Curriculum Map - Brundige
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Curriculum Map - Brundige Grade____9-12______Subject___German2______
Month Content Skills Assessment Options Standards Topics: Students will: Describe the physical Benchmark standards listed Personality Traits Understand main characteristics/personali after skill Physical idea and some ty of oneself and fellow Understand main idea Sept Characteristics details of connected classmates/neighbors/fa and some details of Hobbies/Sports discourse on mily members. connected discourse on UNIT 1: Feelings familiar topics. Describe the familiar topics.(1.H.1) DESCRIBING Family (1.H.1) personality/physical Sustain conversation on SELF AND Relationships Sustain characteristics of familiar topics. (1.H.3) OTHERS Social Relationships conversation on celebrities. Express thoughts, ideas, (Friends) familiar topics. Play Who Am I?, a preferences, and options (1.H.3) game where students in oral and written form. Culture: Express thoughts, must formulate (1H.6) Differences in ideas, preferences, questions to guess Derive meaning from Family and Social and options in oral partner’s celebrity oral, visual, and limited Relationships and written form. identity. written stimuli and (Concepts of (1H.6) Create a video or Power respond appropriately. Popularity, Derive meaning Point describing a (1.H.4) ‘Sympatisch’) from oral, visual, famous or familiar Use another language for Sports and limited written person with regard to personal and public Typical Teen stimuli and respond physical characteristics, communication needs. Hobbies/Interests appropriately. hobbies, and personality, (1.H.7) (1.H.4) duties, career or job. Grammar: Use another Create a Predicate language for dialog/conversation with Adjectives personal and public a partner , describing a Adverbs of communication group of people, a Frequency needs. (1.H.7) common friend, teacher, Expletives of etc., expressing Emotion agreement and Possessive disagreement of opinion. Pronouns Objects in Write a letter to a pen the Accusative pal/key pal (preferably (Review), real) describing self, Reintroduction to interests, and hobbies. Modal Verbs. Create a poster or Power Point describing your family, family relationships and positive/negative interactions with family members. As appropriate, teachers may choose individual tasks to assess discrete skills or more comprehensive assessments. Komm Mit Chapter 1 tests and quizzes
Topics: Students will: ● Make a plan of your Benchmark standards listed Chores at home and Derive meaning home; label and describe after skill Oct in the community from oral, visual, your plan according to Derive meaning from Rooms and objects and limited written rooms and chores. oral, visual, and limited UNIT 2: in the house stimuli and respond Make a chore schedule written stimuli and Distribution of appropriately. for your family; develop respond appropriately. EVERYDAY chores, work and (1.M.2) a conversation/exchange (1.M.2) LIFE AT responsibilities Participate with a partner to find Participate successfully Invitations, plans successfully in out what his family’s in familiar survival SCHOOL AND with others, familiar survival chores and duties are. situations and accepting and situations and Create an invitation to interactions. (1.M.3) HOME declining invitations interactions. (1.M.3) an activity or party, Express some thoughts, and suggestions Express some stating time, place, ideas, and preferences in Giving explanations thoughts, ideas, and activity, greeting and oral and written form. and reasons preferences in oral rsvp. (1.M.4) Planning and and written form. Create a video or skit of Use another language for scheduling of (1.M.4) your family situation, personal communication extracurricular Use another presenting a problem needs. (1.M.5) activities. language for and its solution Ask for clarification and personal regarding chores and repetition (2.M.2) Culture: communication responsibilities in the Apply prior knowledge. Teen obligations needs. (1.M.5) family. (2.M.5) and privileges, Ask for Write a letter of apology Produce limited written assisting clarification and to a friend or family discourse. (3.M.1) others/elders in the repetition (2.M.2) member, explaining the Recognize some family and Apply prior expectation and the similarities between community in the knowledge. (2.M.5) reason for your failure one’s own language and country of the Produce limited to carry through. culture and other target language. written discourse. Include a sincere languages and cultures. Social norms in (3.M.1) apology and intention (.M.2) Germany. Recognize some for the future. Size, layout, similarities between Create a chart or poster construction and one’s own language comparing do’s and design of homes in and culture and don’ts, responsibilities, Germany. other languages and privileges and rights of Social norms in cultures. (.M.2) young people in the U.S. Germany. and Germany. Legal adulthood in As appropriate, teachers Germany. may choose individual Typical tasks within tasks to assess discrete the community skills or more Teen obligations and comprehensive privileges, assisting assessments others/elders in the family and Komm Mit Chapter community in the 2 tests and quizzes country of the target language.
