Major Professional Accomplishments and Awards
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MSU Meet Michigan Coordinator for the Office of the Provost's Faculty Development Program, described below under MSU Committee and Administrative Service.
Labor Studies Journal (LSJ) Editorial Board member, since spring 1999, (originally elected by then LSJ board, but since 2000 nominated by board committee and elected by UALE's Executive Board), and member of LSJ's nominations committee in 2001-02.
Michigan Historical Review Board of Editors member since fall 2002.
Historical Society of Michigan (HSM) Board of Trustees member (board elected), since 1998, and Chair of HSM Board's awards and nominations committee, since 2001, and chair of nominations committee in 2000, and member of: awards committee since 1999, annual conference planning committee in 2001, and Tuomy House grounds committee in 1999 and 2000.
MSU History Department, Adjunct history professor courtesy appointment, awarded 2002.
UALE (United Association for Labor Education) membership elected at-large Executive Board Member, April 2000 to 2002 term, and previously member of the UALE Interim Board, 1999-2000; and previously was one of the University and College Labor Education Association (UCLEA) appointed reps. for the national merger talks with Workers’ Education Local 189, 1997-8; and then was a WEL 189 appointed rep. for the continued merger talks, in 1998-9, and helped negotiate and write new constitution (see website).
Great Lakes Regional Executive Board Representative, 1979-91, and Michigan Chapter Chair and/or Executive Board member, 1991-9, originally AFT, then independent, and then CWA, Workers' Education Local 189.
GOTV Coordinator, Ingham County Democratic Party for elections 2000 & ''02, (& asst. since '78); (elected) Precinct Delegate, & occasional Executive Board member, & county or state party convention delegate, since 1978.
International: Faculty Advisor in 1995 & 96 for Tengizchevroil's (Chevron/Kazakhstan joint venture) Human Resources Manager (enrolled as special English language/LIR student), provided academic and personal advising, designed & supervised multifaceted course of study, and reviewing weekly journal entries. International Trainer, Siberia, Russia, for two weeks during October 1993 under a USAID grant in cooperation with Krasnoyarsk State University and Resources Development Designs, Inc. Training provided on Compensation, ESOPs and Labor Markets, the Role of Free Trade Unions, Dispute Resolution Techniques, Practical Employment Relations, and (Auto) Industry Restructuring; and consultation provided to regional firm managers & KSU faculty on human resource management concerns, business outreach program development and marketing, and redesign of university economics’ curriculum; and interviewed twice on regional television and by two local newspapers. Subsequently served as Coordinator for Krasnoyarsk State University faculty/administrators' two-week visit to MSU during January/February 1994; and designed and coordinated intensive presentation, training and consultation program for three member delegation's visit to redesign K.S.U.'s academic and outreach curriculum in business, economics and human resource management; and presented subsequently the General Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between MSU and KSU to the MSU International Studies and Programs Advisory/Consultative Committee. Chaired an informal MSU International Labour Standards Group in late 90s. Additional international experience described under Presentations and MSU Service (below) and traveled in UK, Ireland, France and Canada, besides in the Russian Federation.
