Manager: When Are You Gonna Take Your Vacation?

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Manager: When Are You Gonna Take Your Vacation?

试题 1 "The thing is," the ruaster smiled, <;that frustrated w/th her family, which appeared to be

Dialogue One cowardice is only a habit. And by doing the things that quite often, she would stroll into the living room,

Manager: When are you gonna take your vacation? scare us, we can c~estroy 镪 e stereotypes. And now you turn her back to themand sit directly in front of the

Woman: _ 1 C. I was planning to take it at the end know that bravery is the same habit. To make it a part TV they were watching. And pee. No translation needed.

of this month. My husband and I haven't had of yourself, you need to move forward into the fear. And you need not be smart orrich to figure that

a chance to have a vacation over the past And then the fear will ret'reat, and bravery will take out. .

three years. So we areplanning to travelto its place." 21. We can infer from the passage that sale of"The Dog

Europe this time. Why? 2 D. Has 11. Wyhat task did the master askihe person to Translator" in Japan _ B. was quite successful

something come up? finish? C. To tell strangers about his own weakness. 22. "The Dog Translator" -* D. is quite simple and

Manager: Well, would it be too inconvenient for you 12. What did the person think ofthe task? B. easy to use to wait until next month? Ratherdifficult. 23. What will the author's dog Murphy do at the

Woman: Hm....not really. 3 A. I guess I can put it 13. What does Paragraph 4 mainly describe? C. The kitchen door to remind them ofher dinner? A. She will

off until next month, but I've got to talk changes experienced by the person. give one bark.

about it with my husband. 14.W}len the person came back to the master, _ C. 24. What does the phrase "in a row" in paragraph 3

Manager: 4 B. Thank you very much. . I really he was no longer cowardly mean? C. One after another. appreciate your being so flexible. 15. in the last paragraph the master explains A. 25. The author seems to think that "The Dog

Dialogue Two why cowardice can change into bravery Translator" is B. popular but useless

Speaker A: Why weren't you at school yesterday? Passage Two

Speaker B: 5 C. I wasn't really feeling well. My father had a small business, employing a~:,out Passage Four

Speaker A: What was wrong with you? 15 people at any given tune. We sold all sorts of dairy Running late again, I rushed into the Cub

Speaker B: My stomach was upset. prc~c~ucts, and many more, from a small store in front Scouts parents' meeting, noting the surplus of empty

Speaker A: Do you feel better now? of the dairy building. During the summer months, rows chairs. At least, Iwasn't tl,e only one running behind,

Speaker B: 6 B. I dodt really feel too well yet. of eager tourists I told myself with great relief.

Speaker A: Do you want anything to make you feel ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… better? …………. ……

Speaker B: No, thanks. 7 A. I already took some My father was a wise and compassicnate employer. As I watched them, I thought of the empty chairs at medicine. Because of this, Debbie became a loyal and hard-working that meeting and those who would never know this joy.

Speaker A: I hope you feel better. employee for 16 years-and a friend for life. After all, I gave those boys onlyone hour of my time

Speaker B: Thank you. D. Yes. I'm as good as an ox 16. The small business run by the author's father every week, but they rewarded me with their hearts. now. D. was quite successful 26. It is clear that the Cubmaster D. was

Dialogue Three 17. The author considered Debbie's mistakes as C. disappointed with the situation

Teacher: Tom, you're banging the table. It looks like unbearable 27. The author began to feel guilty when B. the you're angry. 18. When the author's father first mentioned Mrs. master talked about the problem

Boy: 8 D. I'vc looked everywhere. Forbush, Debbie thought th&t . C. she would be 28. It can be learned that the author _ C. was

But I can't find the red block (积木) . punished willing to take the challenge

Teacher: Let me see. I can tell when I'm getting angry 19. The author's father A. didn't do what the author 29. At first the author considered spending time with because my face feels hot and my heart beats faster. had suggested children _ C. difficult but worthy

Did you feel anything like that when you banged the 20. It can be concluded from the way the author's 30. The last paragraph is mainly written to D. show table just now? father treated Debbie that B. encouragement can make that our efforts on children are rewarding

Boy: Yes, I think so. people improve

Teacher: _ 9 AThink about it. Passage Three Part III Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)

What else could you have done ifyou couldn't find I saw an ad for a device that allows your dog to 31. America's emphasis on the importance of education the block? talk to you. Bow. r_.ingual, a Japanese inveD.tion. for everyone has spurred scientific research. A

Boy: Mmm... 10 C. Ask you for help. 0r find entereci the .encouraged something else to play with. ……………………………………………………………………… 32. Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for

Teacher: That's great, Tom. B. It must feeJ good. ………. her coverage of significant events during the Second

But I think I witnessed the ultimate dog World War. C.reportage.

