Final Exam Review Spring 2017 - Preap English II- KEY
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Final Exam Review Spring 2017 - PreAp English II- KEY
“Possibility of Evil” ** Please answer the questions in complete sentences.** 1. Words to describe Miss Strangeworth: She writes anonymous letters to people in her town
to prevent the “possibility of evil.” It is ironic, however, that she is the main reason why
there is so much evil in this town.
2. What motivates Miss Strangeworth? Miss Strangeworth is motivated to alert
the town to the possibility of evil, she feels as if she is “living graciously” and doing
everyone a favor, and to prevent evil from happening in the town
3. When does Miss Strangeworth stop calling Mr. Lewis “Tommy”? She stops call Mr. Lewis
“Tommy” when he starts working at the grocery store.
“Lamb to the Slaughter” ** Please answer the questions in complete sentences.** 1. How does Mary feel about Patrick at first? She loves him very much.
2. How do we know he is nervous and ashamed? He drinks, he doesn’t take off his coat, and he
wants to leave.
3. We know only whose thoughts? Mary’s thoughts are the only ones we know.
4. What is the difference in limited and omniscient point of view? The difference between point
of view and an omniscient one is knowing one character’s thoughts versus all knowing.
5. Why does she go to the grocery store? She needs to prove she wasn’t home/an alibi.
6. Theme of story? The definition of theme is the big idea about life the author wants us to
understand about the story. The theme of this story is sometimes people are not who you
think they are.
7. How will Patrick provide for Mary? Patrick will give her money and make sure she’s is looked
8. Why does she get and cook the lamb? She gets the lamb to go on with business as usual, so
things will be all right. She cooks the lamb to get rid of the weapon. Name:______
Research Process ** Please answer the questions in complete sentences.** 1. What is a thesis statement? Why is it important? A thesis expresses the main idea of
your paper.
2. What is plagiarism and when/how does it occur? Inserting a direct quote without
quotation marks, copying a passage word for word without quotation marks or
citation, and omitting a citation for the complete paraphrase of a passage are
examples of plagiarism.
3. What is a paraphrase? A passage put into a student’s own words is a paraphrase, but
it is still cited.
4. What are reliable sources? Give Examples. Reliable sources are websites with .edu,
.org., .gov, library databases, and books.
5. What is proper MLA formatting? 12 pt. Arial font and double-spaced is the proper
MLA formatting.
6. What does MLA heading look like? Where does it go? The student’s name, teacher’s
name, course, and date go in the top left corner of the first page of an MLA heading.
*** MLA Date Format……24 May 2017
7. What does an MLA header look like? The last name and number of the page in the
upper right corner of every page go in an MLA header.
8. What does in-text citation look like and how does it change when you mention the
author’s name? An in-text citation looks like this: (Sagan 25) and when you mention
the author’s name it changes to look like this: (25).
9. How do you punctuate an in-text citation? Use parenthesis to punctuate in-text
10. What is the source page called? Where does it go? The source page is called Works
Cited and it is the last page of paper. Name:______
11. What happens when you have more than one line of a citation? Indent each line after
the first. This is called a hanging indent.
Who states the following quotes?
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair...fog and filthy air" The Witches “come you spirits..unsex me here..cruelty” Lady Macbeth "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep!" Macbeth “Thou hast it now: King, Cawdor, Glamis, all, As the weird women promised, and I
fear” Banquo “Thou play'dst most foully for't” Banquo "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand? No, this my
hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red"
"There's daggers in men's smiles." Donalbain "What's done is done." Lady Macbeth "By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes." The Witches "I bear a charmed life." Macbeth Identify the following people, places and things. Why are they important?
England- This is the place that Malcom’s invasion is launch from and his refuge.
Scotland-The setting of the story.
Glamis- Macbeth’s original estate.
Norway- They are at war with Scotland.
Inverness- The site of Duncan’s Murder.
Macbeth- He is the main character. He was the Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and
the King of Scotland. He killed Duncan, had Banquo, and Lady Macduff and her son
murdered. Macbeth ended up being killed by Macduff.
Lady Macbeth-Macbeth’s wife who convinced him to kill Duncan by framing his
servants. She ends up being racked with guilt by the end of the play. Name:______
Banquo- Macbeth’s friend who blood line would succeed him in the royal lineage. He
was killed by assassins sent from Macbeth.
Duncan- King of Scotland who was killed by Macbeth.
Donalbain- One of Duncan’s youngest son, Malcolm’s brother.
Malcom- Duncan’s eldest son who fled to England and started an uprising against
Macbeth. He became the rightful King of Scotland after Macbeth is killed.
Hecate- The Goddess of Witchcraft
The three witches- Their prophecies push Macbeth’s ambition to become King of
Scotland. They also warn him of his demise.
Macduff- The Thane of Fife who sides with Malcom and ends up killing Macbeth.
Lady Macduff- Macduff’s wife who is murdered by a messenger sent from Macbeth.
King James- The King of England who helps Malcom lead his revolt against Macbeth.
Thane of Cawdor- He was a traitor who helps the rebel forces/Norwegians battle
against King Duncan. He was killed by Ross for his treachery.
Fleance- Banquo’s son who continues the prophecy that his father’s line will continue
the royal blood line.
Sinel- Macbeth’s Father
Macdonwald- He was a traitor. Macbeth killed him in the fight against the
The Porter- The only comic relief of the play.
** Please answer the questions in complete sentences.** 1. What is important about Act II Scene III? Why? It is the only point in the play where
there is any kind of comic relief.
2. Who gave Lady Macbeth a gift? What was it? King Duncan gives Lady Macbeth a
diamond. Name:______
3. How did Duncan describe Macbeth’s castle? He praises its beauty.
4. In the end what was wrong with Lady Macbeth? How did she die? How did Macbeth
feel about it? Lady Macbeth begins sleepwalking and hallucinating. She is scared of
the dark. She dies by suicide but it is suggested that it was at the hands of Malcom.
Macbeth seems unfazed by his wife’s death and accepts fate.
5. How does Macbeth die? Macbeth dies in battle at the hands of Macduff.
6. Describe Macbeth as a King. Macbeth is ruthless and paranoid. He will continue his
reign at any cost. He has sinful ambition.
7. How does Macbeth feel about killing? He feels that it is a necessary thing.
8. Explain the events that lead to Duncan’s death and who it was blamed on? Macbeth
is on the fence about killing Duncan because of the ramifications until Lady Macbeth
convinces him to man up. He goes to kill Duncan after Lady Macbeth causes Duncan’s
servants to sleep thus stealing their daggers and framing them for Duncan’s murder.
9. Describe Malcom’s invasion. Malcom, King James and the rest of the Scottish Thanes
launch an invasion to overthrow and kill Macbeth from England.
10. Malcom test the loyalty of whom and why? Malcom tested the loyalty of Macduff
because he does not trust anyone after his father’s murder.
11. What happened to the former Thane of Cawdor? Why? Why did Macbeth receive this
title? The former Thane was a traitor to Scotland by siding/fighting with the
Norwegians against Duncan. He was killed and Macbeth was given his title because
of his bravery in battle.
12. Describe the witches prophecy and apparitions throughout the play.
a. 1st Prophecy- Macbeth would be Thane of Cawdor and then King of Scotland.
However Banquo’s blood lines would succeed him and continue the royal
lineage. Name:______
b. 1st Apparition- An armed head telling him to “Beware of Macduff”
c. 2nd Apparition- A bloody child tells Macbeth, no man born of a woman can do
him harm.
d. 3rd Apparition- A child wearing a crown holding a tree tells Macbeth until the
great Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane hill he cannot be defeated.