Cobb Performance Learning Center Student Dress Code

1. Length of garments (shorts, skirts, dresses) should be no more than three inches above the knee. Leggings will not compensate for apparel that does not meet the length of garment requirements.

2. All pants and shorts should be worn waist high. Personal under garments, male or female, should not be visible. No spandex or pajama pants allowed. No clothing, including jeans, should have holes above the knee.

3. Caps, hats, sunglasses, bandanas, visors, sweatbands, hoods, scarves or other items covering the head are not to be worn during the day.

4. Shirts not tucked in must reach the pant/shirt waistband when the student’s arms are raised above their head and not lower than mid-thigh. Shirts should not allow any cleavage to be visible.

Wednesday – Dress For Success

Students are required to dress for success each Wednesday. Students will dress in “business-like” attire (no jeans, tennis shoes, t-shirts or flip flops). See the Dress For Success Rubric for details.

Young Ladies: Blouse or button-down shirts, dress skirts or pants, and low heels or loafers.

Young Men: Button-down or polo shirt, jackets/ties optional, and dress shoes or loafers.

Failure to comply with the Dress Code expectations will result in disciplinary action.  First Offense – Warning and In-school Isolation  Second Offense – Friday School and In-School Isolation  Third Offense – Minimum 1-day OSS Assignment

Principal and staff shall enforce the dress code policy and will be the final judge regarding the appropriateness of student attire. Students will not be allowed to attend class improperly dressed. Students will contact parents to make arrangements for a change of clothing. Repeated infractions will result in disciplinary action.