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Intel® Teach Program Essentials Course UnitUnit PlanPlan TemplateTemplate
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Unit Author First and Last 7th Grade Final Project Name School District Pioneer CSD School Name Pioneer Middle School School City, State Yorkshire, NY Unit Overview Unit Title All About Arcade Unit Summary This project is an end of the year project that incorporates all core subject areas. The students will be in groups and have a business that they go to and interview. They will then make a brochure and a PowerPoint to present to an elementary classroom. Subject Area Math, Science, Social Studies, ELA, Foreign Language Grade Level 7th Approximate Time Needed 4-5 class periods a day for 1-2 weeks Unit Foundation Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks 7.M.1 Calculate distance using a map scale (math) Assess it by having them look up a map online, print it and then find the distance. They could also use MapQuest or Google earth to find their distance. They will be assessed on the accuracy of their calculations. 7.S.1 Identify and collect data using a variety of methods (math) Have the students use a video camera or a camera for the interview to collect data. The quality of the student’s questions will be assess (ex. Higher level questions, open ended) Key Idea 7: Human decisions and activities have had a profound impact on the physical and living environment (science) The students will look up information on the environment on the internet. They will be assessed by the information collected and how they connect it to other areas of their local environment. Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes Students are able to use their interview skills to interview a business Students are able to use a digital camera or a video camera Students are able to create a brochure with all appropriate information Students are able to create a PowerPoint to present their information including the
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picture/video they took at the business Students are able to present their information in front of an elementary audience Curriculum-Framing Questions Essentia In what ways do human decisions and activities impact your environment? l Question Unit How does your business effect the environment and the community? Question s Math: How do you use a map scale to calculate distance? Content Science/SS: How is the community positively and negatively effected by human Question decisions? Define community in Science and SS. s
Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline
Before Project Work Teacher Students Introduce project scenario Week 1 Student survey for business
Gauge student needs Fill out the K-W in the K-W-L-H chart
Form project teams- assign business Assign roles within group
Contact businesses
Timelines created to share with students
Pick day for visits and find chaperones
Create a sample project
Teach interviewing skills, map scale, note taking, technology skills
Schedule a day with the elementary school to do presentation
Create rubric for brochure and PowerPoint During Project Work Teacher Students Create deadlines for student work completion Week 2 develop interview questions based on W
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Calculate walking distance from school to Monitor Learning Log business
Monitor individual work Interview business incorporating technology
Complete group observations Interpret findings
Conference with groups Complete the L-H in the K-W-L-H chart
Design brochure
Create PowerPoint
Incorporate foreign language into PowerPoint
Complete learning log questions throughout project After Project Work Teacher Students Lead CFQs discussion Rehearse presentations
Provide feedback Present Final PowerPoint
Hand in brochure
Assessment Summary Assessment Purpose and Process of Assessment K-W-L-H To find out what they know, want to know and what they learned. The how will assess how they got their information or what they could have done if they did not get the information they desired. Learning Logs The students will create learning logs to reflect on their progress. This prompts feedback from students for the teacher. Observation Teacher will observe group dynamics and the collaboration that occurs. Check List Students will complete a check list throughout the project to ensure they are on task and meeting the timeline set up for them. Project rubric of The students will be assessed on their presentation presentation using a rubric.
Project rubric of brochure The students will be assessed on their information included in the brochure.
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Unit Details Prerequisite Skills The students will need to learn how to interview a person They will learn professional etiquette for an interview They will learn the components of public speaking They will need to know how to read a map and convert the map scale The students will learn what the environment is and what factors effect it Instructional Procedures The students will develop interview questions for their business They will go to the businesses and interview the owner They will analyze their findings and decide what to put in their brochure They will create a rough copy of a brochure on paper They will then create a brochure using Microsoft Publisher When the brochure is complete they will then change the format of their presentation to a PowerPoint to present to the elementary They will practice their presentation and then complete the presentation at the elementary school They will self-reflect on the project and their learning Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Special Special need students may work with the resource teacher. They may make Needs their brochure by hand rather than using publisher. Their assignment may Students also be shortened to meet their needs.
Nonnative Since this is a group activity students will be helped by their group throughout the Speakers entire project. The nonnative speaker’s job may be including different language in their PowerPoint.
Gifted/Tale Student’s who are gifted and talented can complete research on the problems nted effecting the business and create solutions to take back to these businesses. Students
Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) Camera Laser Disk VCR Computer(s) Printer Video Camera Digital Camera Projection System Video Conferencing Equip. DVD Player Scanner Other Internet Connection Television Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.) Database/Spreadsheet Image Processing Web Page Development Desktop Publishing Internet Web Browser Word Processing E-mail Software Multimedia Other Encyclopedia on CD-ROM
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Students will be given a check list for timeline Printed Materials Sample project to show students Teacher anecdotal logs Video cameras/digital camera Supplies Paper/Pencil Computers with PP and Publisher
Internet Resources Internet sites if businesses have them
Other Resources Bus to down town Arcade
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