TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Project 7A: Assessment Validation

Cover Sheet for Projects

TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

Core or Unit Code Unit Title Elective TAEDES402A Use training packages and accredited courses to meet client needs C TAEDES401A Design and develop learning programs C TAEDEL401A Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning C TAEDEL402A Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace C TAEDEL301A Provide work skill instruction E BSBCMM401A Make a presentation E TAEASS401A Plan assessment activities and processes C TAEASS402A Assess competence C TAEASS403A Participate in assessment validation C TAETAS401A Maintain training and assessment information E

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“I understand the plagiarism policy and declare that this is my own work.”

Signed: Due date:

Project Number

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Posting to: Teacher Name

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· Always keep a copy of the work you submit – including all attachments. Do not send your only copy · Name, number and date all pages TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Project 7A: Assessment Validation

Documents to Project 7: VALIDATE IT hand in

A. In a group, use the validation tool and meeting minute templates to guide you A. Per group: through a process of validating the selected assessment tool(s) and/or assess- Meeting minutes ment process.

You will need to ensure you: Validation tool

 demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication skills  demonstrate your active participation in discussion and/or decision making  use the validation tool to keep accurate, comprehensive records

B. In a group, use the validation tool and meeting minute templates to guide you B. Per group: through a process of validating the selected assessment tool(s) and/or assess- Meeting minutes ment process.

You will need to ensure you: Validation tool

 demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication skills  demonstrate your active participation in discussion and/or decision making  use the validation tool to keep accurate, comprehensive records

# Project 7: VALIDATE IT Result Participate in two assessment validation activities. Record the process and findings. C / NYC A You participated in compiling Meeting minutes on Validation tool(s) using the validation tool and meeting minute templates to guide you through a process of validating selected assessment tool(s) and/or assessment processes. This C / NYC occurred on two occasions

B You participated in a group discussion that C / NYC

 demonstrated effective interpersonal and communication skills  demonstrated your active participation in discussion and/or decision making  and used the validation tool to keep accurate, comprehensive records

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 This occurred on two occasions Completed all requirements for Project 7: VALIDATE IT C / NYC

Comment You have demonstrated (partly demonstrated) the ability to participate in two assessment validation activities and record the process and findings.

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Validation Once Assessment strategy and associated assessment instruments have been designed, they must be validated using this report. The panel must include at least one person with appropriate industry background.

Code Title of unit that is subject to assessment validation AQF level process

Name of assessment Assessment method

 Project  Demonstration

 Report  Work observation Assessment tools used in this unit  Test  Work documents

 Interview  Presentation

Instructions and  Project  Demonstration procedures used  Report  Work observation during the  Test  Work documents assessment  Interview  Presentation

(Delete or tick)

Timing of validation □ Development stage

□ During assessment

□ After assessment

□ Part of Training and assessment review

Any evidence relevant to this validation

Target learner group

Assessor name: Signature VU – Assessment Validation Report (Conduct Assessment) v1.0 01/09/09 Page 4 of 9 TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment Project 7A: Assessment Validation

Participants in this validation (Name and Assessor name: Signature organisation) Assessor name: Signature

Assessor name: Signature

Date of validation

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Training and Assessment Strategy (TAS) Ye N Comment s o

1. Industry/enterprise has been consulted in de- velopment of assessment strategy

2. Assessment tool/s meet any related regulatory or licensing requirements

3. Assessment tool/s meet requirements of Unit/s of competency from the Training Package

4. Learner needs have been considered in devel- opment of assessment strategy

5. Training & Assessment strategy specifies ap- propriate human and physical resources

6. A risk assessment has been carried out for as- sessment Assessment procedures Ye N Comment s o

1. Assessment instructions and assessment condi- tions are clearly identified.

2. Written information is worded appropriately.

3. Assessment tool is written in clear English.

4. Evidence/marking guides or checklists are available to assist an assessor’s decision.

5. Level of difficulty is appropriate to the compe- tency or competencies being assessed.

6. Assessment tool reflects workplace practice Assessment instrument Ye N Comment s o

Assesses the 4 dimensions of competency:

Task skill: Perform the skill to industry standard

Task management: Balance different tasks of job

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Contingency management: Respond to problems and changes in routine

Job/role management: Perform according to job/enterprise expectations

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Reflects principles of assessment Ye N Comment s o

Valid: (Face validity refers to the degree to which the instrument measures what it is supposed to measure). The instrument addresses the element/s it is intended to address and is practical to use.

Reliable: Individual learners would get a similar result if tested on different occasions, given the same set of circumstances.

Flexible: The assessment instrument can be adapted to suit work needs and site needs.

Fair: 1. Assessment instrument is non discriminatory and inclusive. 2. Assessment instrument is able to be adjusted for candidates with special needs. 3. Language, literacy, numeracy requirements are appropriate for the competency level.

Reflects rules of evidence Ye N Comment s o

Valid: (Content validity means the instrument is representative of the skills that it is supposed to measure). The instrument covers the knowledge and skills that are essential to competent performance as set out in the unit of competency.

Sufficient: The instrument allows for the collection of sufficient quality and quantity of evidence – as set out in the Critical aspects of evidence for the unit of competency.

Authentic: The instrument allows an assessor to be assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the candidate’s own work.

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Current: The instrument allows enough current evidence to be collected to make a decision of competent/not yet competent.

Final comment

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