The Roles of the United Nations in Settling Conflicts Between the Israel and the Arabs

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The Roles of the United Nations in Settling Conflicts Between the Israel and the Arabs

The roles of the United Nations in settling conflicts between the Israel and the Arabs, racial conflicts in the Balkans and the apartheid in South Africa

Topic for Enquiry: ‘How successful was the United Nations in settling the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs, racial conflicts in the Balkans and the apartheid in South Africa in the second half of the 20th century? ’

Total teaching periods: 5 lessons (40 mins@)= 200 mins

A. Background 1. Students are in S6 and their learning ability is above average in general. 2. Students have already got basic understanding of the causes and development of the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs, racial conflicts in the Balkans and the apartheid in South Africa in the second half of the 20th century. 3. They are familiar with group discussion and presentation. 4. They have already got some basic thinking skills like mindmaping, data collection and data analysis.

B. Objectives 1. To reinforce students’ knowledge in the development of the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs, racial conflicts in the Balkans and the apartheid in South Africa in the second half of the 20th century. 2. To enhance students’ awareness and understanding of the roles played by the United Nations in settling these conflicts. 3. To equip students with the skills in synthesizing and categorizing by illustrating and concluding the roles of the United Nations in different historical events.

C. Pedagogies 1. Activity 1: Revision (1 teaching period) a. A brief revision of the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs, racial conflicts in the Balkans and the apartheid in South Africa in the second half of the 20th century. b. Group preparation:

1 - Students form groups. - Each group is given 10 minutes to prepare a five-minute presentation on the development of the following conflicts:  the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs  racial conflicts in the Balkans  the apartheid in South Africa c. Group presentation: - Some groups would be selected at random to present the conflicts as mentioned above.

2. Activity 2: Categorization of Roles (2 teaching periods) a. As students have grasped the background information about the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs, racial conflicts in the Balkans and the apartheid in South Africa in the second half of the 20th century, teachers can help students to analyze the attempts and roles taken by the United Nations in settling the conflicts. b. Students need to read and study the information provided on the Activity 2 Worksheet carefully and find out the parts and functions performed by the UN in the conflicts and make the judgement on the extent of achievements done by the UN. c. Students need to complete the column ‘roles’ and ‘evaluation’ on the Activity 2 Worksheet in group. d. Students’ presentation of their answers. e. Conclusion by the teacher.

3. Activty 3: Follow-up Task (2 teaching periods) a. Essay writing task: students are asked to write an essay to evaluate the degree of success in settling the conflicts by the United Nations. The question of the essay is ‘How successful was the United Nations in settling the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs, racial conflicts in the Balkans and the apartheid in South Africa in the second half of the 20th century?’ b. Teachers are advised to guide students to study the assessment criteria and complete the essay based on the criteria so that they have a clear understanding of the level marking of essay writing. (See Activity 3 Information Sheet) c. Teachers are advised to choose some students to present their essays in order to check the learning outcome of students.

2 D. Expected outcome/difficulties 1. Students will have deeper understanding of the roles played by the United Nations in settling the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs, racial conflicts in the Balkans and the apartheid in South Africa in the second half of the 20th century. 2. Students will master skills in illustrating personal standpoint with convincing arguments, data collection, analysis and synthesis. 3. Students will have deeper understanding the importance of respect and acceptance of others’ opinions through cooperative learning. 4. Students may point out the attempts of the United Nations in settling the conflicts without illustrating the extent of success and failure in settling the conflicts.

3 Activity 2 Worksheet: Categorization of Roles [Teacher version]

Part I: The roles of UN in settling the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs

1. The Palestinian War, 1949 Contents Roles Evaluation  The Security Council arranged a ceasefire for Mediator  Success in Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. arranging the  A United Nations Truce Supervision ceasefire Organization, (UNTSO) was also formed to monitor the ceasefire.

2. The Suez Crisis, 1956-57 Contents Roles Evaluation  The General Assembly passed many Mediator  Success in resolution to call for an end to the fighting. arranging the  The UN arranged a ceasefire. ceasefire  The UN set up the United Nations Supervisor Emergency Force (UNEF) to supervise the withdrawal of invading forces and to patrol the Israeli-Egyptian border.

