Friendship Mtg - Doe & Music

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Friendship Mtg - Doe & Music

Jobie to Bee Friendship Meeting

Opening as per Ritual. Enter to Open the Gates of the Bethel. Each Job’s Daughter to escort a Jobie to Bee. Jobies to Bee to sit beside their Job’s Daughter partner in regular meeting formation. Inner Guard is inside Bethel Room.

* Welcome to the Job’s Daughters Jobie to Bee Friendship Meeting. We’re very glad you could come along and hope that you enjoy our meeting. This afternoon, we’ll tell you about what it’s like to be a Job’s Daughter.

Job’s Daughters is for young women between the ages of ten and twenty years. We learn leadership, organisation, teamwork and self-confidence. To be a member of Job’s Daughters is to be part of a group that promotes friendship among young women. We learn skills to help us throughout life. We work to help our community and in all the things we do, we have fun.

Marshal and Jobie to Bee Marshal, you will display our National Emblem.*** Please join in singing our National Anthem.

Marshal presents flag, Jobie to Bee Marshal walks beside her with a small ‘handwaver’ USA flag. All sing National Anthem.

The flag of our country is presented at all Bethel meetings. It is considered the most distinguished guest and holds a place of high honor in the meeting room. Marshal and Jobie to Bee Marshal, you will place the American flag in the East.

All citizens of the United States will join in the Pledge of Allegiance.*

Bethel Flag Bearer and Jobie to Bee Bethel Flag Bearer, you will display our Bethel Flag.

Once again, the Jobie to Bee Bethel Flag Bearer walks beside the Bethel Flag Bearer and carries a small Bethel Flag.

The Bethel Flag flies proudly over all Job’s Daughters throughout the world. It has a field of purple, representing the highest ideals of life and three white stripes, symbolising purity. The triangle is the emblem of the Order and shows the three daughters of Job. Our Bethel Flag is displayed at all Bethel Meetings.

Job’s Daughters and Jobies to Bee, you will rise and join in singing the Bethel Flag Song.

Bethel Flag Song is sung.

Bethel Flag Bearer and Jobie to Bee Bethel Flag Bearer, you place the Bethel Flag in the East. *

Before we continue, our Chaplain will lead us in the Lord’s Prayer. Chaplain and Jobie to Bee Chaplain, you will attend at the altar. Chaplain attends the altar in the regular manner. Jobie to Bee Chaplain walks alongside her. Chaplain opens the Bible. They kneel and assume the attitude of prayer together. The Lord’s Prayer is repeated.

In the name of our Lord and by virtue of the power vested in me by the Grand Guardian Council, I now declare this meeting open. *

We are very pleased that some of our special Job’s Daughters could come along this afternoon. I would now like to introduce them to you.

If Miss Idaho Job’s Daughter/GBHQ/GG/AGG are present, they would be introduced at this time and asked to say a few words about the Order.

Thank you. Members and friends, please join in giving them a hearty welcome.

Would you care to take a seat in the East.

Nod to Guide and Marshal to return to seats.

The officers of this special Bethel meeting will now tell you about what it’s like to be a Job’s Daughter. When you join Job’s Daughters, you can be involved in all of this, and more......

[HQ calls out stations. As each Job’s Daughter rises, so does her Jobie to Bee partner.]

JC I am XXXXXXXXXXXX and I am the Junior Custodian. Job’s Daughters offers something for everyone. By planning our own activities, we have fun doing what we want to do and make lots of new friends. As well as meetings, I have been to picnics, sleepovers, parties, dances and more. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXXX.

SC I am XXXXXXXXXXX and I am the Senior Custodian. Every year, Job’s Daughters get together for a fantastic weekend called Caravan, where we have fun making new friends and visiting the Shrine Hospital in Salt Lake City. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXX.

IG My name is XXXXXXXXXXXXX and today I am the Inner Guard. I've only been in Job's Daughters a short time, but already I've made lots of friends. In Job's Daughters meetings, I stand up and speak, so I'm getting better at talking in front of people. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXXX.

OG My name is XXXXXXXXXXXXX and I am the Outer Guard. Every year, Job’s Daughters has a Pageant where girls compete to become Miss Idaho Job’s Daughter and can then go onto compete for Miss International Job’s Daughter and meet girls from all over the world. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXXX.

