Killing Kennedy: Part 3 Vocabulary Part 1: Using prior knowledge and contextual clues. In the space below each sentence, guess what the word means based on the context in which it is used. 1. “Soldiers then tie the hands of the president and his brother behind their backs, and the two are placed inside and armored personnel carrier—ostensibly for their own protection.”

2. “Perhaps to mitigate her loneliness, Ruth invited Marina Oswald to live at her home.”

3. “Unbeknownst to most Americans, JFK has a habit of collecting scrimshaw and often bids anonymously for these pieces of inscribed whale’s teeth.”

4. “Judging from the number of scratches on the stock, the precocious Dallas teenager suspects that the weapon is army surplus.”

5. “In addition to working his way up through the ranks of the Dallas police, he has augmented his knowledge by attending the FBI academy.”

6. “But they are her own words, chosen specifically to evoke heartfelt emotion.”

7. “It is a brave a poignant performance.”

Part 2: Determining the meaning. Match the vocabulary word to their dictionary definitions. _____ 8. ostensibly B) s outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended _____ 9. mitigate C) affecting or moving the emotions _____ 10. scrimshaw D) unusually advanced or mature in development, especially mental development _____ 11. precocious E) to lessen in force or intensity; moderate _____ 12. augmented F) to call up or produce _____ 13. evoke G) a carved or engraved article, especially of whale ivory, _____ 14. poignant whalebone, walrus tusks, or the like, made by whalers as a leisure A) to make larger; enlarge occupation in size, number, strength, or extent; increase Part 3: Create your own sentences. On the back of the paper, use 2 of the words to create 2 unique sentences appropriately demonstrating their meaning.