Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

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Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

1Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

Luk R. Arnaut

1 Career History

1.1 Research Laboratories

1.1.1 Oct 2006 – May 2010: Technical Manager and Lead Scientist for DTI National Measurement System research projects on (I) Active Metamaterials; (II) Dynamic Complex (Incoherent) Electromagnetic Environments; (III) RF & Microwave Signal Propagation, Interference and Distortion in Multi-Terminal Wireless Communication Systems - Place: National Physical Laboratory (Teddington, UK)

- Roles, outputs & achievements: Leading, managing, coordinating, mentoring and scientifically contributing to 9-member research group of junior & senior scientists. Lead formulation of research proposals (tendered) for 3-year projects funded by National Measurement Office (see 1.1.3). Scout, short-list & interview candidates for new staff. Coach junior scientists to RF/microwave measurements. Oversee project-related procurement. Report team's progress to Head of Division (monthly). Organise and conduct weekly progress meetings with research group. Develop internal and external collaborations. Attract and mentor overseas PG research students with specific skills. Actively engage in research work in area of personal expertise. Write & edit papers for publication. Present Annual Reports to Working Party of National Measurement Office. Lead and contribute to 3rd-party projects with industrial involvement and/or funding (see 3.2).

Areas of R&D activity: Wireless communications: multi-user communication systems (MIMO) in hgh-mobility complex multi-scattering environments; systematic experimental investigation of signal distortion, EM interference and bit-error rate in state-of-the-art protocols (W-CDMA, OFDM, Bluetooth, ZigBee) for indoor or outdoor propagation, diffraction and scattering, performance of in resonant environments. Study of EM interference and bit-error rate in ZigBee-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Statistical characterisation of indoor wave propagation, scattering and diffraction.

Metamaterials: active metamaterials based on negative impedances. Fano resonances in planar multi-split ring microresonators. Simulation of 2-D and 2.5-D frequency-selective surfaces with complex-shaped unit cells.

Random 3-D electromagnetic fields and coherence: field distributions and spatial correlation in nanometric and mesoscopic systems, nonstationarity and analyticity of 3D random EM fields.

Standardization and international collaborations: International standards development: Convenor of Joint Task Force CISPR/A-SC77B of IEC on reverberation chambers (IEC 61000-4-21.Ed.2) and Member of Joint Task Force CISPR/A-TC77 of IEC on measurement uncertainty (IEC 61000- 1-6). Development of New Work Proposals, coordinating working group & brokering consensus approach, technical contribution (development of specialist Clauses). Local coordinator for COST 2100 collaboration on wireless communications. Member of Advisory Board for FP6 Network of Excellence “Metamorphose” on metamaterials; associated member of follow-up Virtual Institute. Convenor of IEC working group on electromagnetic reverberation chambers for EMC.

1.1.2 Jul 2004 - Aug 2007: NPL Scientific Liaison for external academic and industrial collaborations - Place: National Physical Laboratory (Teddington, UK) 2Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut2

- Outputs & achievements: scouting of high-potential young scientists, negotiating with leading universities, R&D divisions of companies in specific areas of interest to NPL; developing collaboration agreements, making specific proposals for bi-directional exchanges of personnel, equipment, technology transfer, know-how. Collaborations with Queens University, Belfast; St. Petersburg State Technical University, Russia; University of Ancona, Italy, CNES, France, etc. were set up, involving MSc and PhD researchers; links with commercial telecom companies were partially successful.

1.1.3 Jul 2001 - Sep 2009: Champion for DTI NMS Formulation Process on (I) Physical-Layer Wireless Communications, (II) Wave Chaos in Reverberation Chambers, and (III) Structured Passive Artificial Electromagnetic Materials - Place: National Physical Laboratory (Teddington, UK) - Outputs & achievements: definition of Research Projects for 3-year DTI NMSPU Programme. Developing work plans, milestones & deliverables for approval by National Measurement Office (NMO). Drafting, coordinating and aligning roadmaps for EM and communications. Conducting bilateral consultations with various NPL scientists & technical leaders, universities, R&D industry, governmental scientific institutions. Formulation research themes for future NPL activity within physical-layer electrical engineering; contributing & overseeing detailed research proposals & costings. Won 7 out of 8 NMS/NMO proposals submitted between 1997 and 2010.

1.1.4 Oct 2001 - Apr 2003: Key Scientific Advisor on Mathematical Modelling to NPL Science Executive - Place: National Physical Laboratory (Teddington, UK) - Outputs & achievements: surveying and roadmapping of NPL know-how and software capabilities relating to statistical and analytical-theoretical modelling in physics and engineering; surveying and collating world-wide trends in mathematical modelling; providing recommendations; reporting to NPL Executive on next steps. Editor and contributor to 60-page report on numerical modelling and molecular modelling.

