
March 26, 2014 1400

I. Call to Order

Ron Schneider called to order the meeting of the Northern Kentucky Emergency Planning Committee at the Sanitation District #1, 1045 Eaton Drive, Fort Wright, KY.

II. Pledge of Allegiance

Ron Schneider led the pledge of allegiance.

III. Roll Call


Carl Agner Stella Barber Rodney Bell Ed Burk Steve Hensley Mark Ihrig Paul Lafontaine Kirk Reinhart Jack Scheben John Scheben Ron Schneider Rick Shipley Bob Stark William Turner Kevin Unkraut Rick Watkins Liz Amburgey

IV. Introduction of Guests

Kirt Jones – Iofina Chemical Inc. 1025 Mary Laidley Dr, Covington, KY

Kentucky State LEPC Dave Davis Connie ______Harry James – Branch Manager for KY Division of Emergency Management

Page 1 of 4 Representatives from the Kentucky State LEPC spoke about the Tier II electronic reporting. This year all Tier II reporting is required to be completed electronically to the state. The Tier II reporting deadline of March 1st has been extended to March 31st. A list of companies who has submitted their Tier II will be provided to Bill Fletcher after April 1st. The state has requested the planning commission compare their list to the states to make sure there are no discrepancies in who have and have not reported. The electronic filing of the Tier II ‘s will allow the information submitted to be used in Tier II Submit as well as the Cameo Program. The local LEPC’s can use the information for planning and training as well as to inform the community of products that are used and stored in their area.

There are three Cameo classes which will be held this year. A class will be held in May in Barren County, July in Breckenridge County and in September in Trigg County. The Cameo classes are three days long. Expenses are paid with the exception of an individual’s travel to and from the location.

There was discussion of the Sharepoint Software. It was recommended that a NKY folder be set up in the software for ease of querying the local information for the NKEPC.

There was discussion about HB405 dealing with multiple containers.

A request was made for the Battery Acid MSDS. A copy will be sent to Rod Bell.

A report on Ammonia Nitrate was discussed. A copy of the report will be forwarded to Rod Bell.

Approval of minutes

William Turner motioned to approve the minutes from the January 22, 2013 meeting. Kirk Reinhart seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

VI. Committee Reports

Planning Committee

Grant Committee

There was discussion regarding HMEP grant. The HMEP grant paperwork has been submitted. The paperwork requested the grant in order to update the committee’s website and purchase a smart phone app which could be integrated with the website.

Training Committee

(Classes discussed by the Kentucky State LEPC) Cameo classes will be held in May in Barren County, July in Breckenridge County and in September in Trigg County. The Cameo classes are three days long. Expenses are paid with the exception of an individual’s travel to and from the location.

Page 2 of 4 Compliance Committee

Campbell County had two or three administrative changes. Trauth Dairy had a reduction in ammonia from 11,100 lbs to 9000 lbs. Kenton County had administrative changes only. The Compliance Letter for Campbell County has been submitted.

II. Presidents Report

No report.

III. Secretary/Treasurers Report

The beginning balance for January 22, 2014 is $47,387.99. Deposit of $9.00 was made. Check # 1145 in the amount of $40.00 was written to April Robinson for transcription of the November minutes. Check # 1146 in the amount of $20.00 was written to April Robinson for transcription of the January minutes. The ending balance on March 26, 2014 was $47,336.99.

The beginning balance for the BUS account January 22, 2014 is $2632.24. Check # 1004 in the amount of $2517.50 was written to Mobil Com for battery disposal. There were two bank charges assessed in the amount of $3.00 each. The ending balance on March 26, 2014 was $108.74.

Mark Ihrig made a motion to approve the Secretary/Treasurers report. Ed Burk seconded the motion. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

IV. Old Business

The budget for the BUS wrap had been approved. A motion was made to proceed with wrap #3. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

A review of the books was conducted after the January meeting by Jeff Bechtold and John Scheben. Both stated the books were in order.

V. New Business

Ed Burk motioned for adjournment. ______seconded the motion. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 1540hrs.

Next meeting: May 28, 2014, 2:00 p.m. at the Northern Kentucky Water District, 2835 Crescent Springs Road.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Stark

Page 3 of 4 Secretary

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