Hardship and Suffering During the Depression

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Hardship and Suffering During the Depression

Name The Expansion of Industry Text OutlinesChapter 14, Section - 1Level1

SETTING THE SCENE Main Idea Why it Matters Now Heading Outline 1) 2) a) a) b) b) c)

Edwin Drake Bessemer Process

Thomas Edison Christopher Sholes

Alexander Graham Bell Natural Resources Fuel Industrialization Main Idea:

a) Black Gold b) Bessemer Steel Process c) New Uses for Steel i) i) i)

ii.) ii.) ii.)


Inventions Promote Change Main Idea:

a) The Power of Electricity b) Inventions Change Lifestyles i) i)

ii) ii)

iii) iii) The Age of Railroads Chapter 14, Section 2

SETTING THE SCENE Main Idea Why it Matters Now

Heading Outline 1) 2)

a) a)

b) b)

c) c)






Transcontinental Railroad George Pullman

Pullman Car Railroads Span Time and Space Consolidate Main Idea:

a) A National Network b) Romance and Reality c) Railroad Time Munn v. Illinois Interstate Commerce Act i) i)

ii.) i) ii.)


Opportunities and Opportunists Main Idea:

a) New Towns and Markets b) Pullman c) Credit Mobilier i) i)

i) ii.) ii.) The Grange and Railroads Main Idea:

a) Railroad Abuses b) Granger Laws i)

i) ii.)

c) Interstate Commerce Act d) Panic and Consolidation

i) i) Big Business and Labor Chapter 14, Section 3

SETTING THE SCENE Main Idea Why it Matters Now

Heading Outline 1) 2) a) a)

3) Fewer Control More b) a) 4) b) a) c) b) d) 6)

5) Union Movements Diverge a) a) b) b) c) c) d) d) e)

f) Andrew Carnegie Vertical Integration

Carnegie’s Inventions Main Idea:

Horizontal Integration Social Darwinism a) New Business Strategies i) ii)

John D. Rockefeller Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Samuel Gompers American Federation of Labor

Eugene V. Debs Industrial Workers of the World

Mary Harris (Mother) Jones Social Darwinism and Business Main Idea:

a) Principles of Social Darwinism b) A New Definition of Success i)

ii.) i)

Fewer Control More Main Idea:

a) Growth and Consolidation b) Rockefeller and the Robber Barons i) i)

ii.) ii.)

iii) iii)

c) Sherman Antitrust Act d) Business Boom Bypasses the South i)

i) ii.) Labor Unions Emerge Main Idea:

a) Long Hours and Danger b) Early Labor Organizing i) i)


ii.) iii)


Union Movements Diverge Main Idea:

a) Craft Unionism b) Industrial Unionism i) i)

c) Socialism and the IWW d) Other Labor Activism in the West

i) i) Strikes Turn Violent Main Idea:

a) The Great Strike of 1877 b) The Haymarket Affair

i) i)

c) The Homestead Strike d) The Pullman Company Strike i) i)

ii) ii)

e) Women Organize f) Management and Government Pressure Unions i) i)


ii) iii) The New Immigrants Chapter 15, Section 1

SETTING THE SCENE Main Idea Why it Matters Now

Heading Outline 1) 2) a) a) b) b) c) c)

3) d) a) b) c)

Ellis Island Angel Island

Melting Pot theory Nativism

Chinese Exclusion Act Gentleman’s Agreement Through the “Golden Door” Main Idea:

a) Europeans b) Chinese and Japanese c) The West Indies and Mexico i) i) i)

ii.) ii.) ii.)

Life in a New Land Main Idea:

a) A Difficult Journey b) Ellis Island i) i)

ii) ii)

c) Angel Island d) Cooperation for Survival i)

i) ii) Immigration Restrictions Main Idea:

a) The Rise of Nativism b) Anti-Asian Sentiment c) The Gentleman’s Agreement i) i) i)


ii.) ii.) iii)

iv) Politics in the Gilded Age Chapter 15, Section 3

SETTING THE SCENE Main Idea Why it Matters Now

Heading Outline 1) 2)

a) a)

b) b)

c) 4)

3) a)



The Emergence of Political Machines Main Idea:

a) The Political Machine b) The Role of the Political Boss c) Immigrants and the Machine i) i) i)

ii.) ii.) ii.)

Municipal Graft and Scandal Main Idea:

a) Election and Fraud b) The Tweed Ring Scandal i) i)


ii) iii)

Civil Service Replaces Patronage Main Idea:

a) Patronage Spurs Reform b) Reformers Under Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur i) i)


ii) iii) iv)

Business Buys Influence Main Idea:

a) Harrison, Cleveland, and High Tariffs i)



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