Grammar: Modal Verbs, Sentences With Multiple Verbs (Word Order), Clauses with ‘Wenn’ and ‘Weil’, ‘Dass’, Positive and Negative Statements In Conv. Past Accusative Case with Certain Verbs and Prepositions. Imperative Forms.
Culture: Student will: ● Describe your past Benchmark standards listed Narrate orally and summer vacation in all after skill Nov Vacation activities, locations, cultural in writing events in detail to a partner; Narrate orally and in areas of personal create a writing events in areas of UNIT 3: experiences in new interest.(1.H.2) dialogue/interview with personal interest.(1.H.2) VACATIONS, places (food, Sustain a partner to find out Sustain conversation on HOLIDAYS, housing, conversation on about their vacation. familiar topics. (1.H.3) AND entertainment) familiar topics. Prepare a virtual tour of Express thoughts, ideas, CELEBRATIONS (1.H.3) your vacation spot and preferences, and Geographic location and directions, Express thoughts, present it to your opinions in oral and scenery, ideas, preferences, class/group. written form. (1.H.6) surroundings, and opinions in oral Plan and prepare a Recognize other cultures accommodations and written form. script as a tour guide of as an integral part of the (1.H.6) your vacation spot. culture of the world Comparing various Recognize other Create a travel brochure community. (9.H.4) vacation cultures as an of a foreign or local experiences, past integral part of the vacation spot. and present culture of the world Invite a partner to a community. (9.H.4) birthday or holiday Learning about and comparing typical party. German vacations Plan and prepare a to American party with a group; vacations organize tasks within the group.
Seasonal holidays in Create a group/class America and presentation of a holiday Germany; tradition in Germany. comparing aspects Create a group/class of winter holidays in presentation of an both countries American holiday
Planning and tradition for German preparing a family speakers. or social Prepare an celebration; interview/panel preparing discussion of three invitations, different nationalities to organizing help and compare holiday tasks traditions and celebrations. Komm Mit Chapter Grammar: 3 tests and quizzes
Conversational past tense
Expressing and asking about opinions with ‘gefallen’, ‘finden’, ‘mögen’
Dative/accusative use of ‘in, an, auf’ to show motion or location
Command forms
Simple past of ‘haben’ and ‘sein’
Dative case personal pronouns
Dec - Feb Culture: Students will: ● Create a dialogue with a Benchmark standards listed Aspects of health: Meet a number of partner, asking about after skill food, nutrition, practical writing each other’s health, Meet a number of exercise, sports, needs using lists, showing concern and practical writing needs UNIT 4: YOU relaxation, illnesses, notes, short letters, consideration for each using lists, notes, short AND YOUR injuries and and journals. other letters, and journals. accidents. (3.H.3) Create and carry out a (3.H.3) HEALTH Health education in Transcribe and panel /group discussion Transcribe and produce target countries produce familiar about nutrition; include familiar idioms and
Substance abuse; idioms and limited cultural aspects of home limited extended comparisons of extended discourse. and target countries. discourse. (1.H.8) awareness and (1.H.8) Interview a Understand, respond to, education of Understand, partner/famous person and formulate questions substance abuse in respond to, and about his/her health and discussion. (4.H.1) target countries and formulate questions habits, including Interact successfully in at home. and discussion. nutrition, exercise, basic communicative Learning about (4.H.1) relaxation, bad habits. tasks. (4.H.3) cultural differences Interact Create a health profile in health topics; successfully in basic of yourself; keep a social norms and communicative journal of health-related taboos in discussing tasks. (4.H.3) activities over a one’s health. week/two weeks and Health facilities and summarize in the profile programs in target Analyze and critique a countries written or oral Preventive medicine description of someone’s in target countries health profile. Personal hygiene Create a video/skit/story/presenta Grammar: tion about an accident or Dative and illness, describing the accusative reflexive circumstances leading to pronouns the accident/illness and Reflexive verbs the treatment involved. Dative personal Create guidelines for objects: ‘fehlen’, young people on ‘mir ist…’ ‘es geht personal hygiene and mir…’ substance abuse Dative prepositions prevention. Negative and Komm Mit Chapter positive commands 4, 5, 6 tests and Dependent clauses quizzes with ‘dass’ Descriptive and demonstrative articles and question words Possessive pronouns in accusative and dative