1.1.5 Sep 2006 - May 2010: Lead Scientist Sep 1996 - Aug 2006: Senior Research Scientist - Place: National Physical Laboratory, Time, Quantum and Electromagnetics Team, Communications Technologies Group (Teddington, UK) - Subject: Scientific work & technical management of projects relating to physical aspects of wireless communications, antennas & propagation, electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic properties of metamaterials, certified reference composites, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), dielectric and multi-mode resonators, reverberation chambers, frequency selective surfaces, numerical modelling, statistical electromagnetics, optical coherence, active control.

1.1.6 Jun 1995 - Aug 1995: Overseas R&D Project Work - Place: Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Microwave Technology Branch (Washington DC, US) - Project Sponsor: Peter Allen Scholarship Fund - Supervisor: Dr. Clifford Krowne, NRL - Subject: Study of wave propagation in bianisotropic media. Extend postdoctoral work on isotropic chiral and biisotropic media to anisotropic arrangements.

1.2 Business & Industry

1.2.1 Sep 1995 - Aug 1996: Technical & Scientific Consultant - Place: British Aerospace (now BAE Systems) plc, Sowerby Research Centre (Bristol, UK) - Contractor: British Aerospace plc, Operations Division 3Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

- Subject: Technical supervision and administrative management of RUSSTECH Technology Transfer Programme. Conducting interviews with scientists from former Soviet Union (D S Lukin & A S Kruykovsky (MIPT, Moscow): wave catastrophes; S A Tretyakov (SPBSTU, St Petersburg): chiral material parameters; G Ya Slepyan, (INP, Minsk): chiral stealth materials; S A Zavtrak (INP, Minsk): sasers and hydraulic ram (theoretical); L Ostrovsky (IAP, Nizhny Novgorod): sasers (experimental)). Wider follow-up discussions with UK & Russian scientists (G Davies, Imperial College; MV Berry, U. Bristol, AP Vinogradov, Eldyn, Moscow). Reporting to BAe project manager (Prof. R S McEwen). Write 6 final reports to BAe Executive with findings and recommendations.

1.2.2 Apr 2010 – Jul 2014: Consultant in Knowledge Services - Place: AKS - Role: teaching, coaching and mentoring high-school students in Mathematics (GCSE-, AS-, A2- levels; university foundation courses, university Degree level), Statistics (GCSE-, AS-, A-levels; university foundation courses, university Degree level), Statistics (AS-, A-levels; university Degree level), engineering subjects at university level (electrical engineering, electronics, and selected areas in mechanics, civil engineering, business statistics, stochastic methods). Consultant to businesses: marketing studies, technical support, research project work. - Approach, achievements and successes: Discussed individual and specific strengths, weaknesses and targets with each student. Peruse notes and lecturing material of student and solutions to past and mock exam papers, highlight key results and demonstrate their applications and implications through examples and exercises. Make links with real-world applications. Check depth of understanding of student through Q&A. Demonstrate solution methods for specific questions in past & mock exam papers. Assist with specific difficulties in project/dissertation work, e.g., statistical techniques for data analysis. Marketing studies for CCM, Eindhoven, NL: exploring strategic business areas in Europe, Asia, and California through business consultations. Research input expertise to metamaterials work for Temasek Laboratories, Singapore and technical assistance for investment banks, City of London.

1.3 Academia

1.3.1 Aug 2014 – to date: Lecturer in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science - Place: School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University, London, U.K. and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, P.R.C. - Role, achievements and successes: Research & supervision: Supervision of 26 undergraduate and postgraduate student projects to date. Coordinator of MEng Team projects. Member of Research Strategy and Quality working groups. Member of Antennas research group. Research on stochastic electromagnetic fields and applications. Teaching: Module leader and lecturer for final-year modules on Digital Systems Design (QMUL) and Digital Broadcasting (BUPT). Joint lecturer for module Digital Signal Processing (QMUL). Developing new content on latest developments in DSD, DB and DSP. Exam preparation and marking, recruitment of supervision of lab assistants, handling student queries, writing letters of reference.