1M My name is XXXXXXX. Today I am the First Messenger. The self- confidence, public speaking, memory and communication skills that I have developed during my time in Job’s Daughters have helped me throughout my studies and will benefit me later in life. I would like to introduce XXXXX. 2M I am XXXXXXXXXXXXX and I am the Second Messenger for today’s meeting. The Job’s Daughters of Idaho have the opportunity to learn leadership skills and develop their knowledge of the Order at our Job’s Daughters University weekend. It is a lot of fun and we make friends from all over the state. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXX.

3M I am XXXXXXXXXXXXX and I am the Third Messenger. Job’s Daughters is an international order, teaching members about friendship and respect for other people and cultures. I’d like to introduce XXXXXXXXXX.

4M I am XXXXXXXXX. Today I am the Fourth Messenger. Do you like arts and crafts? Each year, Job’s Daughters has an arts and crafts competition with awards for the best craft items, paintings, photos, and sewing. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

5M My name is XXXXXXXXX. Today I am the Fifth Messenger. The Order of DeMolay for boys is another youth order in the Masonic Family. Job’s Daughters and DeMolays sometimes have social functions together, such as dances and parties. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXXX.

Music My name is XXXXXXXXXXX and I am the Musician. Do you like to sing, dance and act? Job’s Daughters show their talents at Grand Session where we compete in competitions. This event is a lot of fun for everyone who attends. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXXX.

L My name is XXXXXXXXXXXXX and I am the Librarian. Parents and Guardians are welcome at all Job’s Daughters meetings and activities and it's great to have our Moms and Dads along, to see us do well. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXX.

R My name is XXXXXXXXXXX and today I am the Recorder. Education is important and our activities should never interfere with schoolwork. Every year, Job’s Daughters awards money in the form of bursaries to members who have achieved high results in their senior year. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXX.

T My name is XXXXXXXXXX and I am the Treasurer. In Job’s Daughters, we raise money for worthwhile charities and we also spend money on fun activities, such as movie afternoons, ice-skating and more! I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXXXX.

C My name is XXXXXXXXXXX and today I am the Chaplain. Each term, Bethel members attend a church service together. We do not follow any specific religion, but do require that our members have a belief in God. In Job's Daughters, we learn that God is an important part of our lives. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXX.

M My name is XXXXXXX and I am the Marshal. For many members of Job’s Daughters, a highlight of their Job’s Daughters life is the opportunity to become a part of Grand Bethel. The Grand Bethel wear purple robes and perform ceremonies at Grand Session. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXX. G I am XXXXXXXXXX and today I am the Guide. The official Job’s Daughters charity is the HIKE fund. HIKE stands for Hearing Impaired Kids Endowment. Through HIKE, Job’s Daughters help young people with a hearing disability. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXX.

JP I am XXXXXXXXXXXXX. Today I am the Junior Princess. Job’s Daughters has been established in Idaho for over XX years and there are branches, called Bethels, all around the state. As a member, you have the opportunity to visit each one and make many new friends. I would like to introduce XXXXXX.

SP My name is XXXXXXXXXX and today I am the Senior Princess. In a Job’s Daughters Bethel, every girl is considered equal and we all wear a white Grecian robe. The robe stands for unity, friendship, virtue, faith, hope, charity, strength and heritage. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXXXXX.

HQ My name is XXXXXXXXX and today I am the Honored Queen. The Honored Queen is elected to lead the Bethel for a six-month term. It is her job to plan and preside over meetings and arrange social and fun activities and fundraising during her term. She wears a purple cape and a crown and uses a gavel. Maybe you’d like to be Honored Queen one day. I would like to introduce XXXXXXXXX.


Remarks. GG/AGG/BG/ABG may bring brief remarks at this time.

HQ - brief remarks.

Closing of the Bible. Chaplain and Jobie to Bee Chaplain, you will attend at the altar. ***

All present, except Jobies to Bee, Bethel Officers, Bethel Choir, Bethel Guardian and Associate Bethel Guardian are asked to remain seated until the officers and Bethel Choir have retired.

Chair Move.

Miss Idaho Job’s Daughter and Grand Bethel Honoured Queen (if present), would you please conduct the Jobies to Bee to the stage to watch the Closing Cross. Jobies to Bee, please join the line behind the girls as they walk past your chair.

Jobies to Bee on East Line or on stage, if space allows. Closing Cross as per Ritual.

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