Bedale Area Community Investment Prospectus Steering Group Meeting
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Bedale and Villages Community Forum Management Group 7.30pm on Thursday 18th November 2010
The Lounge, Bedale Hall
Present Yvonne Rose (Chair); Cllr. Carl Les; Hazel Kirby; Dorothy Syers; Mike Barningham; Bob Pocklington; Carol Roberts; John Noone; Dean Bradley & Peter Cole.
Apologies Sgnt. Richard O’Neil; Ellen Dunning; Sylvia Broadwith & Sue Latter.
1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
Yvonne welcomed Dean Bradley to the meeting representing RAF Leeming.
2. Minutes of the Last Meeting held Thursday 15th July 2010 Agreed as a true record thereof, though it was noted that the reason for the additional £150 requested for the marquee was to purchase an additional side panel, not because the chosen marquee was unsuitable for hard standing.
3. Matters Arising
. Bonfire & Fireworks It was reported that approximately £5,600 was collected on the night and that the event proved a success once again.
. Marquee The marquee has been well-used on Bonfire Night and as part of the Yorkshire Day celebrations. It was suggested that the marquee be available for hire for community events at £25 per day plus a deposit. Action: Yvonne and Bob to liaise with Bedale Town Council to determine hire charges and the booking arrangements.
. MOD Police Dean confirmed that the MOD now has a police presence at RAF Leeming and that discussions are underway with Sgnt. Richard O’Neil to establish links with the Safer Neighbourhood Team and local schools.
. The Beckside Project Mike reported that fundraising activities for the project are underway including a Quiz night, a ‘Battle of the Bands’ at Chantry Hall, a Valentine’s Ball at Leeming Lodge and a ‘Bring & Buy’ sale co-ordinated by the Brownies. It is understood that £35k is now in the ‘pot’ with £2K having been raised at the book launch of ‘Reflections of Bedale’. It was suggested that 1 William Hague MP be invited to a fundraising reception at Bedale Hall in the New Year. The next step is to approach businesses on the Leeming Bar industrial estate for sponsorship. Action: Yvonne to contact William Hague’s secretary to confirm his availability. Mike to forward Peter details of future fundraising activities and the total raised for circulation to members of the group.
4. The Crakehall/Bedale/Leeming Bar Cycle Link Mike reported that a consultation event is to be held on Wednesday 24th November at Bedale Hall to gather views on plans drawn up by SUSTRANS to create cycle routes linking Crakehall, Bedale, Aiskew, Leeming Bar and Leeming Village. The next stage of the process will be to secure funding to develop sections of the routes as and when Section 106 money becomes available, to contact landowners who may be affected by the proposed routes and to establish the construction cost of each of the routes. It is understood that £50K of Section 106 money is being held by HDC for the proposed new pedestrian bridge across the beck and that further funding may become available from Persimmon following housing development in Aiskew.
5. Focus Group Updates . Business and Tourism Yvonne reported that the Chamber of Trade & Tourism had not met recently and that a new Chair of the Group is to be elected at the AGM to be held in January 2011. Planning is now underway in partnership with the Town Council for the Christmas Fayre and the Christmas Lights ‘switch-on’ to be held on the 4th December.
. Environment Yvonne reported that funding opportunities to support community-led and/or public realm enhancements will be harder to find and may impact on the scope and development of the Post Office Square Enhancement project. Yvonne reported that the NYCC Area Committee bid to design and install a ‘donations box’ as part of the scheme had been deferred pending a review of the fund. It was noted that ‘constructive dialogue’ has taken place between the Allotment Society and Carter Jonas with regards to the potential for relocation. Concerns were expressed over the ‘suitability’ of the proposed 4 plots and the contradictions in the Open Spaces Allocations document and the Housing Allocations document. It is understood that Central Government’s ‘Neighbourhood Plans’ may offer communities a greater say in the use of open spaces. Bob reported that Aiskew Parish Council is to contact Carillion to establish whether they would be willing to undertake work to address flooding issues following damage to drains. If resolved the site may offer potential allotment land.
. Community Interests Hazel reported that the Group has not met recently but that the next meeting is to be held in January 2011. It was suggested that the ‘Age Proofing Toolkit’ which has superseded the HSP Older People’s Charter be discussed, along with concerns expressed about proposals to close certain libraries across North Yorkshire. It was noted that more detailed information about the proposals and consultation is required before further informed discussion can take place. It was agreed that Parish Councils and community groups be invited to take part in the discussion once more details about the proposals are known. It was also agreed that the long term future of X-Nihilo be considered following the withdrawal of staff from Bedale High School and the subsequent loss of income. Bob indicated that the Management Committee are seeking to host a volunteer-led drop in facility (10 volunteers are required with 3 already having come forward.) It has also been suggested that a small entry fee be levied to raise revenue to cover the increasing heating/lighting costs.