1.3.2 May 2012–Mar 2013 & Jun 2013-May 2014: Research Fellow (Senior Research Fellow w/e Aug 2014) - Place: George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research, University of Nottingham, U.K. - Role, achievements and successes: Research & supervision: Performing and leading EPSRC research on near-field emissions from printed circuits and electromagnetics of complex environments (stochastic and data-driven techniques), incl. extension of near-field scanning system to time-domain characterization. Lead 4Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut4

and co-author of journal papers (incl. IEEE Transactions (various) & invited paper to special issue of Wave Motion). (Co-)author & presenter of conference papers. Co-supervisor PhD student (thesis submitted Mar 2014). Mentor 3 undergraduate students in project work on BSS for E/MEG. Initiate collaboration with UoN MRI Centre, focusing on nonlinear C-ICA and multivariate Bayesian PCA/ICA. Provide support in EPSRC project on power electronics. Teaching: Propose, fully develop course material and deliver 16-hr course “Advanced statistical and stochastic methods for engineering and scientific research” for PGR & academic staff. Gain ILTC teaching certification; ATP pending. Funding & strategy: Lead conceptualization, development & writing of EPSRC research proposal (value GBP 810k), incl. vetting & securing additional GBP 120k of UK industrial in-kind support from 3 major private research laboratories (in aerospace, smart grids/metering & assisted driving). Conceptualize, develop and submit GBP 60k research proposal to company specializing in near- field scanning technology (pending). Draft EU Horizon 2020 proposal. Jointly develop proposal for COST Action on time-domain stochastic EMC (UoN led). Management and representation: Vice-chair of Engineering Strategy Research Group; ESRG representative on Division management board. Contribute to university strategy and policy through personal initiative, communications, and bilateral & group discussion. External relations, collaborations & recognition: invited visiting professor to INSA Rennes (Apr- May2013; 1 joint IEEE Trans. AP paper accepted), invited visiting professor to University of Paris (Jan & Jul 2014; ongoing; joint research under development); invited researcher to TU Munich (2014) (pending). Invited co-Guest Editor for IET Proc. SMT special issue on novel test methods for wireless communications systems (Sep. 2014). Continued chair of IEC JTF on reverberation chambers (development of IEC 61000-4-21. Ed. 3). Internal promotion to Senior Research Fellow (with effect 1 Aug 2014).

1.3.3 Jan 2014, Jul 2014: Visiting Research Professor - Place: University of Paris, ESYCOM Laboratory (Paris, France) - Role: collaborate on studies in wave chaos, supervise and advise on RF measurements, technical & scientific discussion with collaborator at university of Nice on low-dimensional wave chaos; propose & plan collaboration, return visits, exchange of research students

1.3.4 Apr 2013 - May 2013: Visiting Research Professor - Place: National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA), IETR Laboratory (Rennes, France) - Role: examiner for PhD candidate. Lead experimental research work on reverberation chamber (probabilistic evaluation of quality factor). Write software. Discuss and advice 4 PhD students. Visit collaborators at University of Paris. Lead writer for two joint research papers.

1.3.5 Oct 2008 - Sep 2011: Visiting & Part-Time Professor - Place: Imperial College (London, UK), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Communications and Signal Processing Group - Role: Develop, deliver & examine lectures of mandatory course on “Digital Signal Processing and Digital Filters” for MSc Course in Advanced Signal Processing. Mentoring of MSc students for laboratory experimental work (Summer Term projects). Supervision, assessment and evaluation of MSc student projects. Write & mark exam paper, act as second marker for other exams, attend examination meetings. Undertake collaborative research work with staff on blind source identification. Provide lecture to staff & students on electromagnetics & propagation aspects of modern wireless communication systems in complex environments. Organize & supervise laboratory experimental work for MSc student; act as liaison between staff at NPL and Imperial College in areas of mutual research interest:

- Approach, achievements and successes: Praise received from many students in individual feedback on level, depth and quality of course material taught. I brought several new advanced topics into the curriculum, incl. oversampling, innovations process, more advanced mathematical framework for nonlinear estimation theory and for Kalman filter theory, introduction of real-life examples from applications to electromagnetics developed at NPL to illustrate course material. I 5Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

often used analogies with familiar phenomena natural/non-EM physical world to explain abstract concepts and methodologies (e.g., nonstationarity, adaptive filtering, etc.). My course placed large emphasis on deeper understanding of the course material, rigour and mathematical underpinning.

1.3.6 Oct 1994 - Aug 1995: Research Associate - Place: UMIST, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics (Manchester, UK) - Project Sponsor: British Aerospace plc (now BAE Systems), Operations Division - Subject: Design and study of novel chiral and bianisotropic composites for aerospace applications.

1.3.7 Jun 1994 - Sep 1994: Post-Doctoral Research Assistant - Place: UMIST, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics (Manchester, UK) and Defence Research Agency (now QinetiQ plc), Royal Aerospace Establishment (Farnborough, UK) - Subject: Analytical and numerical modelling, manufacturing and measurement of lossy chiral composites. Develop & write application of patented novel junction of polarimetric measurement to fabricated EM active materials. Experimental sensitivity study of sources of uncertainty and accuracy. Organise series of lunch time research presentation by research students of Applied Electronics Group. Mentoring of PhD student.