Passage One communication technique years ago. It was a neighbor's 33. Below 600 feet ocean waters range from dimly lit to

One cowardly person came to a master ofmartial dog. I can't completely dark. C. faintly arts (武术) to leam bravery. The master looked at him remember the breed or name. All I remember is how 34. "I'm not meddling," Mary said mildly. "I'mjust and said: bright she was. She had no need for Bow Lingual. curious. "A.gently

………………………………………………….. Whenever 35, In 1861 it seemed inevitable that the southem states would break away from the Union. B. certain publishers and finally in 1920, one 60 D. Published encouraging people to work harder and to be more

36. Many of novelist Carson McCullers' characters are it. She earned just ~25 for it. Over the next few successful. isolated, disappointed people. A.solitary years, Christie wrote more books and short stories,

37. The workers finally called off the strike.C gaining experience as a writer. 考试复习题二

.cancelled Dialogue One

38. The stories of Sarah Orne Jewett are considered by Part V Translation (15 points) Tina: l'm so glad the weekends finally here. many to be more authentically regional than those of Most people do not equate wealth with a big house Lewis: Me too. Imagine._1 D. lt's a long weekend.

Bret Harte. B. genuinely or yacht ( 游 艇 ) .In fact, only 7% ofpeople surveyed We've got three days in a row.

39. The number ofthe United States citizens who are associate Tina: So, where're you going? _ eligible to vote continues to increase. D. entitled ………………………………………………. Lewis: 2 A I don't have any plans yet l'Iljust

40. Formulated in 1823, the Monroe Doctrine asserted six-figure yearly income would make them feel rich. playit by ear. 3 B. How about you? that the Americas were no longer open to European Yet most people who are rich don't even consider Tina: We're going to go hiking and camping in the colonization A .stated firmly theruselves rich. mountains.

41.Smoking is not permitted in the office. D. allowed . 大多数人并不认为富有等同于大房子或游艇。事实上,只有 Lewis: That sounds exciting!

42. The chairman proposed that we should stop the 7%的被调查者把富有与汽车、房子和船这些物质财富联系在一起 Tina: Wanna join us? meeting. C. suggested 相反,在许多人看来,富有只是意味着在下一个发薪日到来之 Lewis: Hm, 4 C. let me think about it. l'll let you

43. I feel regret about what's happened. A .sorry 前衣食无忧--33%的被调查者是这么认为的。另有 26%的人将富有 know later.

44. She has proved that she can be relied on in a 或有钱看成是即便辞去工作也有花不完的钱。然而,很少有人用 crisis. B. depended on 具体的美元数额来衡量怎样才算富有。约有 17%的人觉得富有意 Dialogue Two

45. John removed his overcoat. C. took off 味着拥有至少 100 万美元或更多,11%的人称有 6 位数的年收入 James: Oh, my goodness, the tra 仔 ic is crawling.

46. When she was invited to the party, she readily 就会感觉有钱。而大部分有钱人根本不认为自己有钱。 Andy: _ 5 B. I think there's an accident ahead. accepted. A.willingly Part VI Writing (15 points) James: We're now running late.

47. The dentist has decided to extract her bad tooth. 1.你认为奖励和奖金重要吗?他们能起到激励人们努力工作的 Andy: _ 6 A. I know. _Why don't we take a different

A.takeou 作用吗? route?

48. You must shine your shoes. D.polish 2.请举例说明你的观点。 James: 7 D. Let me take a look at the map._Yes,

49. The majority ofpeople around here are decent Do You Think Awards and Prizes can Serve a there's an exit three quarters of a mile ahead. We'll people. A .honest Useful Purpose? exit Market Street, head west, and then get on the

50. A deadly disease has affected these animals. A prize or reward, whether it's the Nobel Prize, Pennsylvania Freeway.

C.fatal the Academy Award, or the best handwriting Award in an Andy: OK, let's do that even though we may have to take

elementary school, is important. They can serve a a longer way.

Part IV Cloze (10 points) useful purpose, because they can have economic,

Mystery novels sell thousands of copies each year. personal, an dsocial effects that enrich the iife Of Dialogue Three

And many _51 B. readers count Agatha Christie among the winners. Joan: 8 D. Why are you so late? their favoriteauthors. Christie was born in September Prizes like the Nobel Prize are cash award. The Mike: I couldn't find my car keys.

52 A. of 1890 in England. When she was 53 C. growing winners are encouraged financially. They can use the Joan: 9 C. What happened? up, her mother often told her stories. Christie loved money toimp rove their living and working conditions, Mike: I left the keys in the car. these 54 B. stories that took her into a world and as we know that many of the winners use the money Joan: That's awful. 10 B. How did you get the door of fantasy. Christie's mother also encouraged her to for their further research and studies. An award, like open? write froma 55 A. young age. the Academy Award, gives people honors. This is also an Mike: Fortunately, my girlfriend has a spare key.

