Minutes of the Meeting of The s6

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Minutes of the Meeting of The s6

Minutes of the Meeting of the Patient and Public Involvement Reference Group Held on Wednesday 17th April 2013 in Disraeli House at 14.00

Present: Jeremy Ambache (JA) CHAIR Patient and Public Involvement Lay Board Member Emma Jane Leslie (OB) Minutes PPI Administrator Jason Edgington (JE) PPI RG Representative (Community and Voluntary sector) Dr. Sian Job (SJ) PPI Clinical Lead Christine Lewis (CL) Healthwatch Representative Ricky Lucock (RL) PPI RG Representative Sarah Rackham (SR) PPI RG Representative (Community and Voluntary sector) Colin Smith (CS) Patient and Public Involvement Manager Sandra Storey (SS) Adult Social Services – Wandsworth Council Kate Swinburn (KS) PPI RG Representative Carol Varlaam (CV) PPI RG Representative Joan Robinson (JR) PPI RG Representative

In attendance Barbara Bradbury(BB) External facilitator

1. Development Session with external facilitator.

The beginning of the meeting was facilitated by BB. The meeting had a full discussion agreeing a set of rules and principles as set out below

PRINCIPLES OF ENGAGEMENT CODE OF CONDUCT  Confidentiality – non-attribution  Declarations of (commercial)  Respect for each other interest  Value all contributions  Representatives of Wandsworth  Make judgements without being CCG judgemental  Seek permission to divulge  Active listening information  Support and challenge  Not for personal profit / gain  Succinct and to the point  Seek clarification to reach a shared understanding  Openness and honesty  Summarise and agree actions  Attention to pacing  Punctuality  Generosity of spirit  Friendly and fun

2. Apologies and Personal Matters Apologies were received from Mike O’Bryan, Rebecca Willans, Andrew McMylor

3. Minutes and Matters arising: The minutes of the meeting dates January 2013 were agreed as a true record subject to the following amendments Item 3 Line 3: delete “supported”, insert “underpinned” Page 1 of 3 Line 5: delete “dong”, insert “doing” Matters arising: Reimbursement Update: CS reported that the paper had gone to Management Team, and they had asked for clarification concerning employment rights if people were being reimbursed. It had been agreed that Human resources would clarify. They consulted our solicitors, Capsticks (CCG Solicitor) who advised that only expenses should be reimbursed. This has been challenged by CS who is awaiting further clarification from Capsticks PPI DES ( PPI in GP Practices scheme): CS informed the meeting of the PPI DES for CS + CV GP Practices ( DES = Designated enhanced service). This is a process where by GP practices can earn payments for completing certain actions around PPI. The scheme was run during 2011/12 and the payment validation was made by Lola triumph, CS and JA (who represented LINk at the time). It was noted the importance of having an independent validator for this process. A similar procedure is to be followed this year and a nomination was requested from patient representatives from the reference Group. CV offered herself subject to timings. A meeting will be scheduled in May.

4. Commissioning Plan update At this point it was agreed to take the presentation from Lucie Waters on the CS, JA Commissioning plan. LW gave a verbal report on how the consultation on the operating plan had been rolled out, acknowledging the short time scale the CCG had had to turn this round. It was noted that there had been in total 39 responses to the consultation but all responses had been logged and reported. We noted the broad approval for the operational plan, however a brief discussion took place around the need for a longer run in and build up to potentially large consultations in order to generate a good response. SJ introduced the PPI toolkit which would support a variety of approaches that could be used for involvement purposes. LW agreed that earlier planning would be a priority for next year. LW led a discussion on the commissioning cycle and how this fed into the operating plan. It was agreed that the planning process should start much sooner this year , that patients should be involved in the process and that a further meeting will take place with LW to discuss this and that LW be invited back to a future meeting to keep the group abreast of developments.

3(cont) PEDAY (PPI Workshop with Patient Reps): This had been cancelled due to lack of CS involvement from CCG staff, but will be rescheduled.

Planning All Care Together update (PACT): A brief verbal statement was given by JA on behalf of AM who was unable to attend the meeting. This covered the LES implementation; self-management strategy and Community services redesign

Wandsworth Self-Management update (PACT): A brief verbal report was given by CS outlining the programmes about to get underway, which included tutors being retrained in the new manual and nurse training. Patient Group at Parliament: CS reported that the reason JM had left the meeting early was because she was participating in a patient Group at parliament along with other Wandsworth patients (organised by the Royal Society of Pharmacists) about the patient experience. Draft CCG leaflet: JA thanked members of the group for commenting on the leaflet. If people had any further comments, please forward them directly to Maria Vidal-Read, or via Colin

5. PPI with Clinical Reference Groups This had been the subject of discussion at the “away day” that had taken place. A written update was circulated by SJ, which she then took the Group through.

The following points were made:

 All CRG Clinical Leads had been approached to complete a short questionnaire about current PPI activity and any aspirations or requirements for progressing the agenda.  Not all Leads had replied, however of those who had all but one had PPI involvement of some sort. This varied from a single representative sitting on the group to a whole Patient Group supporting a particular CRG.

2  Virtually everyone asked for more information about PPI and how to progress it for the future.  This baseline of PPI is a positive beginning to what will hopefully evolve into meaningful Patient and Carer involvement for the future.  CRG development is ongoing and now each locality will have a lead as well as the Wandsworth wide GP leads.  Further proposals leading on from this will be developed and SJ will provide a further update in due course.

It was noted that following discussion, the end of the2012/13 had been incredibly busy, but that April was now a good place to start pushing forward on PPI; that not all clinical leads had responded, but there were other “involved GPs” to take into account. The group was keen to support the process, and was keen to put steps in place to engage with the CRGs. JE suggested that lists of CRGs that required patient input could be circulated via WCA their lists. CL suggested that there was could be some learning gained from Mental health forums. JA suggested that it bringing together carer and patient’s representatives together might provide a useful base point.

6. How was it today? It was noted that at this point the meeting needed to finish. JA finished the meeting by asking members to summarise how they had felt about how the meeting went. Overall people felt positive about the meeting, but were impatient to get work underway. JA asked the group to let him know how it wants to proceed with regard to development.

BB summarised the meeting by suggesting that in future the group might want to consider sectioning the meetings into Assurance, Development and Knowledge, in order to streamline how the work might take place in such a packed agenda

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