2 Education and Training

2.1 Oct 1991 - May 1994: PhD in Electrical Engineering and Electronics - Place: UMIST (now University of Manchester), Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics (Manchester, UK) - Academic Supervisor: Professor L E Davis - Thesis (in microwave engineering): “Analysis and Design of Lossy Chirals and Biisotropics" - Summary: In this thesis work, biisotropic and lossy chiral media were studied. Their various constitutive formalisms were intercompared and unified into a new formalism-independent characterization. The scattering by chiral particles and effects of loss and biisotropy on absorption and reflection were analyzed. An original model for the chiral admittance of multi-turn helices was developed and published, showing good agreement with experimental values. Novel concepts of multi-dimensional chirality and semi-chirality were introduced and published, leading to a new wave of research activity on planar chiral structures in optics (cf J. Optics A, Special Issue, 2009). An 8-port polarimetric waveguide junction for measuring chiral media was invented, designed, analysed, built and patented.

2.2 Oct 1990 - Sep 1991: MSc in Communication Engineering and Digital Electronics - Place: UMIST (now University of Manchester), Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics (Manchester, UK) - Dissertation Supervisor: Professor L E Davis - Examination courses: various (microwave engineering, optical waveguides, analogue and digital communications, coding, programming, speech encoding, filtering, etc.) - Dissertation (in microwave engineering): "Non-reciprocal Effects in Transversally Magnetized Lossless Semiconductor Plasmas in a Lossy Parallel-Plate Structure" - Summary: In this dissertation work, I investigated the propagation of TM waves in a parallel-plate waveguide, consisting of one perfectly conducting plate and one lossy plate, filled with a lossless, transversely magnetized semiconductor. By solving a set of transcendental equations based on the free electron model of semiconductor plasmas, it was examined how the tunable difference between the complex constants of forward and backward propagation for opposite magnetizations can be used to exploit, control and optimize the design of a millimeter-wave isolator based on a magnetized InSb plasma. Isolation of about 35 dB at 50.9 GHz was shown to be feasible. 6Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut6

2.3 Oct 1984 - Sep 1989: Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering Science and Applied Physics (“Burgerlijk Ingenieur Elektrotechniek”); Major: Communications theory & techniques - Place: State University of Ghent, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Laboratory for Communication Techniques and Transmission of Information (Ghent, Belgium) - Academic Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ir. I. Bruyland - Thesis (on digital image processing and coding): “Gemengde Discrete Cosine Transform / Conditional Replenishment Kodering van Beeldsekwenties” (Mixed Discrete Cosine Transform / Conditional Replenishment Coding of Image Sequences)” - Summary: In the final-year project work, a method for image compression was developed for videophone applications. The correlation between consecutive frames of an image sequence is stored as bitmaps, based on chosen thresholds of the luminance. The two-dimensional DCT was performed per frame and filtered before transmission. The DCT/CR scheme was applied on several standard image sequences, and the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed sequence was computed. Transmission rates as low as two bits per pixel were found to be achievable and leading to acceptable quality of the reconstructed sequence. However, image quality was found to dramatically decrease for sequence lengths in excess of typically ten frames. - Specialist courses: 2-year module on in-depth study of applied mathematics for physics and engineering; 3-year module on specialist courses including electromagnetism & optics, semiconductors, avionics & satellites, statistical communication theory, control theory, power engineering, etc. (complete list available on request).

3 Professional Skills, Experience, Expertise, Service, Collaborative Work and Grants Won

3.1 IT Proficiency, Modelling and Measurement Experience - user experience with PCs and workstations (Windows / UNIX).

- extensive experience (15+ years) and in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office.

- programming expertise using high-level programming languages: C++, MATLAB, Mathematica, FEMLAB, specialist simulation packages; some experience with Fortran, Java, SQL.

- practical experience (8+ years) with measurement techniques for electromagnetic technology (antennas, resonators, guided waves, wireless communications systems, EMC).

- proficiency in mathematics/statistics/analytics and highly skilled in computation and modelling for science and engineering applications, including statistical modelling and data analysis, probability theory, time series & correlation analysis, stochastic processes, stochastic differential equations, Monte Carlo simulation, fusion of large complex data sets, signal processing, reliability, extreme value estimation, validation and uncertainty analysis.

- Intermediate level knowledge of principles of financial mathematics, equities, credit derivatives, Black-Scholes theory, etc.; marketing, financial management of project portfolios. Continued learning about aspects of financial mathematics, financial risk management, insurance, actuaries.

- computational modelling & data analysis: Excel, Matlab, C++, SPSS day-to-day experience

- user (10+ years) of specialized commercial software for electromagnetics simulation: Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) (moment method for antenna design), MAFIA / CST Microwave Studio (Finite Integration Time-Domain code for RF & Microwave), CONCEPT.

