Arts in Education Mini- Residency Grant Program
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The Arts for Lifelong Learning Mini-Residency Grant program should enhance the quality of learning in the arts for those of all ages, experience levels, and abilities. Cultivating creativity for adult populations has important implications including improved health and well-being, enhanced social and cognitive development, and better cultural understanding. Through quality arts learning experiences, participants should develop an increased ability to:
Understand the role the arts play in our lives. Communicate through the arts. Respond to the arts. Understand why we value the arts.
The Arkansas Arts Council’s Arts for Lifelong Learning Mini-Residency Grant program is designed to strengthen the role of the arts with the understanding that the development of aesthetic awareness and participation in the arts should be an integral part of the lifetime educational process.
The Arts for Lifelong Learning Mini-Residency Grant program will provide community-based or governmental organizations/institutions an opportunity to apply for funding to sponsor artist residencies that bring quality, professional artists into a setting to present one to 10-day, hands- on arts activities. Arts activities that include multigenerational populations are especially encouraged.
Artists must be selected from the Arts in Education Artist Roster on the Arkansas Arts Council’s website.
Artists may be scheduled for up to four hours per day at the organization site to work with both a target and a peripheral group of participants. The target group is usually of a smaller size and receives the most intensive arts experience. There should be specific outcomes for what this group is to achieve or understand by the residency’s end. The peripheral group, or majority of the site’s population, gains an exposure to the artist and art form through assemblies, demonstrations or short workshops.
Community-based or governmental organizations and institutions, whether they be facilities and organizations for elders, hospitals, counseling or rehabilitation centers, social service agencies, prisons or detention centers, or organizations that provide facilities and guidance for disabled adults, are encouraged to participate in this mini-residency program. Institutions of higher education, as well as museums, libraries, or community centers that offer educational programming for adult populations, are also encouraged to apply.
Professional Development In-Service
An in-service workshop may be included in the mini-residency program. It should be conducted by the artist for the teachers/staff/administrators involved with the program and for others that are interested. The in-service workshop should focus on assisting these groups to increase their comfort level in understanding and using arts learning techniques in their daily work. This will help ensure long-term benefits from the program. The organization and the artist may determine in-service length and content. It may take place in one block of time, or may be spread out over the course of the mini-residency.
Applicant organizations and institutions must meet the following eligibility requirements:
Have an IRS Letter of Determination qualifying the institution/organization or its administrative authority as a nonprofit organization.
Provide an organization staff member to be present during the mini-residency program to serve as a co-learner with the participants and/or a co-teacher with the artist.
Must be involved in the human service profession for a minimum of three years, and must have paid and/or volunteer staff who will devote time and effort to implement the mini-residency program.
Application Process
Applicants may receive a maximum of $1,000 using established Arkansas Arts Council grant program rates for artist’s fees, travel, meals, lodging and supplies as listed on the application form. Applicants must show a 1:1 match of cash.
Mini-residency programs must occur between October 1, 2017 and August 31, 2018. Grants will be awarded on a first-come basis until funds are expended or until the deadline of August 31, whichever comes first. While the application deadline is ongoing, the Arts Council should receive the request at least two weeks before the date of the actual program to allow time for processing.
Application materials consist of:
1. The online FY18 Arts for Lifelong Learning Mini-Residency Grant Program Application form with a description of the project. Applicants and artists should retain a copy of the application for their records.
2. An uploaded budget to show expenses for the project.
Upon request, the applicant must be able to provide a copy of the organization’s IRS Letter of Determination.
