FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT 5 March 2017 Lent is a good time of year to pause and reflect to recognise the sources of temptation and sin in our life and to reflect on God’s love and mercy for the sinner. Lent is a serious season in the Church. The liturgical readings in Lent present us with some serious issues and challenges. In the first week of Lent the issue is the reality of temptation and sin, and the challenge is to turn to God’s love and mercy. In this Sunday’s first reading we hear of Adam’s temptation in the Garden of Eden, and how he fell into the devil’s temptation and sinned against God. Because of this first (or original) sin, the whole of humanity has been badly affected. Like Adam, we are all tempted to sin, and we see many of sin’s consequences—lying, cheating, stealing etc. This is why Saint Paul says in today’s second reading, “Through one man sin entered the world, and through sin, death, and thus death came to all men, inasmuch as all sin” (Romans, 5:12). At the beginning of Lent, a season when the Church calls us to draw nearer to God and to renounce our sins, on this first Sunday, we hear of sin’s remedy: God’s love and mercy. And thus, in today’s Psalm we sing: “Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness” (Ps 51:3). The mercy of God washes away our guilt and cleanses our hearts from sin’s stain. Then, in today’s Gospel reading, we hear of how, like Adam, Jesus too is tempted (Matthew 4). Unlike Adam though, Jesus overcomes the devil’s temptations, and in so doing, shows us the way to overcoming sin and its effects—by accepting our heavenly Father’s love and mercy. Let us pray Through this time of Lent, we pray O Lord, that you deepen our understanding of the mystery of Christ and bring him more deeply into our lives.

Quote: “Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness” (Ps 51:3). Artwork: ‘Christ in the Desert’ by Ivan Kramskoi (1837-1887). Alternative Artwork: ‘First Sunday in Lent’ Scripture Readings: Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7. Psalm 51:3-6; 12-14, 17. Romans 5:12-19. Matthew 4:1-11. Things Families can do on First Sunday of Lent: Attend Mass together. Read and discuss Sunday’s Scripture readings together. ( Pray together on Sunday evening. Eat a family meal together. Visit lonely relative or sick person. To go further: Watch Bishop Robert Barron on Lent: v=Vm3JK7JYAKs