- written and developed specialist software: FDTD, MoM, Periodic Method of Moments for EM simulation of periodic structures, spectral analysis, statistical signal processing, wave propagation 7Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

in bianisotropic multi-layered media and carbon-fibre based composites, EM interaction effects, antenna systems, statistical data processing for time series of vector fields.

3.2 Collaborative Funded Projects and Grants Won 3.2.1 Nov 2007 – Feb 2009: Technology Strategy Board - “AMULET- Advanced Materials for Ubiquitous Leading-Edge Technologies”  Roles: Bid Leader and Principal Researcher & Technical Manager of NPL team  Funding source: UK Technology Strategy Board  Value: GBP 1.88m (project), GBP 109k (NPL work package)  Team size: 4 organizations  Collaborators: ERA Technology Ltd. (now Cobham Technical Services Ltd.), Queen Mary University of London, Vector Fields Ltd., NPL  Outputs: study & report on fundamental limits for performance of metamaterials for aircraft applications; study of loss and resonance mechanisms in active EM materials; prototype design; simulation & measurement results

3.2.2. Sep 2007 – Aug 2010: COST Action 2100 – Pervasive Mobile and Ambient Wireless Communications  Role: local coordinator & lead investigator for contributions by NPL as COST member  Value: travel & subsistence reimbursements  Team size: 5 (NPL)  Partners: various (see COST 2100 website)  Outputs: COST report on measurement campaign on indoor propagation (office environment); propagation in time-varying scenarios (ongoing).

3.2.3 Oct 2006 – Sep 2009: NMS 2006-2009 - Wireless Communications Team project “Signal propagation and information transfer in wireless networks operating in real environments”  Roles: Bid Leader (technical contents); Lead Scientist & Technical manager  Funding source: National Measurement Office, Department of Trade and Industry, UK  Value: EUR 640k  Team size: 9  Outputs, deliverables & achievements: measurement system, software suite (control, data analysis and visualization) for UWB characterization of indoor IEEE 802.15g wireless propagation; test bed for Mica-Z (ZigBee) wireless sensor network, with performance analysis (packet error rate in noisy environment); 13 journal papers, 2 COST reports; 8 conference presentations, 5 technical reports  Collaborators: Nokia Research Centre, Farnborough; COST2100 partners Elektrobit, Chalmers University of Technology, University of Bristol, Toshiba Europe, Selex

3.2.4 Oct 2005 – June 2006: ESA – “Electromagnetic interference in the presence of spacecraft”  Roles: Leading bid (all technical & managerial aspects); Principal Investigator & Project Manager for theoretical part of the work, Coordinator & Supervisor of the team for experimental work  Funding source: European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC), Noordwijk, NL  Value: EUR 66k  Team size: 7  Collaborators: HPS GmbH, Kayser-Threde GmbH, Invent, MIRA  Outputs, deliverables & achievements: simulation software packages (MATLAB & Fortran) for higher-order modal analysis & simulation of carbon-fibre 8Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut8

reinforced plastics, prototype shielding CFRP casings for in-flight equipment, new bonding & shielding methods

3.2.5 Apr 2005 – Sep 2006: NPL Strategic Research Programme - Anisotropic metamaterials with adaptive parameters  Role: Project Proposer & Bid Leader; Scientific collaborator, Technical Manager, Assessor, Reporter  Funding source: National Physical Laboratory Strategy Research fund & DTI National Measurement System Policy Unit – Electrical Programme 2003-2006  Value: EUR 40k  Team size: 1  Collaborators: Queens University, Belfast (Prof. V. Fusco, Dr. A. Schuchinsky)  Outputs, deliverables & achievements: theoretical analysis, prototype design, building and measurement of a controllable, frequency-selective power splitter for separation of incoming radio-communication channels, improvements to design for reduction of parasitic elements 2 research projects (classified)

3.2.6 Apr 2005 – to date: International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC): Joint Working Group JWG REV 77B – CISPR/A: Section 20: “Development of IEC61000-4-21.R1: basic EMC test & measurement methods: reverberation chambers”  Role: Chairman (coordinating research projects & standards development; rapporteur to IEC Advisory Committee and Steering Committees, editing of drafts & final version of standard)  Funding source: national standards institutes; £30k contribution by NMO  Membership: 14 members, 6 P-countries  Outputs, deliverables & achievements: first revision of international standard IEC 61000-4-21

3.2.7 Oct 2003 – Sep 2006: NMS Electrical Programme: RF & Microwave Team project “Advanced characterization, metrology and applications of reverberation chambers”  Role: co-Leader of bid; Lead Scientist  Funding source: National Measurement Office, Department of Trade and Industry, UK  Value: GBP 277k  Team size: 3  Outputs, deliverables & achievements: comprehensive investigation of electronic and hybrid tuning and stirring methods, radiated emissions and total radiated power, measurement uncertainty analysis. 6 journal papers, 6 conference papers

