Get on the Bus: Oh, the Places You Ll Go with Reading
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Unit Three Reading Log Rubric—Reading Like Detectives: Studying Character Closely Criteria 4—Exceeds 3—Meets 2—Approaches 1—Just Beginning Comments You read an average of You read an average of You read an average of You read less than an 20 or 10-20 10 averag more minute minute e of 5 minute s a s a minute s a night night s a night at at night, at least least OR Challenging least five five you y five times times read o times last last less u last week. week. than week five r OR times s you last el read week. f an averag e of 10-20 more than five times. Reflecting on Your reflection on the Your reflection on the Your reflection on the Your reflection on the y previo previo previo previo us us us us o week week week week u is is very includ is r extrem specifi es genera p ely c. some l, and r thorou Furthe detail. you do gh and r, you You not o indicat used made indicat g es your some e any r genuin reflecti improv improv e self- on to ement ement e aware improv s from from s ness. e your last last Furthe perfor week. week. s r, your mance a action the n s the followi d followi ng m ng week. week a demon ki strate n a g sincer i e desire m to p improv r e. o Hoora v y! e m e n t s Following You made either zero or You made only 2 You made 3-4 mistakes You made 5 or more r one mistak as you mistak mistak es as underli es as e e as you ned you a you underli and underli d underli ned capitali ned i ned and zed and n and capitali some capitali g capitali zed of the zed zed some import some the of the ant of the l import import words import o ant ant in your ant g words words titles, words c in your in your calcula in your titles, titles, ted the titles, o calcula calcula totals, calcula n ted the ted the and ted the v totals, totals, compl totals, e and and eted and n compl compl the compl eted eted sectio eted ti the the ns. the o sectio sectio sectio n ns. ns. ns. s Congr atulati ons!
Grade = ______Comments:
12 points = 100% 7 points = 77% 2 points = 60% 11 points = 92% 6 points = 75% 1 point = 55% 10 points = 87% 5 points = 70% 9 points = 85% 4 points = 67% 8 points = 80% 3 points = 65% Daily Reading Log Name Week of Homeroom Start End Setting Title Start Time End Time Minutes Total Signature Pg. Pg.
In Class n o M Out of Class
In Class . s e u
T Out of Class
In Class . d e
W Out of Class
In Class . h T Out of Class
In Class . i r F Out of Class . t a S . n u S Total # of Times Read Total Minutes All of us will advance two grades in reading. Goal = ____ minutes All of us will score in the 90th percentile on state tests.