCC g. Porta potty to be ordered again; Marybeth will order; placed in same spot h. Shana will organize kids games for hour after the parade i. Food to be placed in same place, alongside building with hamburgers at end j. All booths to be 10X10 for $25. k. Move CERT’s water booth further up the road to the right of the DFCC 2. May/June Potluck a. Too late for speaker b. Same night as ADF Open House

3. June Potluck DFCC Board Meeting Minutes May 12, 2014 @ 6 p.m.

a. Bill Hart arranged for Fire Suppression from Foresthill to speak b. DF, Alta, CalFire to be invited as special guests 4. WES (Shana) a. Will call Charlie about hanging banners b. First set-up meeting was well-attended 5. Pool clean-up a. Saturday, May 17 at 9 am b. Pool hours to be shortened due to lifeguard shortage 6. Alta-DF School Graduation (Presenter/Amount) a. DFCC donate $100 to graduating class b. Shana will attend to present c. Tom moves, Jo seconds; motion carries V. Building A. Windows (Tom) 1. Window contractor will finish sashes but need someone to install frames 2. DFCC will call for bids to install 2. Tom moves to approve $1500 to pay someone to install window frames; Marybeth seconds; motion carries B. Bell Tower (Jim) 1. Bats are back with lots of holes for access 2. Jo will call Robin re:guano C. Roof/Ceiling Repair (Jo) 1. Chris Gibbs has talked to Jo about finding a date to fix 2. Roofing nails are deteriorated D. Tables (MB) 1. Deal from Sam’s Club which was approved at April meeting is no longer available 2. Tables can be found for cheap but shipping is not 3. Sam’s Club has some for $175. For each 4. Tabling purchasing tables VI. Grounds A. Stump Grinding status (MB) a. Hoping for Thursday, May 15 b. Rick will spread chips B. County Grant/Scheduling Volunteer Work Day (Tom) a. County giving us fencing material which was left-over from another project b. County personnel will come to supervise fence installation with volunteers c. Goal is to dig fence post holes at 45 minutes a hole; cut with asphalt cutter and then dig out d. Poles to go in second work day with cement; need 28 foot poles for back walls and installed with bucket truck, 40 yards of concrete e. Tot structure needs: final grading, footing dug around perimeter, holes dug for support of structure f. Tom and Jim will meet with Tim at county to firm up scope of project g. Work day TBD: Possibly Saturday, May 31. 1. Perhaps County auger could come before 2. Workers of all skill levels needed

C. Tennis Court Resurfacing (Tom) a. Anonymous donator will pay $5000. For recovering tennis courts DFCC Board Meeting Minutes May 12, 2014 @ 6 p.m.

b. Early bids look like $7500 to cover c. A&B Asphalt recommended by Anne Holmes and Auburn Racquet Club; Bruce Sheldon also recommended VII Finances A. Treasurer’s Report (April 2014) (MB) a. Marybeth closed maturing CD; put into savings account bringing balance to $47,807 b. Jo moves, Jim seconds; motion carries B. 2014 Membership/Fundraising Status (MB) a. Membership higher than last year VIII Communications A. Community/Susan Prince recognition a. Susan did not come to potluck but Marybeth did give to her b. Marybeth has been working on mockup, meeting with Susan on Mondays B. Lots of articles coming in a. Deadline is May 15 b. Paper to be mailed on June 2

Next Meeting: June 9, 2014, at 6 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Shana Brown, June 8, 2014

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