March - April Culture: Student will: ● Prepare and present a Benchmark standards listed Aspects and Sustain description of your after skill UNIT 5: CITY concepts of city vs. conversation on living situation and Sustain conversation on LIVE AND country living; familiar topics. location; include aspects familiar topics. (1.h.3) COUNTRY housing, (1.h.3) of location and Initiate, sustain and LIFE transportation, Initiate, sustain and transportation to school, bring closure to a variety educational and bring closure to a sports, activities. of communicative tasks cultural variety of Create an interview with or situations. (1.h.5) opportunities, communicative a partner, inquiring Express thoughts, ideas, environmental tasks or situations. about that person’s preferences, and issues (1.h.5) living situation, his opinions in oral and Geographical and Express thoughts, opinion of such and his written form. (1.h.6) sociological ideas, preferences, wishes for the future Write simple discourse differences between and opinions in oral Present a panel of more than one city/country living and written form. discussion on the aspects paragraph on familiar in the U.S. and in (1.h.6) of country vs. city living topics. (2.h.2) target countries Write simple Create a video/power Meet a number of Environmental discourse of more point presentation on practical writing needs awareness and than one paragraph typical city/country life using lists, notes, short education in the on familiar topics. in Germany or in your letters and journals. U.S. and target (2.h.2) country (2.H.3) countries Meet a number of Write a comparison of Getting around and practical writing two typical teenagers: a handling daily life needs using lists, country American vs. a in the respective notes, short letters country German, or a countries. and journals. city American vs. a city Concept of distance (2.H.3) German. Include all and location in aspects of daily life. relation to home, Prepare and give a place of work or presentation on study, and outings. environmental Future plans and protection and wishes regarding awareness in the target housing, education, country careers Create your own dream house in your dream GRAMMAR: environment, giving Adjective endings in reasons for your wishes. nom. Acc. and Komm Mit Chapter dative cases; 7 tests and quizzes agreement of strong and weak endings Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives Dative personal objects in preferences ‘lieber’ ‘wünschen’ ‘wären’
May Topics: Students will: ● Prepare a strategy for Benchmark standards listed Reading, Initiate, sustain, planning a trip, after skill understanding and and bring closure to including questions to Initiate, sustain, and UNIT 7: making selections a variety of ask and points to cover bring closure to a variety from travel communicative regarding travel, of communicative tasks TRAVEL PLANS brochures and maps tasks or situations. accommodation, prices, or situations. (1.H.5) Inquiring about and (1.H.5) tours and sightseeing Express thoughts, ideas, evaluating Express thoughts, Present a visit to the preferences and opinions information about ideas, preferences travel bureau to inquire in oral and written form. regions of foreign and opinions in oral about and plan a trip (1.H.6) countries. and written form. Create and present a Use the target language Planning a trip (1.H.6) skit in a group to for personal and public according to Use the target simulate a family communication needs. gathered language for discussion about your (1.H.7) information; personal and public next trip and travel Negotiate meaning by making reservations communication plans, including conflict asking for and using and itineraries with needs. (1.H.7) and resolution repetition, clarification, regard to Negotiate meaning Create an and recombination. transportation, by asking for and interview/panel (2.H.2) accommodation and using repetition, discussion to gather Understand and produce tours clarification, and information about main ideas from Asking for and recombination. someone else’s travel narration and expressing opinions (2.H.2) experience(s) and their description. (3.H.1) on travel Understand and recommendations destinations produce main ideas Create a dialog/skit from narration and about a ‘horror’ trip Grammar: description. (3.H.1) where everything goes Use of accusative wrong with two-way prepositions; dative with ‘nach’ Simple past of ‘sein’ revisited Dependent clauses with ‘ob’ Questions with ‘wo-‘ combinations Revision/summary of all prepositions