Anatomy And Physiology Unit 5 Test Review

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Anatomy And Physiology Unit 5 Test Review

Anatomy and Physiology Unit 5 Test Review Name ______Muscular System (Chapter 6) Hour ______Date ______

1. What are the four functions of the muscular system? Maintaining posture, generating body heat, stabilizing joints, and producing movement in conjunction with bones.

2. Fill out the chart below on muscle tissue types. Muscle Tissue Type Involuntary/Voluntary Cell description and specifics Skeletal Voluntary Multinucleated, striated, attach to the body’s skeleton. Cardiac Involuntary Single nucleus per cell, striated, branching pattern, separated by intercalated discs. Only Found in heart. Smooth Involuntary Single Nucleus, non-striated, Spindle shaped cells, lines the walls of the visceral hollow and digestive organs. 3. Muscle cells are also known as ___Muscle Fibers______.

4. Match the words with their appropriate description. a. Epimysium 1. Connective tissue around a single muscle fiber b. Perimysium 2. Connective tissue around a bundle of fibers c. Endomysium 3. A bundle of muscle fibers d. Fascicle 4. Connective tissue around entire skeletal muscle e. Fascia 5. On the outside of the epimysium 5. Explain the difference between a tendon and an aponeurosis. Tendon is a rope-like structure made of dense connective tissue that attached muscles to bones. An aponeurosis is a sheet-like structure that connects skeletal muscle to skeletal muscle and also skeletal muscle to other body parts that the muscles act upon.

6. The specialized form of endoplasmic reticulum in a muscle cell is called what? What is its function? Sarcoplasmic reticulum. It stores the necessary calcium ions that are needed for muscle contraction and releases it “on demand” when muscles need to contract.

7. What is the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber called? ______Sarcolemma______

8. First put the following terms in order from outside to inside of the muscle fiber and then describe each. sarcolemma, myofibril, myofilament, sarcomere. In order from largest to smallest: Sarcolemma, Myofibril, Sarcomere, Myofilament.

 The sarcolemma is the specialized plasma membrane of skeletal muscle cells.  The myofibril are the largest organelles (ribbon-like) inside the muscle cell (or muscle fiber), and have alternating bands (A and I) that give the muscle cell its striated appearance.  The sarcomere is the functional contractile unit of the muscle myofibril (where the contraction takes place), and are arranged end to end like train boxcars.  The myofilaments are protein filaments (actin: thin and myosin: thick) where the sliding occurs and where ATPase enzymes are used to break down ATP for energy. 9. Explain each of the following terms: A band, I band, actin, myosin, thin filament, thick filament, myosin heads (crossbridges). Be sure to include any specifics discussed in class. Each of the structures of these parts reveals the working structure of the myofibrils. The A bands are the dark bands in alternation with the light bands or I bands which give the muscle its striated appearance. Inside each sarcomere, there are thick protein filaments (myosin filaments) and thin filaments (actin filaments) where the sliding movement occurs to create an individual sarcomere contraction. The sliding movement of the myosin heads moving along the actin filaments is what gives the sarcomere its contracting or shorter appearance (think what happens in crowd surfing, a person is moved along by all of the hands just like the myosin heads move along the thin filaments to create. Movement). A sum of all these sarcomere contractions causes muscle fiber contraction. A sum of all muscle fiber contractions will lead to overall muscle contraction.

10. What does it mean when a muscle is toned? What is occurring? It means the muscle is through a state of continual, but partial, contraction. The more a muscle is worked, the more motor units that are working on it in a systematic way. Even though the muscle is at rest, some fibers are being stimulated to contract (graded response) at times to maintain strength of muscle.

11. Explain how we build muscle endurance. We exercise muscles in order to cause more flexibility and more resistance to fatigue. We accomplish this by increasing the blood supply to the actual muscle (through exercise) and cause our muscle cells to form more mitochondria so they can store more oxygen. This also causes our heart muscle to hypertrophy and be able to pump more blood during each contraction. Also, exercise can lead to better neuromuscular coordination.

12. How does resistance lead to an increase in muscle size? Resistance is an example of isometric contraction (pitted against immovable object or one nearly so) and causes an actual increase in the size of individual muscle cells because they make more contractile thick and thin filaments (not an increase in the number of muscle cells). There is also an increase in the amount of connective tissue that is needed to reinforce the muscles.

13. Discuss the functions of irritability and contractility with regard to skeletal muscle cells. Irritability—the ability to receive and respond to a stimulus Contractility—the ability to shorten (forcibly) when an adequate stimulus is received

14. What is a motor unit? A Motor unit consists of one motor neuron and all of the muscle cells/fibers that it stimulates.

15. Why is it important that nerve cells (neurons) and muscle fibers are arranged into motor units? What are the advantages of this arrangement? Motor units consist of a nerve cell and all of the skeletal muscles it stimulates. This arrangement allows many muscle fibers (cells) to be stimulated to contract at once, allowing for coordinated voluntary muscle movements. 16. Describe how an action potential is initiated in a muscle cell. Mention the terms motor neuron, neuromuscular junction, synaptic cleft, neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, sarcolemma, Na + ions, and electric current (action potential) in your answer. The motor neuron meets the muscle fiber at the neuromuscular junction ; the space between the nerve and muscle forms the synaptic cleft . When the nerve impulse reaches the end of the motor neuron, a chemical neurotransmitter called acetylcholine is released into the synaptic cleft. When acetylcholine reaches the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber on the other side, Na + ions rush in, generating an electric current called an action potential within the muscle fiber.

17. Explain the mechanism of muscle contraction within a sarcomere in terms of the sliding filament theory. When muscle cells are activated (as in the previous question) the myosin cross bridges attach to the binding sites on the actin filaments and sliding begins. Energized by ATP, each myosin cross bridge attaches and detaches multiple times during a contraction, sliding the filaments closer together and shortening the sarcomere.