At 16, Christie went to a school in Paris to study encouragement tothe recipients. For example, an actress piano and singing. She learned to play the piano very who wins best actress with the Academy Award will be A 10 Year-old boy decided to study judo ( 柔 道 ) well. But she 56 D. never made music a career offered more roles and a higher pay than actresses who despite the fact that he had lost his left arm in a because ofstage fright. don't win. Even an elementary school boy who received terrible caraccident. The boy began lessons with an

At 22, she fellin love with Archie Christie. They the school's Best Handwriting Award will be proud of old Japanese judo master, and he was doing well. But he

57 C. got married in 1914 at the beginning himself and may get a congratulation gift from his couldn't understand move to win the match. ofWorld War I. During parents or grandparents. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the

the war, Christie wrote her first detective story: The The personal benefits of receiving any reward are finals.

M.ysterious Ajfair at Styles. She chose the crime, and evident. Any award winner is pleased because he or she ……………………………………………………………………… then _58 C. invented a detective named Hercule has been recognized as success fulin his or her work …

Poirot to solve it. She sent the book to a publisher, That's why when many people receive the Academy Award, "You won for two reasons," the master answered,

59 A. but it was rejected. they of ien cry because of happiness. So we can say "first, you've almost mastered one of the most

After the war ended, CMstie sent her book to more that awards and prizes serve a very useful purpose in difficult throws in all of judo. Second, the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to my circumstances, and anything else I could think of B.matter _of deciding how to fit into the team. grab your left arm." for my bad situation. Then itdawned on me that my 33. The trip to this city gave me the impression

11. Why did the boy want to learn judo? D. The real challenge was to see my struggle as a test. Seeing C.that it is not worth a second visit. reason was not mentioned in the passage. this issue as a test finally helped me tocope with one 34. You can hardly imagine how difficult B.itis to

12. When a referee cails a "time-out", _ B. the game of my biggest personal frustrations. It has become far find a decentjob at a big company. stops for a short time more acceptable to me to take things as they are. 35. You have plenty oftime to go, so take it B.easy

13. Why did the master insist on continuing the match? 21. The author suggests that people C. see iife as a 36._ D.This is what bothers me; we have no time

C. He had confidence in the boy's skill test to consider late applications.

14. What probably caused the defeat of the boy's 22. lf Vou See the many challenges in your life as a 37. After A. running through the numbers in every opponent in the final? A. ovar-confidence battle you must win, you will probably _ A. feel possible combination, we finally hit on a solution.

15. What does the passage mainly tell us? A, One greater pressure 38. Either h~ escaped, or he was put in prison; in C. can turn a weakness into an advantage. 23. Paragraph 3 in the passage _ B. offers a suggestion any case he was never seen again.

for handling problems in life 39. We should C. any case our differences and discuss

Passage Two 24. As is mentioned in Paragraph 4, "your changed the things we have in common.

Do American children still learn handwriting in responses" may probably result 40. Seldom did we realize that many of our hair school? In this age of the keyboard, some people seem D. a new outlook on your problems problems C. result from what we eat. to think handwriting lessons are on the way out. 25. The author has realized that his problem was C. 41. Mark needs to travel A. extensively.with his

……………………………………………………………………… struggling with his issues too much . varied business interests.

…. 42. To build more _ A. settlements on the west bank

But Steve Graham at Vanderbilt said: "Word Passage Four of this river will lead to more blood shedd/ng. processing is rarely done in elementary school. Did your mum and dad go to university, or did they 43. There is a Chinese restaurant in the A. especially in the early years. Even xvith high school leave school and go straight to the Job Centre? The neighborhood Let's go there for a change. teachers, we find that less than fifty percent of educational experience of parents is still important 44. Small children often wonder what keeps the earth assignments are done via word processing or with word when it comes to how today's students choose an area of B. in place _jn space. processing. And in fact, if we added in taking notes study and what to do after grraduation, according to 45. In terms ofthe quality of teaching, the high school and doing tests in class, most ofthe writing done in The Future-track research in the UK. my daughter attended B.shines school is done by hand. ……………………………………………………………………… 46. People who use words skillfully _ D. command

16, Some people think handwriting lessons are out of …. instant attention and respect. date, because D. they write through computers For those with graduate parents, this lack of 47. The sun is so large that ifit were_ C .hollow , not by handwriting guidance may, the researchers suggest, be less of a it would hold a million earths.

17. According to the survey published by Professor probiern. "But, forthose without the advantages, lack 48. The movie T/tan/c,impressive and C.moving was a

Steve Graham A. most teachers in grades one to three of access to career guidance before applying for higher great hit both at home and abroad. still teach handwriting education leaves themexposed to making poorer choices, 49. She said, "You can call me at work. The_ B.

