National Symposium for Postgraduate Researchers
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National Symposium for Postgraduate Researchers: Languages, Literatures, and Intercultural Studies
School of European Languages and Literatures The University of Auckland 24-25 October 2012
PANEL SCHEDULE Wednesday 24 October 9.15 – 9.30 Welcome from Head of School of European Languages and Literatures, Prof. Christine Arkinstall 9.30 -11 am Arthurian Panel: Chair: May Fung Jon Duckett, “Advanced Dungeons and Dragons: Selling the Arthurian Tale in New Forms of Media”. The University of Auckland. Erin Raill “Merlin: Sorcerer, Prophet and Politician”. The University of Auckland. April Geers “Larger Than Life: The Construction of the Hero: when the Vulgate Prose Cycle Meets the Marvel Cinematic Universe (putting in the “super” bit)”. The University of Auckland. 11 - 11.30 am Morning Tea (provided) 11.30 – 1.00 pm Jessica Anne Macauley, “Disease and Decadence: An Chair: Marcelo Mendes intertextual study of the social implications of disease in Thomas Mann's novel The Magic Mountain”. Victoria University of Wellington. Alex Wild Jespersen, “The ‘deep gossip’ of Charlotte Wolff’s autobiographies: how she used memories as arguments for a utopian future”. The University of Auckland. Marta Mazurkiewicz, “Bildungsroman all’italiana: the coming-of-age novel in Italian post-war fiction”. The University of Auckland. 1.00 – 2.30 pm Lunch (provided) 2.30 – 4.30 pm Haoda Feng, “Collocations in the process of translation”. Chair: Katya Volkova Auckland University of Technology. Xining Song, “Collocational Competence Among Translation Students: A Study of the Web as a Corpus in the Language Direction Chinese –English”. The University of Auckland. Yan (Lydia) Ding, “The Role of Knowledge in Interpreting as a Problem Solving Activity”. The University of Auckland. Yuen May Fung, “Post-Editing Effort in Chinese-English Machine Translation”. The University of Auckland. 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm Ekaterina Volkova, “When Literature Meets Linguistics: the Chair: Lydia Ding Study of the Loanwords in the Spanish "Generation X Novels”. The University of Auckland. Delys Magill, “Linguistic Expansions”. Auckland University of Technology. 6.00 pm onwards Symposium dinner: Thaiyanee Restaurant (BYO) 122 Anzac Avenue, Auckland. Thursday 25 October 9 -11 am Loveday Kempthorne, “Czesław Miłosz and Zbigniew Chair: Ian Fookes Herbert: Literary Responses to Non-Euclidean Geometries”. Victoria University of Wellington. Sofia Lanyon-Pereira & Andrea Harman-Vargas, “The Importance of Language to Citizenship: the Experience of the Shawi Nation in Peru and Mapuche People in Chile”. The University of Auckland. Yan Guo, “A Comparative Reading of the Portrayal of Death of a Good Doctor by Two Doctor-Writers”. The University of Auckland. Tamaki Tokita, “Translating the Ninth Art: The Case of Astérix in Japan”. The University of Auckland. 11 - 11.30 am Morning Tea (provided) 11.30 – 1.00 pm Antonius J. Jesensek “A Glimpse at the Reception of Bernard Chair: Valentina Napoli Shaw in Italy”. The University of Auckland. Eleanor Hamlyn, “Hybrid rosa: responses to genre blending in Giorgio Scerbanenco’s popular romances”. The University of Auckland. Bridget Tompkins, “Author, Amazon or Nun? Identity issues surrounding the autodiegetic narrator of Italo Calvino’s Il cavaliere inesistente?”. The University of Auckland. 1.00 – 2.30 pm Lunch (provided) 2.30 – 4.00 pm Marcelo Mendes de Souza, “Machado de Assis’ and J.L. Chair: Alex Jespersen Borges’ cross-cultural ironies: From the authors’ creative misreadings to English-speaking critical receptions of their ironic English intertexts”. The University of Auckland. Marialuisa Risoli, “The Shadow Archetype in 20th century children's literature: A comparative study on European fairy tales”. University of Otago. Aliandra Antoniacci, “Exploring conflict between sexual love and family life in Tolstoy's novellas: The Kreutzer Sonata (1889) and The Power of Darkness (1886)”. University of Canterbury. 4.00 – 4.30 pm Afternoon Tea (provided) 4.30 pm – 6.00 pm Valentina Napoli, “Contemporary Italian Reception and Chair: Katya Volkova Translation of Witi Ihimaera’s Fiction”. The University of Auckland. Benjamin Djain, “External vs. Internal Worlds: Comparing Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus with Mira de Amescua’s El Esclavo del Demonio (The Slave of the Devil)”. The University of Auckland. Ian Fookes, “Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado and Victor Segalen’s Le Fils du Ciel: A Misleading comparison?”. The University of Auckland. 6.00pm onwards Wine and Prize Giving, Arts 1, 5th Floor Common Room