Mini-Residency Sequence
1) Create an account per instructions at: Grants/apply-for-a-grant. When you create an account, you will be asked for your EIN/Tax Identification Number (xx-xxxxxxx) and your DUNS number. Your bookkeeper should be able to find those for you. The DUNS number can be located by going to the website for Dun & Bradstreet at . If you have any problems, contact Brazier Watts at 501-324-9781 or [email protected]. 2) Assess the needs of the participants to determine the artistic discipline required. 3) Select an artist from the AIE Artist Roster: Grants/Arts-in-Education/Arts-in-Education-Artist-Roster/search-the-roster 4) Contact the artist to discuss availability and collaborate in developing and writing the mini- residency proposal. A separate Artist Invoice is linked for your use. Have the artist complete the Artist Invoice. Do not send it back to the Arkansas Arts Council (see information below.) 5) Complete the grant application with appropriate signatures and submit to the Arkansas Arts Council at least two weeks prior to the date of the actual program. 6) Notify the artist if the application is approved. Requests must be submitted and approved for funding before the residency begins. 7) Implement the mini-residency program on scheduled dates. 8) Log on to your account and complete and submit the Arts Council Invoice and Activity Report Evaluation Form. 9) Receive payment from the Arkansas Arts Council within 4-6 weeks.
Application/Contract Review and Grant Payment
Upon receipt of the application, the Arkansas Arts Council will review the request and make a decision based on the proposal and the availability of funds. Once applications are approved, the organization will receive an email of approval. The ALL Mini-Residency Grant Program Invoice you will need later for reimbursement and an Activity Report Evaluation Form are included as Follow Ups in your online account.
The Arkansas Arts Council must receive the completed invoice and evaluation form within 30 days after completion of the mini-residency program. Payment is made on a reimbursement basis upon receipt of these forms. (Please allow 4-6 weeks for reimbursement.) Invoices and evaluations received more than 30 days after the mini-residency program may not be paid.
All publicity, such as newspaper articles, programs, brochures, etc., must acknowledge the support of the Arkansas Arts Council for the activity by using the credit line:
This program is supported, in part, by the Arkansas Arts Council, an agency of the Department of Arkansas Heritage, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Thank Your Elected Officials
Grant funds are made available because of support from your U.S. senators, your congressman, the governor and your state legislators. Please thank these officials and remember to invite them to attend your programs. The names and addresses of these officials will be included with your grant payment materials. The Final Report has a box to allow you to upload copies of letters as part of the support materials.
An Effective ALL Mini-Residency program should:
Be based at the institution/organization site and is planned in collaboration with the artist. Serve as a professional development opportunity for the organization staff. Address specific learning outcomes. Have objectives that are clear and realistic. Maximize the expertise, talents and ideas of the artist. Provides new skills and knowledge that move the participants and the organization’s program forward.
Key Personnel and Roles
1) The teacher or organization staff member should: Work with the artist in developing and scheduling the residency. Complete and submit the grant application. Acquaint the artist with the environment of the site. Participate in the residency and work with the artist to bring the program to the learners. Notify the Arkansas Arts Council of any changes in the residency program. Ensure the invoice and evaluation forms are submitted within 30 days of the residency program.
2) The artist should: Work with the staff to develop and schedule the residency program. Be professional, well-prepared and flexible. Remain accessible before and during the residency if there are changes or questions.
3) The Arkansas Arts Council Arts in Education Program Manager should: Provide technical assistance in planning and developing the residency proposal. Offer assistance with any issues that may come up before, during, or after the residency.
Tips and Pointers
In planning the mini-residency and in writing the application, it is very important to work with the artist to help ensure a successful program.
Contact artists as early as possible. If the artist is not available at the moment, leave detailed messages. Most planning may take place by telephone or e-mail. Maintain close contact and carefully document all decisions made and issues needing to be addressed.
Communication is very important between all parties so that all fees, logistics, schedules and supplies are agreed upon in advance.
The staff must be present during the residency to maintain a productive working environment, gain experience and reinforce the artist’s work. The artist is a guest at the site and is not legally responsible for the participants.
Documentation of the residency is recommended. Photos, slides, journals, videos, or publicity can record its effectiveness and can serve as a communication tool to generate future support.
Questions? Contact Cynthia Haas, AIE Program Manager, 501-324-9769 or [email protected]