18. Students willleam handwriting wellby_ B. " the survey concludes. extension number ofmy office is 2020." practicing it once in a short time 26. The main idea of the passage is that C. 50. Having worked as a ( n) C.associate professor for

19. The purpose for us to write is to_ C. express students' approach to higher education correlates with five years, he is considering becoming a full professor. our ideas their parents' educational experience

20. According to the author, handwriting lessons D. 27. A young person coming from a non-professional PartIV Cloze are stil! necessary for elementary school students household B. is more likely to choose vocational The process of gaining or losing weight can be

Passage Three education explained by comparing your body to your car. Both run

One of my favorite posters says, "Life is a test. 28. In which of the following aspects do Kim Burnett B. on fuel, food for your body and gasoline for your

It is only a test. Had this been a reallife you and Harriet Edge have in common? D. Both ofthem chose car. Both convert that fuel, first into heat, then would have beeniristructed where to go and what to do. degrees forjob security. energy, ,some of D. which isused to do work, and some

" Whenever I think of this humorous bit of wisdom, it 29. It is implied that A. the cost ofa degree in emitted as waste. And just as your car uses more energy reminds me not to takem,t life so seriouslt. medicine is very high when the engine is racing tha.n whenit is idling,

……………………………………………………………………… 30. Those with graduate parents may B. make better B. so your body uses more energy when you are working

… choices when applying for higher education hard than C. when you are resting.

If you try this strategy you may be surprised at For the purpose of this comparison, 55.A.however , your changed responses. For example, I used to Part Ill there is one significant difference between them. Yol~r struggle a greatdeal over the issue of my perception of 31. The size of the castle and its commanding position car. cannotstore fuel by turning it into something not having enough time. I would rush around trying to still A.impress _the visitors today? else; all gasoline not consumed remains as gasoline. get everything done. Iblamed m\/ schedule, my family, 32. Lee is coming on very well now, and it's a But your body stores _ C. excess energy as fat. When the gas tank is B.completely empty, the car won't Mark: There is a sailor there. I am going to ask that Mary: _10 A. I wish we had got married sooner! run; but your body can burn fat to provide moreenergy. sailor if he knows where I can find a boat to Mosquito Joan: Why do you say that?

Therefore, if you want to gain weight, you must City. rVlary: So I could have spent more time with her! do C. either 0f two things: eat more calories Mark: 1 C. Excuse me!

(units of heat,therefore energy), or use less through Sailor: Yeah. What can I do for you, buddy? Passage One inactivity. If'you want to lose weight, you do the Mark: I am going to... 2 B. I want to go to When we meet a person, our first impression is

59.A.reverse , decrease w.. .ur ir,takeof calories Mosquito City. based on their body language and their speech. When or increase the amount of energy you spend. There is Sailor: Mosquito City. Oh! Wow! Well, it's a great someone

B. no other. way. Gaining or iosing weight is always a place, Mosquito City, buddy! ……………………………………………………. relation between intake and output of potential energy. Mark: Ok, so I want to go there. 3 D. Can I go To get a hold of your bad habit of using "uhm", you

there on your boat? can try the following exercises: 1) Record your speech

Part V Translation (15 points) Sailor: No, but ifyou walk about a mile to your left, when you prepare; 2) Write out your entire speech

Too frequently, students seem to take for granted you will come across a big banana boat. beforehand; 3) Take a moment to center yourself; and 4) their right, or even their access? to interviews and to Mark: A banana boat? ...that direction? Speak a little more slowly. Make a pledge today: drop jobs needed. tobegin their careers. Sailor: Yeah,just ask for John. He is a friend of mine. the "uhm"!

produced enormous changes in the way business and Ok? 4 A. He will take you there. 11. The main topic ofthe passage is _ to make industry operate in North America, and in the ways Mark: Ok. Ok. Good on you. your speech flow inwblebpeople are employed. 12. By the "bad habit", the author refers to . C.

通常学生想当然的认为,他们有权接受(甚至是有机会) Dialogue Two speaking in a broken way

面试、有权就业来开始他们的职业生涯。他们认为这些都是理所 Blanca: Hello. I'm calling about the apartment you 13. The "bad habit" is harmful because it makes the

当然的。这种乐观的想法已经过时了。 10 年前, 就有人警告大 advertised. speaker look C. unconfident

学毕业生,要想终身在一家公司从事同一领域的工怍已经越来 Manager: Yes. 5 C. What kind of apartment are 14. The word "unleam"(Para. 5) can be replaced with c

越不可能了。一个学生一生可能会换三至四次工作。而今许多大 you interested in? B. stop

专院校毕业生,将不会从事他们本专业的工作。有些人可能只能 Blanca: I'm interested in a one-bedroom. Do you have 15. The last paragraph is concerned with A. the

找到非全日工作或合同制工作。在过去的十年中,北美工商企业 any available? strategies to get rid ofthe bad habit

的运营发生了巨大的变化,包括用人方式。 Manager: Yes. I have one. When do you need it?

