1. the Meeting of the North Valley Little League Board Convened This Date and Place At

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1. the Meeting of the North Valley Little League Board Convened This Date and Place At


1. The meeting of the North Valley Little League Board convened this date and place at 6:40 p.m., by Josh Castellanos. Board Members in attendance: Josh Castellanos Heidi DeRueda Todd Bradford Billy Sims Rose Pacho Robyn Shearin David Ocampo Gabe Roman

General Members in attendance: Manuel Fass Jason Murray Tony Casarez Peter Huyah Xuong “Sung” Tu Jeff Wade Monica Bentacourt Mauricio Velasco Anthony Alvarado Corina Yanez Danielle Wade

2. Berryessa Merge and Name  A possible merge of North Valley Little League with Berryessa Little League could be a five year process and is currently delayed due to the two leagues being unable to agree to a new name. NVLL has proposed San Jose National Little League desiring a name that will have an opportunity to attract more people. The other names proposed were thought to limit the league geographically and several members in attendance agreed as well. Those names were: San Jose Capitol Little League, North Berryessa Little League, and Berryessa Valley Little League. Due to time constraints of the meeting the President requested all members try to think of names for the next meeting. 3. Financial Report – Josh Castellanos reported in Treasurer’s absence  Outstanding balances to Members who paid for services related to fall ball will be taken care of.  All back taxes have been taken care of and no money is owed. A Big Thank You to Lorna and Jason’s dad for their help.  A business license for NVLL was obtained. 4. Fall Ball – Billy Sims  The 2014 Fall season will end this weekend. 5. President’s Meeting – Billy Sims  It was suggested that all leagues have their books audited by non-board members every October.  One of the rule changes requires that all players must keep one foot in the batter’s box at all times while at bat. 6. Registration – Heidi DeRueda and Monica Betancourt  Registration for Spring 2015 will include $50 snack shack fee, a code of conduct and picture release form.  Registration for 11/22/14 is for 2014 Fall Ball Players and will take place from 10am to 1pm.  People are encouraged to register online but are welcomed at any of the in-person registration dates from 10am -1pm on the following Saturdays: 12/6, 12/13, 1/10, 1/17, 1/24, 1/31.  Volunteers are needed to assist with the registration dates. 7. Website/ Online Registration – Heidi DeRueda  Please encourage people to register online. 8. Opening Day – Monica Betancourt NVLL Meeting Minutes 11/18/14 Page1  Scheduled for Saturday March 14, 2015. Will have a ceremony like the previous years. Project still in the planning stages.  Suggestions to not schedule any games that day and perhaps have an Olympic- type fundraiser instead were discussed. This type of fundraiser will require a lot of planning and was tabled for the next meeting when the Fundraising Coordinator would be present to give a report. 9. Marketing for Sign-Ups – David Ocampo  3 banners will be ordered, signs will include Softball. 10. Facebook/Twitter Page – David Ocampo  Will consolidate and eliminate one of the two Facebook pages. 11. Schools/ Forms – Billy Sims  Parents are to ask administrator’s of their assigned schools to hand out flyers before December 5, 2014 and email Billy. Flyers will be handed out at the next meeting. 12. Sponsorships – Jeff Wade  Thank you plaques are being worked on for the 2014 season sponsors.  Three sponsors have agreed to sponsor the 2015 season.  Have potential sponsors contact Jeff with questions or for a presentation. 13. Fundraisers – Miranda Gonzales  No report- coordinator absent. 14. Pictures – Anthony Alvarado  Has a list of 6-7 potential photographers and in the process of narrowing down the list for a possible presentation to Board or Anthony. 15. Uniforms – Josh Castellanos reported in Coordinator’s absence.  Samples were presented and a proposal was made to have uniform hats for the name of the team with matching uniform shirts that say North Valley (e.g. Black hat with orange “SF” hat for a Giants team and a black baseball shirt with “North Valley” in Orange, Black and White lettering to match.) There would be a different style of shirts for the divisions (e.g. t-shirt for t-ball versus a button down shirt for the upper divisions.) o There was a unanimous consensus for the idea. Josh will follow-up and get more details. 16. Open Positions – Josh Castellanos  4 people are needed for a weekly rotation in the snack shack. 17. By-Laws and Constitution Changes/ Voting  Since the Constitution was updated last year it was elected not to update the document at this time.  An invitation for an informal meeting was sent to all members to discuss the by-laws and was held on 11/4/14. The results of that discussion were the proposed by-laws sent to all members at the same time that the agenda for this meeting was sent.  The proposed by-laws were discussed and voted on. 18. Roundtable  Request by some of the managers that the team mom coordinator be on top of the snack shack dates. 19. Action Items  Action Items sent out Tuesday, November 18, 2014 10:49 PM by email. 20. Adjournment  Meeting adjourned by Josh Castellanos at 9:40. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 6:30 p.m., Roundtable-Morrill.

NVLL Meeting Minutes 11/18/14 Page2

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