Project Director (& grant coordinator w/ or supervised R. Alpern) "Detroit Labor History Tours," (DLHT was a non- profit/501-C-3 organization affiliated w/ Workers Education Local 189) funded beginning in 1979 by MSU, MCH, MCA & Shifman grants (below). Publications: Union Town: A Labor History Guide to Detroit (Dec.1980), 34 pp. tour guidebook, researcher; Detroit: The Making of a Union Town, 1900-41 (Spring 1982), 22-min. slide show/later video, researcher & script co-author; Working Detroit: The Making of a Union Town (l984), 252 pp. book, (New York: Adama; reissued Detroit:WSU Press), researcher, interviewer, & editor; Labor Minutes (1985), ten 60-sec. WTVS -Channel 56 labor history/Labor Day-aired "spots," consultant; The Labor Legacy of the Rivera Murals (Fall 1986), 40-min. audio cassette museum tape, script co-editor; Making History Come Alive: The Detroit Labor History Tour Project (Winter 1987), 12-min. color video promo tape, production consultant & a featured interviewee; and Rivera's Labor Legacy: The Detroit Murals (Summer 1989), 25-min. color video, script co-editor & production consultant. DLHT's "Made in Detroit" & "Emergence of the Auto Industry and Its Unions" tours and "On the Line" instructor's kit were featured during Michigan's American Automobile Centennial Week, 6/16-23/96. Honors received: Certificate of Commendation from the American Association for State & Local History, an Award of Merit from the Historical Society of Michigan, and an Emmy Award from the MI Chpt., National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
Project Co-Director, "From Calumet to Kalamazoo: Michigan Labor History Perspectives," (with Carol Haddad) 1982- 5, funded in part by MSU and MCH grants (below). Publications: From Calumet to Kalamazoo: A History of Michigan Workers and Their Unions From 1818 (1984), 31-minute slide show, researcher, interviewer, script co-author and show co-producer; From Calumet to Kalamazoo: A Discussion and Resource Guide for Teaching Michigan Labor History (July 1985), 82-page guidebook, (E. Lansing, MI: MSU Press), co-author; and From Calumet to Kalamazoo: A Video History (1988), 31-minute color video, executive producer and director.
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Occupational Safety and Health Council of Michigan, Ltd. (a non-profit/501-C-3 organization with a 15-member board of representatives from labor, management, health providers, educators and government regulators), from 1979 through 1989, and supervisor of Council's Executive Director (R. Kibbey) and five one-year MDOL-SET grants (below) focused on OSH Training for Primary Care Practitioners (mostly doctors and nurses).
Coordinator, Train-the-Trainer component, Hazard Communications Project, UAW/Ford Motors Joint Occupational Safety & Health Committee contract w/ SLIR, 10 one-week conferences for approx. 150 union & 150 mngt. reps/trainers, 1985; and Project Staff, SLIR (USDOL/New Directions grant) Protecting Workers' Health Training Program, 1978-82.
Professional (usually unpaid) consultation provided to university administrators, faculty and students, and government, management, and union officials on various subjects and research and grant projects including: Boarshead Theatre Michigan Humanities Council grant project to research & write play on Lansing labor history in 2003; Ferndale high school social studies dept. on Michigan and labor history resources in summer 2003; Verizon senior VP regarding CWA negotiations in summer 2003; MERC on revisions to update Hy Parker/Bob Repas booklet on PERA and MERC in 2002; Greater Lansing Labor Council on labor history content for Ingham County Fair karaoke contest in summer 2002; AFL-CIO’s Field Mobilization CLC-TOT (central labor council training-of-trainers) program trainer, in 2002; & consulted AFL-CIO Organizing Institute & Union Summer programs’ on-campus recruitment drives since 1997; National Interfaith Committee for Justice, interview w/ B. Farr, Chicago HQ staff, regarding labor and religion coalition and partner opportunities and contacts across the state of Michigan v-v unions and Catholic dioceses, 4/25/02; Citizen Research Council of Michigan, interview w/ E. Lupher re: Michigan's Act 312 history and comparative features of MI's law v-v other states (and cities) use of interest arbitration in public sector labor relations, 7/25/01; External Reviewer: George Washington University management sciences' dept. fall '00 review of asst. prof. for tenure; External Reviewer: University of Oregon Labor Education and Research Center fall '99 review of asst. prof. for tenure; MSU African Internet Connectivity Project, arranged a Lansing auto plant tour and moderated presentations by panel of local union bargaining, women's and civil rights committee members at UAW 602, 