Blanca: Sometime around next week. Passage Two

PartVI Writing (15 points) Manager: 6 A. Well, it's a one-bedroom apartment. Saving energy means saving money. Homeowners know

1.你怎么看待微信?支持 (反对)或其他想法。 The monthly rent is $650, with a $300 security deposit. this basic fact, but they often don't know what kinds

In the iast few years, there has been a craze of You pay electricity only. Gas and water is of adjustments they can make in their houses and

Wechat,a kind of online communicating tool. An included. Both the heat and stove are gas. You'll be apartments that will result in savings. increasing number of people are using Wechat nowadays, assigned a sheltered parking space at no extra charge. ……………………………………………………………... chatting, posting and passing messages and articles 7 D. And...that's probably it. be leaky to let in cold wind, and choose double- online. Regardingthis phenomenon, opinions vary from Blanca: Sounds good. May I come over tomorrow to take a paned ( 取层) windows if you're building an addition person to person. look? or replacing old windows. Most areas of your home or

I am in favor of the use of We chat, taking the Manager: Sure. apartment offer opportunities to save energy and following factors into account. In the first place, ruoney. The results are significant and are well worth

Wechat provides us with an opportunity to communicate Dialogue Three the effort. more freely and conveniently. And we can express our Mary: We've been married 8 years in August. 16. According to the passage, which ofthe following

opinions to a much larger aud;ence in the group or Joan: Wow, that's a long time! 8 B. Do you would an energy assessor do? visited by our friends in the "Friends Community". regret it? D. Check your heating system.

Moreover, Wechat offers people a chance to practice Mary: Not in the least! 17. As is implied in the passage, energy assessment is organizing their thoughts and language, which also Joan: Why? B. worthwhile in the long run helps sharpen their writing skills. Mary: Because we are happy. 18. Which ofthe following is NOT mentioned in the

We ma\/ safely draw the conclusion from the above Joan: 9 C. That is the most important thing. passage? C.Alocal energy company will send an energy discussion, that Wechat is a useful communicating tool How have you stayed so happy? assessor on request.

as well as medium, by which people can communicating Mary: We spend time together. 19. According to the passage, double-paned windows their ideas and share information. So, Wechat will play Joan: Anything else? A.are energy efficient a significant role in our life. Mary: We talk to each other. 20. Which ofthe following best expresses the main idea

Joan: Every day? ofthis passage? A.There are many things a homeowner

考试第三套 lVIary: Yes, every day! It's important too! can do to save energy and money. ialogue One JToan: Do you wish to change anything? Passage Three Part II! Vocabulary and Structure (10 points) during that period, 55 C.which represents an

Is Halloween celebrated where you live? In the 31. Will you please call my husband as soon as increase of almost 6% compared to one year earlier. 56

United States and Canada, Halloween is widely known possible? B.Bycomparison , the number ofAmericans 57 A. andcelebrated every year on October 31. Halloween 32. We'll give every teacher space to develop. studying 0verseas mcreased by one percent. The report customs, though, can be found in many other parts of 33. I have to go at once. B.immediately says 194,000 students at American colleges and the globe. …………………………………… 34. The policeman asked him to identify the thief. A. universities were from China. That is an increase of

In view of the foregoing, it is wise-for you to know name more than 23% over the year 58 D. before . Peggy about the dark origins of Halloween and similar 35. We were all there when the accident occurred. Blumenthal, an assistant to the IIE president, 59 celebrations.Having this fuller understanding may help A.happened C.described the effect of the ncrease in Chinese you decide whether to participate in these holidays. 36. It took me exactly a week to complete the work. D. students, "Now they have been coming for some time. But

21. According to the author, the theme ofHalloween is finish this year was the 60 B. highest level ever, and to C. contact the spirit ofthe dead 37. The herb medicine eventually cured her disease. C. it really showed in the figures, driving the whole

22. Many people regard Halloween celebrations as finally global, international undergraduate enrollment to be harmful because B. some ofthe celebration 38. Sulphur has occasionally been found in the earth in higher than the graduate students." activities are frightening an almost pure state. C. sometimes

23. Those who celebrate Halloween without knowing its 39. When doves are about two weeks old, they are Part V Translation (15 points) origins may _ A. not understand Halloween's true covered with grey feathers and are ready to ly their A study found that people generally become happier meaning wings. D. test and experience less worry after age fifty. In fact, it

24. According to the passage, Halloween was probably 40. I rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my found thatby the age of eighty-five, people are happier first celebrated by _ D. Celts time in a car.B. seldom with their life than they were at eighteen.