18. Where does the calcium ion (Ca2+) come from in the muscle cell that is necessary for muscle contraction to occur? Why is the calcium not present in the myofilaments all the time? The calcium ion is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum when the muscle cell is stimulated by a motor neuron. The calcium ion allows the myosin heads to bind to the actin filaments, which causes the sarcomeres to shorten along the length of the muscle tissue. The constant presence of calcium in the filaments would not allow the muscle to relax between contractions, so the calcium must be reabsorbed in the SR between contractions.

19. Explain how calcium and sodium are used differently in the contraction of muscle tissue. Calcium is stored within the muscle fibers/cells in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calcium is needed for muscle contraction (the more calcium, the more contraction). Sodium is found outside of the muscle fibers/cells normally but when the muscle fiber/cell is stimulated by a nerve, the sarcolemma (plasma membrane) becomes permeable to sodium ions. The influx of sodium generates an electrical pulse called an action potential which tells the muscle that it needs to start contracting. The action potential causes the release of Calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

20. Describe the two ways that graded muscle contractions (graded responses) can be produced. Graded responses can be produced by: 1) changing the speed of muscle stimulation, or 2) changing the number of muscle cells being stimulated

21. Explain the three pathways that working muscles use for ATP regeneration: a. Muscles first use up limited supplies of stored ATP in muscles (4-6 seconds worth) b. Direct phosphorylation using creatine phosphate Creatine phosphate transfers its high energy phosphate group to ADP forming ATP needed for muscle contraction, this lasts approximately 20 seconds. c. Aerobic respiration This metabolic pathway that uses oxygen breaks down sugars and fats completely forming carbon dioxide and water; the released energy is used to build ATP. This sustains the muscles for hours during rest and exercise. d. Anaerobic glycolysis & lactic acid formation When muscle activity is intense, and oxygen and sugars are not being delivered fast enough to the muscle for aerobic respiration, anaerobic glycolysis takes over, forming small amount of ATP and producing lactic acid. This occurs rapidly, but only provides enough ATP for 30-40 seconds of strenuous muscle activity. 22. What is the relationship between muscle fatigue, oxygen debt, and lactic acid accumulation? Muscle fatigue occurs when the muscle tissue is no longer able to contract even though it is being stimulated as a result of lack of oxygen (oxygen debt) and the buildup of lactic acid.

23. Compare and contrast isotonic and isometric contractions. Compare : tension develops within the muscle Contrast : Isotonic—actin & myosin slide past one another, the muscle shortens, movement occurs. Isometric—actin & myosin do not slide past one another, the muscle length stays the same, no movement occurs.

24. Explain how and why exercise is important for keeping the muscular system healthy. Regular exercise increases muscle size, strength, and endurance. Exercise also makes muscles stronger, more flexible, and more resistant to fatigue. This occurs due to increased blood supply to the muscles, increased amounts of mitochondria, increased oxygen within muscle, and enlarged cardiac muscle within the heart.

25. Use the terms muscle attachments, origin, insertion, movable bone, and immovable bone in a sentence. Muscle attachments consist of the origin , which attaches to the immoveable bone , and the insertion , which attaches to the moveable bone .

26. Name the following body movements that are described below: a. Bending ankle so that toes are raised ____Dorsiflexion______b. Range of movements that create a complete circle (as opposed to a rotation of less than 360 degrees) _____Circumduction______c. Narrowing joint angle in sagittal plane (bending elbow) _____Flexion______d. Increasing angle more than in natural position (bending backwards) _____Hyperextension______e. Returning a body part to body midline (in frontal plane) _____Adduction______f. Hyperextending ankle joint so toes point downwards Plantar Flexion______g. Turning a body part on axis (horizontal plane) (turning head from side to side) _Rotation______h. Turning wrists to put hands into anatomical position ___Supination______i. Lifting a body part away from body midline (in frontal plane) __Abduction______j. Increasing joint angle in sagittal plane (straightening elbows) __Extension______k. Turning the sole of the foot so it faces laterally __Eversion______

27. Give an example of a complete muscle name that exhibits the following criteria: a. Direction of muscle fibers Ex. External oblique ______Transversus abdominis______b. Relative size of muscle ______Fibularis longus______c. Location of muscle ____ Tibialis anterior______d. Number of origins _____ Tri ceps brachii______e. Location of origin & insertion __Brachioradialis _Sternocleidomastoid______f. Shape of muscle ___Trapezius_(trapezoid)______g. Action of muscle __ Flexor digitorum______28. Skeletal muscles to know and be able to label on diagram. Temporalis Biceps brachii Gluteus maximus Frontalis Triceps brachii Gluteus medius Masseter Trapezius Adductors Buccinator Pectoralis major Iliopsoas Zygomaticus Latissimus dorsi Quadriceps Group Orbicularis oris Rectus abdominis Hamstring Group Orbicularis oculi Tranversus abdominis Sartorius Sternocleidomastoid External Obliques Gastrocnemius Platysma Internal Obliques Tibialis anterior Deltoid Intercostal muscles Peroneus Muscles

Label the Diagram to the right. Sarcolemma Vocabulary to include:  Muscle fiber/cell Muscle Fiber/Cell  Sarcolemma Myofibril  Nucleus  Myofibril  Sarcomere

 A/Dark Band A/Dark Band I/Light Band  I/Light Band Nucleus  H Zone  Z disk Z disk H Zone Z disk  Thick (myosin) Filament  Thin (actin) Filament Thin/Actin Filament

Thick/Myosin Filament

A/Dark Band M Line

I/Light Band I/Light Band

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