5/16/00; MSUE Oseola County extension agent's request for assistance regarding existence and use of BLS and other data sources for providing technical service to local area unions regarding collective bargaining comparability issues; Automobile National Heritage Area's Lansing Corridor founding chapter meeting at Michigan Historical Center's boardroom, described in "Heritage proposal garners support: Bill would use US money for 6 state historic auto areas", Lansing State Journal, p. B1, 6/19/98; and subsequent meetings/events in Lansing & statewide initiatives; Michigan Historical Museum's Phase 2 Project, consultation on historic content, logo copy, exhibit design, & id of appropriate visuals, oral histories and artifacts on work & leisure and labor unions & LIR stories for museum's permanent exhibit "Michigan in the 20th Century", 1993-6; prior aid given on 19 th century exhibit; and subsequent aid provided on the 1-yr. “Lansing Centennial” exhibit, 1997; Advisory Board Member, UAW International Union Health and Safety Department, Hazardous Waste Worker NIEHS Training Project, from 1990 to 2000; Advisory Board Member, SEIU Council 35, Injury Prevention for Health Care Workers OSHA Project, 1995; Prof. Moser’s 11th ed., “Labor Econ. & Labor Relations”, labor history chapter review/critique, in 1996; Fiscal Agent, “Anti-Apartheid Documentary History” grant proposal, rejected by MHC in 1997; Fiscal Agent and Consultant, "Americans of the Five Year Plans", funded by the Michigan Humanities Council, 1990-6; and MCH's "Tools of the Carpenter", funded in 1982-3; Humanities Scholar and Consultant, "REO Oral History Project", funded by the Michigan Humanities Council, 1993-5; (Outside) Project Evaluator, "Workers' Voices: An Oral History Project" of the Detroit Historical Society, funded by the Michigan Humanities Council, 1992-4; UAW Region 1-C/M.E.A. Labor in the Schools' high school curricular development Design Team, 1992-3 and occasional follow-up consultant; Labor Museum and Learning Center of Michigan (originally connected w/ Flint’s Mott Community College), consulted on original museum design, themes & content, outreach programs & school curricula materials in 1980s & 1990s; City of Detroit, Parks & Rec. Dept's Mt. Elliott Park river-front interpretative exhibit/museum design/content in 1980s; Office of the Governor, and some state senators, representatives and departments, on Michigan employment relations issues, unionization density numbers & trends, and history questions regarding Michigan CB in private and public sectors; and on Michigan labor history & resources, grant admin. & funding, and slide/video production & budgeting, & worker & union legal rights, CB, internal union democracy, occupational safety & health, & provided MSU students w/ reference letters & advice on internships/career opportunities in CB or w/ unions & university worker education.
M.S.U. Labor Education Program STENCILS (unpublished) for use in credit and non-credit LEP, PEL/AIS and PIERS programs and w/ SLIR graduate school and various undergrad classes (incl. freshman seminars and guest lectures) include JR's stencil/handout/monographs: Michigan Labor History Reference List; Labor & Community Economic Development Reference List; Readings for Workplace Leaders Nearing the Millenium but not only on the Web; Work Reorganization Bargaining; Privatization of Public Services; Dispute Resolution in Employment Relations; Seven Tests Of Just Cause; Compensation & Labor Markets; ESOPs in the US; Collective Bargaining Trends; Public Sector CB Issues; Using Win- Win Bargaining; Using Mediation in CB; Family & Medical Leave Act; Union Security: Lawful & Unlawful Contract Clauses; Employer Unfair Labor Practices; Duty to Bargain and Its Subjects; HR/LIR Professionals Assess America’s Unions: Questions; Union Structures & Organization; Recent Decline of US Unions; Labor Law Reform?; Spirituality of Work Questionnaire; American Labor History Key Concepts; History of US Auto Industry Employment Relations; Labor & the Schools; Significant Dates in Michigan Labor History; and updated charts & graphs on G-7, US and Michigan statistics on unemployment, wages, strikes, & union densities for selected years & demographic characteristics; and as LEP Program Coordinator in 2000 prepared memos/proposals re: "Michigan CLCs & LEP Staffing Assignments;" "Proposal to Create a Revised MSU 140-hr. Labor Leadership Certificate;" "Suggested LEP Individual Faculty Year 2000 Goals" and "Suggested LEP Unit Year 2000 Goals;" and as SLIR Committee on Comp. member prepared “Report Regarding Number of Categories & Names of Descriptor Terms Used (across MSU units) for Annual Evaluation for Merit Salary Increases;” and w/ L. Bierema "LIR Outreach Faculty Performance Evaluation Criteria" (drafted 5/8/00.)