25. The author's purpose in writing this passage is to 41. I had to keep the video camera ready _ I saw 有一项研究发现,一般来说,人过了 50 岁,幸福感会增强 ,

C. tell people to be carefulin deciding whether to something that needed to be filmed. B. incase 而烦心事却会减少。实际上,研究还发现,一个人 85 岁时比他 celebrate Halloween 42. l'd appreciate _ if you would like to teach me 18 岁时幸福感更强。

Passage Four how to use the computer. B. it 随着年龄增长而明显改善的并非只是幸福感。另一项研究表

Scientists measured the impact that people have 43. People get wiser and more experienced _ the 明,八十多岁的人报告的睡眠问题最少。研究者对 150 000 美国 on the environment using a term called carbon increase ofage. A. with 成年人进行了调查。研究的初衷是试图证实一个普遍的看法,即

"footprint." That footprint reflects the amount 44. The way _ such research impacts on us may not be 年龄增长会使睡眠问题增加。调查确实发现中年时期睡眠问题会 ofcarbon dioxide that is em/tted ( 摊 放 ) into the immediately obvious. A. in which 有所增如,尤其是中年妇女。但是,除此之外,被调查人报告, atmosphere as a result of someone's daily 45. The fact that the child was born didn't prevent him 随着年龄增长,他们的睡眠质量反而有所改善。

……………………………………………………………… from performing well at school. A. weak

…………. 46. The U.S. devotes _ ofitsincome to universities and Part VI Writing (15 points)

The new findings are an important contribution to colleges as Germany. D. twice as much 47. bothers me 1.你认为业余爱好对人们有好处还是坏处? climate research, says Matthew Kahn, an environmental is that I have failed the road test. C. What 2.举例说明业余爱好对人们有什么好处或者坏处。 economist at the University of California, who was not 48. It is the teachers to see that these rules are The Advantages or Disadvantages ofllaving Hobbies mvolved with the study. Kahn would like to see the observed. C. upto Most people have hobbies, and I think this is very analysis applied to other parts of the world-Europe, 49. What he said was too for me to understand and I good, because hobbies can bring them many advantages.

India and China, for instance. That would give got totally lost. C. complex First of aH,a hobby can make boredom a thing ofthe scientists a better feel for how culture might mix 50. What I did was right, and ifl had done anything past, because the hobby can fill their empty hours with xvith location to infiuence our carbon footprints. less, it wrong. A. would have been interesting and constructive activities. For example,I

26. "Footprint" refers to the amount ofcarbon dioxide like gardening. Whenever I feel bored,1 would go to my released by A. anindividual Part IV Cloze (10 points) balcony to take care of the plants and enjoy the

27. What is the new finding concerning the footprints A new report says more and more intemational beautiful flowers. Then l would feel relaxed.A hobby ofpeople living in cities and those living in suburbs? students are attending colleges and universities in the can also add to the sense of self-esteem. Because

D. The latter are higher than the former. US. It also notes a large increase in the number knowing oneself is an expert at something can increase

28. What is the key factor m. entioned to explain the ofinternational students 51 B.from China.The one's confidence. Thirdly,a hobby can bring one in new findings? B. Distance travelled by cars. report is a joint project of the State Department and contact with new and interesting people. Other people

29. What cloes Matthew Kahn think ofthe new findings? the Institute oflntemational Education (IIE), a non- who share the same hobby are an excellent source of

A. He thinks highly ofthem. profit educational and traini_ng 52 C.organization friendship. For example, people who like singing have

30. What is the purpose ofthe author in writing the .The report documents the 53 A. number organized some singing organizations, and many ofthem passage? C.Yo introduce the research on carbon 0finternational students in the US during the 2011-2012 have become close friends. footprints. school year. It says more than 764,400 such students _ Hobbies can often bring a lot of advantages to the

54 D. wereattending American colleges and universities people who invest time and energy iIl them. So I think we all should have hobbies. Passage One that custom required it. Had he been given what he

peopie, particularly recent college graduafes, asked for, he would have been insulted. But custom also

第四套题 dream of owning their own businesses. Although such required that he make a great show ofbeing surprised.

