08/22/2016 Regular Council Meeting

The City Council of the City of Anamosa met in Regular Session this August 22, 2016 in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. with Rick Sanborn, Bill Feldmann, Chuck Smith, Rod Smith, Cody Shaffer and Betty Weimer present. Absent: None. Mayor Dale Barnes presided. Also present were Alan Johnson, City Administrator; Tammy Coons, City Clerk; Adrian Knuth, City Attorney; Rebecca Vernon, Librarian; and Bob Simonson, Police Chief. Guests Present Addressing the Council: Chris Bonifazi (Water Dept.), 506 E. Sycamore; Jim Henson (Water Superintendent), 12556 Buffalo Rd.; Dan Smith (Wastewater Superintendent), 204 E. Sycamore; Randy Day, 304 S. Oak St.; Larry Burger, Speer Financial; Andrew Marsh, HR Green; Mike Dearborn, 405 N Division St.; Bill Wims; Becky Dirkshaugsted and Clayton Hollingshead, 103 W. Mill St. Mayor Dale Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call was taken with a quorum present.

Council Minutes Motion by Feldmann, second by Shaffer to approve the minutes from the August 8, 2016 Regular Council meeting. All Ayes. Motion Carried.



Alan Johnson, City Administrator informed the Council that the written warnings he had issued a week and a half/ten days ago have been rescinded as of today and he has destroyed them.

Employee Performance-Personnel Issue as Requested by Employee Chris Bonifazi Employee Chris Bonifazi addressed the Council expressing his frustration of the last two weeks relating to the “on-call” issue that he had brought to Alan Johnson’s attention and the resulting reprimands that he and other employees received after he had shared the issue with the Council at the last Council meeting. He stated he felt the reprimands were retaliation. He stated that these reprimands have since been rescinded, but that does not make up for his frustration in the last two weeks. Chris stated he appreciated the Council’s time and attention to this matter and that is all he wanted to say. The Council then made inquiries of Chris and some discussion followed on the previous city practices relating to the “on-call’ issue and completing rounds. Chris then stated that this is what he wanted to avoid and left the Council meeting.

Employee Performance- Personnel Issue as Requested by Employee Jim Henson Jim Henson addressed the Council explaining his involvement in the recent events regarding the “on- call” policy. He stated that he remembers the previous City Administrator changing the policy, maybe even temporarily and that he was not aware that the “standby” or “on-call” section was still in the personnel policy. He stated that in all the interviews he was a part of that the “on-call” was discussed which restricted the employees that are on-call from drinking and they had to be within 15-20 minutes from the Water Plant to respond. Jim stated he appreciated the write-ups had been rescinded as he felt none of the employees should have been written up. In discussion between Jim and Council Member Weimer it was clarified that this issue had only arisen in the last 3 weeks. Jim then went on to say that he feels that the salaried Supervisors are not getting compensated if they lose their day off after taking call which amounts to them losing approximately $2,000 per year and that is not fair to them. Jim had shared this with Alan who directed Jim to bring it to the Council for discussion. Discussion followed on the previous standard of giving the employee doing “rounds” on the weekend the following Friday off. Discussion also followed regarding the responsibility of every employee and the city being responsible for understanding and following the personnel policies.

Employee Performance-Personnel Issue as Requested by Employee Dan Smith Dan Smith addressed the Council stating that the only reason he spoke at the last Council meeting was because Council Member Feldmann engaged him. He stated he should not have been reprimanded. He

Page 1 of 3 08/22/2016 Regular Council Meeting stated that the hourly employees want to get paid for “standby” pay for being on-call and that he agrees with Jim Henson that the salaried Supervisors should continue to get the Friday off following doing “rounds” and being on-call. Discussion followed on whether Dan knew positively whether his employees wanted to receive the Friday off option. Dan admitted that he did not know for sure. Discussion followed on the “chain of command” as laid out in the both the employee job description and the Code of Ordinances.

Motion by Feldmann, second by Weimer to authorize the City Administrator and City Attorney to develop a personnel policy to reflect that salaried Supervisors receive the Friday off following their week of being on-call. Alan explained that the Streets Supervisor has always taken “first call” on a daily basis and then determines after assessment of the situation whether he can address it himself or if he needs to call another employee in to assist him.