Detroit Labor History Tours and From Calumet to Kalamazoo publications, videos, synchronized slide-audio tape shows and artistic endeavors (listed above under major accomplishments).
Book Review: “The CyberUnion Handbook: Transforming Labor through Computer Technology," edited by Arthur B. Shostak, Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2002, 384 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 3 (Fall 2003), pp.117-18.
Book Review: “You Don't Always Get What You Pay For: The Economics of Privatization," by Elliott Sclar, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2000, 184 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Summer 2003), pp.82-4.
Book Review: "Hard Work: The Making of Labor History," by Melvyn Dubofsky, Urbana IL: University of Illinois Press, 2000, 249 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Summer 2002), pp. 95-6.
Monograph: Michigan and U.S. Labor History Resources for K-12 School Children and Their Teachers: An Initial Reference List, 12 pp, 9/1/02, posted on JR’s website & distributed hardcopy at varied programs for feedback across US. Book Review: "The Future of History: Interviews with David Barsamian," by Howard Zinn, Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1999, 176 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2001), pp. 94-6.
Book Review: "Labor and the Wartime State: Labor Relations and Law During World War II," by James Atleson, Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1998, 307 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Summer 2001), pp. 95-7.
Textbook Chapter & Instructor Module: “Ethical Perspectives in Employment Relations and Human Resources” (w/ J. Lazar) in E. E. Kossek & R. Block, Managing Human Resources in the 21st Century: From Core Concepts to Strategic Choice, Cincinnati, OH: South-Western College Publishing, 2000 (23p. chpt #27); and single author: “Ethical Perspectives in ER/HR: Instructor’s Module,” on-line at, 2000, approx. 17 pp. and 17 transparencies.
Book Review: “Managerial Ethics: Moral Management of People and Processes,” by Marshall Schminke, (ed.), 1998, 233 pp.; in Human Resources Planning, Vol. 22, No. 4 (c. 2000), pp. 53-54.
Book Review: “Integrating Work and Family: Challenges and Choices for a Changing World”, ed. by Saroj Parasuraman & Jeffrey Greenhaus, NY: Quorum, 1997, 260 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4 (Winter 2000), pp. 94-6.
Book Review: "CyberUnion: Empowering Labor Through Computer Technology," by Arthur Shostak, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999, published online for WEL #189/UALE's website, April 2000; and shorter version published in LEP.Edu@MSU Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer 2000), p.6.
Book Review: “Sleep Secrets for Shift Workers & People with Off-Beat Schedules,” by David Morgan, Duluth, Minn.: Whole Person Associates, 1996, 163 pp, in LEP.Edu@MSU Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 3 (Fall 1999).
Non-refereed short article: “Reflections on Michigan Labor, 1998” 1-p., Vol. 1, No.1 (Winter 1999) of LEP.Edu@MSU Newsletter.
Book Review: “Life in the Shadows of the Crystal Palace, 1910-1927: Ford Workers in the Model T Era”, by Clarence Hooker, Bowling Green U. Press, 1997, 210 pp.; in Michigan Historical Review, Vol. 24, No. 2 (Fall 1998), pp. 176-8.
Book Review: “Working Stiffs, Union Maids, Reds, & Riffraff: An Organized Guide to Films About Labor”, by Tom Zaniello, Cornell University Press, 1996, 295 pp., in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3 (Fall 1998), pp. 117-118.
Book Review: “Labour Statistics for a Market Economy: Challenges and Solutions in the Transition Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union”, edited by Igor Chernyshev, Oxford University Press, 1994, 339 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Winter 1997), pp. 112-114.
Book Review: “In Search of the Working Class: Essays in American Labor History and Political Culture”, by Leon Fink, University of Illinois Press, 1994, 261 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Winter 1997), pp. 120-121.
Book Review: “Infighting in the UAW: The 1946 Election and the Ascendancy of Walter Reuther”, by Bill Goode, Greenwood Press, 1994, 184 pp.; in Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1 (Spring 1997), pp. 69-70.