Part I Dialogue Completion (10 points) ………………………………………………………….. 21. According to Paragraph l, Greeks believe that

Dialogue One Many report that hard work had never been so womenC. carefully weave their wishes into questions

Speaker A: Are you going to the party on Saturday? enjoyable before. Careful research, investigation9 and 22. On receiving a lunch invitation, Befu first has to

Speaker B: I was thinking about it. _ 1 D. Are plann/ng at t~e outset d.o not guarantee success, but D. judge whether the in~itatiori is .serious you? they provide a good foundation for the new small 23. Why would Befu ask for tea over rice? A. To be

Speaiker A: Yeah, 1 heard it's gOing to be a lot of business and iis owner. polite by making things easy. fun. 11.11ile main idea ofthe passage is about C. tips on 24. Which ofthe following statements is true? B. It

Speaker B: 2 C. Really? Well, what time does how to start your own business would be impolite to serve a simple lunch. it start? 12。 Which of the following advisers is most necessary 25. What is the main idea ofthe passage'? B.

Speaker A:It starts at 8:00 pm, and I really think you before you begin? C. A lawyer Indirectness is evident in many cultures. should go. . 13. The arlticle indicates that most successful small- Passage Four

Speaker B: 3 B. Well, who all is going to be business owners are B. experienced in the field In Western culture, an engagement begins with there? 14. One advantage ofbuying an existing business over iGyes" to a simple question: "Will you marry me?"

Speaker A: Everybody from school. starting a new one is that B. k has records readily Theseheart-stopping words often come with a beautiful

Dialogue Two available diaruond ring. The man making the proposal may get down

Speaker A: Have you heard my good news? 15. New business owners may avoid potential problems on one knee. In fact, men have relied on this simple,

Speaker B: 4 B. You haven't told me anything yet. by _ . D. careful planning. romantic method ofproposing marriage for years.

Speaker A: I got a promotion at work earlier this week. Passage Two …………………………………………………………………

Speaker B: 5 A. Is that right? The comfort zone is our living; work, and social …..

Speaker A: It's the truth. I am really happy. environments that we have grown accustomed t.o. It These men were confident they would get the answer

Speaker B:Congratulations on your promotion. determir~es they wanted. But that's not the point: Creative

Speaker A: Thank you very much. ………………………………………………………………. proposals leave memories to be cherished.

Speaker B: I am really excited for you. Note if the comfort zone we are seeking is beyond 26. What will men do in a traditional proposal? B.

Speaker A: 6 D. Are you really? our current income, then, we need to develop a servic~: Buy diam. onds in advance.

Speaker B: I'm serious. You deserved this promotion. tha.t 27. Which ofthe following statements is true? A.

Speaker A: 7 C. Is that what you really think? has greater value than our current one. Money, power Firestone didn't speak out the proposal.

Speaker B: Yes, I do. and influence are not goals; they are rewards onay for 28. What does "to about" (Para. 3) probably mean?

Dialogue Three persor~al A. To talk about with pride.

Speaker A: 8 B. I need v. our assistance. achievement. 29. Which ofthe proposals was witnessed by the largest

Speaker B: What's the problem? 16. As one grows older,____. A. one's comfort zone number ofpeople? C. JoeUva's.

Speaker A: I can't find the place I'm looking for. becomes narrower 30.wards creative proposals?C. They are beautiful

Speaker B: What are you looking for? 17. What does "be discontent with our current comfort memories in life.

Speaker A: 9 D. 1 8m trying to go see a movie. zone" (Para. 3) mean? D. Be dissatisfied with our Part III Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)

Speaker B: You don't know where the theater is? present lifc. 31. We feel sorry _ those who died or got injured in

Speaker A: I'm completely lost. 18. According to the author, daydreaming _ C. the disaster .C. for

:Do yoL~ have 8~iy idea where the mall is? prepares us for meaningful changes in life 32. Mary was out all night and her parents kept asking

Seker A: Yes, I do. 19. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 tha B. her where she _ . C. hadbeen

Spe ker A: r ciiciln't kn.W the mall hac; a movie comfort zone is not necessarily positrvc 33. Chelsea and her husband are now working on a new theater. 20. By seeking a better comfort zone, people aim t.o dictionary _ . next year.B. to be published pealk,er B: 10 A. The maU has ns oxvn movie theater. . A. make greater achievements 34. Not discouraged by the accident, she began to work

It's newiy opened. Passage Three .D. twice as hard

C.I'm going f,o the maZl. Entire cultures operate on elaborate systems of 35. it rain, the crops would be saved.B. Should l Rea~ing Conxpreherzsion (40 points) indirectness. For examp!e, it is discovered in a small 36. He has changed a lot: _ _ in the past he was

19~irectioi~s:T re LZre 4 passages in zh/s part. Each researchproject that most Greeks assumed that a wife extr~:mely self-centered, now he has real concern for passage is.foilowed by 5 questions or H 嶂 nished who asked, "Would you like to go to the pa:rty;"' others.D. Whereas s'tatemerzts. Foreach oj theFn there are 4 choices was :hinting that she 37. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all marked A, B, C anud D. C 魏 oose the best one and mark ………………………………………………………….. my life _ __ so happy, A. hadlfelt your answer on th.e ANSWER SHEET wil a singie bar over rice-as the last course of a luxurious meal. 38. We will be losing money this year _ our new plan through the center of the letter. Befu was not surprised by the feast, because he knew works well.B. unless Part V Translation(i s pojpAts) alert public, it will only a matter of time for drunken

I offer my apologies in advance. Quitting smoking is more of a matter of willpower driving to become things ofpast.