Randy Day, 304 S. Oak Street addressed the Council stating that the organizational chart is different than the chain of command. He stated that sometimes is “OK” to not follow the chain of command if retaliation is an element. He suggested that the City come up with a “chain of command” policy. Alan Johnson, City Administrator stated that he does not retaliate or hold grudges.

Mayor Barnes called a vote on the motion. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

Appointments to the Anamosa Library Board of Trustees Motion by Rod Smith, second by Feldmann to approve the appointment of Ellen Reddies and Dale Condry Jr. to fill vacancies on the Anamosa Library Board of Trustees. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

Re-appointment to the Anamosa Planning & Zoning Commission Motion by Feldmann, second by Weimer to approve the re-appointment of Kari Dearborn and Joyce Duncan to the Anamosa Planning & Zoning Commission. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

Resolution Setting Public Hearing on Proposed Re-Zoning of 405 S. Linn Street Motion by Feldmann, second by Weimer to approve Resolution 2016-38 Setting Public Hearing on proposed Re-Zoning of 405 S. Linn Street. Roll Vote. All Ayes. Motion Carried.


Beer and Liquor Licenses Motion by Rod Smith, second by Shaffer to approve the renewal of Class C Beer Permit, Class C Wine Permit with Sunday Sales Privileges for Dollar General Store #3665. All Ayes. Motion Carried.


Resolution Approving Agreement and Notice to Proceed with Utility Service, Co. for the Water Tower Repair and Maintenance Project No action was taken on this item as the Contractor has not yet filed the required insurance forms.

Water Rate Study as Prepared by Speer Financial Larry Burger, Speer Financial presented the findings of the completed water rate study as it relates to the current water SRF loan and adding a second water SRF loan. He explained the 110% requirement that is required with these SRF loans. He then reviewed the projected and recommended increase of $4.87 on the water base rate and a 2% increase on the fee per 100 CF of water used above the 360 CF included in the base rate. He stated that the SRF is an extremely inexpensive form of borrowing.

Mike Dearborn, 405 N. Division Street asked Larry Burger if he knew how many citizens or percentage of citizens that use less than 360 CF included in the base rate. He asked if it was possible to do a Page 2 of 3 08/22/2016 Regular Council Meeting combination of raising the base rate but lower the amount of CF included in the base rate. Larry stated that they had only looked at 360 CF in base rate as it has been that way for a number of years. Larry stated that are probably a thousand scenarios you could look at. It would be up to the Council if they want to look at other scenarios. Discussion followed.

Andrew Marsh, HR Green stated that they are on-track with the Water Tower Repair Project. They are asking direction from the Council on what they want to see included in the Water Treatment Expansion Project.


Payment of Bills for the Month of August, 2016 Motion by Feldmann, second by Weimer to approve the payment of bills for the month of August, 2016. Questions and discussion followed. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

Employee Tuition Reimbursement Request Motion by Feldmann, second by Shaffer to approve the request from employee Bill Wims for tuition reimbursement per Section 33.0 – Educational Benefit of the Employee Personnel Policies. Discussion followed. Bill Wims explained the process and the history of his request. All Ayes. Motion Carried.


Alan reported that the work on the parallel levee by the street shop has started. They are also looking at getting started on the demolition of the tanks at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.


Public with Business with the Council on Items not on the Agenda Randy Day, 304 S. Oak Street addressed the Council asking who would be maintaining the segment of the new trail that is located in the City of Anamosa if the sidewalk is the trail. He also asked who would be enforcing any type of violations that happen on the trail. (i.e.: loud noises and not picking up after their dog), the City or the Trail Organization. Randy then asked if the property owners where the trail would be located had been contacted to inform them of the trail.

Becky Dirkshaugsted, 305 N. Huber addressed the Council informing them of the ceremony to be held on September 11th starting at 1 pm on the east side of the Court House where the war memorial is. They will be adding Terry Pasker’s name to the memorial. This ceremony will also be in observance of 9-11 attack on America.

Clayton Hollingshead, 103 W. Mill Street presented pictures of water drainage issues that occur during rain events at his residence. He feels this issue is due to the height of the street and also from the raising of the ground of house located behind his house. Discussion followed. Alan will follow up with the Streets Supervisor to look at this area and possible options.

Adjournment Motion by Shaffer, second by Rod Smith to adjourn at 7:48 p.m. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

Dale Barnes, Mayor ATTEST:

______Tammy Coons, City Clerk Page 3 of 3