3. Six Day War, 1967 Contents Roles Evaluation  The UN arranged a ceasefire and it was Mediator  Failed because the accepted by Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Arab countries  The UN also criticized Israel for occupying refused to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. recognize Israel. So  The Security Council demanded that the Israel continued to Israeli troops should withdraw from their keep the territories occupied territories, and that all parties she occupied should end their rivalry and recognize each during the war. other's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

4 4. Lebanon War, 1982 Contents Roles Evaluation  UN mediated a ceasefire between the two Mediator  Failed to stop the sides. War  The UN tried to intervene but failed. It did not have strong armed forces to fight the large Israeli troops.

5. Rights of the Palestinian Arabs Contents Roles Evaluation  The UN recognized the rights of the Supporter  Failed to solve the Palestinian Arabs. root cause of their  It criticized Israel for suppressing the problem. So, the Palestinians' demand for independence and Arab-Israeli violating human rights. conflicts lasted for several decades.  The UN provided humanitarian aid to the Supplier  Some Palestinian Palestine refugees. Arabs wanted complete independence.

5 Part II: The roles of UN in settling conflicts in the Balkans

1. Serb-Croat Wars, 1991-95 Contents Roles Evaluation  The UN invited Vance (former US Secretary Supervisor  Failed to stop the of State) as its representative to mediate and wars to arrange a ceasefire, which was accepted by the two sides.  The UN also sent a peacekeeping force to monitor the ceasefire.

2. Bosnian War, 1992-95 Contents Roles Evaluation  Imposing economic sanctions on Serbia to Punisher  Successful in stop Milosevic's military support to the putting pressure on Bosnian Serbs. Serbia.  Sending a peacekeeping force to Supplier  Helped protect provide humanitarian aid to the local local people people.  Setting up "safe areas" to protect the Protector Muslims in the Serb living areas.

3. Kosovo War, 1999 Contents Roles Evaluation  Although NATO bombed Yugoslavia and Supporter  Successful in stationed an army in Kosovo, the Security putting pressure Council decided all actions of the NATO's on Serbia army and had the final say on Kosovo's  Helped end the autonomy. War

4. Bosnian War, 1992-95 Contents Roles Evaluation  In 1992, the US and the EC recognized the Bystander  Failed to solve the independence of Bosnia. problem by the  NATO decided to bomb their living areas. UN itself. It was

6  In December 1995, the US made Serbia, solved by the US, Croatia and Bosnia sign the Dayton Accord. EC and NATO. Bosnia was divided into two parts: the Bosnian Serb Republic and the Muslim-Croat Federation.

7 Part III: The roles of UN in settling the problem of apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid Contents Roles Evaluation  The General Assembly discussed the Supporter  Successful in putting apartheid in South Africa in 1952. pressure on South  The General Assembly passed a resolution Africa and the to declare that all races have the right of apartheid came to self-determination in 1960. an end under  The UN Special Committee Against international Apartheid was formed to organize pressure. worldwide efforts to fight against apartheid.  South Africa was no longer represented in Punisher the General Assembly in the 1970s  The Security Council also imposed an arms embargo on South Africa, and the General Assembly called for wider economic sanctions.  The UN even named 1982 the International Promoter Anti-Apartheid Year.

8 Activity 2 Worksheet: Categorization of Roles [Student version]

Part I: The roles of UN in settling the conflicts between Israel and the Arabs

1. The Palestinian War, 1949 Contents Roles Evaluation  The Security Council arranged a ceasefire for Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.  A United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, (UNTSO) was also formed to monitor the ceasefire.

2. The Suez Crisis, 1956-57 Contents Roles Evaluation  The General Assembly passed many resolutions to call for an end to the fighting.  The UN arranged a ceasefire.  The UN set up the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) to supervise the withdrawal of invading forces and to patrol the Israeli-Egyptian border.