39. This article may shock some sensitive readers, _ than ofindividual cboice, for smoking is widely

C. towhom recognized

40, They couldn't afford to eat in a restaurant because ………………………………………………………….. none ofthem had money on them.C. any places in some big cities, which is a positive sign

41. is known to all, good friends add happiness and that the awareness of the harm of cigarette smoking has value to life.B. As been strengthened.

42. It was five o'clock in the afternoon they 与其说戒烟是个人选择的问题,不如说是意志力的问题。其 reached the top of the mountain. A. that 原因是吸烟被公认为是个顽习,一旦养成,就需要决心和努力

43. He is always ready to help others, never 才能戒掉。尽管有可能通过药物治疗或就医永远戒烟,但避免麻 them when they turn to him. C. refusing 烦的最好办法就是一开始

44. The Internet connection for the entire area when 就不抽烟。 there was a sudden power cut yesterday. D. waslost 吸烟产生的不可逆的影响程度不同,且与烟瘾和烟龄有关,

45. One can't be really happy if_ _ he enjoys doing 也与最初接触烟的年龄有关。目前美国死于癌症的人当中有 1/3 is regarded by society as ofno importance A. what 是由于吸烟。令人遗憾的是,开始抽烟的人比戒烟的多,而且宣

46. This movie appeals to passions ofthe people and 传吸烟潜在的危害可能下奏效,特别是在年轻人当中和由于烟 to strengthen national unity. A. helps 草商的大力推销。在一些大城市的公共场所禁止吸烟,这是个积

47. You can fool some ofthe people some ofthe time; 极的信号,表明人们更加明确地意识到吸烟的危害。 but you _ fool all the people all the time. A. cannot Part VI Writing (15 points)

48. The company provides guidance and help so that you Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words can decorate your house _ your own taste. B. to on the topic of "Drunken Driving". You should base your

49. The manager decided to give the job to _he composition. on the ozitline given /n Chinese below. believed had a strong sense of duty. D. whoever PartVI Writing 写怍(15 points)

50. High blood pressure is a risk factor that Drunken Driving should often be _D. monitored Nobody could have faiied to notice the fact that

Part IV Cloze (10 points) drunken driving has been a grave problem with whicb we

Living in a city has both advantages and are confronted. Generally speaking, there are several disadvantages. On the plus side, it is often 51 A. reasons behind this phenomenon. Firstly,recent decades easier _ to find work,and there is usually a choice of have witnessed the rapid development of people's living public transport, so you don't need to own a car. 52 standards. As a result, carsgained ever-increasing

B. Also, there are a lot ofinteresting things to do and popularity and have found their way into our everyday places to see. 53 A. Forexample , you can eat in good life. Secondiy, people participate in more activities restaurants, visit museums, and _54 D. go to the or banquets than ever before, where they will drink theatre and to concerts. What is more, when you want to liquor. Then, they may get drunk but continue to drive. relax, you can usually f/nd a park 55 B. where Drunken driving is bound to generate severe you can feed the ducks orjust sit on a park bench and consequence if we keep turning a blind eye ton.Firs and read a book. All in all, city life is full ofvariety foremost, this behavior will directly threaten the and you need never feel _56 . C. bored However, for safety of drivers, passengers and pedestrians, every plus 57 C. there is a minus. For one thing, resulting in traffic accidents, injuries and even you might have a job, but 58 A. unless it is very deaths. Besides, treating the injured and repairing well-pa/d, you will not be able to afford many of the broken cars mean a grievous waste of money, time and things that there are to do, because living in a city resources. Last but not least, this irresponsible is ofi.en very expensive. It is particularly difficult driwing will make the road a nightmare, and thus,it to find good, 59 B. cheap accommodation. What is will causes serious losses of faith in governments and ruore, public transport is the society. In view of the seriousness of this sometimes crowded and dirty, especially during the 60 problem, effective measures must be taken before things

B. rush hours, and even the parks can become very get worse.First, it is essential that the supervisory crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every role of laws and regulations should be strengthened to resident is looking for some open space and green punishthose performing drunken driving. Secondly, the grass. Last of all,despite all the crowds, it is still public, especially drivers, should enhance their possible to feel very lonely in a city. awareness of public safety. With stringent laws and

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