Songs of Social Comment Rubric
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Songs of Social Comment Rubric Name: ______
Criteria A B C D E Introduction Poses appropriate Poses question in title. Poses question in title. Poor choice of No question in title. Song name question in title. The introduction The introduction states question in title. The Minimal or no Composer Introduction is clearly states the main the main introduction is weak introduction to song Date composed inviting, states main issue/message and issue/message. with the main and issue. States the main issue/message and some historical issues/messages issue historical/cultural context. poorly described. context. Knowledge Accurately describes Accurately describes Describes some Has difficulty Cannot extract the Understanding several dominant a couple of dominant dominant elements describing the dominant Analysis themes used by the elements used by the used by the composer dominant theme used theme/themes. themes composer and composer and and attempts to relate by the composer and supports accurately relates how accurately relates how how the lyrics are used has great difficulty opinions the lyrics are used in the lyrics are used in in the song to reinforce describing how these interpretation the song to reinforce the song to reinforce theme, meaning or relate to the meaning of lyrics theme, meaning or theme, meaning or mood. or feeling of the song. mood. Supplies mood. Supplies many Supplies some details Supplies very few Supplies no detail to comprehensive details details to support to support details to support support interpretations. to support interpretation. interpretations. interpretations. interpretation. Conclusion Conclusion is very Conclusion is strong Conclusion is Conclusion is brief but Little or no conclusion. summarises strong with excellent with summary of recognisable with could be improved by Poor or no message summary of explanation. Good attempt at summary. summarizing the understanding of issue identifies explanation. Deep understanding of issue Understanding explanation. Little or lyrics. No reason for understanding evident. or lyrics is evident. evident. Justifies understanding of issue justification of song selecting song Excellent justification Strong justification of choice of song. or lyrics. Poor attempt choice given. given for song choice song choice. to justify song choice. Language Control Excellent language Good language Adequate language Weak language Very weak language spelling control, use of well control; sound use of control: vocabulary control; very limited control: poor choice of punctuation chosen vocabulary vocabulary; very few range is standard. vocabulary base; vocabulary very grammar accurate and variety of grammatical errors Some grammatical frequent grammatical limited sentence grammatical that do not obscure errors that do not errors even in simple structure. Many structures. from meaning. obscure meaning. structures that at times grammatical errors that obscure meaning. hinder meaning.