3.2.8 May 2003 – March 2004: “Design and simulation of ultra-high Q frequency-selective surfaces”  Role: co-Lead of bid; Technical manager & coordinator of NPL work packages  Funding source: Ofcom UK  Value: GBP 125k  Team size: 2  Outputs, deliverables & achievements: simulation software suite for Periodic Methods of Moments analysis of ultra-narrow frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) for real-time filtering of WLAN communication channels (IEEE 802.11x)

3.2.9 Apr 2003 – Sep 2003: “Design of new reverberation chamber for HIRF missile testing (EMC)”  Role: Bid lead, project manager and technical manager (sole responsibility)  Contractor & funding: MBDA UK (Filton, Bristol, UK).  Value: GBP 33k 9Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

 Team size: 2  Outputs: theoretical analysis, complete design & numerical MoM simulation of proposed chamber, predicted performance, expert guidelines on choice of materials

3.2.10 Jan 1996 – Aug 1996: Technical manager of RUSSTECH Programme of technology transfer for British Aerospace plc (Filton, Bristol, UK).  Roles: consultant technical manager  Funding source: BAE strategic funding  Line Manager: Professor R S McEwen  Value: GBP 12k  Outputs, achievements: in-depth technical discussions with Russian experts on potential technology projects; interviews in Moscow, St Petersburg, and Novosibirsk, Russia; production of detailed technical evaluation reports & recommendations for taking forward two projects for funded continued development work

3.3 Professional Service

3.3.1...... Technical and Professional Networks, Committees, Advisory Boards, Editorships - Jun 2016 - to date: Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.

- Oct 2015 - Apr 2016: Guest Editor for IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility – Special Section on “Research on reverberation chambers in honour of P. Corona”.

- Mar 2014: invited Guest Editor for IET Proceedings Science, Measurement and Technology – Special Issue on “Recent developments on the use of reverberation chambers for testing wireless systems”.

- Sep 2010 - Jan 2014: UK member of IEC CISPR/A Working Group 2 (Emissions standards), British Standards Institute (BSI), committee GEL/210/12

- Mar 2011 - Feb 2012: member of IET Steering Committee of Technical and Professional Networks

- Mar 2009 - Feb 2011: vice-chair of IET Executive Committee of the Technical and Professional Network on Electromagnetics (TPN-EM)

- Nov 2009: invited Guest Editor for journal Annals of Telecommunications - Special Issue on “Complexity management and modelling in electromagnetics”

- Oct 2008 – Sep 2014: UK chair of Commission A “Electromagnetic Metrology” of URSI (International Union of Radio Science)

- Sep 2007 – Aug 2014: co-opted Expert of British Standards Institute (BSI) Committee GEL/210/12: EMC – basic and generic standards: Champion for Committee actions on reverberation chamber technology and measurement uncertainty. Member of TC77 (SC77B).

- Jun 2007: member of Scientific Advisory Committee of EMC Europe 2007 – International Workshop on Safety, Reliability and Security of Communication and Transportation Systems (Paris, Jun 2007)

- Feb 2007 - Feb 2009: member of the IET Executive Committee of the Technical and Professional Network on Electromagnetics (TPN-EM) (previously PN-EMC)

- Mar 2006 - Mar 2010: member of Peer Review College EPSRC – UK Engineering Physical Sciences Research Council 10Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut10

- Apr 2005 - 2014: chairman of International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Joint Working Group SC77B–CISPR/A - Joint Task Force on Reverberation chambers: first revision of standard IEC 61000-4-21

- Oct 2003 - Jun 2008: member Scientific Advisory Board of EU Framework VI Network of Excellence "Metamorphose" on metamaterials

- Dec 2002 - to date: member of the Technical Advisory Panel of the IEE (now IET) Professional Network for Electromagnetic Compatibility (IEE-PN-EMC)

- Dec 1998 - Feb 2003: member of the Technical Committee developing the IEC 61000-4-21 international standard (Electromagnetic Compatibility - Reverberation Chambers)

- 1996 - 1999: INTAS international research and collaboration programme: project on synthetic chiral materials: co-Director for the assembly of Western participants (Germany, UK, France)

3.3.2. Conferences, Workshops, Symposia & Short Courses: organization, chairing, key roles - Sep 2015: ICEAA 2015 International Conference on Electromagnetics for Advanced Applications, Torino, Italy: session chair (2 sessions)

- May 2015: URSI 1st Atlantic Radio Science Symposium, Gran Canaria, Spain: session organiser (x2).