Non-refereed article: "Ground-breaking Effort Yielded Strong Criticism in Earlier Days: From a LIR Center to a School", SLIR Newsletter, 4 page supplement, Spring 1996.
Book Review: "Rights at Work: Employment Relations in the Post-Union Era," by Richard Edwards, 1993, Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Summer 1995), pp. 51-2.
Book Review: "Just Cause: The Seven Tests", Second Edition, by Adolph Koven and Susan Smith, rev. D. Farwell, 1992, Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Winter 1995), pp. 55-7.
Monograph: Survey on MSU Faculty Position Replacements for 1991-2 and 1992-3 Academic Years, (w/ Arthur Wheaton); 20 pages, Lansing, MI: Michigan Conference AAUP, Summer 1994. Editor: "Ethical Perspectives on Work Relocation and Reduction Decisions"--The Wm. 'Bus' Bigham SLIR ‘92 Symposium Proceedings; 39 pp., E. Lansing, MI: SLIR/M.S.U., Spring 1994.
Monograph: MSU Employee Perceptions Regarding Occupational Safety and Health Hazards, Practices and Their Personal Health Status: A HealthyU Subproject Report, (w/ Ismail Noor); 163 pages, East Lansing, MI: SLIR/M.S.U., Fall 1993.
Book Review: "Artisans Into Workers: Labor in Nineteenth-Century America", by Bruce Laurie. New York: Noonday, 1989; Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Spring 1992), pp. 88-90.
Proceedings: "M.S.U. Employee OSH Perceptions and Training Needs" (w/ Ismail Noor), Proceedings of the Healthy Work Environments - Healthy People: Participatory Approaches to Improving Workplace Health International Conference, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, June 1991, pp. 44-9.
Monograph: Occupational Safety and Health Annotated Bibliography for Educators of and Prospective Health Care Providers (w/ Gregory Freehling), 24 pp., East Lansing, MI: SLIR/ MSU, 1990.
Documentary Radio & Curriculum Review: "New Yorkers at Work: Oral Histories of Life, Labor & Industry" by Debra E. Bernhardt, The Public Historian, Vol. 11, No. 4 (Fall 1989), pp. 173-6.
Book Review: "A New Deal for Workers' Education: The Workers' Service Program, 1933-1942," by Joyce Kornbluh, Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4 (Winter 1988), pp. 84-5.
Book Review: "Union Power and American Democracy: The UAW and the Democratic Party, 1935-72" and "1972-83," by Dudley Buffa, 2 volumes, Michigan Historical Review, Vol. 13, No. 1 (Spring 1987), pp. 91-4.
Book Reviews: "Labor's War at Home: The CIO in WWII" by Nelson Lichtenstein, Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 10, No. 1 (Spring 1985), pp. 85-87, & Vol. 10, No. 2 (Fall ‘85), pp. l96-7.
Monograph: Working: Labor History and Culture Resource Guide (w/ L. Ianni, MCH) 8 pp., East Lansing, MI: Michigan Council for the Humanities, September 1985.
Refereed article: "Building Worker Competence" (w/ Scott Tobey), Labor Studies Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Spring 1981), pp. 41-52.
Proceedings: "Can State Plans Be Made 'More Effective Than'?" Proceedings of Symposium for Labor Educators on OH & S, Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, May 1981, pp. 296-299.
Film Review: "Song of the Canary," Film Library Quarterly, Vol. 12, No. 2-3, 1979, pp. 76-79.
Various other non-referred "short" items incl.: SLIR Newsletter; MSU News Bulletin; St. News; Lans. St. Journal; Det. Free Press & News; AFL-CIO Ed.Update; LSJ; LH; MI Hist.; Hist. Society of MI Newsletter, & other newspaper, tv & radio media have featured “spots” re: JR projects (including many JR wrote such as: "MI Elderhostel on Labor Relations" & "MSU Hosts Siberian Faculty"); & the OSH Council, Ltd., Quarterly newsletters (1982-4) were edited by Revitte.