1 Tender No.B1/ 187/2020 dated 02/06/2020 TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF PEARL SPOT AND OTHER INDIGENOUS FISH SEEDS Tender No. B1/187/2020 dated 02/06/2020 EVENT DATE TIME Last date for submission of 27/06/2020 5 PM tender Opening of 29/ 06 /2020 11 AM Technical Bid ________________________________________________________ AGENCY FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AQUACULTURE KERALA (ADAK) TC 15/1494, „REEJA‟, MINCHIN ROAD, THYCAUD-P.O., THIRUVANANTHAPURAM-695 014, KERALA Telephone:0471 -2322410 Email-
[email protected] __________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES GOVERNMENT OF KERALA 2 A. NOTICE INVITING TENDER e-Government Procurement e-Tender No ADAK/B1/187/2020 Competitive tenders are invited from reputed Fish hatcheries/Rearing farmers/fish seed suppliers for the supply of disease free good quality Pearlspot and other indigenous seeds for one year from June 2020 to May 2021. 1. Requirement : Pearlspot and other Indigenous fish seeds 2. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) : Rs.357800 /- 3. Tender Submission Fee : Rs. 25000 /-(+GST @18%) 4. Period of completion : One Year from the date of execution of agreement 5. Tender Documents : Can be downloaded from the website www.etenders.kerala.gov.in 6. Last Date of receipt of tenders : 27-06-2020 at 5PM 7. Date of opening of Tenders : 29-06-2020 at11AM Tender documents and tender schedule can be down loaded free of cost from the e- GP Website www.etenders.kerala.gov.in A bid submission fee of Rs. 25000 /-(+GST)shall be remitted as online payment. The cost for tender form, and its terms and conditions are as per respective provisions in Store Purchase Manual 2013, with all updations, applicable as on the tender date.