- Nov 2014: 1-day annual conference on ‘Electric immunity and revebreration chambers”, at DELTA, Aarhus, DK: guest speaker

- Aug 2014: URSI 31st General Assembly 2014, Beijing, China: session organiser & chair (E05/E09); invited speaker (E18/E19)

- May 2014: NEMO 2014 International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetics and Optimization: invited speaker

- Sep 2013: ICEAA 2013 International Conference on Electromagnetics for Advanced Applications, Torino, Italy: invited session chair

- Sep 2013: EMC Europe 2013 International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Bruges, Belgium: organiser session on standards for reverberation chambers

- Sep 2009: IET Colloquium on “Advances, Challenges and Opportunities in Wireless Communications” (40 delegates): organizer and chair

- Sep 2009: “Metamaterials 2009” – 3rd International conference on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, London, UK: session Chair (“New Concepts”) and invited presentation

- Mar 2009: joint IET/NPL Colloquium on “Statistical methods in electromagnetics for analysing complex systems and structures” (60 delegates): general chair

- Apr 2008: IET 7th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2008) (Apr 2008, Brighton, UK): member of organising committee & session Chair

- Nov 2007: Electromagnetics Day 2007 – Modelling of Wave Propagation & Measurement Techniques for Wireless Communication Systems (National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK): organizer & session chair

- Jul 2007: ICMAT 2007 - International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (Singapore, July 2005): session chairman & invited speaker 11Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

- Jul 2005: ICMAT 2005 - International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (Singapore, July 2005): session chairman & member of Scientific Committee

- Sep 2004: "Bianisotropics 2004" (10th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media, Ghent, Belgium): member of Technical Programme Committee and session chairman

- May 2004: URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (Pisa, Italy): session chair

- Feb 2001: 2nd International Conference on Optics, Spectroscopy and Crystallography (Gomel State University, Gomel, Belarus): Member of the Technical Programme Committee

- May 1997: "Bianisotropics '97" (6th International Conference on Electromagnetics of Complex Media) (Glasgow, UK): co-organiser

3.3.3. Visiting Appointments & Invited lectures (selected)

-May 2017: visiting professor for PhD School course on stochastic electromagnetics, University of Sannio, Salerno, Italy.

-May-Jun 2016: visiting research professor, University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.

-Apr 2016: invited lecture on self-adaptive materials. Antennas Group, Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, P.R.C.

-May 2015: invited lecture on EM navigation for assisted driving. Dept. of Engineering, Xia’men University of Technology, P.R.C.

-Jan 2015: invited visiting professor, University of Paris, ESYCOM Laboratory, Paris, France

-Aug 2014: invited lecture on active metamaterials for antenna applications. Solid-State group, Dept. of Physics, University of Zhengzhou, P.R.C.

-Apr 2013 - May 2013: invited visiting professor, INSA National Institute of Applied Science, Institute for Telecommunications Research, Rennes, France

-Oct 2008 - Sep 2011: visiting professor, Imperial College London, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, London, UK

3.3.4. Supervisory, Advisory and Examinatory Academic Roles

-Oct 2014 – to date: supervisor of more than 15 BSc, more than 15 MEng and more than 5 MSc students on student projects Place: Queen Mary University London, U.K. and Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications, P.R.C.

-Oct 2015: external examiner for Ph. D candidate Candidate: Mr. J.-P. Vaessen Place: Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands Title: “Efficient modelling of electromagnetic fields in stochastic configurations”

-Mar 2014 - Sep2014: supervisor for B.Sc.(3) and M.Eng (1) summer research projects (2 x ERP awarded) Candidates: Mr. P. Wang, Mr. X. Wang, Mr. Y Wang, and Mr. C. Purav Place: Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, UK 12Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut12

Subject: Probing the brain – different approaches for development and application of inversion and Bayesian complex ICA methods for E/MEG analysis and brain modelling

-Jun 2012 - Mar 2014: co-supervisor of Ph.D. candidate Candidate: Mr. C. S. Obiekezie Place: George Green Institute of Electromagnetics Research, University of Nottingham, UK Title: “Extended equivalent dipole model for radiated emissions”

- Apr 2013: invited member to examination commission for Ph.D. candidate Candidate: Mr. M. I. Andries Place: National Institute for Applied Sciences (INSA), Rennes, France Title: “Application of reverberation Chambers to Wireless Communications”

- Nov 2009: external supervisor of Ph.D. candidate Candidate: Mr. G. Gradoni Place: NPL & Department of Biomedical and Electrical Engineering, University of Ancona, Italy Title: “Theoretical and Experimental Characterization of Wave Chaos in Reverberation Chambers”

