North Marston Parish Council s1

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North Marston Parish Council s1

Weedon Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Weedon Parish Council held in The Methodist Chapel Wednesday 18 May 2011 at 8.15pm

PRESENT: Cllr Rose (Chair), Cllr Measures, Cllr Sellers, Cllr Ashurst, Cllr Winnett, Cllr Kett, Cllr Jameson- Evans, County Cllrs Baldwin and Hussain, District Cllr Ashley Bond, Sue Mordue – Clerk, Michelle Jackson – minute secretary no members of the public attended.

43 Election of the Chairman: Cllr Rose was unanimously elected to the position as Chair and her declaration of acceptance of office was received by the Clerk.

44 Acceptance of office: Cllrs duly signed the acceptance of office papers and Register of Interests and these were received by the Clerk.

45 Receive Apologies: None.

46 Co-option: Nigel Winnett, Wendy Kett and Tom Jameson-Evans were duly co-opted.

47 To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Council: Cllr Measures was unanimously elected to the position as Vice Chairman.

48 To review and confirm the Standing Orders: The Council resolved to confirm the Standing Orders.

49 To review and confirm the Complaints Procedure: The Council resolved to confirm the Complaints Procedure.

50 To review and confirm the Councillor and Officer Protocols: The Council resolved to confirm the Councillor and Officer Protocols.

51 To appoint representatives to outside bodies: Local Area Forum – Cllr Rose, Neighbourhood Action Group – Cllr Rose

52 To appoint committees/working group: There are currently no committees or working groups.

53 Open Forum for Parishioners: adjournment to allow public participation

54 Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: None

55 The minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 16 March 2011 and Tuesday 3 May 2011 were agreed as true records.

56 Environment a) Footpaths, Footways and Highways: Subsidence in Aston Abbots Road due to water leakage – Cllr Baldwin to add to her priority list of roads needing resurfacing. b) Street Lighting: As and when replacements are needed, white bulbs to be used. c) Play area: Cllr Sellers agreed to inspect the play area on a weekly basis. Weedon Parish Council

d) New Road Trees: i) To appoint a Cllr to be responsible for this ongoing project: Cllr Kett agreed to take responsibility for this project. ii) To update on status of the trees and agree any actions required: Cllr Kett to inspect the status of the trees and report back her recommendations. Clerk suggested that mulch be placed around the bases of the trees after weed killing to stop any weeds growing back. This would be reviewed by Cllr Kett. e) Best Kept Village Competition: It had been agreed that Weedon should enter the Best Kept Village Competition. The WVA had carried out a village clean up in April. A further clean up around the village was needed – Clerk to request from AVDC. Weedon Walkers to take bin bags on their next walk.

57 Weedon within the Aylesbury vale local area: Update on Growth agenda, Local Area Forum, NAG: PCSO to be invited to attend Open Forum in July meeting.

58 Correspondence and other communications received since last meeting: Cllrs Rose, Sellers, Measures and Kett to attend the Vale of Aylesbury Plan Meeting to be held in the upstairs room of the School Room on 1 June at 7.00 pm.

59 Implementation of Weedon Village Parish Plan Action Points: a) To review in detail the Action Plan and agree next steps for taking this forward: Quick fixes and Projects Cllrs reviewed and updated the parish plan action points. b) “Donate a Gate Scheme” – update from Cllr Measures on revised operational issues and agree next steps. Cllr Measures presented the variations to the village walk which identified where the gates and stiles were located. The Donate a Gate scheme was buy one get one free (Clerk to investigate whether this included installation). Cllr Measures to try and progress remaining gate replacements with land owners.

60 Communication: a) Newsletter: The newsletter was agreed. Cllr Rose to put together a distribution list of volunteers. b) Quarrendon Fields leaflet: Agreed subject to an amendment saying that even if people have previously written, comments should be submitted again. c) Website: It was agreed not to include Cllrs phone numbers on the website. Phone numbers to be removed from the newsletter prior to publishing to the website. d) Correspondence file: It was agreed to continue with the current process but that planning applications should be circulated quickly.

61 Finance/Accounts: a) To agree the financial statements of accounts and bank reconciliations for the year end March 2011: The accounts for the year end March 2011 were agreed as reviewed. b) To sign the Audit Page 3 regarding processes prior to Internal Audit: This was signed by the Chair and the Clerk. c) To draw cheques: Aon Insurance 996 £487.29 Clerks Pay & Expenses 997 £456.59 Clerks Pay & Expenses 998 £371.19 Joanna Rose Parish Plan printing 999 £705.00 Weedon Parish Council BALC 1000 £65.75 The Old Schoolroom 1001 £28.00 Watermead Parish Council 1002 £46.00 Greenthumb 1003 £48.00 Lynch Garden Services 1004 £325.00 Lynch Garden Services 1005 £55.00 Mike Moore 1006 £23.25 Kirsty Ashurst BALC training 1007 £31.40

d) To review the budget in view of the Weedon Parish Plan Action Points with a view to possible reallocation of exceptional expenditure: Defer until following meeting. e) HMRC new guidelines re PAYE: to discuss and agree how to proceed with the payment of the Clerk under these new guidelines: Clerk to attend HMRC course on Tuesday and report back whether she can do the payroll.

62 The date of the next meeting will be a Planning Meeting on Wednesday 25 May 2011 at 7.00 pm in the Methodist Chapel. The next Parish Council meeting would be Wednesday 20th July 2011 at 8pm in the Methodist Chapel.

The meeting closed at 22.56pm

Signed…………………………. Date…………………

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