. Transport Mike reported that at the recent Transport Sub Group meeting the issue of speeding in Aiskew was raised, along with the proposed Bedale relief road. It is understood that a decision on 23 national schemes (including the relief road) is to be made in 2011. The 2 issue of brown tourist signs on the slip road of the A1 has also been discussed given that that a new brown sign giving directions to Fountains Abbey and Lightwater Valley has been erected on the Ripon slip road. It is understood that brown signs are for directions to tourist destinations, not places.
6. Finance Update Mike presented a financial update on transactions since the last meeting held in July and confirmed that as at 18th November 2010 the Forum had £10,504.17 in reserves. A deposit of £4220.67 had been received in October from HDC (the quarterly rental income from 17 Market Place) and it is anticipated that a further deposit will be made in January 2011. Of this approximately £4400 is committed, of which £2k is for the development of public realm work in Bedale. Concerns were expressed over the availability of future funding streams to support community-led projects including X-Nihilo, the Beckside Project and the Post Office Square enhancement project. It was agreed that Nicky Smith be invited to the next meeting of the Group to discuss potential funding opportunities for the range of schemes being undertaken across Bedale. It was also agreed that X-Nihilo submit a funding application prior to the next meeting to request funding from the Forum’s reserves
7. Correspondence Mike reported that a letter had been received from the Crakehall Village Hall Committee thanking the Forum for the grant of £2500 to support the village hall refurbishment project.
8. Any Other Business
. Broadband across Bedale and the surrounding villages Peter confirmed that work is being undertaken by the LSP Broadband Task/Finish Group to identify (a) Broadband ‘cold/no spots’ and (b) potential communities that may be willing to develop ‘community solutions’ to resolve broadband issues. It was noted that ‘slow spots’ exist in Carthorpe, Kirklington, Burneston, Thirn and Gatenby.
. Policing of Community Events Peter provided an update on the procedure for requesting police assistance at community events which is now co-ordinated by the Specialist Operations Events Planning Team (see Annex A.)
. The Future of RAF Leeming Dean confirmed that a decision on the future of RAF Leeming will be taken before the end of March 2011. Dean indicated that if the base remains open the number of personnel living either on the base or in the wider community should change very little regardless of the base’s changing role.
. Project Proposal: Water Walkerz at Bedale Leisure Centre Members endorsed the project which seeks to enhance the water sports offer at Bedale Leisure Centre and agreed that the project be added to both the Bedale & Villages Community Plan and the Section 106 Leisure/Recreation list maintained by Lisa Wilson. Funding from the Forum’s own reserves is not being sought.
9. Dates for meetings to be held in 2011: . 20th January . 17th March . 12th May . 14th July . 15th September (AGM) . 17th November
All meetings to be held at 7.30pm in the Lounge at Bedale Hall
3 Annex A: Police Assistance at Community Events
North Yorkshire Police (NYP) recognises that events held within North Yorkshire are very varied, and many play a significant role in the life of North Yorkshire and the City of York communities.
The assessment of the need for Police attendance and action at public events will be principally based on the need to discharge our core responsibilities which legal advice indicates are as follows:-
(a) Prevention and detection of crime (b) Preventing or stopping breaches of the peace (c) Traffic regulation within the legal powers provided by statute, a Road Closure Order (Town Police Clauses Act 1847) or a Traffic Regulation Order (Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984) (d) Activation of a contingency plan where there is an immediate threat to life and co-ordination of resultant emergency service activities
Charges The Police Service is generally provided out of public funds for the benefit of the public at large. However, there are a limited range of activities where it is appropriate for the service to make charges to individuals or organisations to recover policing costs under Sec 25 of the Police Act 1996. This ensures that private persons or bodies do not profit at the expense of the Police Service and the local community.
Special Policing Services (SPS) are police services provided over and above the normal core policing in the locality at the request of a person or organisation.
Small/community events Small or community events can provide an ideal opportunity for police interaction with our communities. This may vary from casual visits by police staff to the attendance of the mobile police station. The Safer Neighbourhood Inspector will decide if their local staff should attend an event in a ‘safer neighbourhood’ role, and the duration and purpose of such visits.
It must be clear that attending an event in this ‘safer neighbourhood’ or ‘community’ role, is very different from NYP performing specific functions; holding specific responsibilities and therefore being involved in the ‘running’ of an event. This holds very different liabilities and implications for the service.
To contact NYP in relation to an event notification or for event related advice please use the contact details below. Please note that if NYP need to increase staffing in order to police or attend any event, there may be cost implications to the Service unless sufficient notice is given. This notice period is three months.
For further details please speak to our Specialist Operations Events Planning Team:
Hambleton area:
PC 654 Janie Knowles Tel:08456060247 x 8848 e-mail: [email protected]
Or our general office:
Tel:08456060247 x 8850 e-mail: [email protected]