- Aug 2009: supervisor for M.Sc. research project Candidate: Mr. M. Kumar Place: NPL & Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK Subject: Statistical analysis of dynamic complex electromagnetic fields

- Mar 2008: external examiner for D.Sc. Dissertation Candidate: Ms. L. Jylhä Place: TKK - Helsinki University of Technology (now Aalto University), Department of Radio Science and Engineering, Helsinki, Finland Title: “Modelling of Electrical Properties of Composite Materials”

- Jul 2005: external examiner for Ph.D. Dissertation Candidate: Mr. A. Papakostas Place: University of Southampton, Department of Electrical Engineering, Southampton, UK Title: “Investigations and measurements of optical dichroism in nanostructured planar chiral materials”

- 1995 - to date: Reviewer for various journals (IEEE Transactions (T-EMC, T-AP, T-MTT), Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik (AEÜ), Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, IET Proceedings on Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Electronics Letters, Radio Science, Wave Motion, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review E, European Journal of Physics, Metamaterials) Member of Scientific Advisory Board for Metamaterials journal (Elsevier)

- Oct 1992 - Oct 1993: Assistant for EU "TEMPUS" project (JEP-0361-92/3) between UMIST, ENSEEIH (Toulouse, France) and Telecommunications Institute, University of Gdánsk (Poland): performing survey of areas of research activity in microwave and optical engineering at UK universities.

4 Professional Membership, Awards, Citations

4.1 Professional Membership - Feb 2006: Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, UK (FIEE, now FIET) 13Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut

- Mar 2001: Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, US (SMIEEE) - Jan 1995 - Feb 2001: Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, US (MIEEE) - Jul 1989 - Dec 1992: Member of the Royal Flemish Institute of Academic Engineers, Belgium (KVIV)

4.2 Awards - Feb 2010: IEC 1906 award (outstanding contribution to advancement of the work of IEC) - Jan 2003: Winner 2002 NPL Rayleigh Prize (best NPL paper for period Nov 2001 - Oct 2002) - Jun 1997: Young Researchers Training and Mobility Grant (EU) -Mar 1995: Peter Allan Scholarship (UMIST) - Sep 1990: ERASMUS Scholarship (EU)

4.3 Citations & Biography - “Who's Who in the World” (since 20th edition, 2003) - “Who’s Who in Science and Engineering” (since 8th edition, 2005) - IBC Cambridge Dictionary of International Biography (since 31st edition, 2004) - Cambridge Blue Book (since 1st edition, 2005)

5 Personal Development, Continued Education and Learning

Short course: Fundamentals and recent development in magnetoencephalography (MEG) Date: 8-10 Jan. 2014 (3 days) Place: University of Nottingham, UK Lecturers: various UK academic experts in neuroscience

Short course: Intensive Learning and Teaching Programme certification Date: 2-6 Dec. 2013 (5 days) Place: University of Nottingham, UK Lecturers: various

Short course: Fundamentals and advances in metamaterials Date: 10 Aug. 2008 (1 day) Place: URSI XIXth General Assembly, Chicago, IL Lecturers: Ch Caloz, G Eleftheriades, N Engheta

Short course: Multi-user MIMO wireless communication systems Date: Mar. 2007 (3 days) Place: Technical University, Vienna, Austria Contents: Basic- & advanced methods on state-of-the-art multi-user multi-terminal communication systems (multiplexing, maximization of capacity), scheduling techniques for mobile personal communication, opportunistic communications, etc.

Workshop: Smart antennas Date: Feb. 2007 (3 days) Place: Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien, Vienna, Austria Contents: Recent developments in smart front-end design for reduction of bit error rate in wave propagation for wireless communications. Methods based on multi-dimensional signal processing applied to multiple-antenna systems and parallel channels.

Short Course: International collaboration and chairing meetings Date: Nov 2006 (3 days) Place: British Standards Institute, London, UK 14Curriculum Vitae of LR Arnaut14

Seminar: Team Building, technical & project management Date: Aug 2006 (1 day) Place: National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK

Seminar: Fundamentals of nanoelectronics Date: Mar. 2005 (1 day) Place: National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK

Short course: Numerical modelling of complex & chaotic propagation environments Date: Aug. 2004 (2 days) Place: IEEE - EMC Chapter, Santa Rosa, CA, US

Training course: Electromagnetic reverberation chambers for EMC applications Date: Jun. 1998 (5 days) Place: US Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren, VA, US Lecturer: G. Freyer Contents: Theory and experiments on reverberation chambers for electromagnetic compatibility applications

6 Publications

6.1...... Refereed Book Chapters, Journal Papers, Symposium & Conference Papers

6.2...... Theses and Technical Reports (unrestricted & classified)

6.3...... International Standards

6.4...... Magazines & periodicals articles

6.5 Patents

Full list available on request.

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