3. Six Day War, 1967 Contents Roles Evaluation  The UN arranged a ceasefire and it was accepted by Egypt, Jordan and Syria.  The UN also criticized Israel for occupying the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.  The Security Council demanded that the Israeli troops should withdraw from their occupied territories, and that all parties should end their rivalry and recognize each other's sovereignty

9 and territorial integrity.

4. Lebanon War, 1982 Contents Roles Evaluation  UN mediated a ceasefire between the two sides.  The UN tried to intervene but failed. It did not have strong armed forces to fight the large Israeli troops.

5. Rights of the Palestinian Arabs Contents Roles Evaluation  The UN recognized the rights of the Palestinian Arabs.  It criticized Israel for suppressing the Palestinians' demand for independence and violating human rights.

 The UN provided humanitarian aid to the Palestine refugees.

10 Part II: The roles of UN in settling conflicts in the Balkans 1. Serb-Croat Wars, 1991-95 Contents Roles Evaluation  The UN invited Vance (former US Secretary of State) as its representative to mediate and to arrange a ceasefire, which was accepted by the two sides.  The UN also sent a peacekeeping force to monitor the ceasefire.

2. Bosnian War, 1992-95 Contents Roles Evaluation  Imposing economic sanctions on Serbia to stop Milosevic's military support to the Bosnian Serbs.  Sending a peacekeeping force to provide humanitarian aid to the local people.  Setting up "safe areas" to protect the Muslims in the Serb living areas.

3. Kosovo War, 1999 Contents Roles Evaluation  Although NATO bombed Yugoslavia and stationed an army in Kosovo, the Security Council decided all actions of the NATO's army and had the final say on Kosovo's autonomy.

4. Bosnian War, 1992-95 Contents Roles Evaluation  In 1992, the US and the EC recognized the independence of Bosnia.  NATO decided to bomb their living areas.

11  In December 1995, the US made Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia sign the Dayton Accord. Bosnia was divided into two parts: the Bosnian Serb Republic and the Muslim-Croat Federation.

12 Part III: The roles of UN in settling the problem of apartheid in South Africa

Apartheid Contents Roles Evaluation  The General Assembly discussed the apartheid in South Africa in 1952.  The General Assembly passed a resolution to declare that all races have the right of self-determination in 1960.  The UN Special Committee Against Apartheid was formed to organize worldwide efforts to fight against apartheid.  South Africa was no longer represented in the General Assembly in the 1970s  The Security Council also imposed an arms embargo on South Africa, and the General Assembly called for wider economic sanctions.  The UN even named 1982 the International Anti-Apartheid Year.

13 Activity 3 Worksheet: Marking Criteria for the Essay

Criteria Grade (Max.


- Showing a firm grasp of the gist of the question—the roles of the UN in the A 27-30 conflicts and the extent of success and failure in settling the conflicts; -Balanced contents, with appropriate and effective use of relevant materials; -Clearly expressed, persuasive, and coherent, showing critical and analytical judgment

-Showing a clear grasp of the gist of the question—the roles of the UN in the B 24-26 conflicts and the extent of success and failure in settling the conflicts; C 21-23 -Relevant and reasonably balanced contents; -Clearly expressed and logically presented, showing some success in analyzing relevant issues and/or in presenting a substantiated argument.

-Showing a general understanding of the question—the roles of UN in the D 18-20 conflicts and the extent of success and failure in settling the conflicts; E 15-17 -Basically relevant and accurate contents, but lacking balance; -Showing some attempt to argue and/or to analyse, but being marred by inconsistencies and unduly narrative or descriptive approach.

-Showing inadequate understanding of the question, with little distinction E/F 14-15 made between relevant and irrelevant material; F 7-13 -Containing few relevant and important facts; -poorly organized and barely understandable, with conspicuous mistakes in writing or spelling personal and place names.

-Showing little understanding of the question, with no distinction made U 0-6 between relevant and irrelevant material; -Containing very few relevant facts; -Very poorly organized and difficult to understand, with annoying mistakes in writing /spelling important personal and place names.

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